

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-27-2014, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2014, 08:03 AM by Dutiron i.)

So apparently suddenly swooping in and taking a pack isn't enough for Novel and Dutiron they now have their third litter on the way which means more Destruction babies!

As you may have noticed the first litter was music themed the second was literature themed and Kat and I want the third to have a poetry theme for the names (Haiku, Sonnet, Ode - any type of poem). This side of the Destruction family are good wolves so any pups from Novel and Dutiron should be lighter aligned, they'll be growing up with many loving family members around them. Kat and I have some designs below, more will be coming though you can create your own as well.

There will only be two pups for this litter. They will be born on 21st July though there isn't currently a deadline set for the applications. Also just a reminder that we want to see the family staying active so if you fall inactive with them (without good reason) they may be put up for adoption again.

1 2
3 4
5 6

RP Sample:


06-27-2014, 12:18 PM
user posted image
NAME Rhyme Destruction
APPEARANCE this young, delicate girl looks so much alike to many of the woman in her family. but she's very small and fragile. she has long, thin legs that don't consist of much muscle. but this isn't anything negative. with less weight bringing the little she down, she can run faster and gain more stealth and stamina. the woman is pretty thin and was gifted with a rather long, elongated body. she was gifted with relatively long fur to protect her young body from the cold, but it can get a little irritating in the summer. she has small, little ears and quite a long tail. also, she has an especially fluffy crest. also a rather painful feature to this girl is white fur. she strives to keep it all clean and free of dirt, mud, dust, etc. when she's a pup, the young girl will care less about how she looks. but gradually as she gets older she will begin to care.




10 Years
06-27-2014, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 07:33 AM by Harmony.)
[Image: bg4bvk.jpg]

Quote:Envoi Destruction
Quote:He stands a mock of his patriarch, an average sized wolf, at full growth standing a nice thirty-three and a half inches, just taller than the maiden he was given to, but shorter than his patriarch, a rather leggy male, but in each of these stilts, will grow some muscle, purely from running and exercise, rather than fighting and training. As a pup, he will be a plump little fellow, with oversized ears and paws, and will likely always stumble over them, with fluffy fur, which will eventually thin out and smooth down to his rich pelt of adulthood.

Papa showered him in rich milk chocolate colors, the shade of coffee with a bit of creamer within, to create a rich cloak about this creature. Each lock of fur is well-groomed, but is rather short, due to the warm location his birth pack is within, with a plush tail that dangles to his knees. Mama showered him in gorgeous colors upon his face, below his eyes, lying a golden strip of fur, a mock of both his seed. This same color, is withheld in two bright and alert gems of pure gold.

Quote:Envoi is a child of wishful thinking and of studious desire. Unlikely will the young man grow to be a character of merciless bloodshed and a gladiator, instead wishing upon the knowledge of herbalism and study of negotiation and law. There is no room in his heart or young mind for violence, only for love and peaceful serenity, should he someday have the pack his seed own handed to him, if he isn't too engrossed in his studious ways. Rarely will he engage in fun activity, but if it is put upon him, he will enjoy it, and frolic for many hours in the dust. When he is finished, he returns to his usual activities, following his father and mother about the Ludicaelian lands, and milling about herbs.

As he develops and grows into a young man, he will gradually become less studious, and revolve about researching herbs and their uses, and will become more light-hearted and energetic, wishing upon exploration and knowledge of the lands all about Alacritia, all while staying close to those he loves, and those who have gained his trust.

Quote:To be a little daddy's boy and follow him all around! Daddy and Envoi threads would be so adorbs. And he'll be a nerdy little child, always wanting to study stuff, but then he's gonna become an uber serious Indiana Jones. :P
Quote:Lawful Good
RP Sample:
Quote:{ 348 Words } A winding oasis of life shimmered despite the failing light, illuminated by a harem of fireflies, glowing in the still air. A melody of crickets and frogs followed their dawning lights, as the sun failed, falling toward the edge of the world. All that could ne heard was the crickets, frogs, and the steady currents of water. From the large bodice of water, rose mighty and strong trees, whose roots spiraled from the muddy waters below, providing a land to walk upon. Their roots bound so tightly together gave a young man a place to walk, and a place to escape with his studies for the night, to quietly observe and take in knowledge.

His thin framework would move quietly in the darkness, a strip of bark and leaves clutched tightly in his jaws, teeth hidden to avoid shredding the herbs. Dark chocolate pads would thread the tightly bound roots quietly, ears pricked and alert for any danger of crocodiles, which the mangrove swamplands was notorious for, especially in the hunt of young wolves such as he. Golden gems would sweep across the waters, seeking out any peculiar glows or rocks. Already, he had had an episode with such a creature, narrowly escaping it when he had just turned one. Now he was much more wary, yet he was encouraged to explore yet even more of the lands, but first, he would perfect his herbalism, and he would present his finished research to his family, and they would be so very proud. If only he had subjects to test his essences upon. Someday he could prove his knowledge. but for now, he would practice his poultices and mixes. Jaws would unclasp about the strip of bark, to reveal several bundles of herbs, honeycombs, and cobwebs. He would begin to work, combining herbs and withdrawing some, sniffing each one to remember it's scent and appearance, though the darkness hid some of it's true colors. He quietly worked and sorted through his herbs, ears alert and golden gems sweeping across the water for any signs of dangerous or friendly life.


06-27-2014, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 02:07 AM by Ahmose.)
Name: Sonnet Destruction
Design:user posted image
The man stands at a full adult height of 34 inches to his shoulder, matching his father almost exactly if not for the difference in age and his lack of a blue eye. His thin muscled body is covered in a thick layer of white fur interrupted only by a thick dusty gradient that reaches from the tip of his muzzle to the tip of his long and bushy tail. The top of his muzzle, however, is a darker shade, almost chocolate, creating an excellent contrast against the tones of his pelt and the brilliant golden yellow of his opticals.

As a pup, Sonnet will be born the largest, and plumpest of the litter. He will carry around his puppy fat and a very thick puppy coat until he is nearly 9 months old. Only then will the pup turn into the handsome man that he is meant to be. From the day of his birth, his family will notice the common family trait inherited from his father, a dark chocolate line beneath each of his sunlit orbs.

He is a wolf who deals not with standards. Sonnet bases his thoughts and actions on a strong foundation of morals, believing in the firm difference between right and wrong. In his eyes, a wolf is not at fault if he makes a mistake; he is only at fault for not having solid reasoning behind his mistakes. He loves his family dearly and will die for any one of them without a second though for his well being, whether they are a part of his pack of not.

His personality as a pup is not far from his adult self, though his innocence proves to keep him calm and loving. He will stick to his mother's side for most of his youth, venturing out only to prove his worth to his sibling and show everyone what he will make himself to be. Sonnet will be very self conscious of his size and skills starting out but will grow into a confident young brute before he even reaches a year in age.
Alignment:Neutral Good
RP Sample:



5 Years
07-08-2014, 08:04 AM
Work In Progress, have to go do some stuff.

Name:Fable Destruction
Design: 6
Appearance: Fable is a strong boy. He stands a good Thirty-inches at the shoulder, and is very nicely built. Standing on broad shoulders he has a tad more imposing presence than his father, even though he takes a good deal after his mother. His primary coat color is a stock white, same as hers, save for for a few places on his body. All of his legs are a warmer shade of brown all the way up to the first joint on each leg where they fade into the white, and his tail also bears a patch of the same shade of brown on the top of it that norrows back into white before meeting ether the tip of his tail or the base of it. The backs of both his ears are also this same color. He bears his mother on the left side of his face aswell, with a yellow eye and the same faint markings both above and below his eye. He does, however, share his father's heterochromia, accept that his right eye is a bright green rather than Dutiron's blue.
Personality: Fable is a very pleasant wolf. He is strong minded and loves his family, and there is no blackness to be found in his soul. He is
RP Sample:

Chrono I


5 Years
07-08-2014, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2014, 11:52 PM by Chrono I.)
I would like to withdraw my application. I wasn't really feeling for the character :x



07-10-2014, 07:54 AM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2014, 07:29 AM by Vendetta.)
withdrawn bc life got busier

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-10-2014, 09:59 AM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2014, 02:26 PM by Novella.)
OK guys couple of things now.

Firstly just a reminder with the names - they should be types of poems, not named after a particular poem, authors, any other literature or any word techniques. Sorry to be picky but the other litters from Novel and Dutiron have a strict theme and we would like for the pattern to continue.

Secondly as a few of you have picked the same designs, might be worthwhile selecting a back-up as well just in case.

And we have a deadline now - 18th July so make sure you get these applications finished before then!



5 Years
07-13-2014, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2014, 10:13 PM by Misha.)
Name: Sonnet Destruction
Design: 4 (number 1 for back-up)
Appearance: The woman's appearance could simply be fit into one word- beautiful. Snow white fur wraps around her slender body like a blanket, the woman's natural curves and hips ribboning across her waist. Her plush fur is soft to the touch, always being kept in it's best state, without any effort from the female. It's just natural. She mostly represents her mother in looks, her white coat being accompanied with three golden dots on the underside of her eyes. But, she does have one of her father's appearance traits- her bicoloured eyes. One is a soft, midnight blue, while the other orb is made up of a golden, firey yellow like the sun. Day and night can literally be seen inside of her enchanting eyes.
Personality: Sweetheart ~ The girl's personality is sweet and warm, many could call her kind hearted. She is very understanding, and would go out of her way to help any wolf she could. Her name might spell Destruction, but her heart is made up of love. She cares for her siblings very much, and her parents as well. She also loves including herself inside of the Destruction family activities, even though it might be a bit mischievous. The girl's dream is to one day help every wolf she could, or help however she can. It pains her to see another in pain, and it would kill her if any of the girl's family would be hurting.

Over protective ~ The girl is in the least to say- over protective of her family, friends, and pack. If anyone were to hurt anyone she cared for, they would be in trouble. Now, they wouldn't get attacked by Sonnet, but she would sure give them one hell of a lecture. Her family means everything to her, all she would ever want is for them to be happy. And, she will do anything to keep them in a good mood.

Playful ~ Sonnet is a pup at heart. She loves to play wrestle with her siblings, even a friendly spar once in a while. She doesn't play rough, but her slender body could take a hit if it needed to. She may be slender and curvy, but she is made up of muscle. She also tends to be a jokester, finding humor in little, simple situations. She is a child at heart, only being serious at times when she needs to.
Plans: She's gonna be a momma's girl and daddy's princess. A lot of threads with them and the Destruction family, and cuddles and cuddles and cuddles :3
Alignment: Neutral Good
RP Sample: The white woman would make her way towards her parent's den, knowing that they were in, most likely resting at the moment. She would silently slip into the den, yawning and stretching a bit as she did so. Sonnet would find her parents lying on the soft, gravel floor, the couple speaking quietly to one another. "Mother, father," Sonnet would say, making her presence noticed. "I missed you both," she would say softly, nuzzling her father's cheek and giving her mother a warm smile. "I love you both, so very much.." She would say, beginning to trail off. Her mind would wander onto the thoughts of her parent's ages, knowing that they weren't in their young adulthood anymore. Her father was the eldest of the pair. A worried sigh would escape her ebony lips, blue and yellow optics falling to the ground. First, it would be her father to go.. Her dear, sweet papa. Sonnet was so young, so new to the world, she had barely been around for the beginning of her adulthood. And it seemed just as her life was beginning, the one her parent's lived was ending. Sonnet would look up at her mother, then, another wave of worry hitting the caring daughter of their's. The thought of losing her mother as well was too much, tears welling up in her eyes of day and night. "Please, don't ever leave my side.." Sonnet would say with a weak tone, nuzzling her head under her father's chin, and laying against her mother.



3 Years
07-18-2014, 06:15 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2014, 06:17 PM by Valeriya.)
Name: Limerick Destruction (Lim, or Emer for short c:)

user posted image

Appearance: Lim will be of a a mixed brown and white motley. A pale chocolate will cover the fore of his body, beginning at the base of his nose and traveling down his spine, fading to white as it descends down his forelegs. Darker brown will line the undersides of piercing green orbs, grace the flat of his muzzle, and dabble on his left hind leg. The rest of his body will be a soft creamy white, with the fur of fine quality. His frame will be well proportioned, sturdy without being too broad. In all, his limbs will be of average lengths, as well as his ears, but it will be his eyes that draw in the gaze. As piercing as a spring new growth, they will be alive with vivid intensity, speaking volumes of the personality that lies within.

Personality: Lim will be of an excitable demeanor, as a pup and as he ages. Life will hold a vivacity and succor for this male that is seen only once or twice in a generation. He will be an insatiable optimist, able to see the light in even the darkest of times. Strong in his confidence, his faith, his unwavering ability to give a second chance, it would not be surprising to see this man become a strong right hand or rock to stand upon. He does not desire the spotlight, but rather to support and urge others to greatness, finding in these acts the greatest satisfaction. He will dislike hunting and fighting, seeing the latter as senseless violence and the prior as an unsavory necessity. The boy's intelligence will be rivaled by few, and his curiosity by fewer still, yet focusing this raw ability will be a task of titans. Easily distracted and more focused on knowing everything as opposed to actually setting himself to one discipline at a time, coming to grasp with understanding that which so fascinates him, will prove his greatest hurdle. The duality of plants, their ability to heal and harm, will be held above all else in his pursuits.

Plans: I would have Lim grow and form into a kind, curious young man without a bad bone in his body. He would be an eccentric shamanic character, perhaps lacking the social skills exhibited in his other relations. I would have him grow strong within the pack, perhaps rove for a short amount of time to grow his knowledge, or at the very least request an apprenticeship, to learn the art of healing. He will be restless as a juvenille, but will eventually settle down and focus on teaching the next generations, keeping the family history, learning the lore of the land. Perhaps growing into a more bard-like character.

Alignment: Lawful Good

RP Sample: His den was disorganized, cluttered, cramped. He needed to dig it out further, but that would mean moving his stores somewhere else for a short time. Oh, but where in the gods' good name was the chamomile? He could smell it, but... He sighed. It would likely be easier to just go out and find some more except it's season was wearing out. His dried spring sprigs would be eons more effective. The bark and snow man sighed and sat down with a thump, only to spring back up with a quiet yelp. Well, there were the rose hips, at any rate! He allowed a chuckle for his own antics, recognizing that no grown brute should appear so ridiculous, especially one charged with the health and safety of others. He resolved to dig his den out a bit further before the next full moon... as he had the three moons past. But he meant it this time! It wouldn't be long before his scatter-brained tendencies rendered him completely useless, and he didn't want that. He hadn't had the time to train a new apprentice yet. Or find one. Oh there was so much to do, as always, and it brought a broad grin to the brute's bi-colored maw. So yes, by the next full moon, then... Probably.

Novel i


8 Years
07-18-2014, 06:34 PM
and the winners are!

-drum roll-

1. Sonnet by Misha!

2. Limerick by Fox!

Starry you will be awarded with Envoi if you pay for an extra pup pass