


06-26-2014, 10:57 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Briena
How did you get here?: We all know that story

Character's Name: Vallis 'Darkmist' Adravendi
Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 33"
Appearance Description: Vallis is a nondescript, muddled grey at birth. Not a large pup, not a tiny pup, he rests perfectly in the middle for size. There are hints at the markings he will have at adulthood; darker grey patches on his haunches, and smudges of darker grey around her still sealed eyes, and a hind of darker grey at the backs of still deaf ears. but for now, he seems to be a blank slate.
As his eyes open, they will reveal themselves to be a burnished yellow, neither molten nor dull, and as they clear and his ears open, he will gradually become more active, taking in everything with calm yellow eyes.

As he reaches half a year, his pudgy body will slowly gain full mobility, and he will be putting that mobility to use. Running as best as a pudgy pup can do, playing with his siblings, and generally being the usual puppy terror.

As his first year arrives, his coat will have shown it's true looks. The smudges at either eye will have clarified to two lines, starting at the outer corner of his eyes, and curving down over his grey cheeks. On either side of his back, two lines of dark grey fur ride like the edges of a saddle. Beginning at the top of his rump, and following down his tail is more of this wet sand grey coloring,and both haunches are marked with the dark grey on either thigh, a line separating at the top and curving down the fronts of his hind legs to engulf his hocks in bars of the dark grey.

The backs of his front legs are also dipped in dark grey, rather as though he lay down in grey mud and the color never fell away, and the grey lines each toe on each front paw. Finally, around his lips the grey makes a final appearance, shadowing around the front of his jowls. The dark backs of his ears are now more clearly defined, the darker grey stopping at the base of each ear, and light grey insulating the insides. His base grey lightens to pale silver as it reaches his belly and legs.

Vallis shows a great deal of his father's influence in built and size, his body long legged and lean, built for fast running and on-the-dime agility. His fur is thin and silky, thicker around haunches, tail, and his chest and neck. Overall, he is a sleek young male, weighing in at 80 lbs, and standing at 29 inches.

As he reaches two, his voice and balls will drop, filling him out with more definition of muscle, and like his father, he will be a quiet sort, with a low, soft voice that won't carry very far. His eyes have gained intensity in the golden color, and have a way of seeming to pierce the soul of those he stares particularly hard at. His final height will be 33" and his weight will be 120 lbs of lean muscle and healthy organs.
Proof of Purchases: Free Pup, no purchases made.



3 Years
Extra large
06-28-2014, 08:44 AM

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