
Because it's what I do[volcano]




1 Year
Extra small
09-06-2019, 07:38 AM
Verse was, like always, avoiding her family. The best way truly was to go outside the borders and take her time with everything. It was just another night at first for verse, take a walk, wear herself out, go home and avoid family while she fell asleep. Or at least that was the plan. She hadnt counted on this. The earth was shaking violently and there was smoke clouds everywhere.

She was on her side flopping basically, unable to gain control of her muscles as they spasmed. Her eyes were wide and she was watching everything, able to see but unable to do anything. Her companions were circling the sky crying out for her aid as Alma stayed close to verse unable to do anything for her except stroke her fur and attempt to comfort the girl. Though she knew all three were freaking out. Her jaws clamped open and closed as she tried to scream but couldn't.

She had no clue that with this her path to Abaven was being cut off. Her mind was working as she tried to plan her escape back to Abaven as she seized.

Only once her body stopped did she lay still for a moment then she was sitting up, wobbly as if she'd just drunken a keg of ale. She was far from mobile yet though, she knew. It would take more time to recover. The first thing she wanted to do though was definitely get to the Rapids and wash the stench from her so no one ever knew she had an episode again. Her eyes cut to the volcano as it spewed in the near distance. Her companion were still circling and calling out as she tried to level her breathing and get her bearings again.

Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
09-07-2019, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2019, 03:14 PM by Dominus I.)

The volcano had been spilling smoke into the sky for a few days now, but he wanted to find out what happened. He knew his father and sister were dead, but the nostalgia that came with the activity going on within Mount Volkan heavily affected his thoughts and kept them on Elias and Domina.

He moved carefully around the base of the volcano, his blue eyes on the side of the mountain as he searched for the clearest path to the top. He wasn't sure what he was going to do when he got there, and almost any other wolf might have natural instincts to run away- but something called to him from the pit of this volcano.

It was Winter now, meaning Autumn was over. Autumn was always so important to Elias. The turn of the season had officially declared him a matured adult of his species, but the titan still felt like a lost child. There was a quiver in his step as he was drawn in higher up the volcano.

'In Autumn we celebrate Servus Menti, Dominus. It will be one of your greatest responsibilities.' His father's words played in his memory as he recalled one of the most morbid stories his father had told him in their lessons. He didn't want to think it was true..

But the embers now spewing from the peak of the mountain were living proof, reflective in his bright blue eyes. He hadn't noticed he stopped climbing, frozen in awe. Ash was allowed to speckle his silvered mantle as he stood there, but as the earth began to rumble he was finally brought back to the present.

Autumn was the season of reaping in Ruina. It was the time of year where they sacrificed all their collected souls to Apollyon in exchange for an easier Winter. His father had made a sacrifice last year... it was Domina. It made him whine to think about, but the mountain had gone back to being dormant after that and now that his father was dead... that made him Apollyon's servant.

Dominus failed Apollyon.

"I didn't know..." The beginning of his apology was cut short by the sight of birds flying in the distance, though they were not  fleeing from the ash and smoke. They were circling.

His protective instincts kicked in as he heard their cawing, immediately he took off toward them to investigate- a rumble given to the earth beneath him that was strong enough to shake him off his feet. He tumbled, but adapted quickly and got back to his paws to run in the exact same direction he had been heading. He ran out of Mount Volkan as quickly as possible, treading across the fields of the rock garden with little care to the safety of his already worn paws. (Much more worn than they should be for his age.)

When he discovered her, she was stiff-legged on her side, jaws snapping. He thought she was dying, but slowly.. she stopped and stood up in a wobbly fashion. He wasn't sure what was happening, but now that he had become a sudden firm believer of demons.. he wondered if she were possessed. What a horrible time to not be in control of your own body. He stepped forward cautiously and cleared his throat to alert her he was near.

"You shouldn't be here, you need to move!"

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



1 Year
Extra small
09-07-2019, 04:30 PM

She didn't notice the male's presence until he cleared his throat. Her red eyes cut to him immediately, watching in her weakened state. He could seriously injure her if he wanted but luckily he seemed to want to escape just as much as she did. Of course his words said as much anyway. At least he was going to be a decent guy for now.

She stood up and sways a few moments as Alma jumped onto her nape to cling on for dear life. "south, I need to go south." she was disoriented from her seizure and the smoke and smog. Not to mention the heat. Why was it so hot anyway? Her paws started moving her north, unbeknownst to her. This was all so much. She was wobbly as she moved but she wouldnt complainan. She was slow as well but at least she was moving. Would he move with her though? She didnt know.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.