
i coughed up my heart.



5 Years
06-26-2014, 08:41 PM

Nothing mattered anymore. Everything he loved, yet again, just crumbled beneath him and dropped out of his life like a dead bird falling to the earth. And this time he knew what has happened. His mate was dead. His everything. The one thing he lived for...the one thing that kept his heart pumping. But now the man felt gone. Non-existent. He felt isolated from reality. When he found his mate's body dead...he spent nights beside her lifeless body, soaking her soft obsidian fur in his endless tears. Just when he was so happy to have her by his side again. His legs ached and his fur was clumped in ragged, tangled clumps. Eyes were bloodshot and horrifying to gaze at. Even once. He was covered in dirt and his need for food, water, and anything else was scarce in his dead soul. The man didn't know who he was anymore. And now he was still debating on either living and growing old into a worthless life- or dying slowly in a pool of tar to join his wife as an angel.
The man was but a worthless canine now, wandering the lands like a ghost in search of something to feed on. His paws stung and were covered in rose bush thorns- for he had accidently stepped on one while trying to grab a rose for his ghost Six. In his deformed mind, there was a Six always beside him. Acting as if she was real but...invisible. Sticky, sappy blood stuck between his toes, but the boy didn't care. All he cared about was spirit Six. But right now, he was uneasily walking through the Pits, maneuvering around the pools with his vision but a blur. Slowly he looked to the right, a smile stretching across his lips. There, in his mind, Six was, smiling down at her with her beautiful gems shining with such brilliance. Tears threatened to fall as he smiled, but he stopped himself, inhaling and speaking softly. Would you like- like me to s...sing to you? My
There was no answer. But of course there wasn't...Aldoro began to weep again, his dry leftover tears making his pained smile fade. She wasn't there. Why couldn't he understand that. The man looked away from where he thought Six was, his two-tone gems drifting to the ground. Suddenly, the slightly insane man tripped on his torn paws, letting out a soft chuckle to himself after his chin slammed rough against the ground. More blood squirted out from in between his toes and pain vibrated violently in his paws. Luckily he didn't fall in any tar- but he almost did. But despite the pain he continued to laugh uneasily, tears continuing to run down his face. Then his laughing stopped, and his eyelids rolled shut, tears continuing to squeeze through. A soft, pained whisper came out in a hum as he fought to speak correctly through his weeping. Come back to me. Please, flower...come back- back to me... He repeated, fighting for a single breath. He didn't know what he was anymore...Speech


06-27-2014, 11:45 AM

"Little Bird"

The woman was in a state of a broken mind at all times. She was in a deep depression that one could see by every movement and word. She use to be so chipper and delightful, but now she was just a shell of such. She drooped around with memories of her dead mother haunting her mind. Memories of her siblings and her playing with such joy. Yet, it was all gone. Little Bird was alone, her family had their own lives now. The girl wanted to move on so badly but she just couldn't. It seemed like some had easily got over the mess of their mum dying. Yet, she was the closest one to Mystic. Her mother was her life. The woman who taught her all. Yet, she was gone. Myst could never see, touch, or look into her eyes again. She hoped to get better but she needed a push. The girl did not want to be a depressing shell her entire life, yet she never got close enough to others for them to help.

Her form slithered around the pools with ease. Her fur was beautiful and addorned with colors of grey black and white. Upon her left front shoulder would be an elegant cross of black and white. The woman was beautiful yet she never saw anything but sorrow when she looked at her reflection. Myst's tail was low and her ears were low was well. She was slouched over with each step with a grimace upon her once sultry lips. Though, as she heard weeping the distant woman looked over to her right. Yonder she saw an ebony man upon the ground. Blood at his paws. He cried out a jumble of words she could barely make out. Little bird observed silently, watching the tar bubble around him. She would hate to see it do something stupid, so she decided to help.

The small girl slowly slipped around the tar pits with wide, yet foggy, emerald eyes. The babe got closer and closer to see that he was a complete mess. Something must have really messed him up. The lady slithered closer before she stopped a few feet away. The girl was painfully shy and did not want to confront him, but she felt like if she didn't something bad would happen. The woman got a little closer before she let forth her very gentle song, hoping he did not lash out at her. "Sir, I see that something his horribly wrong. Would you like to talk about it?" Her eyes skipped to his paws and the little bird got an idea. "How about we get those paws taken care of so you arent bleeding everywhere? Hmm?" She had to suck up each and every one of her anxieties to deal with such. The girl was rather afraid of others blood and she hated manic people. But, she felt rather sorry for the man before her.. So she would help.



5 Years
07-02-2014, 05:55 AM

Because of his soft, endless sobbing into the ground- he couldn't seem to hear the woman. Not even notice her aroma in the dark place. The man was too busy trying to clear his mind...trying to fix himself into thinking Six had never existed. And that he could find someone else without any trouble. It all seemed so impossible. His pack, his home then came to mind. He had completely abandoned it! Just thinking about it made him feel like a brick just dropped onto his head. Meetings had been missed, training has been skipped...all because of his ignorant little mind that thought for one moment Six was still smiling beside him. Why would this happen? Again? One moment he had lost Six, knowing that she was pregnant and probably defenseless. Then she returns...but gets murdered afterward. It doesn't make sense. Aldoro, tears soaking his ebony face, glanced over at the bubbling tar and counted. Counted to ten silently. That was when he was going to roll in.
But suddenly, a soft, shy-sounding voice erupted behind him. He could make out her words clear as he could with his own. "Sir, I see that something is horribly wrong. Would you like to talk about it?" Why would this girl want to speak with an ill, nasty man who doesn't enjoy life anymore? His lips cracked open to speak, but she quickly added, "How about we get those paws taken care of so you aren't bleeding everywhere? Hmm?" He would of hoped it what Six...but her voice sounded softer. His old mate was confident as could be. And he loved that about much. Eyelids would slowly roll open to reveal his bloodshot two-tone eyes, his forelegs slowly and weakly pushing his skinny body up onto his rear. He twisted around to face the small woman with his paws throbbing and vibrating with pain- but ignored it. He just stared down at her and blinked slowly and bluntly, trying to register her words.
But what mostly caught his attention was her nice little set. She had smooth obsidian fur like Six's, but it was a combination of other shades of grey and white. His maw tipped to the side at the strange sight of a tall looking thing down her shoulder- a cross, it seemed. It was beautiful. Then, to finish, her pretty minty gems. She almost reminded him of Six- but not as tall. But soon he snapped back into realty, and a pained smile stretched across his lips. The man tipped his head with respect and managed a few soft words before he answered her two other questions. You are pretty. You remind me...of my old wife... A soft chuckle bubbled from his throat as he continued. My wife was murdered...and that's all you need to know. But for these paws- I think it would be nice...for the pain to go a-away. He muttered weakly, tail softly patting the ground with appreciation. The man hoped she wouldn't find him...disgusting.