


09-08-2019, 07:21 PM
Rufus was on the trail of the prettiest little siamese he had ever laid eyes on. She was playing hard to get - he expected nothing less from such a fine specimen - but she had signaled her willingness to hear more so even though she had put quite a bit of ground between them he knew better than to give up.

He stopped at the base of a tree and watched as her dark tail disappeared through a tangle of kudzu. This was it, his last stand. Rufus sat down and cleared his throat. He took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving the last place he'd seen her, and then he opened his mouth and began to sing. Rufus sang as loudly and as passionately as his lungs would allow. He closed his eyes and reached for the high notes, his voice music to his ears but a god-awful screech to whatever non-felines lurked nearby.

A distant groaning from the mountain went unnoticed as he poured his heart out, but the shock wave that followed hit Rufus hard enough to make him choke on a note.

Seemingly without any steps in between, Rufus was suddenly up in the tree he'd been sitting beside. He peered out from under a bushy limb and craned his neck to try to lay eyes on whatever had made that horrible noise.