
controlled experiment


09-09-2019, 05:07 PM
Volta was wandering the belly of the crypt when the very ground began to shift beneath his paws. He had entered hoping to discover traces of a lost culture or society of some type - these sorts of places often held long-forgotten myths and secrets. Instead, he was met with what he affectionately thought to be a mild tremor. It was something he'd experienced before, and no great challenge for an experienced scholar-adventurer like himself.

That was, of course, until the roof caved in behind him. As the cave-system lost its integrity, Volta bolted for the entrance like a man possessed. This wasn't time to stay and study the local fault lines, as much as he would have liked to. This was real danger. He made it to mouth of the cave and craned his head towards the neighboring peaks just in time with the shockwave to b o o m across the land. The moment smoke and fire spewed into the sky was breathtaking. Ash began to fall from the skies, obscuring his view of the peak. "Oh, no no... That won't do," he grumbled. How could he get a better vantage point? This was the first time he'd ever witnessed a cataclysmic event - it needed to be studied! He peered around and saw that he could still get to higher ground, and the tremors seemed to stop for now.

Hmm... to stay or go? In pursuit of science, Volta began to scale the rocky side of the crypt in hopes of a better view.

"blah blah blah science blah blah"