
without you

ft anyone from lirim



2 Years
09-28-2019, 11:49 AM

it had been a few weeks or days or even hours... but it felt like an eternity. without Kairi around, his world had gotten dark again. he tried to keep busy, aware that Lirim needed him, but all his bones wanted to rush back to the old land and search. Holland remembered how happy she had been when he gave her the necklace. his own was tucked away in his makeshift den, unable to bear wearing it because she was absent. he had gotten them as a pair with intention behind it, but now that all blew up in smoke.

scraping together the few plants he had found and stored them at the back of his new den, Holland bit back a sigh. she had weaseled her way into his feelings and was gone. whether for good or not was beyond him. he hoped not though. he half expected to exit one day and find her sitting there, smiling and pushing wolves into bodies of water occasionally. even Rags was missing, come to think of it. hell, a lot of wolves were. at least Torin's kids and mate were all safe. Holland had no one else to watch out for personally. he hadn't bothered to meet many of the wolves.

perhaps they'd get new faces at their makeshift border. perhaps the ones who vanished would come back. he was a healer though, not a mystic. he couldn't dance around a fire and tell you the future. he turned to the mouth of his den but did not exit. he stared across the island with no emotion in his blue gaze, simply content to allow the cold afternoon to seep into his bones.


holland is not a nice character typically; his views do not reflect my own.