
Cruel twist of fate



9 Years
Extra large
09-29-2019, 09:30 AM

He had been unable to really sleep since the move the pack had made to safety. Worry over his missing children made him restless and uneasy. Eurus was the only one that had made the move and the others Frost feared what may happen to them. He himself was too arthritic to try and make the trip himself to go back to the original lands of the pack and to search. Eurus had stuck close to him, even denned with him to try and help ease his mind, but it wasn’t enough. He was loosing those he loved, the first having been his Star, and now most of his kids. There had been several times that he tried to convince himself that he could make the swim on his own, and tonight he was doing the same thing.

Eurus had been out patrolling the borders, picking up slack since they were lacking in fighters. Frost slipped away from his den during this time and make his way to the shore. His hindquarters were dropped and the gait of his back legs were sloppy as he moved. He was also wearing thin since the move and his bones were beginning to protrude on his form. He was a mess to say the least and he wasn’t getting any better. He made it to the beach and stopping, back end swaying lightly. His eyes looked over the water assessing the current. It was surprisingly calm tonight, the calmest he has seen it since they arrived.

Ears were pointed forward as he wondered if that may be a sign, the go ahead that he needed to get back inland. He took a few steps forward and stopped again. Taking a slow breath he watched the water and looked towards where home was, where the rest of his kids should be. He could do this, he would do this. He was determined to find them even if it got him killed. He didn’t really know what happened next, everything happened so fast. A powerful blow to his right side threw him into the sand and with how slow his movements already were he had little time to react before the dull sharp pain shot through his neck and the world around him was drowned out.

-exit Frost Via death (attacked by a large leopard)-

"Frost Talk", & 'Frost Think'



3 Years
Extra large
09-29-2019, 09:31 AM
He had come back from his patrol to late. His father had already slipped away and when Eurus realized this his face was riddled with worry. He knew his father had been worried about his siblings. He knew he had wishes to go back and find them, but Eurus had never expected him to go through with it by himself. It was scary to think his father would be crazy enough to try it, but he knew his father had been struggling with sleep for some time now. Picking up his pace the large yearling began to father the fresh trail his father left. His movements quick as he was determined to catch up with him and figure out what he was doing. As the trail led towards the shore, facing home, Eurus began to grow more and more worried. He knew his father couldn’t make the swim, but his trail leading in this direction was extremely frightening. With a huff he picked up his pace to a light run, desperate to get there before his father would try and swim towards home.

When his paws hit the shore the sight he saw was completely unexpected. His father had indeed came to the shore, no doubt to try and swim back, but he didn’t get the change to make it that far. His limp form hung from the jaws of a large black panther. The sight made his blood boil and so many mixed emotions rushing forward all at once. This creature had the audacity to kill his father, think of his father as a meal, and to take him down without any remorse. It angered him and infuriated him to no end. Before he realized it a savage sounding snarl rippled through his mouth catching the attention of the cat who dropped Frost's limp form on the ground. Digging his nails into the ground he made a quick charge, barreling into the black panther. He had his defenses set before he launched his attack and at first his only intention was to knock the animal away from his father's body. Slamming his shoulder right into the panther's chest and throwing him away from Frost's body.

Then after his small time for recovery Eurus launched again, this time with jaws wide open as he sought to do whatever damage he could. Being intelligent like his father he knew how to try and handle himself when his emotions were on an all time high. Their bodies made contact again and Eurus latched a hold of the cat's front left leg. Shaking and whipping his head back and fourth rapidly he aimed to deepened his grip into the tissue. The cat launched into his chest, his right paw taking a large swipe to his shoulder and cutting into the tender flesh. Eurus flinched, but focused at his task at hand and quickly opened his jaws, freeing the cat's leg. As it went to back off from it's assault, Eurus launched himself again, rearing up on his hind legs, the can copied and they made contact in the air. They tangled and tussled, but finally Eurus got his kill shot and grabbed a hold of the cats throat, while using his momentum to push the cat back and into the dirt.

He killed the panther, in revenge for killing his father and when the panther grew still, it was abandoned. Turning he rushed to his father's body, gently nuzzling him in the face. Eurus knew he was gone, but there was false hope that he could wake him up. He whined and lowered himself to his stomach, still nudging and nuzzling his father's face. This went on for a few minutes before he sat up, lifting his head and letting out a howl of grief and sadness. It was a long howl before he settled again with a whine, his silvery eyes looking to his father's lifeless face. He had wounds from his tussle with the panther, but right now all the Eurus could focus on was the overwhelming grief he felt.



2 Years
09-29-2019, 10:25 AM

again, he was too late.

it wasn't the first time he had failed to be there for a pack member and they died. Jewell had died, and Holland hadn't even been there to help ease her away from her pain. though the healer did not know Frostbite well, he knew his scent by now. the smell of blood lingered in the air, along with the sign of a leopard. fearful that a child would be an easy meal, he had raced toward the sounds of battle only to find one of the young wolves he'd seen at the brief meeting. hunched over the body of Frostbite, a howl of grief.

Holland's ears pinned back and he hovered uncertainly nearby. the other man was injured but wasn't known to him. he didn't want to intrude on his grief either. Torin was out trying to find the other members of Lirim, leaving him with an inexperienced guard. Eir wasn't equipped to deal with a leopard but Holland had fighting experience. in the distant past, that is. he could have helped. he could have saved this wolf. if only he had been here. frustrated, he paced around. he'd be there for the man who lost his family member when he felt ready to accept help.

for now, Holland would let him grieve.


holland is not a nice character typically; his views do not reflect my own.