Poll: Which pack would you like to see take Risen's place?
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1 12.50%
5 62.50%
1 12.50%
Long live the Fallen God!
0 0%
Keep trying Laz you'll get it right eventually!
1 12.50%
Total 8 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Vote for me!



2 Years

Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-01-2019, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2019, 07:13 PM by Amaretto.)
I want your help deciding what Risen becomes! Anyone can vote, I want as many opinions as I can get! There are five options and the details for each option are listed below!


Somewhere between chaotic neutral and neutral evil in alignment. The Alpha acknowledges that life is kind of hard right now but he wants you to look beyond all of the hunger and the terror, and see the ash clouds for what they are: a chance for you to prioritize what matters to you most. If you’re like the Alpha, this means the world is your oyster and you want to have fun with it. Though there is a hierarchy members of all tiers are treated as comrades instead of subjects. Life's a (possibly short) laugh so enjoy it, okay?

This pack is brash, self-centered, and playfully villainous.

Probability of raids: high
Probability of trades: moderate
Probability of alliances: low

(The name is a WIP. Others being considered are Roamers, Nomads, Travelers, Vaqueros. Open to suggestions too.)

Neutral good to lawful neutral in alignment. With a pragmatic leader at its helm, Fireside has its eyes set firmly on the future. The belief that it isn’t enough to simply survive is its core value. The goal is to thrive; to see each member excel to the best of their abilities and to prosper as a whole. Fireside makes no bones about its inherently selfish nature; if one is to survive this new and inhospitable scape the pack’s wants and needs must come before the wants and needs of outsiders. They are semi nomadic and moves biannually, taking their herds of sheep and goats with them. 

This pack is adaptable, mercenary and highly self-interested.

Probability of raids: moderate
Probability of trades: high
Probability of alliances: low


This pack is lawful evil in alignment. Wary of outsiders and egocentric in nature, Blackguard is a pack centered around benefiting the select few lucky enough to call it home. The leader is mercurial and calculating with outsiders, and potential members are assessed on how they might benefit the pack. The morals of its leader are grey at best and the Caitiff (alpha) will go to extremes to ensure the health and happiness of his loyal subjects.

This pack is apathetic to outsiders, lavish with its members and has highly questionable ethics. 

Probability of raids: moderate
Probability of trades: low
Probability of alliances: low

Long live the Fallen God!

Select this one if you want the pack to remain Abraxas. The catch here is that you have to nominate an Abraxas to take over. The player must be willing and you can vote for yourself.

Keep trying Laz!

Pick this one if you'd like to see more options!
Amaretto has a male cotton top tamarin named Georgi who is with her at all times unless stated otherwise.