
Tread Carefully



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
10-23-2019, 04:02 PM
Noir knew he needed to get somewhere safer, where that happened to be he wasn’t sure. The Destruction was taking a chance on the north, hoping his mammoth paws might eventually get him somewhere good. Whatever good happened to be. Better than this, dodging earthquakes and forest fires. He hated that the volcano erupted, it ruined his plans. He didn’t care much about the destruction to Abaven, and kind of hoped his mother’s grave might be swallowed up.

Not that he was looking for her, but the young giant hadn’t seen any trace of Motif either, and he began to wonder if she was still alive. The pain Poem would feel at losing her sister.. Noir dared not indulge in such delightful thoughts while everything around him was so dismal. He should have felt right at home in the darkness and chaos, but his grudge towards the volcano extended too far. He didn’t want to be close enough to see it anymore. A feat almost achieved here.

The weather was still well below freezing, and he was thankful for his thick coat and huge body. He was near at home in the frigid north. He thought for a long time where he was going to go, there hadn’t been any snow so he hadn’t made his way to the battlefield to call for Theta. His plan had been royally disturbed, and he debated about finding her instead. He also wanted to get out from under the thumb of the volcano and its ever spreading ash.

The earth moved beneath his huge black paws, and Noir bent his joints to better withstand the trembling. He was about sick of this as well, and wanted good solid ground again. He couldn’t linger here, he had to keep going. He couldn’t think about Theta, she’d find him eventually he was sure. He did feel oddly connected to her, their kindred spirits bonded over her time in Abaven. Now he was gone, he had his freedom to choose what he did and where he went freely. He could honestly say he was on his way to being happy. Or would be when the volcano crumbled away and ceased its assault on the earth.

He looked up at the massive trees above him and debated about scaling their heights. With the ground so unsteady he was unsure if he’d find any kind of safety within the branches. All he did know was he needed to keep moving, and as the earth settled once more he made up his mind to try and scout his next route. Tentatively he placed a huge black paw upon the trunk and looked up into the leafless canopy above.

Carefully Noir began to scale the rough bark, he prayed to whatever gods were out there that he might keep his balance and their wouldn’t be another tremor until he was back on the dirt. One paw in front of the other he slowly made his way up the side of the tree so that his sharp blue and lavender gaze might look out over the land at his feet. It was quite a sight he had attained. Were the lighting better he was sure he’d be able to see the northern ocean. With the ash cloud above all he could make out was a few miles.

He could have been wrong but he thought he could see a clear spot off to his left, many miles away he was almost certain the bright spot was a break or the end to the cloud. He had to make his way north west to find solace from the ash like he wanted. He huffed heavily again as he looked back down the way her came, knowing the journey down would be more difficult than climbing up. Noir carefully placed his paws, and began the trip, slowly so he didn’t make any mistakes. Half way down he could hear the low sound of the earth moving. There was another tremor right behind.

Hurriedly Noir made his way to the base of the tree, his heart beating fast and breaths coming in quick bursts as the quake finally threw him from his paws and into the dirt at the bottom. He snarled angrily at fate as he picked himself up and dusted off his coat with not more than a few huffs and sighs. He was more than ready to get going after his stumble, and with planned motion Noir started towards the break in the ash and the hope of getting away from any sign of the volcano.

His huge form moved through the dormant brush, pushing past old sticks and branches as he made his way out of the tall woods and towards the target he worked so hard to achieve. The striped mammoth might finally forget the disaster.
