
Wash It All Away



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
10-27-2019, 05:43 PM
He had been cast out a while back because of his actions. The life he had in Risen was all he knew, and now he was forced to live out the life of a rogue. There was nowhere for him to turn, nowhere for him to go. He knew nothing of the other packs in Boreas, but surely they wouldn't accept him if they found out the intentions he had with one of Risen's members. He was a raggedy mess. Ash and debris coated his form, his white mask blackened from the ash that fell from the sky. Crimson gaze was bloodshot from the lack of sleep and his paws torn and bleeding from his endless walk.

He had remained in Auster for a time but now he sought new hunting grounds beyond the sand bridge and back towards the side of the world he had been born into. The sand was cold against his aching feet as the tide rose and fell in the night, and he was the only figure beneath the moon. The air stunk of rotting fish that had washed up onto the shore thanks to the wild waves and earthquakes. The night was almost silent save for the waves crashing on either side of him, and as the male made it halfway across, the ground began to violently shake.

He braced himself on unsteady legs as the world shook around him, the water throwing itself violently against the shore and spraying over him. Within moments, he was soaked to the bone. Willing himself to move forward, he stumbled on with what little determination he had left to reach the other side. With eyes trained forward, he didn't realize the moon had become engulfed and he was surrounded by shadows. A sudden foreboding overcame him, and he slowly turned to look towards the water. Eyes widened as he saw it. A massive wave making it's way to shore faster than he thought possible. It towered over the earth, higher than the castles tallest point. With a grunt, he pushed himself faster. He needed to get away from here.

As the male struggled to run, he could see the earth of Boreas getting closer. For once in his life, relief washed over him and a spark of joy ignited. He had never been so happy to see anything in his life before now, and with his focus on that, he had neglected to check the looming wave.

Just as his paws carried him the remaining few, short feet. A sound as loud as thunder and a spray of water with more force than he imagined washed over him, knocking him clear off his feet and sending him weightless into the air. He rolled and tumbled as all he could see and breathe was water. Endless and raging salt water. He didn't know which way was up or which way was down. His paws scrambled uselessly against the current. His lungs burned from lack of oxygen and even when his head seemed to breake a surface, he had no time to take in air before he was thrust back under.

He could feel debris cutting across his skin. The sting of salt against his throat and eyes and burning every wound he had. Something knocked hard against the side of his head that sent his head spinning and his ears ringing before eventually...darkness.

The tsunami was too powerful for him to defeat. He was sure that the Fallen God had forsaken him...assuming he had been there for him at all. The boy who was born into nothing had died with nothing. His body forever lost in the sea.

-Exit by Death-

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!