
When will it end

Orchid I


5 Years
06-26-2014, 04:55 PM

Immediately after the fighting had ceased and the winner decided Orchid would move forward to collect her Alpha. She would allow none others to interfere, she was the healer here and all Vi needed right now was a healer. Vi on the other hand had other ideas, tearing off in a direction and leaving the healer to follow. She would find her scent trail just outside Tortuga, leading away once more from the pack and to Covari. And this stage the healer was about ready to knock the Alpha unconscious and force medical assistance upon her.

She would at last find her in the swamp lands, her fur mattered and blood dried. Moss sponges would be acquired and blood would be sponged from the Alpha?s coat, and basic medical assistance would at last administered. Trillium would first be used to cleaned out the wounds that had been left untreated as the Alpha had fled. Yarrow would then be applied, This completed a poultice would be created from White Willow bark before the worse of the cuts were bound with Horsetail. Lambs ear would be used for the minor scraps, and Dandelion would be applied on bruises. Wolfsbane would be offered if the girl was in pain, and all of this would be done under silence as the healer worked. ?Ah vi? she would sigh at last when her task was completed.

Walk "Talk" Think


06-26-2014, 05:20 PM

She would not move or speak when the healer finally caught up to her, laying numbly as Orchid set to work dealing with the worst of her wounds. Cleaning the crusted blood then playing down a poultice. She had attempted to touch Vi's leg wound that the woman had inflicted upon herself but Vi had refused, ready to throw down if Orchid did not comply. She wanted it to scar. She wanted it to forever be a reminder of what she had lost and what she had done. It was all for him after all... She would lay in silence as Orchid worked and fussed, eyes hooded as she gazed away. "Was that wrong of me? I wanted to kill her at the end..." Vi's words were a soft whisper, still staring off into the distance as she spoke though when she finished she would turn her gaze back to Orchid. "Also I think this goes without saying but will you be our lead healer?" She had meant to ask the girl before she had left but it had slipped her mind completely...

Orchid I


5 Years
06-26-2014, 05:30 PM

Vi seemed to be going through a lot in her own head, aside from wavering her off a leg cut there was little spoken until the end. The healer would sigh, all other cuts cleaned and bound. ?Let me clean it with Trillium if nothing else? Orchid would bargain with the Alpha ? after all she had left it untreated already, and they were in a swamp. If that leg got an infection, it could come to losing the leg, which was far more severe than a simple scarring. If the Alpha allowed her to she would clean the wound with Trillium, if she did not then the healer would simply throw her had in the air in a gesture of ?suit yourself?

Vi would begin to talk, her subdued voice giving the impression the question was not really for Orchid. The healer would answer regardless with a shrug of her shoulders. ?She was a bitch and deserved it. I?m sure I would have stuck something in her next meal if you hadn?t tried to teach her a lesson? Orchid answered, half a smile teasing at the corner of her lips, inviting Vi to join the joke.

The alpha next words would bring the girl to a halt. Mouth open, whatever words where to come where lost now as she stared at the other. Lead healer, huh? Clearly Vi didn?t know she had planned on getting her kids high (she hadn?t, but the thought had been there) She would shrug in the end ?Hey, if it means I get to boss sick people around I?m all for it? she should agree in the end.

One thing that didn't sit right with orchid was the leg, she knew for a fact that it had not been injured in her fight with Erani, she had been following that one rather closely. However she did not demand and answer, for she was certain it would be an unwelcome question. The leg was bad, real bad and even after cleaning it and putting her poultice on it and binding it she knew it would not be enough, their queen was crippled and may well be so for a very long time. She scrunched up her nose as she thought for a moment. "I'm going to visit you every day for this Vi, to change the bandage and ensure its kept clean. Its too open, its going to bleed freely for a while even after bandaging it, and if i don't give it special attention it could get infected. I have to admit VI, its going to be a hard road. So your going to need to do what i say if you want to walk right again. But you will in the end,I swear on my abilities, you will" it slipped out as a growl, she was in part annoyed, that Vi had allowed this to come to pas,s foolhardy. What had their queen gotten herself into right after her battle with Erani, when she was bloodied and tired.



07-02-2014, 10:15 PM

Vi would nod briefly to Orchid as she requested that Vi allow her to at least clean the leg wound, but other then that she would not speech, staring off into the distance in silence. She didn't move, didn't even flinch as Orchid set about her work. Eventually Vi would speak again and oddly enough Orchid would answer. Slowly gaze would turn around to look to the woman and she would blink slowly as if tuning into the woman's words. A slow smile would slip across her lips and Vi would chuckle softly. She loved Orchid, the woman had started off quite timid and subdued when she had first arrived to the pack but since becoming their only healer really she had come into her own quite nicely. "Thanks? I appreciate that." It was all she could offer. She had just displaced so many wolves all over a grudge she held for one family. Would she have been more justified to just kill the queen and the family one at a time and let them keep their pack? She would never know. What was done was done.

Vi barely registered that Orchid agreed to become their lead healer, feeling that she already knew the answer to that. Instead her gaze had already turned away, looking to the distance until Orchid began to speak again. "The chest is the worst? it won't heal well, dead skin will have to be torn off later. The damage to the ligaments and tendons will have to be assessed once the rest is healed?" She stated almost mechanically, still referring to look to Orchid. Would she ever be able to walk again. But after a moment she would finally look to Orchid and nod almost numbly. Yes, she would be able to do as Orchid said. "Orchid? Can we get high? I don't want to be part of this world today?" Her voice was soft, almost pleading. Orchid had offered it before but now it was needed. She just wanted to get high and forget, to find a new den and sleep. She wanted to wake up and for all her wounds to go away but she knew that wouldn't happen?

Orchid I


5 Years
07-02-2014, 11:09 PM

She would look clinically at her Alpha as she spoke, the red girl was calling out her injury in a monotone that told Orchid she was just over it. If wolves could put theres paws on their hips that exactly what Orchid would have done right then, however Vi was saved from a scolding by the great idea she offered forth. Orchid pounced on the thought with glee, she would simply have to keep an eye on Vi to ensure the other didn't pull or worsen something. ?Done. Lets get our butts to my den? she said, already getting to her feet. ?here? she said, shoving a herb in Vi's face, a painkiller to help her get to the den and bear her injuries through the walk. She would encourage the girl to lean on her and together they would make their way into the private comfort of Orchids den. Othello, having felt better was off with Ellis or Scorpion, she did not know which and at the moment her concerns where elsewhere.

She would plop her Queen down on the soft bed of grass cuttings leaves and moss before going to her private stores. Here she would grab a nice dossage, grab a water tight leaf to drag before them and place the herbs down in front of Vi. This done she herself would grab some herbs and flop down against the earth, her feet to the sky and let out a sigh. ?Tell me a funny story? she encouraged, purely for the sake of it.

Walk "Talk" Think