
The path of the broken, pulled into light


06-25-2014, 01:24 PM

The caverns were quiet, making for a perfect spot for the pups to sleep. They had a long journey ahead of them, specially when they no longer had Ebony to help look after each other. Hajime didn't need Ebony, he felt that in his bones, what Katja was doing with it he simply didn't agree with. Slaves? He would have never known of such a thing even when he was within the walls of Tortuga. His tail would flick mildly behind him, his uncle Allen had followed him here surely. So now they were reunited again, but at a time like this Hajime was nothing but bitter. Sick and tired of feeling like the universe was destroying him at every turn. It was the whole reason he would find emma, find emma and explain to her how much of the same they were. Then they could be with Quelt, it would be like a little family pack again. The one his mother used to run. Until they found a permanent place to settle down of course.
Hajime looked at Levi with a mild sigh, the pups were delicate and he wasn't so sure how to explain to them that they could not return to Ebony. It was stupid that even they were not allowed return if they wished. Truly, he was disappointed that a time of need had gone to a wolfs head so easily. Dark colored paws would pull himself to the caverns entrance, looking towards the moonlight. Was his path really heading in this direction?



06-26-2014, 03:02 PM

Following Hajime, though it was the right thing to do, at the same time made Allen a bit unsettled. His own children would come looking for him at Ebony, and the news that their new Queen would even go so far as to take slaves... Even of her own members... The calico had been glad that his nephew had decided to leave, even if it was with poor children who knew no better of what was going on. The male would walk on, giving a soft sigh as he trailed after the broken family. He couldn?t imagine how Hajime was feeling... Broken... Betrayed... But even in the darkest of times there was a bit of light. Even if those who were hurting couldn?t see it just yet.

The calico would pad quietly inside, certain his nephew would not oppose his presence, especially since he had stopped him from joining Ebony in the first place. Family, it was everything in Allen?s eyes. Losing Hajime once had been one of the hardest things in his life, especially after his sister?s death. He would stick by his nephew, praying that his children would find their way back into Alacritia soon. Back to the rest of them soon. He had faith in his trickster of a daughter, and in his kind son. He knew, even if it took a bit more time, they would find them.

Allen would come alongside Hajime, knowing the situation was one that seemed darker. But still, the older male would offer what words of encouragement and hope that he could. No matter what happened. ?There is darkness, yet light still shines. Even if we walk a hard path, my nephew, we will overcome.? Allen would turn, facing outward again as he sat beside the other. ?Do you have any plans yet as to where we will go?? We. In that single word Allen would confirm that he was sticking beside the other and his children.

"Speech", 'Thought'


06-29-2014, 02:30 AM

His red eyes would look on in thought, recollecting the memories of how he had left Ebony. His wife's pack had forsaken them, forsaken their souls, and had forsaken their life style. Hajime knew deep inside it was the royal blood boiling in him that had brought this up. Traitor, his ass. Katja was doing the pack no good. He wouldn't want to return to the place, not even his pups ever again. Though he would never dream of visiting his wife's grave again regardless of it. His head would swivel over to Allen as he spoke, it had been so long since the two of them spoke. Not since all that had happened to them, he was actually amazed Allen was still here. Hajime would sigh for a moment before turning back to the outside of the cave. His tail slightly brushing over his sleeping childrens backs.
"Katja called me a coward and a traitor, after I had lost everything. I tried to give her one more chance to prove to me I was wanted in Ebony, and she failed. Putting the souls of my mate and the previous queens in disrespect. While I won't be able to visit my mate's grave any longer, I will not allow my children to return to a place where we have been deemed worthless." His shoulders would slip back slightly. "There is a man, named Quelt, who was with my cousin Vahva when she died. I want to meet up with him, and also get Emma, Vahva's daughter with us. While she might still be mad at me, I think all of us can settle somewhere and eventually rise back to the throne where we belong. Before I was thinking about reviving my mothers throne, but this time, it's my blood even if it is cursed that is calling to me. Quelt is close enough to be considered family as well." He would look over at Allen. Oh how the times had changed the little Hajime. Beaten, broken, and bruised he now knew what it felt like to be a walker. Even the name made his tongue burn.



06-29-2014, 08:19 PM

Allen would feel himself stiffen as Hajime spoke. Katja, the woman who ruled over the meeting as the new queen, dared to call his nephew a traitor. Sure Allen had not known the whole story, but he trusted his family, his nephew, more than some she wolf who just had the pack passed off to her. The brute would close his eyes, brow wrinkling with a bit of frustration at what he heard. "She speaks as one who has forgotten how tender a heart is, and loss can greatly change things. It she holds little feeling towards others, or perhaps simply understands none but her own." But that didn't matter right now. Dark forest green orbs would open again, focusing upon his nephew as he continued to speak.

More family. Allen would give a firm nod, his voice soft, though still serious. "It has always been your destiny, Hajime. This road we're walking is right through hell, and regardless of what we go through you know that I will always be here for you if you need me. If nothing else our blood, cursed or not, is also what bonds us... and if it is such a curse, then so be it, we will find a way to break it together. My loyalty is yours, as it has always been. Your children as well, though I've yet to come to know them personally, can count on me. We will shift our place in this world, my nephew, and I will be there to help you make it happen." Allen was not one keen on fighting, or doing things by force, but his loyalty to his family was unwavering. "Be strong, my nephew, for all hope is not yet lost. I swear to you."

"Speech", 'Thought'