
Wrong kind of Hide and Seek




6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
11-14-2019, 12:47 PM

She had set off on her journey what felt like ages ago with her companions fallowing her. Everyone was bundled with thick pelts from her den in order to stay warm through their journey. She had no idea how long they would be gone so she did her best to pack appropriately, healing supplies and salted meats were stored away in her and Boris' bags in case food grew scarce. She knew her Uncle had been distraught on the disappearance of Heloise, Whittaker, and Snow. Acere couldn't up and leave his responsibilities to look for them so Actaea felt she was the best for the job. With her healing experience she could take care of them if they were injured and her slim form could cover quite a lot of ground. Her only wish was that she had asked Ignis to come with her, but he was best to stay behind and help out Acere.

The sun had rose a few hours ago and the trio was still on the move. Actaea was the head of the group and so far she was refusing to stay idle for long. She was determined to find them and to come back with the family her Uncle had just started. Part of her was kicking herself for not being more a part of the pups lives, wondering if this would have prevented this. She hadn't been sure how to react to Heloise, or the kids and she had felt everything happened so quickly. Although she failed to admit she had gone fairly recluse after the rise of Winterfell, taking her time to properly create a den, medical den, and storage den. She had taken to much time and failed to leave time to socialize with others. Now the pack was beginning to dwindle in numbers and activity.

Molten gaze scanned the area around her as she moved through the snow. The trio was quiet, not looked to attract unwanted attention, especially if they came up on one of the pups. There was a moment where she stopped, standing still and staring off into the distance. She was sure she spotted... something. Nose twitched as she took on the scents, but she was upwind from what she thought she spotted. She slowly moved forward and to the left, trying to keep thier scents from floating directly to the creature in case it was a predator.

"Speech" & 'Thought'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them


11-14-2019, 01:44 PM
He was lost. One hundred percent completely lost. One minute he was home checking out the border and the next he ended up here after he had seen something that caught his interest just on the other side. It was something big with sticks coming out of its head and he wanted to know what it was so he followed, only he had been so focused on it he hadn't realized how far he'd gone. He tried to find his way back but fresh snow had covered up his tracks and he had no idea how to get home. Instead, he found himself by a frozen lake. Cold, shivering, and hungry. Each day that had passed before now he spent wandering and hiding when something bigger came along, unsure if it was friend or foe. One thing he knew for certain was that nothing so far was his mom or dad. Did they know he was missing? He had been gone for days now, surely they were looking for him? Maybe he had gone too far and they were having trouble finding him...he sniffled as he hunkered down in the snow, the black fur of his ruff the only thing really visible but he still blended nicely with the snow.

Looking around, he thought he spotted something moving up ahead but he was too far to see what it was. He wanted to call out for someone, anyone...but was afraid he might attract one of the big cats his dad had told them about. What was he to do? He couldn't find his way home on his own. He didn't know which direction to go in, and he didn't even know where he was to begin with. Their parents hadn't taken them out yet to get the lay of the land so all he felt he should do was wait or to keep looking. Eventually he'd find them, right? Or they'd find him...he had to admit though, he missed his family...

Taking a deep breath, the young pup moved slowly with his body low to the ground as he slunk ahead, keeping eyes and ears open for signs of danger. The thing he thought he saw was no longer in his line of sight and figured maybe it was a rock or something...or a rabbit, he wasn't sure.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
11-14-2019, 02:33 PM

She did remember one important detail about the pups of her uncle, they were almost all either white or silverish. This meant it could be very hard to spot any of them in the snow without carefully looking. This was why she was fallowing whatever, she thought she may have saw, moving closer to the lake. She paused when she got to a slightly elevated spot and let her eyes scan the territory again. At first she didn't see anything, she hadn't even noticed the black ruff of fur on the pup as he hunkered down in the snow. She looked to Boris once she finished as he gently pressed into her side, his loud deep breathing filling the air for a few moments before she turned her head and began another scan. She was also giving Boris a bit of a break knowing he was wearing out quicker then herself. This time she caught the gentle bob of black against the white background as the young male slunk forward. Narrowing her eyes she watched as the black continued to move.

Huffing lightly she picked up her pace, down the elevated spot towards the black ruff in the snow. Behind Boris pushed through the snow, fallowing her trail. As she grew closer the outline of the boy's slinking form and it continued to grow more and more clear as she moved. It was definitely a wolf pup, but was it truly her uncle's or someone else's. She didn't want to scare the child, but she also didn't want to attract unwanted attention either. So she continued her fast approach until she was within earshot, a safe earshot distance.

"Praetor," she called, his name not coming to mind fast enough.

He should recognize his last name and if he did then she had definitely found one of her cousins.

"Speech" & 'Thought'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them