
Adrift in the World



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
11-24-2019, 04:30 PM
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breathe me in

Late morning dawned cold and winter-like. Gray clouds were slowly moving in as the started blocking out the sunlight. Drífa had just gotten out and started heading farther north when a soft, light snow began to fall. Her silver ears twitched but as she traveled but she wasn't too worried. The snow was light and the wind wasn't blowing and as far as she could tell there wasn't too much of a storm brewing. She navigated along the edge of the coast as she worked her way back towards the S.S. Antiox. The pines along the coast were shorter, barely popping out of the snow that hey'd had during a particularly harsh winter. She kept working on her way, turning to gaze at the ocean every so often. It glittered like a great dark jewell as a few bands of sunlight struck the waves, soon to be swallowed by the clouds that continued to move in. Thankfully, though, everything was moving slowly and she felt confident that she would reach the old shipwreck well before the full storm moved in.

Spring was a tempestuous time but she knew that it would settle. She hoped that it would settle and she could begin restocking on her supplies. For now she carried a collection of herbs with her in a small scrap of deer hide. Items for burns, smoke inhalation and other such ailments. As she'd traveled she would occasionally run into those who bore such injuries. Now that the volcanic eruption had stilled there were many wolves eager to return to their homelands and sometimes they would get too close to the heart of the eruption which still burned hot and angry.

A yelp caught her attention and she turned her head to see an unfamiliar Japanese macaque stumble from the lower bows of a frazzle pine tree. The monkey swore lightly and awkwardly shuffled back over to the tree on its hind legs. From what Drífa could see there was something wrong with the creatures hands. She set her bundle down and called out to the monkey. "Hey, are you alright?" The monkey turned to stare at the wolf suspiciously but didn't say anything. Drífa took a few steps forward. "It's alright I'm a healer." The monkey regarded her for a few more moments before sitting back on its haunches and holding out its hands. The hands were red and raw and there were small blisters forming on the palms. They had definitely been burned and the injuries look like they stung.

"My name is Halla, wolf. I too am a healer but I've fallen on some hard luck. An earthquake struck and I lost my wares, in return I burned my hands when I tried to escape. Things seem to be milder up north here."

Drífa carried her bundle over to the macaque and moved to examine the creatures hands. "I've heard. You know you're on pack land here but if you'd like to stay I could use an assistant."

"Is this in return for your assistance?" Drífa shook her head.

"No, no, I just know it helps to have one and if you were looking for a place to stay its an option. Hang on, I have something with me just for burns." She reached down and pulled out some marigold as well as comfrey root which she carefully began to mash together with her teeth into a paste. This was one case where a creature with opposable thumbs would come in handy. They could mix without putting it in their mouths. Well, she could too to a certain degree but the marigold had been dried so she needed to work more mixture into the poultice. She spat the mixture onto the deer hide then worked in a little bentonite clay before tearing strips off the deer hide.

"You, know, I never did get your name?"

Drífa licked her lips. "Drífa. A pleasure." She worked the mixture over the deer hide, careful to spread it evenly and thick enough to heal the burns. Next she moved to wrap the hide over the monkey's hands. Thankfully, Halla took hold of the ends of the hide and tied them herself. "You prepare well Drífa. I didn't think your kind worked much with healing arts." The older wolf chuckled. "Yes, well, it is difficult without thumbs such as yours or the fine, careful movements of birds like a raven but we manage.

"You know, I think I will take you up on your offer. It's been awhile since I've met another healer. I've been on my own for so long."

Drífa smiled. "Glad to hear it, you can rest in my room for now if you like." Halla was quick to nod and she moved her hands to form fists which she used to walk as she accompanied the wolf north.