
It's A Trap!



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-29-2019, 08:45 PM
Éldi wasn't sure if it was ash or storm clouds that made the sky look so dark and dour but he couldn't pay attention to it now. It was spring time but it certainly didn't feel like it. The gray skies combined with the plants being slow to revive didn't give him a lot of hope for a fruitful season. Prey was scarce everywhere and when it came to hunting solo the difficulty was increased even more. Sure, he had Askr to scout and Kaler to assist in the ground hunting but it was a lot of work for what seemed like little reward. So he and Kaler put their heads together and started working out a plan.

Green spaces were rare but one place that seemed to be recovering was the Fern Gulley which lay next to the Algoma Prairie. Éldi walked along the length of the gulley, scouring for places of intense erosion until he finally found what he was looking for. One section of the gulley was particularly deep, the sides steep and jagged thanks to erosion of a weaker soil. This was the best place to set up their trap. Askr called out and landed next to Éldi's feet just as Kaler settled down next to him. "I've seen a small herd of bison grazing in the Algoma Prairie, they will cross over into this territory soon." Éldi nodded.

"Any weaknesses we need to be aware of?" The bird nodded.

"Yes, there's a cow with an injury to her hind legs." Kaler looked knowingly at Éldi and he nodded.

"Alright, then that one's our target. Kaler, you and I will get the bison running toward the gulley. We need to herd them toward this section and get them going as fast as we can. I'm hoping that they'll hurt themselves falling in and be easier marks. In particular I want to focus on that cow. Sound good?" Kaler and Askr nodded.

The trio split up and moved toward where the herd of bison were. Éldi worked to keep himself hidden until he was on the other side of the herd. There he was able to let down his guard. As part of the goal was to get them running, he wasn't terribly worried about being seen. The bison hadn't seemed to notice them, they were digging aggressively through snow and a thin layer of ash, searching for any decent foliage underneath that they could find. The herd was tiny, consisting of a single bull and a few cows. Despite being spring he didn't see any calves and none of the cows looked pregnant. Had the harshness of the winter slowed down more than just the revival of spring plants? It wouldn't surprise him.

Éldi's gaze slipped to the side, he couldn't exactly see where Kaler was but a soft call from Askr let him know that everyone was in position. With a fierce growl he leapt out of hiding and dove straight for the heard. At the same time Kaler leapt forth and Askr dove, pecking at the bull. The herd was startled by the sudden assault and they quickly scattered, their hooves beating against the ground like thunder. At one point the bull turned around, its massive head swiveling toward him. Éldi dove to the side, just narrowly avoiding it. Thankfully Askr dove down, talons raking at the bull's eyes and sending it running. Éldi didn't want the bull following behind them as they chased the cows. Speaking of… the wounded cow was not going where they wanted her. Kaler was doing his best but he needed help. Putting on a burst of speed Éldi came up on the cow's right side, fangs snapping at her injured leg until she started heading toward the steep part of the gulley. Éldi let out a call and his companions turned their focus on the wounded cow, letting the others go where they would. Hopefully Askr would keep an eye on things.

Working together they pressured the cow as much as they could to make sure she was going too fast to slow down in time. Panting he dodged a kick and snapped at the cows good leg, tearing the skin just as they reached the gulley. Éldi and Kaler put on the breaks, sliding to the point that they almost fell off. The cow stumbled over the edge of the gulley, crashing down with a great bellow.

Éldi quickly regained his balance and then dove down into the gulley where the cow was struggling to stand, clearly suffering from a few broken legs. He pounced on the creatures throat and was quickly joined by Kaler. It was not easy going. The cow was massive and she thrashed violently. Twice Kaler had to abandon his hold in order to avoid being crushed but soon the cow as over-powered. When her spirit had passed the hungry predators moved in to feast a bit before Éldi finished taking the pelt.