
Romanian Reunion


06-24-2014, 04:34 PM

As the early morning began to change to later settings, Pandora was lazily walking across the Rio Grande. Her head remained high as she sauntered through the unfamiliar Arcanum territory. Blue eyes stayed on the lookout as golden-backed ears turned in various directions. Alertness was something she was going to be well known for, especially with all of the travelling and meeting new wolves she intended to accomplish. Now that she thought about it, travelling would not be as big as her meeting new wolves...male wolves, in particular. The mere image she pictured of herself with a handsome, powerful man made her skin tingle. Ohhhh, she was ready for the challenge.
She continued to walk across the open valley, hips swinging with each front step she took. Pandora's frame was becoming more slender, noted against the white scenery surrounding her blue body. Her hips remained voluptuous as ever, something she had inherited from her father's side. Maija didn't have a history to go by, so some of her greatness equally distributed from either parent. She felt she had received just the right amount. In short, Pandora knew she was perfect.
The same could be said for her siblings, too. All five children looked different, but maintained looks and honors that no one else could have. They were Artenies (with Armada blood, unknown to them at the time) and they carried their regal names proudly. If Pandora had a crown, she knew it would fit perfectly on her slender cranium. A light chuckle sounded from her lips as she grinned at the thought. Such self-confidence was highly attainable and she wanted to keep it for herself. Always.
Pretty soon, she reached a group of trees whose naked branches pathetically reached out for the sun. Pandora approached them and immediately felt a calmness sweep across her. Her curvaceous frame walked to a bare spot of grass on the ground and her haunches lowered to seat the Artenie babe. Eyes looked out to the scenery in front of her, noting the pawprints she had left behind. Ah, well. It added to the perfection of what she looked upon. Silently, she wondered where her other siblings were.

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2 Years
06-25-2014, 07:51 PM
He was looking for them now - his siblings. He wanted to know what they had been doing, whether they were alright after leaving their home. For now, his wanderlust was temporarily satiated. He figured it came with the whole coming of age - he was a yearling, as were his siblings. They had freedoms that they hadn't had before and each was probably doing something different with the realization. Fakira had wandered off to see more of the continent... but it was lonely wandering - he had met a girl, Zlata, and a kitty cat that she had saved... but that had been what made him realize he missed his family. Talking to her was a break in the silence, and Fakira wasn't broody enough a creature to continue living in it after the spell was broken.

And so he wandered back to Arcanum, where he knew that his mother was staying and with her there the rest of his family was sure to follow. He wouldn't mind running into Maija, he loved his mother as he did his siblings, but she had been so hurt by their father. A part of him couldn't help the worry that one day she might blame them. A worry that he knew was foolish, but it was there and he would tuck it away and ignore it for a while. For now, he wanted to find one of his siblings, or more if that was possible - he missed them, and it was a longing that he refused to nurse into any sort of ache.

Following the river, he would grin when he caught a scent that was familiar to him, along with paw prints that would lead him right where he wanted to be. The yearling would grin, hurrying to catch up with his sister. Such a pretty girl, he would have a hard time beating the suitors off of her when they found her - especially with violence not being a part of his nature. Yet he wanted Pandora with someone kind and trustworthy... and if she was as much of a trouble magnet as he suspected, that was out of the picture.

Snorting, he would pick up his pace until the river was nearly out of sight, trees and soft grass surrounded him - and when he finally laid eyes on his sister - well, if he had been any other idiot boy he would have fallen in love at first sight. Since he was who he was though, he barked a quick greeting that was twined with laughter, and marched over to his sister's side. "Pandora! I didn't think you'd be the first I found. Have you been here this whole time?" He doubted that was the case, but he asked anyways. "Mi-ai lipsit." 'I missed you' More than he even realized himself judging by how glad he was to see her.


06-25-2014, 08:30 PM

Pandora hadn't been keeping track of her siblings as much as she would have liked. Her heart was in the right place at caring and loving for her brothers and sisters, but she was not the most organized female. Maija was more along the kind to keep a strict schedule and maintain lists in her head. Basically, whatever Maija was great at would be a downfall for Pandora. She had already accepted that she was the complete opposite of her her free rein to not enjoy the idea of chastity.
She thought about such things as she sat there, absently admiring the view in front of her. When she caught the scent of someone she had missed, her reaction was delayed and it showed in her movements. Fakira's form appeared out of the blue, epic colors of black and light brown dancing on his fit frame. Pandora turned her head to glance at him and immediately did a double take. Turquoise blue eyes brilliantly lit blinked at least four times before she started to speak. "Fa...kira?" She gasped, Romanian accent dancing around her brother's name.
Once she said his name, realization struck her dumb. She knew her brother had gone off to explore, but she didn't know for how long her littermate had disappeared. Anger and happiness rolled into one struck her and she acted out on those two mixed emotions. First, she popped up and brutally pushed him, growls rumbling from her throat. "UNDE ai fost?! Nu pot BELIEEEVE ca ai plecat si n-am sa spun nimanui! Ar fi putut sa te pierdut ?ntr-un şanţ pe undeva si N-as fi stiut unde sa mearga. Uf ..." Then, she changed her tone and looks. After all, furrowing brows and scowling only made the wrinkles appear faster! Her bright eyes continued to dance as she stood up and pressed her chest against his front left shoulder before softly pressing the bottom of her chin into his neck and scruff. She sighed and whispered back, "AM ratat ai, prea ..."
She knew that Maija would be thrilled to see him, to know that he was all right. Sibelle would want to know as well, but for now, she wanted to keep her brother all to herself. She was the first one he had come across and that meant something in her eyes. Pandora finally pulled back and looked at her brother, whose eyes mirrored hers perfectly. "AM fost aici pentru aproximativ o luna acum. St?nga erau plini de insula cu Matusa Sibelle şi face acest loc noul nostru acasă." Curiosity finally peeked for the girl and she softly blinked before asking him, "Ce s-a intamplat cu tine dupa ce ne-am mutat? Ai doar ... au disparut de pe fata lumii."




2 Years
07-06-2014, 12:17 PM
Fakira grinned, hearing his name fall from his sister's lips. Damn had he missed her! He would watch her react to him being there, hoping that she would be glad to see him but he had a feeling that she would be pissed he wasn't there when he should have been. The gold brute would let her push him, holding back a snicker at her growl, and he watched her with as serious a face as he could muster as she scolded him. The young male would sit up straight once she was done, shaking his head at her worry. He hadn't meant to worry his lovely sibling, not even a little bit. When she nuzzled his scruff he sighed, nudging her cheek with his nose. "Tu nu va trebui să dor de mine din nou." It was a promise, he wouldn't let her down now - if Fakira was anything just yet, he was as true to his word as could be. At least, to his family...

"Am fost bine Dorie, ?ntr-adevăr! Am vrut să exploreze. N-am vrut să vă faceți griji." He explained himself some, hoping that his answer wasn't too vague. The male hadn't met many other wolves, but he had seen his share of Alacritia, and from what he had seen so far the vast lands were beautiful. Something in him wanted to see it all, and even deeper still he wanted to claim a few little pieces of it for himself.

But Fakira wasn't an ambitious kind of guy yet, if ever.

"Aunt Sibelle is here too?" That was a little surprising, he had thought that most of their family had disappeared when their father had - taken by him, in the yearling's point of view. Yet the red woman had stayed, and was aiding their mother in taking care of her children... he would have to catch up with her and see how she was doing the next time he had a chance and she wasn't busy. From what he remembered, the russet woman was pretty darn cute... but family, of course, was off limits. She was a bit too old for him anyways.

"Is Mother alright? I... she had to have taken everything harder than the rest of us." Sure, he and his siblings were old enough to look after themselves, but she was still their mother. She still looked after them, cared for them, loved them. Doing it all without their sire couldn't have been easy. "Sunt ?ngrijorat pentru ea." What kind of son would he be if he wasn't?