
falling slowly, eyes that know me




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-09-2019, 01:57 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2019, 01:57 PM by Deathbelle.)
She never wanted her night with Iolaire to end, the finality in their actions and words was hard to come to terms with the next morning. Deathbelle didn’t forget what they spoke about though, she would give Hannibal a chance and this wasn’t the end of her and Io. Things would just be different. A heavy sigh left her dark lips as she pressed onward in her patrol the next night, her heart ached to return to the evening before.

Her head swam with the memories of the woman who repaired her heart, and she felt herself smile softly with their comfort. Life went on, doors closed but others opened. Dainty paws carried her around the border of their temporary home, soon they would make the move deeper into Boreas. When the lands were safe from the Volcano's wrath once more.

She sighed softly as herpatrol came to and end, her restless energy still remained however much she walked. To keep herself occupied she’d made her way over the Armada’s territory as well. Her mind was restless as her paws, maybe it was time to find her dear brother. Give him his chance Io thought that she should. At least he would keep her occupied from the healer who could not be hers. Maybe she’d be surprised by the change his broken leg and return brought with them.

Deathbelle changed course, and on soft paws made her way towards the place Hannibal made his den. He wasn’t likely inside, but she didn’t mind waiting for his return either.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
12-09-2019, 08:39 PM

Iolaire's words repeated in his mind. Echos of love and pain raked against his beating heart. Ever since their discussion he felt slightly vulnerable and nervous. Was she setting him up for failure? Did Io know something he did not? Or would Belle truly desire his everlasting devotion. As his rough paw pads hit the earth and the wind soared through his alabaster pelt the male felt like he was going to catch a flame. The anxiety filled his veins with sparks and the emotion made his legs feel weak. It was such a rich feeling of weariness. In simple terms, Hannibal had a severe case of the butterflies. But, they were coated in gasoline and dangerously close to an open flame.

Hannibal had just finished a bit of hunting. Clamped between his rigid jaws a Rabbit he had freshly killed. Blood soaked his alabaster muzzle and slipped down his chest fur. The crimson liquid painted his beautifully pale fur in horrific way. With each step it dried into a darker coloration representing it's reaction with the brisk air. Steps were uneven with his lasting limp. The leg was mostly healed but after strenuous activity, like chasing down prey, he felt the consequences with a dull throbbing. Thankfully Io had provided him some herbs and he'd partake in some once back at the den. But, as he grew closer to his temporary home a scent filled his bloodied nose. An aromatic scent of floral and femininity. Jowls pooled with saliva from the mixing desires of the Empress and his dinner.

Strides slowed as Hannibal neared his den. Pink and blue eyes took in the intoxicating sight of his half-sibling. Onyx fur mottled with his same alabaster fur and flowers adorning her form with such elegance. The beast stopped behind the babe with about five tail lengths separating them. Steps came to a halt and the ghoul allowed the dead rabbit fall from his jaws. An audible thud of the body hitting the earth filled his one full and one tattered ears. Red lips twitched into that familiar grin and deep tones graced the cool air, "My flower..."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-09-2019, 09:09 PM
Lilac gaze searched the entrance of his den as her thoughts became convoluted and messy. Allowing herself to say goodbye to Iolaire in many ways way difficult and still stung. Was she ready to look towards Hannibal? She’d already been through so much, what if he offered something she couldn’t accept right now? The nervous feeling that built inside of her wasn’t entirely unfamiliar, instead of suppressing it she embraced it.

Butterflies welled up in her stomach at the sound of an off beat gait, the weight of the small body hitting the ground turned her delicate features around. Mismatched ears fell to her head at the sight of him and dark lips pulled back onto a soft smile. His lyrical voice uttering her lovingly bestowed pet name. His ivory fur was stained with the blood of his kill, but he looked more alive stronger than their last meeting.

”How are you, Mighty Hunter?” She teased him as she pivoted on dainty paws and resisted the urge to close the distance between them. The question of her readiness swam vividly in her mind. Her heart beat against her chest as lilac gaze found Hannibal’s pink and blue. Belle’s ivory tail swayed at her hips with uncertainty. Io’s words echoed in her mind but she couldn’t forget the memories the two of them created. Could she say goodbye and move on so quickly?

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
12-09-2019, 09:44 PM

Tea cup paws carried her lithe form into a pivot to finally face the phantom. Hannibal's gaze ravaged her facial features before resting on her own vibrant optics. He took in her gaze to get a clue into what her thoughts may be but the Empress was too good at suppression. One and a half ears flicked back as the thick fur on the back of his neck flicked upward slightly. The wave of desire and admiration that moved from his slim bodice was easily felt. Long ago when the babe had just founded Ashen he may have looked upon her with lust and jealousy but now he emitted love. Perhaps it was the mix of being away and long built up emotion but it was mostly the fact that he was finally able to reach for her. No longer was her belly full of pups or Archon leering over them. Their painful paths were finally aligning and Hannibal felt the need to take his chance. It may be his only one.

Luxuriously feminine vocals rolled off her tongue with ease. Hannibal drank in each syllable with unfathomable hunger as his lips curled into a more playful grin. The initial rush of rich emotion would be suppressed into a layer of palpable bliss. "Hungry." The flourish of the word implied that there may be more layers to his response. A hunger for.. what? With that the brute stepped over his kill to finally close the distance between them. Each step felt like an eternity until he could feel her warmth grace his own. Thoughts of his blood caked fur did not bather his mind as he moved to nuzzle her neck with his slender muzzle. Hannibal inhaled her scent as his nose moved through her lux pelt. "Were you looking for me?" Why else would the Empress be lurking towards his den?


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-09-2019, 10:11 PM
His presence put her at ease, even if she was uncertain she could still enjoy his presence. Take comfort in his support. She didn’t miss the adoration in his eyes, and felt the love he held for her. Io wanted the best for her, and already she could feel the change in her brother. What kind of relationship they’d create now would be completely different from the one made when Ashen was in its infancy. Hannibal was a different wolf then, but so was she.

Light brows raised at his admission, a one word answer that could be both innocent and suggestive. As he stepped over the rabbit she was clued in to where he more closely aligned. Deathbelle welcomed the feeling of his body close to hers. Still sullied with blood he leaned forward to nuzzle against her plush fur. ”You know you’re a mess?” She giggled, but didn’t hesitate to lean forward to clean the blood from his chest. Her pink tongue lashed easily over his stained fur.

”I was,” she admitted between her soft grooming. Belle was careful to keep her eyes from his gaze, her shyness a symptom of the nerves she felt and the butterflies in her stomach. ”I.. I was told I should come find you.” She continued to lick his chest, her movements against his skin easier than the words that left her lips. ”Your spirits seem lifted.” Belle observed softly, wondering what had changed in him.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
12-10-2019, 06:06 PM

It was true, both Deathbelle and Hannibal were much different from the beginning of their days in Boreas. The albino brute was being beaten into submission and rang around by those who he barely knew. Belle was new to the land and witness Hannibal's first of my failures. They were riddled with stress and doubt. She took it upon herself to claim the Klein throne and do what he could not. Together and separately they went through hell and back. Hannibal had lost children and himself while Belle lost a lover and her home. This development in their lives had morphed them both into strong individuals with hearts burning for one another. It was easy to say both were feeling rather hesitant to take the leap towards one another but Hannibal hoped it was finally time for his chance.

Sultry tones and a delightful giggle came forth. Hannibal welcomed his Empress' sounds of joy. He enjoyed the feeling of her tongue running against his bloodied fur. Belle had always had the caretaker trait which was something he admired about her. "I am always a mess." Lips curled to expose a toothy grin as he let forth a bit of laughter. The statement was true on so many different levels.

Hannibal beamed down at the babe but her head was pointed downward at his sullied fur and there was no eye contact. His own eyes shut as he took a moment to enjoy their closeness and the rhythmic passes of her gentle tongue. He took in her words attentively and his thoughts shifted towards Iolaire. The scent of the small babe clung to Belle's coat which brought forth memories of their meeting. Io pushed Hannibal towards the Empress like the little puppeteer she was. It seemed Io had done the same with Belle herself. Despite their places in the pack it was becoming evident the Ambassador of the Armada had some sort of power over them all. "Your little Mistress and I had a lovely chat." A grin turned into a sly smirk. "It seems Iolaire has a passion for mending all types of wounds." His inquire was pointed towards the Empress in a playful manner. Hannibal was not one to judge Belle on her flings nor romance, if anything he found it amusing. Never did he imagine Deathbelle with a female. "The minx whispered ideals of romance..." A brow raised, "Between you and I." Hannibal leaned down in attempt to run his nose against her scruff gently. Taking in the scents that came forth with heavy inhales.

Vibrant visions of them becoming a unit of power just as his own parents did came to mind. To rule in a partnership with Belle maintaining the thorny crown. Hannibal had dreamed of such but never saw it as a reality until now. That is, if she was open to the idea. He also did not want to rush her or pressure her into anything. Archon's death was still so recent he was sure her heart was not nearly as mended as Io spoke of. "I want court you, Deathbelle." To the point. "At whatever pace may work for both of us." Hannibal's eyes swirled with emotion and his skin burned with the sparks of anxiety. Never in his life had he felt so anxious about asking another to delve into a romantic relationship. Interally the ghoul prepared for the steel knife of rejection.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-10-2019, 09:20 PM
She didn’t dispute Hannibal, he did always seem to be in some kind of mess. She smiled as she cleaned him bashfully. Belle shouldn’t have felt like this, all nervous and uncertain in the presence of the first Klein heir. She enjoyed the silence between them for those few moments. The peaceful closeness the two of them hadn’t shared in a very long time. Both of them hesitant in their next move, but unable to hide how much they wanted to be together. Deathbelle leaned into his shoulder as she worked, when it was clear avoiding Iolaire seemed impossible.

She paused as he called the Armada healer her mistress he knew about her deeper relationship with the dainty she wolf. Warmth flooded her cheeks as lilac gaze was slowly raised to take in his dual toned gaze. He seemed to feel good naturedly enough about it, he teased her lightly. ”She’s a special woman.” Deathbelle agreed, but they couldn’t linger on the sweet healer. She pushed the two of them together, she wanted to see their relationship blossom.

”Did she?” She asked curiously, Io had spoken briefly about giving the Klein heir a chance. It seemed the woman had spoken to Hannibal as well. Deathbelle allowed him to move closer, and leaned delightedly into his formas he nuzzled into the soft fur of her of her scruff. A chill raced down her spine as the nervousness intensified. Where he touched her started little fires of excitement on her skin.

His next words were surprising, but they were comforting and she was reminded of the glimpses she’d been given. She leaned into his chest and buried her face into his fur as she thought about her answer. ”I’d like that.” She decided on after shifting so he would hear her soft tones. She couldn’t have Iolaire, though their short relationship held immense passion Hannibal was capable to step up into his role. Loving him was easy too. ”We should start slow,” Belle wanted Hannibal, but she still wasn’t sure if she was ready to dive in so quickly. ”Maybe.. maybe we could go on a scouting mission.” They could get away for a few days and go see where the pack might be able to migrate to. ”Just us two.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
12-11-2019, 06:16 PM

As they moved on into their conversation the monochromatic cogs of their relationship churned more easily. Flutters and waves of worry still danced in his belly but as he sunk into the feeling of their companionship he felt better. Memories of their time in the past came back to him. How easy it had been to flirt with his dear Empress and expose his desires. Now Hannibal had something to lose and it was evident. His chances were lessening each time he made an impulsive or dire decision. No longer did his children want anything to do with him and Belle would likely grow tired of his mistakes with time. They were reaching the middle of their lifespan and Hannibal was aware he didn't have the time to be so reckless.

Pale eyes swam with admiration with he initial anxieties dimming. The side of Deathbelle he was witnessing was foreign to him. Previously she had been flirtatious and tempting, but also strong in her reservations. But, in this instance she was shy in a way. The sight made his heart swell even more. Such emotion did not stop as her gentle tones filled the air. Acceptance swam it's way into his ears and the beast grinned from ear to ear. Her comment on their pacing was reasonable and he agreed all the same. They needed to take time and explore one another. If they were going to work it could not be all lust but a complete understanding of the opposing Wolf.

A little nod came forth as he leaned against her. The ghoul relished within the feelings of bliss. It had been a long time since he had felt such vivid life flowing through his veins. "That sounds perfect." Time away was what both of them needed. The packs were fine at the moment and there was much to discuss without outside distractions. "You have truly managed to make me feel like a giddy yearling with his first crush." A half chuckle have snort came forth as he nuzzled her once again, "Are you sure you aren't some sort of siren?" A mythical creature known to lure unsuspecting Wolves in with their beautiful vocals.

Hannibal raised his head and his eyes danced across the woman before him. "Would you like to share this meal with me?" The male wanted to continue their conversation but no longer did he want to stand on his wonky leg. "Standing for long periods of time puts strain on my weak leg."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-11-2019, 07:00 PM
Time away from the packs and their problems would do the both of them good. Deathbelle would do well to get away from Iolaire and the love she had to leave behind. Hannibal would give his children time to digest the return of their father. The pair of them would be gifted some time alone, time to re-acquaint and see how perfectly they could align their lives. She felt warmth swim through her as he grinned at her reply. Being able to so easily bring him joy was the greatest reward. They’d seen so much tragedy in their lives, having a budding relationship to look forward to give her hope.

He vocalized his pleasure with her suggestion and she beamed back at him, lavender gaze sparkling as she let herself fall into his eyes. She finished cleaning the blood from his chest and nuzzled his chiseled jaw with her dark lips. ”Good.” She told him in answer to his comparison to a yearling. She wouldn’t be his first in many ways, but she would be the one he worked hardest for. ”Would you fight against me if I was?” Deathbelle offered teasingly

”Please, Dearest. Rest your leg.” She gestured for him to make himself comfortable. She’d bring the rabbit to him if he wished to settle beyond where he’d dropped his kill. Belle couldn’t help the smile that had settled on her features either. Admitting her desire to move forward with Hannibal flipped a switch and she felt as he did. Like a girl with her first crush.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.