
A New Path

For Torin



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
12-11-2019, 08:34 PM
He did not like all of the ideals of Ashen, but its empress was fierce, and while he was not particularly a fan of her harshness he understood it. The yearling craved that type of rule, though he was not sure why. He didn’t want to be cowed and told how and when to do everything, but if things went as he wanted he would rise in their ranks so that he could think for himself. Sandor had been with Lirim for only a short time and in that time everyone had been busy with the chaos of a temporary land and finding their scattered packmates. Sandor had even tried to find them- ultimately leading him to Deathbelle. They didn’t have the time for him and Sandor was growing and becoming more restless with each passing day. 
The yearling had retrieved his armor that he’d kept in his makeshift den, putting it on only because he didn’t want to carry it awkwardly back across the water and risk losing it to the sea. The youth finally came to stop at the edge of the beach, water lapping at his hind feet; a moment later he was calling for Torin to meet him. They needed to talk. 



7 Years
Extra large
01-13-2020, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 05:33 PM by Torin.)

Torin had been letting some of his members slip through the cracks a bit, he knew that. Sio was sick and with so many of his members missing he wasn't really sure how to juggle it all. He'd relied a bit too heavily on his members being self-sufficient. That wasn't to say he was totally unaware of what his members were doing.

And when he heard Sandor's call the man couldn't help but wonder where the pup had been the last little bit. His friend was sick and he hadn't visited her once that he was aware of. Torin easily trotted off to answer the young wolf's call. He noted the boy was donned in his usual armor.

"Sandor? What can I do for you?" Torin asked as he approached, settling calmly onto his haunches as he watched the young wolf.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Risketch
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
01-15-2020, 02:58 PM
Sandor did not have to wait long, something he was greatful for. Each passing moment sent more nerves coursing through the youth, he was both relieved and worried at the sight of Torin approaching. Sandor bobbed his head respectfully to the alpha, even if he was about to ask to leave, he still respected the Lirim leader. Words fell from the leaders jaws and Sandor smiled ever so slightly, followed by a friend and a sigh. It was best to be blunt, yes? He had other wolves and duties to worry about- Siobhan being one of them. He felt terrible for leaving while she was sick, but he needed this. "I was hoping to get your permission to leave Lirim." He answered after a lengthy pause.

"I appreciate you taking me in and caring for me, I do... But I need to follow a different path.... I've spoken to th Ashen leader and want to join them... Under the stipulation that any conflict with Lirim I will not be part of... I can't hurt the pack that took care of me." He was rambling... He realized that but before he could stop himself he had spilled just about everything from his jaws. As he took a breath he was finally able to close his big mouth and wait for Torin to respond.



7 Years
Extra large
01-27-2020, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 06:40 PM by Torin.)

Torin could tell the boy was troubled, by what he didn't know, perhaps worry for his friend. If that was true Torin could sympathize, after all it was an uncertain time for him and his family with Sio having to be sequestered away from the rest of the pack and even her own siblings, something the man was loath to do but couldn't think of a better way to keep her safe.

The reason for Sandor's dower expression would quickly be revealed however and it was Torin's turn to frown. He had to admit he was disappointed. Sandor had seemed to be a small beacon of light for his vision of the pack's future, he was after all a young driven man who'd chosen them, even if the choice had had more to do with his daughter than anything else. He waited for the boy to stop speaking before he'd say anything.

Torin sighed and nodded, adopting a neutral expression while trying his best to keep his tone understanding. "You are not a prisoner here Sandor, you have given me no reason to doubt you're honor, if you wish to go elsewhere I have no reason to stop you. Though I question your choice of joining a pack you may have reasonable suspicion may choose conflict with us." He paused, watching the young man. He hadn't spent much time with him but he had reason to believe at least that Sandor cared for his daughter and as such the idea he may willingly go to a pack that could wish ill will on her and her home was concerning to him.

"For the time being you will be treated as a respected former member. If you wish to visit Siobhan while you're in Ashen you will be allowed to but not without supervision from me or a trusted senior member, and you'll be expected to wait at the border until such time as myself or said member allows you in." He paused for a moment, hoping to meet the boy's gaze to help impart how serious he was about this. "If at any point this pack Ashen does attack us those privileges will be revoked and you will be viewed as a member of an enemy pack, regardless of if you take part in the attack or not. While I appreciate the sentiment the truth is you have made a choice, you've chosen them over us and as such you're choice will not be without consequence should harm come to Lirim."

Torin stood then, adopting a more dominant stance as he looked down at the boy. "As I am still your alpha these are my terms for your immediate release from Lirim."

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Risketch
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
01-27-2020, 09:38 PM
There was disappointment, written on the alpha’s face and it pained the youth. He never intended to disappoint Torin, but Torin was not alone in disappointment- the youth had his own fair share of disappointment whether he wanted to admit it or not. It drove him to look at other opportunities, even if this one had simply fallen in front of him accidentally.

Torin would sigh, nodding as he collected his words and then would speak, to which Sandor gave his full attention. Sandor would shake his head slightly, “it is not so much a suspicion as it is a precaution. I care for Lirim and would never take part in harming any of its members.” He attempted to assure Torin he did not feel that Ashen would harm Lirim, only that if there were trouble between the two packs, Sandor would not fight against Lirim.

Sandor listened intently as Torin continued, nodding with a sense of relief that showed in his eyes that Torin would allow such a thing to happen- even if supervised. It was something Sandor, even at a young age, could understand. Only a fool would let a wolf from another pack just wander through unaccompanied. It was short lived, however, as the young wolf was met with another stipulation, one that wounded the boy. His slight smile would fade, understanding in his eyes, but hurt as well. The boy was silent as Torin stood, taking a dominant stance over him, his tone shifting slightly as he spoke of his terms for his immediate release from Lirim. “I understand and accept. Though…I hope it never comes to us viewing each other as enemies.” Even as he spoke the words, Sandor doubted he would ever view Torin or Siobhan as an enemy. Regardless of what Deathbelle preached or commanded.



7 Years
Extra large
02-03-2020, 04:34 PM

God... maybe fatherhood really had made him soft, he couldn't help but feel his chest get tighter as he saw the smile fade from his face. Torin sighed and settled onto his haunches again. "Sandor, you're a good kid." He began, unable to help the somewhat paternal care that was welling up inside him, Sandor was not his child but he had been introduced by his daughter and he knew they had been close. Some part of him had hoped to be able to welcome the boy into his family further, even if the idea of it wasn't totally comfortable for him yet.   "But I can't make exceptions for certain members of a pack if we become enemies, it opens up too much opportunity for abuse of my goodwill. Not that I believe you'd do so but I cannot be certain someone else in the pack, mine or yours, might not try to use you. I do sincerely hope it does not come to that." His tone was softer and he resisted the urge to reach out to nose at the boy.

This time as he rose to his paws he did so slower, gentler, a hint of melancholy to his actions and voice. "Sandor I officially release you from Lirim and I hope when we next meet again it will be under friendly circumstances."

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Risketch
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3