
Grey, grey, go away.




5 Years
12-15-2019, 11:06 PM

Gloriously free from mud and finally clean again, Jaidah moved away from the nastiness of the estuary and moved northwards to the dancefloor. Hunger drove her and she would rather not slip on another grassy bank and find herself elbow deep in the swamp. If she was lucky enough, she would find some small prey, maybe a couple of rabbits trying to feed on the grasses. It wasn't often that Jaidah found herself wondering about her family, but in light of recent events, her mind often flowed back to them in some form or fashion. 'I hope they are safe. And together.' She thought to herself, then tried to focus on finding rabbits or rats. Jaidah wouldn't focus on Lirim, she couldn't think about it. Even though it would always be home to her, it reminded her too much of her mother's disappearance and that was too much heartbreak for her to endure.

Still, she did miss her family, even though she would not go back to the pack. Russet stood out too much against the greening fields, and her cream markings did nothing to break up her outline. Any prey she would have found had long since scurried off to hide, or dashed down an escape burrow. With a soft sigh, the painted lady sat in the tall grasses of the plains and watched as birds flew against an ashen sky. Would their world ever recover from the volcano? Her mismatched gaze followed the horizon, mind working on when the sun would come back and she could be out of this melancholy that seemed to affect her so much. Did the rest of Boreas feel this way, or was it just her?

"You" & 'Thought' & "Talk"
Jaidah smells like cinnamon and pumpkin spices, she also has bi-colored eyes, her right eye is yellow, left blue.

The character you are currently reading is Jaidah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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