
fish sticks and applesauce


06-23-2014, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2014, 10:21 PM by Bravo.)

ive got something i can laugh about

good day sunshine!

It was cold, but not nearly cold enough to make Bravo believe that it was truly winter. It seemed the west was full of swamps and marshes and humid weather. The young prince had been running and his thick winter coat was causing such perspiration that the man felt the need to lie in a pool of water. It wasn't long before he came across the marshes of jade's moore.

At first, he thought that his golden eyes were deceiving him. Hadn't he just seen sand dunes and dry plains? The moore seemed almost out of place, but a smile would continue to grow on his features. The water of the Swamp would be perfect for a cool swim.

Without regard for his own being, Bravo wade into the murky water with gusto, relishing the sensation that spread through his limbs and dry pawpads.

He scented strange creatures here, more than the fishy scent of water prey. He would come to rest on a patch of wet grass and took a moment to look around. From his position he could see a large and scaly creature, like a giant water lizard, resting on the shoreline. His curiosity had the best of him, and the alabaster prince pushed forward through the waters to investigate.

As he got closer, the thing pushed off of the shore with a hiss and slid into the water.

"Hey! Come back here!"He shouted in disappointment. He swam to the shore and found himself staring into the water, searching for the thing. He saw it then, peeking at him with its eyes above the surface. THERE IT WAS!

Hind legs would push him hard back into the water, but something was wrong. His while front end splashed into the swamp, his right hand leg stuck past his ankle. He grunted in frustration and tried to pull himself free, just as the lizard started to swim closer to his struggling form.


Walk Think "Speak!"



11 Years
07-02-2014, 05:38 PM
Again, Castiel found himself exploring uninhabited corners of Alacritis. It couldn't take much longer to locate his family - however, if the whispers he'd heard of a stranger winning Valhalla were true, then he knew that his mother and sisters were not likely to be found in the area. And even with this knowledge in his paws, Castiel still had no idea where to look. They could very well have chosen to stick around and gods above, this was more difficult than he'd ever imagined. Time and time again, Castiel found himself wondering, what would father have done? But Nova wasn't there to dispense advise and Castiel was on his own.

When the shout rang out over the horizon, Castiel blinked, golden gaze widening as they sought out the source of the cry. What he spotted, a pure white wolf like himself, that almost appeared to be drowning, brought absolutely nothing to light. What on earth was going on? Out of sheer curiosity, Castiel drew closer, gaze more worried than his voice would let on. "Are you all right?" The extra politeness that was so evident around women was missing from Castiel's voice as he spoke, though he was still polite enough. There was more worry filling his tone as Castiel padding gingerly closer, though he didn't draw too close to the water.

Wait... What was that thing? Castiel's golden eyes narrowed at the mysterious creature, a low growl rumbling in his throat. Whatever it was, it didn't look like a good sign for the struggling wolf already in the swamp. Crouching down, Castiel pinned his ears back, ready to leap at a second's notice. "Watch out!" He warned the other, voice growing sharper now as he prepared to move. If the other could get out of the swamp in the next few seconds, Castiel would be content just to be ready to move, but if they couldn't... Well, Castiel wasn't sure what this thing was, but it was about to meet the business end of a guardian angel.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.