
DIY Project




8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-29-2019, 11:07 PM

Brandr worked his way northward, his pack on his back loaded with a number of goods. Above him soared Ambi, both of them braving the north wind as they travelled. The sky above was gray and heavy. Each passing moment threatened rain but Brandr was determined to make it to the Winterfell border before night fall and so far it looked like they would arrive on time. He had been cleaning out and organizing their den when his thoughts drifted to the future and potential winters ahead. He knew it was an odd thing to think of winter right in the midst of spring but he couldn't help himself. It had been a freezing winter and even the spring was proving wet and cold. Besides, it was always nice to have a variety of skins on hand and who knew what else was up north so he figured it was worth a shot to see what kinds of goods they had. Brandr himself had many items, the fruits of his hunting and crafting. He hoped they'd be enough to get him a polar bear hide, or a musk ox. He wasn't opposed to the skins of other arctic creatures either.

"So tell me, what happens when we get to Winterfell?" Ambi asked.

Brandr looked up at his companion. "I'll call for Winterfell wolves and see if anyone is interested in a trade. Either way it should be a good experience and I look forward to meeting our northern neighbors." He knew little of the packs standing or relationships with other packs. Only that the Abraxas were bad news and best avoided. They'd been oddly quiet lately and he hoped it stayed that way.

The duo worked their way past a broken down, stone wall to the edge of the Sparse Pines. It was as good a place to call as any and so Brandr tipped his head back and called for anyone interested in a trade.

WC: 326

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

Treat 2019
12-30-2019, 12:10 AM

Fracture had been on patrol as the wolf approached and made it nearly to the wall to see Brandr come through. Winterfell's shoreline border gave them a well protected east side, and through lack of needing to patrol along it he'd learned to extend his walk out past the territory and the border and ensure no wolves would slip through the wall without his notice. Nobody came through it's gap unless they intended to approach the pack, as there was nothing on their other side to walk through to.

He'd seen the brown wolf stroll through and towards the pines, creeping slowly behind him to see if he might make move to step over the border. To his surprise he did not threaten to intrude, and merely stopped and called out for a Winterfell wolf. It was then that the Knight showed himself, stepping from the tree-line behind the stranger. "Greetings, I am Fracture of Winterfell." He began politely, dipping his head. "If you've come for the festival you have passed the territory where it is being held." The dark man had no reason to think this stranger was anything but lost, though he kept his eyes sharp upon him just in case. The kings daughters liked to roam out here, and you could never be too careful.  




8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-30-2019, 09:17 AM

Brandr mentally ran through the list of items he'd brought with him and hoped it would be enough to entice a trade. As always he had a good selection of furs, bones and other products of hunting but he also had a few oddities and gems he'd found in his wanderings. Ambi settled down in a lower branch of a pine tree. The sudden weight sent a cascade of snow falling off the branch the eagle had landed in. He was amazed to see that the snow had persisted this long up north but he supposed he shouldn't have been that surprised. The volcanic eruption made everything far colder than it should have been. Hopefully, summer would change that. He was looking forward to warm strolls on the beach with his wife.

Brandr's call was answered though not in the direction he'd expected. He turned to face a man who had approached from behind. He seemed young and not overly threatening and he introduced himself as Fracture of Winterfell. Perhaps he'd been returning from his own journey or he had been out on patrol. Brandr dipped his head in greeting then cocked his head at the mention of festival before he remembered the announcement that went out some time ago. He'd forgotten!

"A pleasure to meet you, Fracture. I am Brandr Scylding of Abaven. Thank you for the reminder about the Festival. I'll plan to head that way after I'm done here. I was simply wondering if I might make a trade with you. I am interested in a pelt from a northern animal. Such as a polar bear, musk ox or yak. I'd also be interested in caribou if you have anything available?"

WC: 284
Total: 828

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

Treat 2019
12-30-2019, 03:09 PM

The dark man allowed himself to relax as Brandr introduced himself and his purpose, and as he parted his lips to respond he caught sight of the massive eagle who'd landed in the tree close by. He looked to the creature and then back to Brandr, wondering if this was the man's companion. He'd seen Acere's foxes around the territory, Heloise's gyrfalcon. It would be beneficial to have a second set of eyes while on patrol, or a friend at his back in combat.

Fracture listened patiently to his offer to trade, his lips pursing as he considered. "Winterfell sees many northern animals, the polar bears have been out in force lately. I could spare one, though they're a high price." He eyed the eagle again, admiring it's feathers. "Did you tame that creature? I would consider trading you the polar bear pelt in exchange for your skill in finding me a companion similar." Surely it'd take time, but Abaven was known to Fracture as an honorable ally. He'd be comfortable waiting for his part of the trade for Brandr to find him something suitable and tame.  

Total Word Count: 1015



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-30-2019, 04:07 PM

Ambi listened quietly to the conversation in between preening his feathers, his dark head shaking once to dislodge snow that had fallen upon him during his landing. He and Brandr had a working partnership that was beneficial to both. Ambi acted as Brandr's eyes in the sky and helped him with hunting and occasional crafting. Brandr in return offered meat from the packs kills and this guaranteed that the eagle was less likely to go hungry. Also, he was able to sample more fresh meat rather than relying on scavenging. It had been working out quite well. Brandr watched the young man's eyes rest on the eagle. "Ah, sorry. That is my companion, Ambi." Hearing his name the bird looked up, locking eyes with the younger wolf before nodding in greeting.

Brandr listened as the young man confirmed that he had a polar bear hide, stating that the bears had been out in force. Brandr nodded sympathetically. Abaven and really much of Boreas had experienced the same. The fall had been rough and so had the winter. With dwindling prey numbers the wolves and bears were in direct competition and with many waking from their hibernation cranky and hungry it just set the stage for conflict. Though Brandr did not know if polar bears hibernated. Either way, bears were fierce and dangerous opponents so he could understand the price for the pelt. Ultimately, it would depend on what that price was, otherwise he might see if there were any prey animal pelts Fracture had to trade.

Brandr watched as Fracture's eyes fell once again upon his companion and he tensed slightly. If the other wanted to trade for the eagle it would definitely not be a deal but thankfully that was not the young man's request. Brandr chuckled at his statement and Ambi fluffed up his feathers at the mere insinuation that he had been 'tamed' in any way by a wolf. "No, no. I did not tame him. We are partners in a mutually beneficial friendship. Ambi takes in the movement of prey from the sky and helps direct my hunts. In exchange he gets fresh meat from the kill. It works well for us and so we've continued our working relationship." This was a different trade than the one he was used to. Normally he traded goods for goods. Promises was risky but then he would be agreeing to help. He could not guarantee the outcome, though he would certainly hate to let the young man down.

"There are many kinds of birds of prey. If there is one in particular you are interested in let me know and both Ambi and I will do our best to find you a partner." Ambi, being a bird of prey himself, was more likely to have an idea of the habitats of his compatriots or where they might be residing now since the volcano exploded. It was a good time to search. Many predators were having a hard time of it by themselves and would be seeking partnerships that could help them thrive in this new world. "I can't promise that we will find someone perfect but I can promise that we will do our best to hold up our end of the bargain. If this sits well with you then it is a deal. If not, I am also interested in the skins of northern prey animals if one of those might be easier to part with."

WC: 578
Total: 1593

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

Treat 2019
12-31-2019, 05:24 PM

The way he spoke of his companion made sense, though Fracture still would have considered the thing tamed. A mutually beneficial relationship was valuable with a creature like an eagle, though for it to follow the man around and help with hunting there had to be more to it then a free meal. He wondered absently if he struck to try and harm Brandr if the eagle would participate to defend it's master, but decided against it. Acere wouldn't want him going around making enemies out of sheer curiosity. ]"Ambi is a glorious beast." Fract complimented politely, dipping his head to the bird. ]"If there are others of his kind seeking a home, I would take them in." Heloise had a bird to assist her in battle, and since seeing it the dark-pelted man had decided he wanted one similar. The species mattered little to him, only that it had sharp talons and a beak suitable for fighting. ]"If you'd like to go enjoy some of the festivities held in the next territory over, I can bring your polar bear pelt there. In exchange you may take the time you need to find me a worthy bird that is willing to be..." He stumbled over the word 'tamed' as to not offend the winged beast in the trees. "... my partner. You can deliver it back to our borders here."

Total Word Count: Completed