
blanket of stars



2 Years
06-23-2014, 08:26 PM

She was on her own for now, having left her brother soundly sleeping in the serpent plains with the rest of their begrudged family. She still wasn't happy with them staying here, but until Ullr was better she would remain and take care of him as much as she could, just like always. Restlessness had overtaken her mind, so she was out wandering now. She had come to a delta, quiet and peaceful in the dead of night. The barest sliver of the moon was hung in the sky above her head, and it was a rare, cloudless night. The stars glittered overhead, watching silently and keeping their judgements to themselves, just how she liked it to be. The tri shaded femme was wandering, letting her mind come and go as freely as she was. She still desired to return home, despite the looming threat of Vili if they did.

The thing was, she wasn't afraid of Vili. She knew his limits, she knew all the hideaways there were in the territory, while he did not. She knew he would rather beat on her than her brother, because her silence infuriated him and she was always the one that fought back. So it didn't matter, because even if he ripped her hide from her body she would probably have ripped his eye out in response. It was all okay there, she could take it. But here, in this strange land, she didn't know how far everyone was willing to go in punishing her, punishing her sickly brother. They could slowly tear her limb from limb, but she would never know, and there would be nothing she could do to stop them.

Secondly, back home she knew where to go to find food, where the rabbits burrowed and the shrews came out to drink from the stream. She could find them, kill them, bring them back for Ullr. However, here everything was conveniently hidden away, leaving her helpless and relying on the strange men who were trying to care for them. She was forced to let these brutes, who claimed to be relatives, cousins, feed her like she was a child. She was not, she had taught herself to hunt all on her own and taken the best care she could manage of herself and her brother.

Silently her rump would fall to the terra, her breath escaping her ebony jaws in a puff of silvery mist. Her icy gaze would drop to a quartet of broad alabaster paws as she wondered how the hell she could have gotten into this mess, and how it could possibly get any worse. She'd have to track some of the deer herds now, navigate the lattice work of mouse burrows beneath the snow in their home, find out the lay of the land. She needed to be prepared for when Ullr needed her, as he always did. It was all she did, all she needed to do, was take care of him. It was her rightful duty, as his last remaining family, as his self titled guardian. She hadn't ever done anything else, and that was completely fine. Ullr's purity was something worth caring for, his innocence something that seemed to make up for the horrors of her life.




4 Years
06-29-2014, 04:14 AM

The dark lady lumbered through the night in a veil of silent shadows. She was a changed dame, after coming across her brother a few nights ago, she had formed an alliance with the black brute. Perhaps her eyes had opened up to the dying world around her. So many diseases. Nature had surely turned against this world. Raging wars. Loyalty divided. No wolf was satisfied. A new hunger. A new age.
This is it. The apocalypse.
The lady wasn't one for alliances, she was independent and she would die alone, if the end really came. Yet it got her thinking, she was living in a different world, as a different woman. Wasn't the world screwed up already? There was nothing left to fight for, helplessly watching life crumble. A new life was taking over, one of much she could not name. With a new age was a new hunger. A new power. No-one was the same. With a new power surging through the lady's paws, she could only imagine the world that was emerging. Evolving. She was emerging herself. Into what? Well, all she knew was that she was different. And the world will never be the same.

Speed surged through the dame as she elegantly trekked through the grass, the cold and dry moon showing no mercy to the golden disgrace. With her eyes wickedly narrowed, they glowed with anticipation as she travelled along. Rising to her staggering full height, the unforgiving lady bared her glistening fangs and claws. The silence and darkness cloaked her. Though she was one of the shadows, the darkness was her home. She belonged in the night. A cloud of endless and infinite galaxies and universes looked down on her. Even the spirits of the stars could not stop the end. They could not even stop her. They were useless. Power was drained out from the spiritual world. A new power and thirst surged through the world. Hope and faith was gone. What was there left in this empty and dying world?

Blood, hunger and betrayal...

What a lovely world it was.

The wandering warrior's orbs rested on a moonbeam silver and black onyx dame only a few tail-lengths away. The dame had probably picked up Aislinn's scent, but that did not matter. Why did she need to hide and disguise herself? Every wolf had a soul of coldness and stone. The warmth had died. Just like everything else. Approaching the dame with a brief nod, Aislinn would speak in a deep hiss. No wolf showed compassion anymore. Love was gone. Dead. Amongst a raging battle, everyone had a side, Aislinn did not know where she was in life. She did not even know why she existed. There was no point anymore.

"Greetings," Words flowed out of the lady's jaw. Words were useless. They meant nothing in this new world. The meaning was gone. No-one listened. No-one cared. The world was different. Everyone was different.


"Talk." Think

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]