
Sandy View

Divinity Ouros


07-12-2014, 12:59 PM
She had somehow lost her family again, it had been many months since Ouros last saw hide not tail of her siblings and frankly she was a nervous mess. She missed the few that she could look at without being scared, or that she could sing with them in the night. Out here where no one with her family cross to protect her. She wined softly to herself, wishing that she could find just one of her family so she wasn't so.... alone.

The black and white girl looked around, her eye nervous, she had never been alone so long, even before she only lost her siblings a month or so, now its almost been a year and no sign of them. Ouros stopped at the top of a particularly large dune and looked around her, she was thankfully alone at the moment, but for how long. Or better yet, how long could she stay out in this harsh land... she hadn't seen any water in a long time, maybe she should go back... but.

Ouros looked up at the sky, her green eyes filled with wonder. The sky was so clear in this part of the world. Even clearer then it was at the top of a large icy mountain. It just made her want to sing to herself and the stars and herself and fall into a deep slumber.

Ouros lifted her head, unable to resist any longer and let out a long low song of the stars and the planets that orbit the sun.



8 Years
Extra large
07-19-2014, 06:10 PM
was a bit confused on if it was night or not, sowwy xD

They were gone once more, and so, Deviant went out on a search for his family. The loss Valhalla suffered would not tear the man's family apart, no, not again. They had to be together, look out for each other where they would be safe. So despite the harsh terrain, the man thought it was necessary to check out the sand, seeing as how the other more prosperous lands had not a single familiar scent.

It was Spring, and much to the man's annoyance, the sand dunes were hot and dry, not a good mix wit his dense and thick hair. Head shook and ears pinned back against his skull that he held low, the sand was becoming quite annoying, being lifted into the air and thrown in his face. It had even got in his mouth, leaving a displeasing taste and feel.

Frustrated, the man flopped down into the sand, the tiny bush beside him offering little to no shade what so ever for his massive body. Legs lay out before him, laying on his left side with the bush to his back, eyelids pulled over and shielding his golden gaze from the sun's harsh rays. He was exhausted, thirsty, hungry... How much longer would he have to search before he found his children again?

'Mystic...' He sighed heavily, a foreleg lifting from the sand and draping over his snout. 'I am sorry my love, I'm trying.' He had promised her that he would bring his family back together, that no matter what, he would fight to protect them, even with his dying breath. There was no way he could lose one of them, not after what had happened with Lunatik.

Something sprung into the air, a call, a howl from another fellow wolf. He'd lift his head, ears swiveling around, trying to determine a direction it had come from. Was somebody lost, looking for help? Whatever it was, the man was already lifting himself up. Sturdy limbs lifted him and immediately began carrying him at a steady trot, heading towards the source of the call.


Divinity Ouros


07-20-2014, 07:34 AM
The night was reaching its height when Ouros let her head fall, her song over. She was about to go find a safer place to sleep; for the wind had started to pick up and sand was whipping uncomfortable about her face; when a very familiar scent cam to her on the wind. No it just wasn't familiar, it partly her own scent; or should she say her scent was partly his? The girl pricked up, her ears going forward and tail wagging behind her. It could not be... Could it? She had been lost so long that she could not let herself believe until her eyes where lain on him.

She started over the sand, fallowing the way the wind came, her eyes darting back and forth, desperately looking, hoping it was him. She had not seen him in such a long time, and maybe when she found him he would know where the others where. Maybe they could all get back together again be a family again. Hope and happiness filling her as she moved over the sand and his scent got stronger.

As Divinity moved over a particularly large sand dune she came to a hold, time seeming to stop as she saw him, his gray pelt screaming safety and happiness, and all at once time started again and she sprang forward, her green eyes filled with cheer. "Daddy!"

It did not take her long to reach the large male, and the moment she was close enough she flung herself at him, if he had not moved she would have landed on top of him, tumbling over his back into the sand, her excitement getting the best of her. She righted herself lifting her head into the air, voicing her happiness. She never sang in front of anyone, hell she hardly even talked, but he was her father, the male that taught her the joy of singing, and being with family, so she would sing for him; to tell him what her words could not.

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-20-2014, 11:15 PM

Pace quickened, moving along a large sand dune. The man swore he thought the song had come from this direction, but where was the source? Was the heat from earlier that day affecting his head? Deviant would stop when that thought popped up, giving a small shake of his head. Perhaps he should just find a place to rest for the rest of the night and continue on in the morning. Yeah, that sounded good. It was then, when the man was turning around he heard someone yelling daddy.

Deviant's head turned in the direction the voice had come from, eyes squinting to make out the shape coming at him from the top of the dune in the dark. Just that one look would identify who this wolf was, someone the man had been searching for.

He would not move away when Ouros flung herself at him, no way, he would embrace it. The only issue, he couldn't turn his body fast enough to catch the girl. So she would pretty much land on his back but do a roll off and into the side on his opposite side. Deviant quickly turned to his daughter, happy yet a bit worried about whether she hurt herself or not from the jump. Tail wagged behind his large form, ears up and forward to catch her beautiful voice. Oh how he missed to hear it.

The man carefully moved in close to the child, rubbing his neck into hers and laying his head over her back. He found one more, he was getting closer to having his family back. The joy he felt however was too much to contain, and so Deviant found his own head lifting to the night sky, joining in with his daughter's beautiful song, becoming one with her.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.