
Until There Is No Anything




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-17-2020, 04:34 PM
She'd snuck away from the sleeping forms of Zee and Sirius. Io had waited until the thunder was a distant memory, however. She wouldn't deny Zee the comfort that she needed. The gourd of calming chamomile tea was left behind, near the pregnant woman in case she needed it. With one last nuzzle to her sleeping sister, Iolaire crept quietly from the den.

Outside it still rained. As the woman picked her way from one end of the territory to the next, she became rather soaked. Unpleasant, but, as she lay beside her brother and his wife, Io had developed an intense need to be back beside Roan. It was strange. They'd definitely shared a moment today. They were no longer physician and patient. A line had been crossed and she didn't know what they were now. Friends, perhaps?

Entering the cottage, Iolaire dropped her pack. She was dripping wet and probably looked more like a wet rat than a wolf. Moving towards her sleeping chamber where Roan rested, Iolaire pulled the leather thong with her teeth that brought down the doeskin divider. It wouldn't do to get him soaked. Stepping back, the small wolf shook, ridding her coat of excess water. Her fur stood up in spikes and she grumbled slightly. Taking up a square of skin, she began rubbing herself down in an attempt to dry herself.

What seemed like hours later, Iolaire slid into her sleeping chamber. She was still damp, but was no longer dripping. As she stood in the entrance of the chamber, she looked down at the sleeping form of the black and silver brute. Something stirred within her chest and the barest of smiles tugged at the corners of her blackened maw. Moving forward, Iolaire gently curled her body beside his, leaning lightly against him so as not to wake the sleeping giant.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-17-2020, 06:43 PM
Roan was out what seemed like the whole time Io was gone. He had woken up not long after she left with her tea to retrieve a bit of the bark that was paramount to his comfort. Not having Iolaire sleeping beside him, being alone, he had difficulties getting back to sleep. The thunder was lovely though and it soon lulled him back into the deepness of his heavy rest. After the long day of travel he was incredibly sore, and needed the sleep. Thankfully it was dreamless.

However, when he felt the warmth return to his side Roan shifted closer to consciousness. Though he was still nearer to sleep his body uttered a soft sigh, as though he’d been anticipating her return even in his dreams. The silver titan took in another content breath as the scent of her brought him into wakefulness. For the first time since losing Dapple the corners of Roan’s lips pulled back in the hint of a smile.

He was much more bold in his half sleeping state and shifted himself to curl around her much smaller form. Roan sighed contentedly again, though he’d been asleep all day finding dreamland again would be easier with her wrapped up beside him. He didn’t even realize or care her fur was still damp.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-17-2020, 07:06 PM
As Roan stirred, Iolaire stilled so she didn't wake him. The man released a contented sigh and readjusted to curl his big body around her small frame. It was... incredibly pleasant and the minuscule wolf couldn't stop a low, sultry giggle from sounding. In turn, she curled her own body just as brazenly against his. It was nice. She felt as though she fit against him perfectly. Such a strange thing.

Iolaire stayed awake for a time, simply listening to her companion breathe. The steady rise and fall of his giant ribcage rocked her to sleep as though she was a child. Io slept deeply and dreamlessly. In the morning, she was sure to feel incredibly rested.


Sunlight peeked through a crack in the skin covering the door and Io cracked one eye in return. Oh, something would need to be done about that. Such a rude awakening. But... Lifting her head, Iolaire looked to the giant still curled around her. His fur was a bit mussed so, without thinking, she reached out and began to lick the fur atop his head back into place. She didn't want to stop there, so she didn't. Since she'd already started, the small wolf began to groom the larger, ridding his silver and obsidian fur of knots and snarls with gentle pulls of her teeth.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-17-2020, 08:33 PM
The silver marked brute didn’t remain in his semi conscious state for long, as Iolaire curled up against him his heart fluttered and steadied with his breath. He fell back asleep easily, holding her in peace after everything he had been through. Everything she had been through. The night slipped by in an instant, but the injured man could have continued sleeping for the rest of the day. He was exhausted, his shoulder was slow healing, but the rest did him good.

Roan might not have reacted to the light but as Io lifted her head the silver marked man felt himself return to consciousness. He didn’t stir except for opening his emerald eyes, they blinked open to watch the dainty healer as she reached up to groom his messy fur. The affectionate motions were unexpected but the softness was welcome. They had only just met, but their connection was quickly established. Being this close was easy, it was nice. He didn’t want to be alone, but even more Roan realized he wanted to be next to Iolaire.

He leaned into her grooming, though he wasn’t sure he deserved it he wouldn’t complain. Waking up like this was something he could look forward to. When his future was so dark and shadowy even a simple flame of hope like this was a floodlight. He relaxed his tense muscles into the thick furs beneath them. ”Good morning.” Roan offered softly as he watched her from the corner of his eye. He knew this was becoming more than a doctor and patient relationship, but he’d been so lost nothing sounded more desirable.

Tentatively Roan lifted his head and reached out to return her movements. Carefully his silver marked features move to offer his own grooming to her silver scruff. Seeing her like this was easier than her tears the day before.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-17-2020, 08:51 PM
He was conscious, his body language changing as he seemed to lean into her grooming. Roan gave her a rumbling good morning and the small woman chuckled softly. "Good morning indeed." Io continued on to groom his cheeks and ears then began on his neck. He hadn't had a proper bath, after all. She was being helpful, right? Ah, but then he decided to start grooming her in return. It had been such a long while. The very sexual fae had gone through a very dry spell since long before giving up Deathbelle. A breathy groan of pleasure was pulled from the woman and she stopped her ministrations, instead taking a moment to press her flesh against his teeth lightly.

This... was bad. Well, it was good and bad. Roan's mind was obviously healing, but something was happening here. They shouldn't be doing this, right? Gods, how she wanted a man though... And of course her mind went straight to the deed. If Roan had propositioned her right now, they'd be having sex moments later. Ugh, what would he think of her? And that was another interesting thing. What he thought of her was suddenly terribly important. She didn't want him to think that she was some cheap, easy piece of tail, but she also wanted him to know that she was terribly interested. There was just something about him...

Pulling back, eyes slightly glazed, the small wolf looked into his pine colored gaze. "Roan..." All sense was lost as she leaned forward, one paw on his healthy shoulder. It was then that Iolaire stole a kiss. In the back of her mind, she hoped that it was one of many.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-17-2020, 09:44 PM
He was able to smile, he felt relaxed, he was wholly focused on the feeling of her tongue and teeth at his fur. They were so close and she was so warm he couldn’t believe she only offered the actions because of her job. Her reaction to his return of affection answered any of those questions. Roan almost stopped but she leaned against him and he felt a sudden rush of blood, suddenly aware of the heavy beating of his heart and how hot his fur really was. He didn’t know what raced through her mind but his own was running what felt to be a mile a minute. Yesterday he didn’t have a future and suddenly all he wanted was Iolaire.

He might have gotten lost running through her silver and black fur when she pulled away from him. He found her vibrant golden green gaze with his emerald eyes as his name fell from her lips. Iolaire leaned forward and again surprised him into stupor as her lips touched his. He inhaled sharply, but recovered quickly enough to melt against her.

Roan didn’t make decisions hastily, there was always a plan in place. Though even the most well thought plan didn’t go as intended. As the few days prior proved true. Those thoughts were far and away from the silver marked titan. Iolaire filled his gaze and filled his mind. Despite the speed of the fall Roan embraced it and kissed her back. Io was suddenly a brightness in the bleak path Roan’s life took. She offered and he would accept. ”Io,” he returned her name quietly in his deep tones as he shifted and nuzzled against her ear. This was sudden and nerve wracking but he didn’t want anything else. Iolaire had bared her heart and her past to him he couldn’t deny their connection.

”If you let me hold you, I won't let go.” He warned her as he debated how he’d manage to grab her with his healing shoulder. The last man she trusted had betrayed her, he wouldn’t allow that to ever happen again.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-17-2020, 10:10 PM
What was happening? This was all too fast. Or was it? The loss of their siblings had been a common factor between them. Commiserating over it had drawn them together quickly. He'd shown more than once some semblance of care for her, even though one of those times infuriated her to no end. Maybe this was a mistake? They didn't even know one another. What if he had horrible habits? What if he snored?

What if she turned him down and spent the rest of her days alone?

She almost said his name again, but he said her own instead and was kissing her in return. All reservations fled and, in that moment, she was entirely his. He had listened to her story, hadn't he? Or had he fallen asleep and not heard her? "Roan," she broke away, but he was already telling her about how he wished to hold her. The woman's heart seized up and she fought to breathe for a moment.

Iolaire averted her gaze momentarily. "I'm damaged goods, in a sense. Before we go any further, I need you to know." She raised her eyes again, searching his face. "I'm barren. I can't produce children. It was... a big problem in my last relationship. I just need you to know." It was awkward and uncomfortable to tell him, but she would never again see the disappointment in the face of someone that she loved. At least she didn't love Roan, yet. "If you care about that, we can end this now and forget about it." But, she said within her mind, if you accept it, then I'm yours.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-18-2020, 05:03 PM
They were moving fast, but Roan had nothing to lose. He knew that he cared about Iolaire already and wanted to see her smile and be there to dry her tears when she cried. He had no family and no home there was no reason not to make her what he was missing. Of course he prepared himself for her taking heed to his warning, better it now while he could still easily turn away. He knew that he didn’t want to though.

She pulled away from him and he readied for all hopes to be dashed, by the way his chest tightened he realized fully the lengths he might go to keep her beside him. Inky ears fell to his skull as she averted her golden green gaze. He didn’t expect the words to come, he had heard her story and though he hadn’t thought about it he still wouldn’t change his mind. She was more important than any theoretical children. Roan had no driving urge to reproduce.

He shook his head, ”no. I.. know.” His words were quiet as he made an attempt to soothe any worry she had. You are what I want.” Roan didn’t wait for a reply to his own answer and he closed the distance between them again. Though he was still sore Roan pushed through the pain so he could wrap both of his dark paws around her and hold her tightly to his chest. His life ended with Dapple, but Iolaire renewed him. He found passion for her with ease as he kissed her without anymore hesitation.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-18-2020, 05:19 PM
He knew. So he had heard. Io's ears instantly drooped a bit as he spoke, but lifted again as he claimed that she was what he wanted. So children didn't matter to him? He didn't wish to continue his line? That was a driving force for most males. Maybe he thought that he didn't want them now, but down the line he very well might.

Roan kissed her again and she returned that kiss passionately. After a moment, she broke away, leaving herself within his grasp, but placing her forehead against his own. "It can be a casual thing. You're only beholden to the pack for a year." Yeah, she found out the agreement. "If at the end of it you wish to go, there won't be any hard feelings." Well, there might be. A year was a long time in the short life of a wolf. If she was already feeling this pull, Io could only imagine that it would get worse. The bond would get stronger.

Gently, she unwrapped herself from his grasp. "Careful with that shoulder, eh? How is it feeling, by the way? You should be able to put gentle weight on it in a few days." Nothing strenuous, but he needed to keep the muscles from atrophying. "Are you hungry?" The woman smirked. "I could beg someone else to catch us something fresh or we could eat dried meat."
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-18-2020, 06:44 PM
She didn’t resist, and the pair of them enjoyed the intimate moment. Roan could have lingered like that all day, but she relinquished all too quickly. Io didn’t wiggle from his grasp and offered up a few alternate options. His brows pulled together as he was again surprised at where her mind went. This was it, all or nothing Roan was all in on this bet. He didn’t want casual and he didn’t intend to only remain for a year. He wanted the dainty she wolf and he wanted her for always. He knew she was special and there wasn’t another she wolf like her out there.

”No.” He told her with confidence. ”All or nothing.” Roan’s voice was barely above a whisper. This had to be as close to love at first sight as he was going to get. ”We could go slow, give me that year to earn your heart, and at the end if you wish me to go, there wont be any hard feelings.” His smile reached his voice as he held her a little tighter before voluntarily letting her go. The wound at his shoulder ached and as though she knew what he was thinking reminded him he needed to go easy with it.

”Sore.” He answered her question simply as he rolled his form back to the most comfortable position for his shoulder. ”It feels like I’m always hungry.” He chuckled softly, his tail flicking contentedly at the furs. ”Fresh sounds better, but I’ll settle for dried.”

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2020, 07:43 AM
Roan turned down her offer, but made the same one to her in turn. At the end of a year she could tell him to leave? The tiny dame tilted her head slightly. "Why don't we just take it slow and see where things go? Casual." It seemed like the best deal. They could take time to learn one another before they made some grand commitment. "Besides, I might have horrible habits that you just can't stand." With a smirk, she set about her business.

First she delivered a chunk of willow bark to Roan since he said that he was sore. Io then set about cleaning the scabbing wound on the man's face. "These scars will make you quite dashing." She joked, the barest of grins on her maw. "I'll be fighting off the women, you know." Gently, she ran a water soaked rabbit skin across the claw marks. "Thankfully, I know ways to kill someone without ever having touched them. No evidence." Silver brows gave a playful little wiggle.

Once the wound was clean, Io excused herself. "I'll be right back." Stepping out of the den, Iolaire moved through the long grass until she reached the meat cache. Once inside, she looked at her choices. Eventually she chose a haunch of venison that had been slaughtered the day before. Taking the heavy bit of meat between her jaws, Iolaire made her way haphazardly back to the den. It was an awkward commute. The damn leg was as big as she was.

Kicking a piece of skin forward, Iolaire placed the haunch upon it. She sat back, panting slightly at the physical exertion of the task. "Breakfast... is served." The small wolf slid to lay her belly upon the cool floor. "Eat your fill." He could eat the meat and have the bone to chew on later.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-20-2020, 08:47 AM
Slowly. The two of them could move forward cautiously but also they would be able to get to know each other. They could learn the other’s quirks and qualities for real before anything big was decided. She wanted to make sure that she didn’t have any big defects first, but he suspected it meant that she needed to make sure he didn’t have any undesirable qualities. He chuckled as they settled easily into an agreement, she got her casual beginnings but he was determined to woo her.

Io offered him a bit more relief to his pain, he was yearning for the day he could walk normally again, for now he’d do his best to follow her direction. Eventually he’d be in tip top shape again. Ashe chewed the bark Io turned her attention back to the wounds at his face. They were tight and painful when she touched them but they were healing much faster than his shoulder. Roan didn’t expect what she had to say about the scars they would turn into. If there was anything he knew about the woman it was that he couldn’t predict her at all.

Her touch was gentle as she cleaned his wounds and told him about all the woman she was going to have to fight off him. ”Don’t get on your bad side. Noted.” He chuckled back as he reached forward to nudge Io’s shoulder amusedly but affectionately before she excused herself. Roan sighed heavily as she slipped out the entrance and he relaxed back onto the furs of Io’s den. He still hadn’t left her sleeping spot and he wondered absently if she’d make him.

He’d slept the last day but he still felt the effects of his injury. Someday soon he would be able to keep some kind of regular hours. Roan couldn’t wait to walk again and regain his independence. For now he’d bask in Iolaire’s attention. Smiling was becoming easier, and she eeked another out of him as she returned with a leg as big as she was. ”You are incredible.” He chuckled softly as breakfast was placed in front of him. Roan didn’t hesitate in digging in. His stomach was always empty. As he swallowed he looked back up at his caretaker. ”Join me?”

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2020, 09:14 PM
After having agreed to take things slow, it felt as though the pair fell into an easy rhythm. She cared for him. He was a good patient. He joked with her. She joked back. Smiles were given freely as was the occasional touch. Simple. Keep things simple. If things were casual... it might hurt less when or if he left. And as for wooing... Iolaire didn't expect it. Nor would she really know how to react. Her former mate had simply claimed her and that was that. There really hadn't been any finesse involved.

Roan invited her to eat with him and the little lass settled down on the opposite side of the haunch. She took a few dainty bites, but that was it. Iolaire much preferred her meals to be cooked or dried. She was a strange one, that was for sure. For a moment she remembered the meal that she'd cooked for Deathbelle and was surprised that the memories no longer brought a pang to her chest. It seemed that Roan was already having a positive effect on her.

For the rest of the day, Iolaire did various things around the cottage. She went outside to check on the plants, but was sure to check on Roan often. When night came, she didn't ask him to leave her chambers. He'd slept there once. Might as well sleep there again. It could be 'their' chamber. She didn't mind that one bit and didn't think that he would either.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-20-2020, 10:09 PM
After they discussed intentions it seemed a blanket of ease would fall over the pair of them. Natural and easy. He could smile again, even with the feeling of Dapple’s death hanging over him. Roan would have to heal quickly, he didn’t intend to allow the bear that took her to live any longer than he had to. For now he could focus on Iolaire and her acceptance of his invitation. He had no qualms eating the offered meal raw. Io hadn’t cooked for him yet either.

She picked at it at least and he could say he enjoyed it with her. He would happily eat the rest of it and as intended chew on the bone later. After his belly filled the wounded warrior was helped outside to relieve himself and as soon as he settled back onto Io’s furs he fell back asleep. After moving and eating he was out and Iolaire went about her business. He slept a lot, but he also didn’t miss a few times of the woman checking in on him.

He was never forced to leave her den, and as he stirred at her arrival. The thought of sharing the den with her didn’t bother him at all. Knowing he wouldn’t have to be alone brought peace to him. With a woman like Iolaire looking after him he knew that his time recovering would end all too quickly.


As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.