
so hold me




5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-21-2020, 07:16 PM
Roan could walk again. He could walk again. Time had been the biggest factor and he was still taking it easy. He could walk but that didn’t mean he was going very far. First because he got sore quickly and second because Iolaire kept reminding him to take things easy. He could walk. The thought raised his spirits but not as much as the conversation he’d had with Iolaire the other day.

Knowing she was interested, remembering those first few kisses, his heart fluttered as he embraced life again. Losing Dapple was hard, finding a new life and embracing it wasn’t as hard. Io was beside him, her promise to renew him had more than one meaning. She was healing his body, but also his soul, and purpose. Their relationship was casual as she wanted, being with her was easy and her comfort invaluable. Roan could fall for her easily, but he wanted to earn her heart and not just be another notch in her bedpost. He wanted it to be real.

Roan stretched his limbs as he came to a halt at the edge of the wolf made pond. Going uphill was more difficult, but he wanted the challenge. He couldn’t go far but he liked the feeling of victory he got when he crested the gentle slope. A grin played at his inky lips as his emerald gaze looked out over the horizons. The world had ended only days ago, but a new one had been reborn.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-21-2020, 07:50 PM
"Look at you. Out and about." Iolaire had watched Roan crest the hill from her place within the briar fenced yard where she kept her poisonous plants. She'd been transplanting things into larger containers and from larger containers into the earth. As such, the little woman was rather dirty. Earth and greenery clung to her pelt here and there and get white toes were dark from digging. She didn't care if Roan saw her like this, however. He'd seen her cry. There wasn't much uglier one could get.

"How are you feeling?" If he'd taken to walking and climbing, he was bound to be sore. Perhaps she could invite him to rest beneath Eva, the little willow that Meadow had named. She'd leave it up to him to decide how far he wished to push himself. The hard part was over. The rest would just take time.

Moving forward, Iolaire stood on her dirty little tip toes so that she could nuzzle the underside of Roans jaw. She couldn't get enough of touching the man. It just felt right. This was what they were supposed to do to one another. The lady then brazenly flicked her tongue across his lower lip before pulling back with a grin. They hadn't announced their relationship, but then again, they didn't need to. This was their business. If anyone saw, fine. If they didn't, fine.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-21-2020, 09:03 PM
He hadn’t expected to hear her voice. Jade eyes were quick to dart to her dainty frame, he’d been sure she was out for the day. Inky ears flicked back and forth as he tried to decide if he should be ashamed for how far he was pushing or proud. He didn’t miss how covered in dirt she was, but he wasn’t aware of how vain she could be either. She was comfortable with him and he respected her and how dirty she was willing to get for her plants. She was more endearing half covered in dirt. Like a pup finding its first mud puddle.

The comparison brought a grin to his face, ”I’ll be sore when I get back to the cottage.” He could only handle walking short distances, for now the boundaries of the cabin’s reaches. Roan watched as she padded closer, and he couldn’t help but lean into her affection and enjoy the stolen kiss. Inky black lips pulled back in a sly grin, he loved the way she gave him little affections throughout their day. Being beside Iolaire made him feel complete.

Similarly Roan reached out to mirror her kiss with his own, he boasted his actions from the hilltop. He didn’t like other wolves seeing his emotions, but he’d show his affection for Iolaire to anyone. ”I could be convinced to rest in the garden.” The silver marked titan suggested as he embraced the fluttering butterflies in his belly. Casual and easy, even though he’d already made up his mind.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-23-2020, 12:14 AM
Casual. They kept telling themselves that it was casual. For Iolaire, it really wasn't casual. She treated Roan as if they were already mates. As if they had already pledged themselves to one another. It might bite her in the ass in the end, but it was difficult to treat him any other way. They were that easy together.

Roan returned her kids and the dirty fae grinned, pristine white teeth flashing. "You won't be as sore if you rest." With a pull of her head, she beckoned for the man to follow. Iolaire kept the grass cut short around her cottage, the garden and the pond. It was easy then to settle down in the shorter grass. The wide willow, though still young, provided enough shade for the pair of them. Io patted the earth beside her, inviting Roan to rest.

"Once you can move freely again, what are your plans?" She sought to make casual conversation, but was genuinely curious. Her plans were obvious. She had this garden. She had her cottage full of healing items. Her family was here. Her roots were laid. Roan only had obligation holding him here. For a year, at least. After that, he could do as he wished.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-23-2020, 09:03 AM
Roan made little to no plans for the future but it was for good reason. He was finding happiness right where he was. While he would never say that Dapple’s death was good for him, he was thankful where he wound up. He could have been decimated by the bear, Iolaire could have gone the opposite direction that day. Roan was hesitant to admit that he was falling in love, even though he so clearly was. He was still wary of contemplating his future too far ahead, but he felt the draw of spending his life beside Io. They couldn’t make a family, but she was more than enough for him.

She reminded him that he would feel better if he took a moment to rest and he wouldn’t deny her advice. Roan followed behind her, able to put a little weight on his wounded limb. He limped, but he wasn’t hobbling like he had been. She invited him to settle down and he wouldn’t hesitate to settle himself gently beside her. There was a bit of shade and a gentle breeze. Roan couldn’t have imagined a few days ago he would feel so peaceful.

Iolaire’s words reminded him of where he came from though. He knew that this was where she would remain, her house was built her garden was growing, and her family was here. He had no one. No one to go to no family to find. The only wolf he had was dead. Iolaire was his world. ”I’m going to kill that bear.” He told her firmly. He knew that he wouldn’t want to leave the dainty healer after that. For a moment he hesitated with his next words but as the days went by he was more than sure of them.

”Then I’m going to give you its skull as a wedding present.” He stated matter of factly. Just because they were supposed to be taking things slow didn’t mean he didn’t already know what he wanted. He couldn’t deny their near instant connection nor how she made him feel complete after being shattered. Roan wanted Iolaire for himself and he wasn’t sure what he’d do if she denied him.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-24-2020, 10:31 PM
Roan settled himself beside her, moving slowly and carefully so that he didn't injure himself further. That pleased Iolaire. some men, like her silly brother, pushed themselves to their limits unnecessarily. Roan was more cautious which was exactly what she needed in a partner. Someone who used thought before action. Did she say partner? Yeesh.

Of course Roan's first order of business would be the bear that murdered his sister, Dapple. She wouldn't be the typical, selfish woman and wail, 'noooo, you can't!' There was honor at stake. There was principal. Such a beast couldn't be allowed to live. Once a creature developed a taste for wolves, it needed to be culled. It would continue to kill. So, in response to his plans, the healer nodded. "I'll be waiting for your return." She trusted that he, accompanied by Sirius and hopefully her mother, would come back unscathed.

His next comment shocked her and green-gold eyes went wide momentarily. He would present the skull to her as a wedding gift? Iolaire searched his face for a long moment but saw nothing but conviction in his gaze. He meant it. He really meant it. She remembered this feeling. This chest tightening hope. Last time it had ended badly. This time she could only hope that Roan would be more true than Yrionne had been.

"I'll display it with pride," was her response. And she would. If Roan found her worthy enough to share such a large piece of his life with her, she would accept his offer. He already knew that she couldn't help him further his lineage. He knew her mother somewhat. He knew her brother. She had no other secrets. If he could accept who she was, then she would have no problems accepting his offer.

Moving in closer to Roan, the tiny woman slid against him, pressing her head against the underside of his chin. "Do you feel like this is unfolding too smoothly?" Her voice was soft as she spoke her mind aloud. "I feel like, at any moment, I'm going to wake up. Or something bad is going to happen." She never was very optimistic when it came to her own life.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-26-2020, 08:44 PM
He didn’t expect Iolaire to ask him not to go, and he wouldn’t have listened if she tried. This time she didn’t surprise him, she knew as well as he did that the bear needed to be ended. Its very existence was a threat to the pack. Roan was ready to spill its blood, a reason he was so strict in following his healer’s instructions. He wouldn’t be forced to remain in healing longer than necessary. The scarred man’s dark lips pulled back in a smile as she vowed to wait for his return.

Roan didn’t miss the shock in her eyes as she reacted to his second proclamation, he’d made up his mind. He was set, and it was going to take a lot to get him to change his mind. He could see that she was studying him, trying to decide if he meant what he’d just said. She told him she’d accept his gift proudly, there was no hard rejection. Roan relaxed further and sighed softly into her side. She returned his affections and pressed herself beneath his chin. He tilted his muzzle so he could kiss her forehead as she spoke uncertainly. Was this too fast? Was something going to happen?

The silver marked titan pulled her closer to his chest and he shook his head lightly. ”I’ve already experienced the lowest moment of my life.” He whispered softly, hoping that a second would not be forced on him. ”All there is, is up with you.” Roan assured her, certain that he would be content.. no, he would be exceedingly happy, holding her forever.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-27-2020, 07:10 AM
Uncertainty ran rife through Iolaire. Roan said that everything would be okay. He assured her that there was no way to go but up. However, Yrionne had said much the same. She wanted to believe the man with every fiber of her being, but there was that sense of self preservation within her that told her to be wary. Be cautious. That wouldn't stop her from growing to love Roan. It would just keep her mentally prepared for anything.

He pulled her against him and she went willingly, molding her body against his. The little willow was providing ample shade and a modicum of privacy as well. Iolaire sighed aloud and buried her face in the thicker fur of his ruff. "I want everything to be okay," she admitted. Though she'd told Roan of her past that night before the storm, she hadn't told him the details. She hadn't told him that she'd given herself to Yrionne entirely. She had stopped being 'Iolaire' and had become 'Yrionne's mate.' She had been devoted, 'head over heels' as the saying went. And in the end that devotion had bitten her in the face like some poisonous snake. She couldn't let that happen again. It would literally destroy her.

"Just don't hurt me, okay?" Io whispered softly into Roan's obsidian and silver fur. In that moment, she felt as small as she was. She felt as vulnerable as a newborn pup; deaf, blind and helpless. She had stressed that things would be casual, but already she considered them a couple and was thinking of every possibility that the future could hold. At the moment, most of those possibilities were negative.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-27-2020, 04:55 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 08:28 PM by Roan.)
Roan could feel her hesitation and uncertainty, he couldn’t blame her. After she’d told him the story of her life he understood. He was sad for her, he didn’t want to show her pity, only his conviction. He wanted her. Roan was stubborn enough to stick by her until she realized he wasn’t going anywhere. Trust took time to foster, but he was determined to show her that she could put her trust in him. He wanted to protect her from hurt, he couldn’t imagine intentionally causing her sorrow.

She let him pull her closer as she told him that she wanted it all to be okay, but her voice made it plain that she didn’t know if it actually would be. He nuzzled into her neck comfortingly, he could promise her until the cows came home that he wouldn’t hurt her but it was time passing that would really earn the trust and built their relationship. Roan could still lose her, there was nothing binding them together except for the instant connection they shared. He cared deeply about her, and wanted to have her beside him. He loved her.

Though his shoulder was sore he hugged her tightly and protectively. She was supposed to feel safe in his embrace, not vulnerable like she was. ”I promise I won’t.” He whispered back as he wrapped his neck around her head. His eyes pressed shut as he willed her to believe him and lose the tension that held her back. ”You are all that I have.” He confessed, realizing that she couldn’t know he had nothing besides her. ”I’ll do everything in my power to stay beside you.” He admitted softly as he started to slowly groom the soft fur at her ears to soothe her further. Roan would spend the rest of his days protecting her to prove she was in good paws.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-28-2020, 07:40 AM
Everything that he said was everything that she wanted, and she wanted it all to be true. She wanted to feel safe with him. It would be nice to give her all to someone and not have to hold back. Perhaps some day. They were still so new. There was so much to learn about him and so much for him to learn about her. Time would make or break them. For now, it was something that Iolaire would try to push to the back of her mind.

Roan confessed that she was all that he had. Having family outside of Dapple hadn't even crossed her mind, and for that, she felt a bit bad. Iolaire hadn't even asked about his family. She hadn't asked about his sister. She hadn't asked anything. Ears tucked against her skull, stopping him from the very comforting grooming. She didn't deserve that just now.

"Tell me about Dapple. Tell me about your family. Tell me about you." Pulling back a bit, she searched his face, needing to know everything about him. If they were going to be together, they had to know everything about one another. She was ready.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-28-2020, 08:10 AM
There was no magic fix to the trauma that still held to the dainty healer, time and building of a relationship would be the only thing that would allow her to trust him. Roan knew this, and could feel that she wanted to loosen and believe him. He could also fully understand her hesitance and he didn’t hold it against her, it was fuel for Roan’s desire to prove himself to Iolaire. He was losing himself as he ran his tongue over her ears when she lowered them and made his stop.

Roan’s verdant gaze found her golden green eyes as she pulled back, there was confusion in his features before she asked about his sister. They both realized that they didn’t know each other, and if time was what they needed thy may as well spend it getting to know each other. Dapple’s loss still hurt, his failure at keeping his sister alive was still very real. His expression showed that. She wanted to know about his family, about him, and he would indulge her curiosity.

”Dapple…” he started with a soft sigh as her bright features popped into his mind. ”She was a better fighter than me, nothing bothered her. She was always happy. Excited about life.” His voice was pained, but counter intuitively it felt good to speak about her. ”I failed her.” Roan shook his head, he should have been the one to have succumbed to the bear. ”We’ve been alone for a long time. We were maybe.. nine months old when our mother disappeared. Never knew my father.” He didn’t know what happened to the woman that birthed them. She’d given them her love but she’d abandoned them.

”Dapple and I have been fighting for survival since.” He whined softly, feeling again the hopelessness of losing her. ”Had.. been.” His eyes fell and he collapsed inwardly. ”It’s my fault.” Dapple should have been there, of all the wolves Roan had met she embraced life the fullest. She deserved to have life.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-28-2020, 02:41 PM
As Roan began to speak, Iolaire felt that maybe her question was a mistake. The pain in his voice was evident and, because he felt pain, she felt pain. She scooted closer to him, letting him know that she was there. As he spoke of Dapple, their childhood and their life together, Iolaire got a sense of who he was. It seemed that family was important to him. Again, she was upset that she couldn't give him one. Her body just wasn't capable.

Then he began to blame himself again and Iolaire gently shushed him as the pain began to well over in the man. "No, no. You didn't fail her." Wrapping one foreleg around Roan's thick neck, Io sat on her haunches and pulled his head against her chest. "Fighting bears is always a game of chance. Things just didn't fall in your favor this time." She kissed his face and held him close. "You'll honor her memory when you take that bear down." She gave him a light squeeze. "Take my mother with you. Those scars on her shoulder? It won't be her first brush with a bear."

Settling back, but still sitting on her rear with her forelegs gently rested on him, she spoke. "Thank you for telling me about her. She sounds like a wonderful sister." Iolaire was sad that she would never meet the woman, but was also thankful that events had brought her together with Roan.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-28-2020, 04:01 PM
It was just Roan and Dapple for a long time, the majority of their lives. Speaking about her, knowing she was gone, her loss was still raw. Like it would take time for Iolaire to trust his words it would take time for his wound to heal. He wouldn’t stop feeling his sister’s loss, he could just redirect his focus to the dainty Armada healer. She was his light at the end of the tunnel, the reason for him to get up in the morning. Besides revenge Iolaire was the only thing he worked towards.

Iolaire shushes lightly when he took the blame again for Dapple’s tragic end. He wanted to believe her words but the what ifs haunted him. She’d already closed the distance between them and she held him more tightly to her chest as she assured him and kissed him softly. He could still honor her memory, she was right. He would kill the bear and he’d take Resin and Sirius with him. They wouldn’t leave the job unfinished. He nodded into her fur as she squeezed gently.

He aimed to press his forehead against hers as she thanked him for the glimpse into his past. He pressed his eyes closed and soaked in the love she offered. ”The best.” It didn’t feel right saying ‘She was’ it just hurt too much. She was the only sister he would ever have, she would always be a wonderful sister. ”She really deserved to be here.” He hated that she was gone. ”But I’m so glad you picked me up.”

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-29-2020, 03:17 AM
He wouldn't believe her words. She wouldn't have believed them either if she was in his place. Guilt was a strong emotion and was hard to shake. He would feel guilty about Dapple for a long time. Maybe even the rest of his life. Iolaire only wished that he wouldn't let it consume him and he would come to terms with her passing. She had done it and she knew that he could too.

Roan pressed his forehead against hers and she continued to hold him close, offering what comfort she could. He called Dapple the best and Io nodded gently, knowing that he would feel the motion. He expressed his thankfulness that she had found him and Io moved her head, wrapping her arms and neck around his own. "She does deserve to be here. Most do." Iolaire was a firm believer in fate. Everything happens for a reason. "Perhaps it was the world's way of bringing us together. It doesn't make it any easier, but I'll try to be worthy of the exchange." Not everyone could swallow the fate pill. She hoped he understood where she was coming from.

"Enough sadness." The little lady pulled back and looked Roan full in his handsome, scarred face. "She wouldn't want you to be sad forever and neither do I." Io gestured to the world around him. "It's a lovely day. We're together. You're healing." She nudged him. "Give me a smile and tell me about our future." The dirty little healer flashed him a grin. She wanted to know what he wanted. It would be interesting to see if their futures were similar.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-29-2020, 03:23 PM
Iolaire held him close, offering her comfort unabashedly under the shade tree. She wrapped her arms around him, held him tightly, and offer her words of support. He wasn’t sure about calling Dapple’s death an exchange but he knew what Io was getting at and he appreciated her sentiments. She was right, it wouldn’t be any easier, but he would have her beside him to offer comfort when he needed it the most.

He sighed softly as she vocally put an end to their sad topics. She pulled back to lock eyes and told him Dapple wouldn’t want him to stay sad forever. She was right and he knew she was. He nodded sadly but determinedly. She bid him to smile and he’d so so, already she mentioned their blessings. He was healing, he’d walked all the way out here on his own hadn’t he? Iolaire gave him a grin and putting the past aside for the future helped. The past was painful, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t look ahead to the future.

Roan returned her grin as best that he could, what was the future he wanted? Confronting this question had been an act that Roan had been avoiding. It was uncomfortable and uncertain but Iolaire offered a brightness for him to look forward to. With a rough as his grin was he wanted to envision something great for the two of them. ”I can’t promise you much, but what I want is to come home to you everyday. I see you healing my wounds, warming my bed,” His tone shifted suggestively. ”To grow old with you.” That was what he most wanted. No matter what happened on the outside he wanted to know he could find solace in the one he loved.

With no hesitation he reached forward to steal a kiss from her, knowing he wouldn’t be here or in the state of mind to think about the future, without her.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
01-29-2020, 03:36 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2020, 03:36 PM by Zeitgeist.)
Zee's time was fast approaching, and still the queen felt very unprepared for the experience she was due to have. More and more her worries spiked, Deathbelle's words about bearing a titan's children echoing in her head. Surely Iolaire was a capable healer, but could she save a kitten who was tasked with birthing a tiger? Zee had to visit, and discuss her worries with the healer in charge of her care. She'd checked Io's cottage first, finding the place empty with scents that were still fresh enough to say that her sister and her patient were nearby. She followed the trail towards the paw-made pond, grumbling under her breath for the hundredth time about the length of the grass and how in places it obscured her vision completely.

Finally she reached hushed voices and pushed through the foliage to approach, a question on her lips. "Io, I-" Her words cut off, and her jaw snapped audibly shut. The man that Iolaire had taken in as a patient, he was kissing her. Heat flushed to her cheeks and she averted her gaze quickly, speaking with her head turned away from them as not to watch their private moment. "Come find me when you're... done." Zee's tone was level, giving nothing away. She barely waited for a response before backing away from the pair and slipping back into the grasses.


Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-29-2020, 09:03 PM
Was he perfect? He felt perfect. Roan's answer was everything that she wanted, and needed, to hear. Iolaire grinned, "Oh, I'll warm your bed for you, sir." Her voice was a low purr and, as he reached out to kiss her, she returned the kiss, the grin still curling the corners of her maw. If he wasn't so injured, she'd warm him right now. A heat had formed in her stomach and a soft, throaty growl rumbled up.

A voice from behind broke the kiss and Iolaire's neck curled so that her eyes could fall upon the very pregnant form of Zee. The woman looked very awkward at her discovery. She requested conversation with Io when they were 'done.' After Zee walked away, Iolaire looked back to Roan and... burst into laughter. She pressed her forehead against his chest and continued to giggle. Getting caught was fun. It was exhilarating.

Pulling back from Roan, Iolaire stretched and fell to the ground beside him, a smirk still on her maw. Her paws were rested against his side and her tail lazily flicked back and forth. "Should we get you back down the hill so I can go find Zee or would you rather just stay here?"
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-29-2020, 09:54 PM
For a moment all he could think about was the woman beside him, surely that was her plan all along. She was helping to keep him from focusing too heavily on his loss for too long. He felt good about processing the trauma, not that the trauma felt good. Confessing his past and hurt to Iolaire was a good step. Distracting himself fully with her was the next one, and he looked forward to conquering that hurdle.

Just when things were getting interesting an unfamiliar voice sounded in his ear. Iolaire pulled away and his gaze was forced to the one he knew as the Queen. The horns, the very pregnant belly, this was Zee. He blinked back his own surprise as dark ears fell to his skull. This was surely going right back to Sirius. Roan didn’t care if anyone knew, but honestly, Sirius was a little intimidating. He’d much rather the man hear it straight from him instead of second hand from his wife.

Roan’s thoughts were interrupted, Zee disappeared and Iolaire returned her gaze to him. While he looked a little nervous she fell into a fit of giggles. ”This would be funny if I didn’t think Sirius would try to skin me as soon as he finds out.” He did manage to crack a smile, Io’s amusement was infectious. He knew she wouldn’t approve of anything he actually wanted to do. Why was this making him so nervous anyway, Iolaire was an independent woman. Surely he’d just get a warning not to hurt his sister. Which he had zero intention of doing anyway. ”I’d like to enjoy you as long as possible.” He shifted his good front paw so he could tickle her dirty feet playfully.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-30-2020, 02:42 PM
Roan seemed nervous after Zee left and the reason behind it soon came to light. Sirius, of course. Iolaire huffed. "Sirius can bite his own tail. This has nothing to do with him. I may be a part of his pack, but I make my own choices. That will never change." She may have begun to get a little pissy about the subject, but Roan confessed to wanting to spent as much time with her as possible. He then tickled one of her sensitive pawpads and the woman shrieked with laughter before jerking her paws up against her chest. She had very ticklish toes.

Io felt a little guilty for making Zee wait. Looking in the direction where her sister had gone, the small fae sighed. "I should go see what she needs. It could be something important." If Zee was in pain or something along those lines, Io had no doubt that Sirius would have been the one to come collect her. The situation wasn't urgent, but she knew how Zee was one to overthink and fret.

Rolling to her paws, Io moved to the edge of the pond where she gave her grass stained toes a quick wash. "I'll be back later," Io cast a seductive look over her shoulder, "to warm your bed." Moving back to him, she placed a gentle kiss upon the end of his nose. "In the mean time, be careful when you go back down the hill. Take breaks if you need. Depending on how quickly I find her, I shouldn't be gone long." With a smile just for him, Io turned and made her way in the direction of the den that Zee and Sirius shared.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-31-2020, 07:00 PM
He could see she was getting upset, and he ventured to guess it wasn’t at him but at how he perceived her brother. Roan saw clearly how protective the alpha titan was. He had little desire to tango with the huge brute. Roan did enjoy the reaction Iolaire gave him at messing with her toes. She squealed and pulled her paws in closer to herself. The silver marked titan would be filing that information away for later use.

He huffed as she rolled away and confessed to her need to see the pregnant queen. He couldn’t fault her, the children she carried were much more important to the pack than he was. ”Good luck.” Roan felt a little thrill at the look she cast over her shoulder as she teased him lightly. He leaned into her kiss, sad to see her go but eager at the anticipation her distance would cause. ”Hurry back.” He offered with a sly smile as he watched her disappear the way Zee did. He sighed softly and lifted his gaze to the sky. Unsure if he was worthy of the blessing that was Iolaire.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.