
New life for a new day


06-22-2014, 07:19 PM

It had been a miracle that she even made it to the pack meeting, her sides had grown substantially in comparison to her narrow frame, the woman looked ready to pop at any minute. As agreed, her and Ares had moved the den, finding a nice and quiet place near the lake. It was perfect. She had slowly made her way to the lake for a drink when a sudden pain rippled across her belly. She would wince, her back arching as she gasped for a breath. Eyes would clench shut until the pain subsided. A bark would leave her dark maw, hoping it was loud enough for Ares to hear. The woman would turn, retracing her steps back to the den. Contractions would shoot across her belly again, causing the woman to grasp and her steps to falter. It felt like an eternity before she finally slipped back into the safety and comfort of her den.

Limbs would fold beneath her, jaws parted in a heavy pant, her sides heavy as the contractions grew closer and closer together. She could only hope that Ares would arrive soon. Audits fell back loosely against her skull as her eyes would close. Discomfort caused her to fidget restlessly as she waited for Ares. Her body instinctively pushed her and closer to the edge, ready to expel her children into the world. A low whine would slip from black jaws as the contractions where merely constant, her body instinctively pushing, without her constant.

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Ares 1


06-22-2014, 08:02 PM

He'd left her in the den, taking an opportunity to check around their den, his paws would possessively circle where they'd taken up residence. The area in which their children would be born was perfect, they had a wonderful view of the lake and the location provided more than enough protection. However, he still wouldn't feel like taking chances. As he brought himself back to their home he would see his strong mate as her bark set off the alarm.
She would turn and he would trot faster, arriving at the entrance of their den as she made herself meet with the ground. He would enter, and nuzzle her encouragingly. He wasn't quite sure how to address the situation, he'd never experienced birth before. "What can I do?" He would ask her as calmly as the situation would allow, his form curing around hers. Her body would become strained as it tried to birth their pups.

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06-22-2014, 08:19 PM

Her gaze would flick to her mate as he slipped into the den behind her. A small smile graced her features as he settled in beside her, nuzzling her softly. When he asked what he could do, all she could do what shake her head. She had no idea what he could do, she didn't even know what she was doing. She never had a mother growing up, and Seraphim certainly didn't have this talk with her. Her body would heave again, contractions demanding that the pups leave her body. Jaws would clench with each push, followed by rapid pants. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into forever before finally, with a big push, a puppy would be born. Jaws would carefully pick up the bundle, licking him clean and providing her lungs with the much needed oxygen. She would smile as the pup snuggled against her belly, nursing greedily. But she didn't have much time to celebrate. An second pup was on the way. Her body heaved again, exhaustion beginning to settle in. Minutes again turned into forever before the pressure was gone and another pup was born. She would repeat the process, licking the pup clean and placing him beside the first pup. Cries would quiet as he began to nurse. She would lean heavily against Ares, panting heavily as she caught her breathe. What could we name them? I think Phim for one." She would peer over at him, eyes tired as her body begged for sleep.

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5 Years
06-22-2014, 08:41 PM

Her life began in an instant. First there was nothing but her heartbeat and the one beside her, then suddenly there was more. The rush of air into her lungs and cold against her skin drove her instincts mad She knew hunger and cold before she knew anything else. Softly whining she felt her body move seemingly on its own before she was placed in the perfect spot. She felt warmth suddenly surround her and curled into it as she sought desperately for the source of her nourishment, soon latching on and claiming the spot as her own. The arrival of the only thing familiar to her--her brother as she would come to know him--was the final piece of the puzzle that lulled the child into contentment and, eventually, sleep.


Phim's brother, Daitaro, is allowed to crash literally all of her threads.

[Image: xc4TMGm.png]



4 Years
06-22-2014, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2015, 01:01 AM by Daitaro.)

The child was aware, though there was very little knowledge of that fact. Only awareness of his surrounding, of the flexible walls of his little world and the presence of another; his little sphere was only that and had been for all time, as he had known it anyways. But as time had gone on things had changed, space had become more cramped, muffled voices became more recognizable and he could tell his time was drawing to a close.

It was only as the walls of his little world began to push in then retract that he knew the time had arrived, the other presence was gone and for a moment the awareness was alone. Then his whole world shattered. Sounds and feelings the boy had never experience before flooded his mind and even as he lay still for a moment he could feel confusion.

A warm tongue licked at him and as cool air rushed into his tiny lunges that confusion filled him up and he began to cry. He was hungry, and cold and alone and he didn't like it! Then he was being pushed forwards and he found warmth and company in the other presence from before, his sister; and as tiny fangs clamps shut around his mother he found his hunger sated. It had been a big day for the boy that would be Daitaro, and he was slowly starting to fall asleep.


Phim, Dai's sister and charge is welcome to crash any of his threads!


06-22-2014, 09:37 PM
Whether or not her littermate requires her presence, he receives it anyway--however unknowingly she has stalked him to the eastern region proceeding their quite informative encounter where she has lain in wait, a prying serpent in the grass. His news had set her veins ablaze with fury and her mind poisoned with trepidation--the supremacy of her bloodline was to be tainted by the subservient genetics of a whore and she, the self-proclaimed Elysius matriarch, was entirely powerless to stop the life developing within the woman?s soiled womb. It had been a vehement suggestion upon velveteen lips--the termination of his spawn--and yet, her brother had been quite keen on ensuring his babes? survival and had refuted the generosity of her offer. However dissatisfying it is to know that her potential nieces and nephews will be disgraced by the weakness of their mother, the phantom queen knows that she must adhere to her sibling?s desires if she is to mend their frayed relationship; Ares? children shall remain u n t o u c h e d so long as they don?t retain Devya?s less-than-appealing attributes.

She has heard the delightful cacophony of agonizing yelps from her pregnant adversary, and thus, knows it is time. Willowy limbs propel the phantom with the carriage of an omnipotent tyrant beyond the borders of her brother?s pack and into its domain, indifferent to the prospect of assault for such a blatant display of disrespect; her nieces and nephews demand her attention ( whether they know it or not ), and she will gift it to them for their own sake. She knows that their mother will not teach them of the horrors of this cruel world ( more importantly, how to commit them ), and therefore, has imposed the duty upon herself to educate them--but only in due time. She has not received her invite to this event and yet, remains unoffended; her presence is warranted here anyway, and the paladin soon manifests within the narrow walls of her brother?s makeshift den, abstract gaze immediately locating the spectacle with mild interest. Her countenance is void of the emotion swarming upon her interior even as her pupils interlock upon the frail form of her sable adversary, soon vacating the premises of the whore?s distended physique in favor of the babes nestled into her breast, a singular brow quirking inquisitively upon her forehead as she briefly scrutinizes their miniscule figures. Like worms, they writhe, and the wraith soon finds her upper lip unfurling over sinful incisors in disgust as she reclines comfortably onto her haunches, unabashed by the possibility of the fledgling parents? wrath against her. ?What are they?? she inquires to either Ares or Devya, vocals monotonous; has she been blessed with nieces, or nephews?


06-23-2014, 05:23 PM

The new mother would glance down at her children, a smile pulling at dark lips. Despite her exhaustion, an unexplainable joy filled her. Before Ares had a chance to reply, an unwanted and familiar stench filled their den. Lips peeled back to reveal ivory daggers, a vicious snarl ripped free from her jaws as her body curled tightly around her newborns. Tattered ears pinned against her skull, eyes narrowing upon the last woman she wanted to see. Hackles lifted dangerously, tongue angrily behind fangs. Ares had spoken little about his meeting with Artemis, but obviously she had been informed that she would be made an Aunt, much to the new mothers dismay. She didn't care for the fact that her children shared blood with the pale bitch, she would have no part in their lives.

A question would fill the den, but it was curl of pale lips that had the sable mother rising. "Get. Out." Venom dripped from dark lips as she positioned herself between her children and their adversary. Newborns shrieked in protest, demanding their mothers warmth and nourishment. Her pale enemy had the audacity to make herself comfortable as though she was welcomed here. Eyes shot daggers at the pale ghost, toes flexing so that claws dug into the ground with irritation. She knew it would take one howl before the entire pack came running, she had been at the pack meeting, Katja knew she was pregnant and due any day. The new mother fought off exhaustion as she stepped towards her sworn enemy, wanting to force her to back out of the den.

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Ares 1


06-23-2014, 05:51 PM

He would let himself admire the whelps for a moment, his vibrant violet gaze looking them over, satisfied and proud. His mate would also set back and watch their wriggling forms, her voice seeping into the den. She would ask him of names, suggesting Phim. His jaws would open, but before he would be able to give her an answer the scent of Artemis would surround them. He would feel Devya tense at the sudden appearance of his blood. She must have followed him back, how else would she have known where their brand new den was. His brows would knit together as she made herself comfortable, the shock not quite wearing off.
Devya would react first, her body rising and disturbing their pups, her venomous words demanding action as she ignored the woman's words. He would console the unhappy children before bringing himself to his full height, slipping past Devya. He would put himself between his sister and his mate, nudging her to go back to them. His muzzle would find her ear, "Stay with them. You shouldn't be confronting anyone right now." Though he certainly had to admire the strength she had, just after giving birth. Artemis was no threat to their children, not now.
He would nudge his mate, and turn back to Art, "Can we go outside and talk?" He had no doubt there would be no convincing Devya, but maybe an agreement of some sort could be haggled out with his sister. Really he wasn't sure where he was going with the conversation, but obviously his sister wanted something.

I can talk!


06-23-2014, 06:49 PM

Her adversary?s insurmountable rage sprouts and festers within the narrow confines of her birthing chambers, and although the intensity of such fury is nearly tangible as the whore?s vehement snarls pollute the atmosphere, the paladin?s features retain their practiced stoicism. The fledgling mother has never once struck fear into the Elysius? core, and is especially undaunting in her current and haggard state as she abandons her dependent newborns to offer their darling aunt an unspoken promise of maltreatment. Her abstract gaze is stagnant upon Devya?s glowering cerulean as the sable witch dares to venture into her proximities with an unyielding demand, though the phantom queen is unflinching throughout the duration of Devya?s livid display. It is only once the mother?s speech concludes that her elongated tail seeks to serpentine around her haunches, flicking idly as a wry grin beguiles her porcelain countenance. ?You?re upset, and wrongfully so,? the wraith croons pointedly, the tips of her sinful incisors peeking from beneath velveteen lips in a deriding manner. ?If I wanted your children dead, they would be dead, my sweet.? Her words are a bedeviled promise upon frayed lips--if Ares had desired no part in the lives of his spawn, the paladin would have terminated them before they had the chance to breathe.

As her brother implants himself between she and her feeble adversary to put a halt to prospective physical conflict, the poisoned smirk only further encompasses her visage, pupils unwavering from Devya?s own--victoriously--until her brother?s suggestion infiltrates the air. Brows furrow in vexation as the phantom?s mismatched gaze searches for her kin?s own lavender, displeasure evident upon her features. ?They are my family,? she informs the brute, eyes narrowing in contempt. ?Are you going to deny me the chance to even look at them?? Her words are a challenge laced with incredulosity--she is enraged to know that even Ares believes her intentions to be malevolent when she has made it quite clear that they are entirely innocent----for now.

Katja the First


8 Years
06-23-2014, 07:44 PM

It has been known to Katja that more than one of Ebony's women are heavily pregnant, near to birthing. This is a problem, for the pack young must be fed by the adults, and heavily pregnant and nursing mothers must also be provided for by those who remained. Too many pups, too few capable adults to properly keep them all fed. She'd fretted for some time, but finally solved the problem by putting to work the elder pups.

She'd made the trip to check on the pregnant women several times since the meeting, most often simply ghosting up to where she could see them, see they were well, and leave once more without getting caught up in conversation. Today she had intended to do much the same, but as she approached the den shared by Devya and Ares the scent of birthing fluid touched her nose. Pups.

And, unfortunately, an intruder.

It is the most fierce instinct of animals to protect the young, and the scent of an invader so near to Ebony's newest members sent angry shards of ice deep into her dark soul and dragged from her chest a harsh sound of fury. Leaps and bounds brought her to the den of the new mother and her mate. Silver eyes captured the sight of a stranger, confronted by the two new parents as the infants cried fretfully for their mother's comfort.

Her first instinct was to attack silently and immediately, no warning and no quarter given. But the mewling of the pups gave her pause. If she attacked now, with the adversary so close to the delicate newborns, one of the combatants could be thrown onto their frail bodies. She wanted to rend this intruder limb from limb - but she could not risk the younglings without alienating the parents. "You are in my territory," the viking spat coldly as she appeared beside the white stranger. "You will leave now or you will be removed." Her warning was not an idle one, but was rather understated, for Katja was in the mood to remove more than just a few pints of blood from this bold interloper were she to remain within the pack's lands any longer.


06-23-2014, 09:31 PM

Poisoned words would only sign the woman's death warrant. Her vision tinged red as muscles coiled in preparation to lunge towards her adversary. But soon Ares was beside her, pressing against her, pleading with her to go back to their children. With a final glance at the pale bitch, she would return to her wailing children, curling around them protectively. Ares would try to coax his sister out of the den, but she seemed insistent on staying. When she requested to see her nieces and nephew, the dark woman would scoff. Not happening. But like a savior, a familiar shadow slide into the den. Muscles would relax minutely as her Queens voice filled the den. Cold words would echo off the walls of their den as the children quieted, comforted by their mothers presence. Dual toned eyes would watch closely as the three wolves crowded into their den. This was too much. Exhaustion weighed down on her with suffocating force, and now two other wolves where packed into her home. She would peer up at Ares, almost impatiently, even though she knew he wasn't looking in her direction and none of this was her fault. Limbs folded around her newborns, dark plume gently laying over them, completely securing them against her side and out of view.

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Ares 1


06-26-2014, 11:27 AM

The hate Devya felt for his sister was deep, he knew that he should adorn the same attitude, but at the same time he couldn't. He couldn't help but think somewhere inside her twisted heart despite what he had done to their family, that she still cared for him. He could only wish that her affection could have also been spared for his mate. Deva was his, and he was Devya's. There would never be any intention of losing her or the tiny family they'd created together. In the end, he had no doubt that Artemis would keep herself from harming his whelps, but he would not go beyond Devya's desires. If she wished for their tiny forms to be protected from his sister's peering eyes he would respect that.
He could feel the tyrant becoming agitated, and he wasn't sure what he would tell her, she might not have respected Devya or her wishes, but he did. Before the situation would become more heated a voice would be heard behind the pale queen. Katja. The current regent of ebony.
"You will leave now or you will be removed." Vibrant violet gaze would fall upon his queen and then upon his sister. He knew Artemis did not take getting told what to do very well. Even if she was his sister he could do little to keep her there. He would not be able to convince Katja to let her stay even if Devya had allowed her to see their spawn.
While there was certainly lakes of bad blood between the three of them he still would feel a flame of hope within him that their family would be reconciled. It seemed so impossible though...

I can talk!


06-26-2014, 02:10 PM
How amusing it is to the carnage queen that her weary adversary believes she possesses even an iota of competence within her feeble bones, a sardonic simper elongating across porcelain features as she takes notice of the whore?s tensed stance. Her brother intervenes and the wraith contemplates over whether or not he knows she can best the sable witch ( as she had accomplished before ), though it is merely a fleeting concept as the presence of a second spectator breaches the confines of Devya?s birthing chambers. Metallic and violet gaze shifts to examine the looming newcomer with evident disinterest, triangular ears careening towards the wraith adjacent to her as domineering words reverberate off of the narrow walls of her brother?s den; ah, so this was the queen. Ravenous incisors gleam as she flashes the dappled sovereign a smirk, pallid skull sloping slightly in feigned confusion as her mismatched gaze ravages the woman?s own silver--tauntingly. ?Funny, I must have missed the welcome party last time I entered your home.? Vocals are a sarcastic croon that baits the dappled queen with the prospect of insubordination, though the phantom deity does not attack; no--the den is far too populated to make room for a potential arena. Thus, her attention wavers back to her brother?s whore who shields her children from prying pupils before shifting towards her brother, irritation leaking from pallid pores. ?Tell your wifey to play nice, Ares. Your children might be safe, but she is not,? she murmurs softly into his ear, pupils interlocking with his own, firmly, before falling back upon the dappled sovereign.

?Lead the way then, love,? she coos, her infamously wry grin stagnant upon a marred countenance as her haunches leave the earth, sparing one last glance at Devya before snaking through the den?s threshold and after the queen.

---exeunt artemis with katja


07-07-2014, 06:13 PM

Ares said nothing even though Artemis was clearly becoming agitated. The pale wench would foolishly taunt their Alpha, but the dark woman said nothing, merely watched through narrowed eyes. It did not go unnoticed when she leaned in towards Ares, murmuring something in his ear. It would not a stretch to assume that her adversary was once again threatening her. Lips curled back silently as she left, finally leaving them in peace. Her gaze would lift to Ares, her look mildly accusing, as if to say 'did you do this?' Her head would lower onto her paws as she remained curled tightly around her newborns. Exhaustion settled deep into her bones, sleep gnawing at her. It would not take long for her to fall asleep, feeling safe enough now that it was just her and Ares and Artemis was gone. Her sides would lift and fall gently as she slept soundly, stirring only when Ares resumed his place beside her.

-exit via sleep-

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