
burning bridges




6 Years
01-30-2020, 03:22 PM

After much deliberation Banshee had come to terms with what she had to do. Despite desiring nothing more then to have one big happy family in the Empire it was just not working out. From a young age she had felt like an outsider and the world was working against her. Without stable parents and distance growing between relatives she had no clue where her place was. The only Wolf in the Empire she felt close to was Sirius and he was busy with the move and his pregnant Wife. Recluse was usually hidden or training and Gimli was just sort of stomping around all the time.

With all of that being said the fanged Klein had decided it was time to depart from the suffocating web of her family's pack. Marching earth toned paws carried the youth to a clearing. Nerves rattled within her with each step but she held her head high just as her parents would. Hard decisions came easy to the Kleins as drama seemed to never escape their grasp. A part of her wanted to just run off and not tell anyone like Hannibal often did but she knew it would lead to nothing but bad news. Thus, Banshee tossed her head up into the air and called for Sirius in hopes he was free to have a discussion about her potential departure.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-31-2020, 02:40 PM
Banshee’s call took him away from his routine border patrol, and into the heart of the pack. He moved across the tall grass plains, searching for the towering figure of the young pupil he had rescued. Time always seemed to get away from Sirius, breaking into the plans he carefully created. He had intended to spend more time training the young fanged warrior-healer.

He came to a stop a short distance from her, admiring the full height she had grown to. It did not compete with his own, but it was impressive nonetheless. She had come a long way from the skinny, weak-with-hunger creature he had pulled from the darkness. “Banshee” he said with no preamble, as he took a seat before her, and gave her the floor to state what she wished.



6 Years
01-31-2020, 11:23 PM

As the hulking beast moved closer Banshee could have trembled, but she did not. The young Wolfess had already been through quite a lot in her short life but confronting Sirius was one of the more nerve wracking moments. Her baby blue eyes took in his own as she stood. He was so much taller then her but it was true that she had grown tall. Taller then either of her parents and most of her relatives other then cousins. The size difference was still enough to cause her to tilt her head upward to look at him in the eyes. Which is what she did as he spoke her name. Banshee swallowed as she offered him a small nod, her eyes full of emotion despite her stone like expressions. It was evident he would be able to see through the limited defenses she was attempting to build.

After only a moment the yearling swallowed her nerves and spoke up. "I believe it is best I put distance between myself and Ashen." A pause. "I have felt lost since my father coming back..." Banshee wrinkled her nose slightly in response to bringing up Hannibal. "Everything horrible that has happened lives here in the south. I'd like to leave and experience the world without the shadow of my family following." She sucked in a breath, "You.. have always been there for me Sirius and.. I-I really don't want you to feel as though my desire to leave has to do with you at all."




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-01-2020, 01:20 AM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2020, 01:20 AM by Sirius.)
His pupil looked weary, uncertain of herself. He had not seen her look so vulnerable, since the day he had pulled her from the mud. She had been growing into herself, and he knew she was still finding who she was, and was occasionally a young, moody wolf. Such was to be expected from any teenager, and he had always given her space, and his faith in her.

If something or someone was bothering her, he would happily rip it to shreds for her - or show her how to find the strength to do so herself. He was protective, but he also believed in learning experiences.

Ahh he thought quietly as she spoke of feeling lost with the return of her father. He knew that the relationship between the two of them had always been rocky. He tapped a paw, the only sign of his thoughts as he paused, and considered them. “I do not easily give up the wolves I have taken into my pack.” he said quietly. It was a rule that could be found in the obelisk in the middle of the communal area. To leave, a wolf must win in a battle against Sirius himself, or one he appointed to fight for him. But Banshee… Banshee was family, she was his pupil. “Perhaps you would consider not entirely shedding the cloak of allegiance to the Armada, even if you do not feel comfortable with the Empire. I could give you leave to travel for as far and as long as you please, and still wear my name, if this is a compromise you might consider. It would still offer you a module of protection, and a place to rest your head if you grow weary of exploring.” He fell silent, giving her the chance to consider his offer.



6 Years
02-03-2020, 11:41 PM

As Sirius gazed down upon her she felt a burning sensation in her heart. Banshee wanted so much to fit into the puzzle that was Ashen or the Armada. She felt it hard to focus on her studies with so much pricking at her skin. Heartache mixed with the lure of her companion Iroh. While some of the Kleins made he feel an unyielding rage such as her father or even Deathbelle at times her friend from the other Empire made her feel so peaceful. Her heart fluttered at the thought of those beaming eyes. She could say despite her puppy crush on the boy she could feel solace with him even they never delved into a relationship.

With all of that being said Banshee had a lot of reasons why she wanted to leave. Maybe they weren't good enough for the Warlord or her family but she felt the burning need to flee. The young Klein listened to her leader with wide eyes. Sirius would compromise with her. At first she felt slightly defeated but then came to the realization that maybe it was for the best. Perhaps running away alone was not a good idea. The cloak of the Armada would help if she encountered a sticky situation. Also, if she got cold paws she could come back and continue to sulk alone. Thus, after a few moments Banshee nodded. Her eyes stung as they watered slightly. She didn't know why she wanted to cry or her emotions flared so intensely in that moment but she couldn't control it. A single tear slipped from a baby blue eye as she moved to press her chest against the Warlords upper leg. A small hug from the much smaller femme. "Thank you, Sirius." A pause as she nuzzled him slightly, hiding her emotions per usual. "If only you had been my father." She then aimed to take a step back, "I will make the most of this opportunity. I hope to come back as a Wolf someone could be proud of."

Suddenly, the young Klein fae swallowed her fears and walked away. More tears fell as her head was turned from Sirius and she did not turn back.

-Attempted exit-




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-04-2020, 12:53 AM
He could see the deliberation of her thoughts, the uncertainty. He thought for a moment that she might swing against the idea, and he would be forced to make the choice of exempting her from the rules, or forcing her to challange him for her freedom. He did not know exactly what he would have done, but he was grateful the choice was taken from him. She accepted, and emotion bubbled to the surface. He was surprised to see the tears prickling beneath her lids, and did not know how to react. Should he comfort her? He had never been the beast at dealing with emotions. He was more accustomed himself to feeling rage then sadness.

She hugged him, and he pulled his other fore leg around her, cupping about her body gently in a returned embrace. There was nothing restricting about the moment, and she would be able to pull free easily.

'If only you had been my father' no other words could have caught so unprepared he froze, surprise upon his features as he looked upon her. He could see even theough his bewilderment, that she would run shortly. Before he lost the chance, he allowed spontaneous and unexpected motions to over take him. He pulled her in again, and pressed a kiss to her brow. "You are my daughter. And none have made me prouder" He declared in that moment. No doubt, nor hesitation in his voice. It was the word of an Alpha, and he would take whatever responsibilities came of it. Even it meant putting him at odds one day with Hannibal, whom he respected.

He had found Banshee, he had stolen her back from the earth, and helped nurse her to health. He had saved her life, and because of it her giving her the best life he could. He had not started this day with the intention of taking on a daughter, but he would stand by his choice.

He would make no effort to stop her, if she chose in that moment to run. He had said what he intended, and she would know now where she stood with the Titan. They were not of blood, but their family ties would be thick in loyalty, if she allowed it.



6 Years
02-04-2020, 03:20 PM

As the emotional yearling aimed to take off Sirius pulled her in closer. The response that left his inky lips caused her heart to thud. She never thought he'd be the one to expose such feelings. To finally feel relieved of the pain caused by her biological father and to have someone so benevolent and strong fill that void caused her to feel joy. The two never previously exchanged words of feelings or emotion but what she had spoken and his response felt honest. Banshee likely would never call the massive Wolf 'dad' but to have a figure to rely on and one of which she could fully trust would be enough for her. Nor would the yearling no longer consider herself a Klein. Banshee would wave both the flag of Fatalis and Klein.

Before her was a fork in the road. On one side stood her supportive honorary father figure and on the other was Iroh and the promise of freedom. Would she run off and perhaps abandon the promise of having Iroh as her family? Or would shee trail Sirius into a path of joy and warmth? Banshee could see herself snuggled up with her crush. But, on the other paw she also felt a surge of hope coming from Sirius and his impending children. Perhaps the yearling could make for a proper big sister to her adoptive siblings.

Banshee felt her heart racing as she weighed out her options but soon the answer would be clear. Iroh could still be in her life just as he was now. He was only a few hours travel away. It would be selfish, foolish even, to abandon the chance to learn from Sirius and have him as a support system. Since a young age Banshee had always desired to be strong and to make a name for herself. This was her chance to do so. To step out of the shadow of her disappointing father and to shed that heavy cloak from her back.

Baby blue eyes flicked up to his own as she nodded. No more tears fell, "I will not run away from my problems." Banshee aimed to nuzzle into Sirius, "I'd like to stay and continue to train with you Sirius." Impulse was her biggest flaw and in those moments she worked to overcome her urge to act out. Instead of running away she would stay and face her doubts and fears. "You have proven to be the only one I can trust here and it makes me hopeful to think you consider me to be your daughter."




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-04-2020, 06:27 PM
The flighty, desperate need to be on the move that he had seen in her eyes faded, and there was something else to take their place. A resolve, a stead-fast determination as she looked up at the marginally taller wolf, and it echoed in him, as he in turn looked down at the fanged woman before him.

She nuzzled him, and he dipped his head lower, returning the gesture, his tail a banner straight behind him, shifting slightly left and right as through knocked by a breeze in the wind. “Training you is my pleasure” he confirmed, he had enjoyed the lessons he had had with the woman. It was true he had not devoted as much time to it as he should have, ever since he broke his leg, and moved the pack here to its new home. They both had been distracted, but there was a renewal in their bonds to each other, a strengthening. They meant something to one another now, that went further than the ties of master and pupil. “I am a possessive bastard, and there are few that I call mine, but you are one of them, Banshee.” he said, the promise in his voice was one of absolutes.