
Seaside Appreciation




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-31-2020, 04:33 PM
[Image: b8sXIOW.png?1]

The day had been spent in preparation. Meat had been sliced into cubes and marinated in various herbs and spices. Sticks had been ground sharp. A fire had been started, stoked, and left to burn down to coals. The tide wasn't due for a while, so there was definitely time to show Roan just how much she'd come to appreciate him.

"Almost there," the small wolf spoke to the much larger man. She didn't tell him exactly where she was taking him, but he would follow anyway. The pair had grown quite close. There were things that they shared that others simply wouldn't understand. Their similarities had pulled them together, but so had their differences. They just fit. Iolaire felt more whole with Roan than she had in a long, long time. Being with him made her realize just how horrid her first relationship had been. Yrionne hadn't appreciated her at all. She'd just been some dainty little prize. 'Den candy.' The realization helped to put a lot of things into perspective. It definitely hammered home the fact that she genuinely cared for the black and silver man.

She'd placed the fire at the border between grass and sand. If the tide did decide to surprise them, it wouldn't come back this far. They could warm themselves on the sun-heated sand for a while before that heat gave way to the cool of night. When things did become a little chill, they would still have the fire. She'd also brought her thick, oxen hide skin. Io was fully prepared.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-31-2020, 06:21 PM
Roan was healing, the going was quicker now that he was nearing the end of his rehabilitation. As long as he went slow Roan could make it nearly anywhere in the Empire without getting sore. The fast his pace the worse he hurt. He might not have gone so far if Iolaire hadn’t coaxed him along. She didn’t tell him where they were going and he didn’t know what to expect. He did know how he felt about her though, and he had a good idea of her emotions towards him. He could safely look forward to whatever she planned.

Iolaire encouraged him along as she led the way over the plains. He was taking it steady because he knew what he’d feel like if he pushed himself too hard. Eventually they seemed to come upon their destination. He smelled the ire before he saw it settled between the grass and the sand. His brows pulled up curiously as his verdant gaze surveyed the picnic area. She brought the plush oxen hide for the chill that might settle over them after sunset. Io spared no expense.

”You were busy.” He chuckled as he aimed a teasing nuzzle to her cheek before settling down. His movements were much more fluid now, getting down at least. Standing was a different beast.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-01-2020, 03:00 AM
Iolaire didn't know anything about Roans intent to woo her, but she was surely tring to woo him in return. The surprise that crossed his scarred features brought a grin to her face and she sidled up beside him. He pointed out that she was busy and the little lady snickered. "Darling, I'm always busy." With a nudge, she prompted him to take a seat while she brought the coals to life.

Taking up a slab of stone, Io placed it upon the red hot coals. A pang of nostalgia struck. It felt like she'd done this for Deathbelle not too long ago. This, however... her relationship with Roan. It was on an entirely different level. She loved Belle. She really did, but they had been two lonely women who needed one another at that moment. Being with Roan was easy. It was natural. And she knew that it didn't have to end.

Taking out two covered turtle shells, Io took up a sharply pointed stick. Casing a glance over her shoulder at the resting man, she spoke. "You like your meat raw, but I like mine seared. I figured I'd show you." The dark fae placed chunks of meat on the stone slab and they instantly started hissing and sizzling. The pieces didn't need to be on there long. The edges just needed to crisp and they needed to be heated through. Once she was she that they were ready, Io placed them on another some slab. There were several chunks for each of them, all coated in the same herb mixture and lightly salted. "There's raw if you prefer, or I could make more if you're still hungry." She grinned, two toned eyes sparkling. "Enjoy. "
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
02-01-2020, 08:01 AM
Iolaire insisted she was always busy as she helped him settle and returned her attention to the fire. Roan didn’t hide his gaze as she worked with the flames, the way she held herself and how deftly she worked. Roan was just as old as Iolaire but his time as a hired hunter with his sister denied him a deep relationship with anyone beyond Dapple. Iolaire could be described as his only love, and the only woman to give him a second glance.

Roan tried not to worry himself about his lack of experience, being with his caretaker was easy. Their affection was natural and he wouldn’t deny his attraction to her. She pulled him from his focus on her curves as she spoke softly about her actions. He tilted his head curiously as he observed her actions. The raw meat made noise as it was placed by the fire and gave off an indescribably aroma. He was fully perplexed and as she offered the buffet up to him the silver marked titan grinned.

Slowly he inched his head forward, using his nose he’d take in the scent of them again. This caused a rumbling in his stomach. He was always hungry, he suspected it was a side effect of his injury. She offered him the raw chunks, but he was curious about her seared morsels. Carefully he took a piece with his dark inky lips. The meat was so tender it melted in his mouth. He couldn’t help the way his eyes widened in surprise.

”You truly spoil me.” He rumbled deeply as he resisted the urge to wrap her up in his arms. Dinner first. ”I’ve never tasted anything like this.”

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-03-2020, 01:27 AM
Rather than eat when he did, Iolaire was content to watch his face as Roan took his first bite of the cooked, spiced meat. The look of utter satisfaction on his face was perfect. A prideful grin settled upon Io's features. She was pleased with her skill and enjoyed the validation that his expression had given her. Roans words brought a soft chuckle from the small fae and she leaned against him. "You deserve nice things." He really did. The big man made her quite happy. She slept better than she ever had. She wasn't as internally anxious as she used to be. She didn't worry as much. Just as she was healing him, he was healing her.

Iolaire picked a piece of the meat between her teeth and chewed slowly. It was just how she liked it. Warm, soft, flavorful. The pair ate, Io cooked some more, and they ate those as well. Once they had eaten their fill, the tiny lady lay on her side, eyes at half mast. Her white tipped tail swished lazily back and forth like a satisfied feline. The fire was warm and being full was making her relaxed and languid.

It was nice to be away from the rest of the pack. Nice to have some time alone. Not that they weren't alone every night, but it was nice to be somewhere else where it was just the pair of them. There was no chance of anyone intruding upon their moment together. The Armada was still small. Most of its members were too timid to venture out on their own. Tonight it was just the two of them. All alone.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
02-03-2020, 10:07 AM
Judging from her grin she was quite pleased with herself after he uttered his satisfaction. Roan was falling in live with Iolaire but her smile endeared her to him completely. He'd seen her embrace her sorrow but he absolutely loved her when she smiled. Io leaned against him and he reveled in her closeness as the sun began to settle over the horizon. Bright oranges, reds, and pinks began to paint the sky as the two of them enjoyed a quiet meal together.

He wasn't sure how much he deserved nice things, Roan felt like a brute. He was messy, primal, a warrior. Besides Dapple he had never had anyone to care about or look after. Now that he was healing he knew he would make a vow in a moment that he would give his own life for Io's. Eventually their meal was through and the two of them were satisfied. Verdant gaze shifted from the darkening sky to the dainty healer's relaxed form. Her beauty was unmistakable, especially there alone under the setting sun.

Roan didn't disguise his gaze as he watched her from the side. He leaned against her and sighed heavily, despite the turmoil surrounding his life and the difficulties endured to get to this point he was happy. The thought made him smile, but the vision of Dapple looking down at him proudly flashed in his mind. She was at peace, and so would he be.

The silver marked titan reached over to nuzzle her gently, "Has anyone told you recently how beautiful you are?" She even put the sunset to shame. Roan only had eyes for her, and losing himself in the woman was becoming easier. Not waiting on a reply he aimed to shift his nuzzle into a shy kiss. Butterflies erupted in his belly, he was healing well and his thoughts would gravitate to the next step in their relationship.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-03-2020, 11:08 AM
As Roan began to stir, Iolaire rolled onto her back, paws pulled up to her chest. She stared up at the giant man. The scars on his face had healed enough that they had scabbed over, then smoothed. The marks made him look dangerous. She found them rather dashing and quite liked them, herself. He looked like a mans man. As she looked up at him, she found herself smiling. Roan made her smile more than anyone else had in a long time.

Then he spoke, complimenting her looks. Heat rushed to the fae's cheeks and a chill went up her spine. She was very pleased by his words. Of course others had complimented her looks, but it had never meant anything. With Roan, it meant something. It meant a lot, actually. Before she could reply, he was kissing her. The prone position that she was in gave him very easy access for that kiss. "Mmmph," she murmured into the kiss, her paws resting gently on either side of his neck. The things that he did to her...

Iolaire pulled her lips from his only a hairsbreadth and whispered against his lips. "You're rather handsome yourself, Roan." She purred his name against his own lips. "We make a lovely couple, don't you think?" Their coloring was similar. They were both shining black with silver. She with white. Their vast difference in size was even more appealing, she thought. She the tiny woman and he the big, strong man. A low chuckle spread her lips in a grin before she was kissing him again.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
02-03-2020, 11:59 AM
His facial wounds had nearly healed, though he couldn't see the scars they would be a lifelong reminder of the day his life completely changed. He mourned his sister, but knowing he had this gorgeous woman at his toe tips made the sorrow sting just a little less. Iolaire welcomed his physical affection, her golden gaze beaming up at him as they melted into the kiss. One of his massive inky black paws aimed to rest over her soft belly.

Roan's mind was wrapped up in her completely, her slender frame, the way their lips met, how warm he felt with her form pressed against his own. The corners of his mouth pulled back as she forced the space between them as she spoke. He wouldn't have considered himself attractive, especially after the bear attack. The way she spoke the words he couldn't help but believe her. "Quite the pair." He breathed as she reunited their lips.

Roan was a well trained warrior, a bear killer. Being soft and tender didn't come naturally. Ioaire brought out a different side to him, he cared for her deeply and he wasn't sure words could adequately describe his feelings for her. He was nearly complete for the first time in his life. Roan was lost in her kiss, but the only real thought was being closer to the tiny dame. "Iolaire," he whispered as he moved his lips to her ear and pulled her closer to his chest. "I love you."

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-03-2020, 06:14 PM
He agreed with her and she could feel the smile on his maw. Again, the thought entered Io's head. They were so easy together. This was all so natural. It took zero effort to show Roan affection. She wanted to. She needed to be sweet to him. She needed to see him smile, to hear him laugh. Right at that moment, his happiness was her ultimate goal in life. It seemed that her happiness was his goal as well.

Roan pulled her close. She thought that he simply wanted to be closer to her, which she didn't mind one bit. When he whispered in her ear, however, the small woman's heart ran rampant in her chest. Chartreuse eyes closed and she pressed herself against him, returning the embrace. It was difficult to find her voice at first due to the overwhelming monsoon of emotion, but she managed. "Roan, I..." she started, having to swallow that emotion down. "I love you too." She'd recognized it, but saying it aloud for the first time really hammered it home. Though they were so new, Roan had shown her his love and affection from the start. He proved each day that he truly wanted to be with her. Bringing him here, taking the time to feed him well, that was one of her ways of showing him that she really wanted to be here too.

A gentle laugh bubbled up in Iolaire and she pressed her forehead against him. She was... happy. Genuinely happy. Love was something that she had always wanted in life. The cards never seemed to fall in her favor. This time, however, she'd been dealt a royal flush.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
02-03-2020, 07:24 PM
Roan was relieved that she didn’t pull away from him. He couldn’t deny how special she made him feel making such a well planned meal, but there was still a chance he was moving too fast. He’d admitted his inner most thoughts, his weaknesses, what he used to be. She knew him despite the short time they spent together, and he was certain of his feelings for her since she’d been forced to ride in the cart. Iolaire pressed herself against him and Roan held tightly. Unsure what answer he’d get the silver marked titan didn’t want to let her go.

He closed his own emerald gaze as she uttered his name softly, he didn’t expect her to return the sentiment yet, he knew what he was asking her. He knew how he felt too, and he wasn’t going to be changing that anytime soon. Still, his heart swelled as she spoke the words in return. She loved him too.

The titan grinned as he barely controlled his emotions, this experience was all new to him but he was eager to dive head first. She was all he ever wanted, and all he wanted was to play out their shared future. He could fell the change in her, and hear the care free tone her laughter held. She was happy and her words were true. ”Good.” He rumbled softly. ”Now that I have you, I’m not letting go.” His heart raced and his skin was warm wherever they touched. She made him feel alive when he had nothing to live for. She showed him there was hope and a future and he could spend it with her.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-03-2020, 07:38 PM
The pair embraced and the world was just for them. At that moment, nothing else mattered. Roan accepted her words and she could feel the emotion thrum through his body. The feeling was overwhelming, but not remotely unpleasant. Io felt as though she would burst into millions of tiny pieces just from being filled with so much love.

Roan spoke of having her and not letting her go. It was a sweet sentiment, but Iolaire's mind went in a more... mature direction. "Oh, darling..." she purred, her maw next to one black ear. "You haven't had me yet." Her tongue flicked out to run along the edge of that ear. An open invitation if there ever was one. It had been a long time since she'd had a man and, being a sensual woman like she was, Iolaire felt that she was overdue.

A light nip was given to the underside of Roan's jaw. She adjusted herself, molding her body against his and pressing her curves into him. Iolaire wasn't your typical, wide-hipped fae. She was sleek and slender. She believed that it gave her a different sort of beauty. One that she was proud of. The dark lady began to groom Roan's throat with teeth and tongue, her movements slow and sensual. she was definitely trying to work him into a fervor. Then he wouldn't be able to deny her.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
02-03-2020, 08:16 PM
She filled him until he overflowed with emotion, but all of it was love and adoration for her. Roan breathed her in and relinquished the fact he couldn’t hold himself back. He confessed readily, but Iolaire corrected him with an unexpected whisper to his ear. He sucked in a swift breath as her tongue caressed the soft fur there. His eyes widened, but he didn’t pull away from her or her touch. Her body molded against his and a nervousness was realized within him as she nipped at his jaw.

A pleased rumble bubbled forth from his chest as he felt her teeth at his throat, she had access to his most vital places. He loved her, and trusted her completely. Now he was invited to express his passion for her in a much more intimate way. Iolaire wasn’t holding back and neither would her. They were the only two wolves in the world. This was the only moment that mattered. ”Io,” his voice husky with desire he wanted to say her name again and again.

If they weren’t already so close he would have fumbled more noticeably, however inexperienced and nervous he wouldn’t hesitate. Had he mentioned to her the lack of girlfriends in his past? Did she care? Roan tried to push the thoughts aside and focus on his instincts and how her body moved. He was gentle but his eagerness showed through in the way her returned her nips and kisses. He was determined to make this a perfect night and with every caress and touch he’d prove that.


As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-03-2020, 08:44 PM
Roan's level of skill didn't matter at all to Iolaire. Sure, he fumbled a bit, but they were together. They were learning one another. She wasn't as suave as she planned to be either, but it didn't matter. Roan loved her and he loved her well. When they were finished, she sprawled on the oxen fur beside him, a dazed, half smile lingering on her features. She was full, she was satiated, she was... tired.

Rolling over, Iolaire curled her small form against Roan's much larger frame. The fire, which had been coals before, was naught but a few glowing embers. She could add more wood to it, but she was just so damn comfortable. Her blinks were be coming longer and longer until eventually they ceased. Io fell asleep with the man that she admitted to loving. Were things finally falling into place for her? It would seem so.

-Time skip or exit?-
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
02-04-2020, 07:23 AM
Though he was far from perfect the experience had been, Roan wasn’t sure what ecstasy was but now he knew with no doubt. Though his body was tired his heart was elated and his mind was at peace. A contented sigh rolled from his lips as he settled heavily on the furs beside his love. He could see the satisfaction in her features and felt it in himself. His chest rose and fell as he caught his breath but he wrapped Iolaire up in his arms as she curled herself into him.

His own lips pulled back in a satisfied smile, his own emerald gaze slipped closed as he wrapped his neck around her tiny body. He held her to himself as she slowly fell asleep and Roan let himself fell into the bliss. Roan was happy, he was beyond happy with Iolaire. He loved her and this night proved it to him without a doubt.

As she relaxed and her breathing evened Iolaire slipped into a deep slumber and Roan followed behind her. He’d keep her warm even if the fire was dead, and he’d hold her until the morning dawned.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.