
of mice and men


06-24-2014, 08:17 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2014, 08:17 PM by Tyrion.)

His eyes had opened yet nothing was scene. Things were heard. Voices of two females. His mum was the large one and his sister was the small one. Yet, he would never be able to see them. He relied on their comforting scents and delightful voices. They spoke of sight, how they could see things. Yet, his mother did explain, that his eyes did not work like theirs. But, he was no less of a Wolf. What did a Wolf look like? What did he look like? His fur was puffy and brown, yet he would never be able to see. Green eyes were constantly wide but they were fogged and he had no pupils. A sign of blindness that was common. Though, they were always wide, as if one day he would be able to see. The thoughts were not as in depth due to his young age. He did not truly understand why he was the way he was. Nor, did he care in the most. The boy would still have fun.

The air was brisk yet his little paws met the ground with little caution. He was quiet, yet quite the adventurer. He wobbled blindly through the entrances of the cave. His nose was pointed forward to make sure he did not run into anything. He had yet to make the great adventure of running outside. His little tail wagged as he moved further and further out. His mouth hung open to taste the clean air. He felt tired of being in the den with his mum and sis. He wanted to have some fun! A little yip would be heard as he began to ran. He wobbled and leaped as he did so but he was terribly unaware of the dangers ahead. As he moved further out the little boy ran into what was supposivly a bush. He dove face first into it. The boy huffed and fell back onto his rear. Ty got back onto his paws and took a few steps back with a weary look on his little face. The boy then turned and began to slowly wobble back where he came from, still with a lovely smile upon his innocent features.




8 Years
06-24-2014, 08:53 PM

With the birth of her own children and the brush with death she had had, Othello had been sticking close to Orchid and Ellis. She was thankful for her friend having pups and her ability to nurse her own whelps when she needed the rest. While she wasn't still feeling one hundred percent better, she had brought a snack for her healer friend. A thin rabbit swung from her pale jaws as the new mother trotted towards the place where her friends pups were being held. They were her half nieces and nephews, her half brothers blood ran through them. This was news that she had yet to share with the sweet wolf, but she knew that know was not the right time to become a saint. Even though it was through rape that brought these pups into the world, she knew that the two bundles were greatly loved by the two of them. She felt inclined to make sure that they had a wonderful upbringing, to right the wrong that Imonde made.

When the dame neared the den, she heard a yip of a little one. With a smile she watched as Tyrion stumbled from the den, his blind eyes wide to the world. He was such a sweet boy, trying to understand why he was so different from them. He was their special little boy, that was for sure. Knowing that he couldn't get to far with her on standby, she allowed him to explore a little bit. When he broke into a run her ears lay flat with worry, although she need not. Even though he ran into a bush, he merely flopped onto his rump before standing back up. Ah, to be young again. Giggling softly, Othello padded up to the little brown lump, making sure to put a little more effort into making sound so that she wouldn't startle the little one. Placing down the rabbit, she licked the small boy. "Off on an adventure, are we Tyrion?" She asked softly, sitting upon her rump by the small boy.



06-26-2014, 03:01 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The young woman was, in many ways, happier day by day. It had been hard to witness the truth of what she feared, however, in that something had been wrong with her children from birth. Blindness... It had captured both children. Tyrion was completely blind, his orbs fogged over, whereas her daughter had a single orb that had a light film over it. The girl said she could see out of it a little, though Ellis was certain that the vision would start going more and more in that eye as she aged. Ellis hadn?t expected it, though there had been another in her family blind. A sibling. Though the cause had been cataracts. She wondered, if only to herself, if cataracts might claim her daughter?s other eye, leaving her just as blind as her sibling.

None the less, however, Ellis loved the little bundles more than she had ever loved before. They were perfect, her children, giving her a reason to live, a reason to be strong. Tyrion, even despite his blindness, fought to overcome the handicap, and Ellis hadn?t worried much on that yet. But both he and Theisinova were nearing the time where they would be heading outside into the world for the first time... And the mother was prone to more anxiety about it. But it was not just her own children she worried about that outing with, but Othello?s as well. She had been staying with her friend, aiding her with Revenge and Mercy, the two beautiful children the other had birthed. She felt love for them as well, as strong as she felt for her own.

Othello was still recovering, and Ellis had no problem helping care for all of the children. Her little Nova and Ty seemed close to the other woman as well, and though she had told her daughter countless times that Othello wasn?t her mother as well, the girl insisted it was so, and that she was just special cause she had two mom?s and Scorpion to look up to. Thank goodness something good had come into this world again.

Ears would perk, worry gripping her as she heard Ty?s yip. Teal-green eyes scanned the cave, realizing with horror that the boy wasn?t within. The woman would shift carefully, trying not to disturb the slumbering Mercy and Revenge, and padded to the entrance, relief washing over her when she saw Othello standing with her son. Bless that woman, Ellis could count on her for anything she was sure. She would smile lightly, giving a nod to Othello. ?Good morning Othello. Feeling a little better this morning?? She hadn?t realized yet the other had hunted for her, and would more often that not encourage her to rest, rather than go out just yet. Gaze would flick to Ty, one ear tilted back in the direction of the cave should the smaller pups start crying for attention.

?Tyrion... You need to make sure you let me know before you go out next time, okay?? Her words weren?t scolding, but she hoped that the boy would do so. What would she have done if he?d gotten lost? Hurt? She would stop the train of thoughts there, not wanting to make her anxiety for him worse.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


06-26-2014, 03:04 PM
The girl would wake, mis-matched eyes, due to the film over her left eye, opening to the world. The single orb of sight, a pretty sea green color, would look around to find that it was just her and her ?siblings? Revenge and Mercy in the cave. She would rise, giving a small whine, padding to the two smaller pups and sniffing them, making sure they were okay before moving to the entrance. There she would find her mother, which got her small tail to wagging. She would pad up under her, ears pricked forward, ready to ask her what she was doing until she saw Tyrion and Othello. Without any hesitation an excited yip would leave her jaws and the girl would plunge into the brisk air, running to her brother?s side.

?Yaaay! We get to be outside!? Her tail was wagging even more now, excitement flooding through her as she looked around. So many unfamiliar things, covering in white, and her other mommy was back! It was perfect! Theisinova gave a happy whine, dropping to a play bow as she tapped Tyrion?s paw. ?Let?s play! Let?s play!? She was full of energy, and the fact that they were outside now only made her even more excited and ready to run around. Ty was the best to play with, even if he couldn?t see. She didn?t mind... She kept to his pace, and things were still fun!


06-26-2014, 06:24 PM

The boy heard footsteps all around him as he wobbled slowly forward. The boy let his head lift and his nose was filled of his Aunt Othello's scent. The boy smiled smiled looked that way, even if he could not see. She was close and her voice filled his ears with delight before a lick was felt along his skin. "Off on an adventure, are we Tyrion?" The pup would smile a little more and nuzzle against her foreleg. "Yes, I do love tah outdurrs. I wuz tired of tah den." Her licked his lips before his mothers voice filled his rounded ears. ?Good morning Othello. Feeling a little better this morning?? He looked in the direction of her voice and yipped. Oh he loved his mother. She was so kind to everyone. Though, he a frown filled his muzzle as his mothers next words filled his ears, ?Tyrion... You need to make sure you let me know before you go out next time, okay?? The boy slowly nodded, "Surry mum. It wuz a surprise atvendure!" The boy would let his head tilt down in a shameful way. He hated making his mum upset.

Yet, his mood changed instantly as the tipper tapper of his sisters paws filled his ears. His head flicked up before the sound of his sisters voice entered his ears. ?Yaaay! We get to be outside!? The boy let forth a yip before laughing softly. "We can atvendur!" His little tail wagged crazily. His sister was very close. he could tell as she tapped his paw and spoke. ?Let?s play! Let?s play!? The boy play growled and dropped down to a bow as well. His rear shook in the air as he narrowed his fogged eyes. "Ima pin you like last ti' sissy!" He then shot forth and attempt to tackle her. He felt for her head and he would playfully attempt to nip for her muzzle. Though, due to his lack of site those nips could land anywhere.




8 Years
06-30-2014, 05:13 PM

She had been so intent on the little one that she did not hear her friend approaching. Her sweet voice reached out to her, her purple gaze rising to rest on her dear Ellis. She smiled softly at her, although she knew that she was probably upset that she was out and about. She had managed to hunt down a rabbit for her though. The soft cries of her little ones caught her attention, but they were hushed in another moment. Must be Theisi, she seemed to warm up to her two little ones quite well. They were like siblings, and apparently Othello was their second mother. That thought always brought a smile to her maw, she loved that they thought of her that way. Theisi thought that she was so special because she had two mothers to watch out for her.

Othello listened to the two pups talk, their sweet little voices like music to her ears. As they began to play she padded closer to her friend, just in time to better hear her words. "I'm getting there." She said softly, licking Ellis on the cheek. Her heart went out to her friend, both her pups had eye defects. It didn't seem to hinder little Tyr at all, he played just like any other pups would. She hoped that when her pups were old enough to leave the den, they would understand and appreciate both pups, and not make fun of them because they were different. They were still lovely little bundles of joy, and both her and Ellis loved them very much, no matter their so called faults. "I caught you a rabbit." Nosing the limp creature over, she leaned against her friend.

The dame enjoyed her moment of peace, knowing that her own little ones would soon start to cry for herself. For right now she just wanted to relax and enjoy the two older pups, hoping that her pale ones would sleep a little. That would be perfect, so that she herself could rest. She was very thankful for Ellis, she had helped her a lot with her little ones. Othello had no idea what she would have done without this special lady beside her.


07-10-2014, 06:32 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Ellis could help but chuckle softly when she listened to Tyrion explain. Oh, pups would be pups. She worried for him so, but she was sure he would be okay. He would be strong, learning to overcome the hardships which life presented to him. She was confident he would however, and watching as he got into play-mode with his sister the femme felt for certain that good things only lay ahead. Gaze would shift back to Othello, teal-green eyes focusing on the white woman. She was glad that she was getting better, though. It had been a hard birth on the mother, and Ellis had been worried that the woman wouldn?t make it, though she prayed every night that she would.

The small woman would turn her head to the rabbit as her friend mentioned it, a grateful smile crossing onto her face. ?Thank you Othello.? The femme would say softly, leaning down to take the prey animal into her jaws. A meal would certainly do her well, especially with her children exploring the outside world now. ?Your little ones have hardly made a peep since you?ve left.? She would say softly before taking a bite.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


07-10-2014, 06:34 PM
Her brother?s excitement only added to the girl?s own, and Theisinova grinned widely as he responded to her. Playing with her brother was the best ever! He would let out his own play growl, getting into the same stance as she was. He would make his word to pin her again, and Theisinova would let out her own playful growl. ?Nu-uh! I won?t let ya this time!? Her brother would shoot forward, aiming to tackle her, as ?Nova stepped back, giving another growl.

The nip that was aimed for her muzzle ended up landing on her cheek, though it was close enough. The girl would giggle, trying to push back against her brother?s larger form. Their momma said he was going to get a lot bigger too. She was going to grow too of course, but her brother would be bigger still. The girl would lift her right front paw, aiming to push against her brother?s left front leg. ?Le? go!?But her giggles said she was enjoying this.