
furious hearts

chaos - vday event



2 Years
02-17-2020, 07:54 PM

Alabaster paws hit the earth with ease as the mahogany hued Wolf moved through the gloomy forest. It was later afternoon and the sun was on a rapid decline. Purples and oranges kissed the heavens which were only visible slightly through the thick canopy above. Rays of the golden sunshine peppered her warm toned fur every now and again but never for long. Mint moved slowly with her eyes wide with curiosity. It was the first time she had ventured to such a dark places and wondered about its inhabitants. She could only assume reclusive beings would reside in the Souless Forest as well as some predators making their solemn dens. Thus, she moved carefully and rather quietly to avoid stirring up any unsuspecting beasts.

As the gal moved along her eyes fell upon that of a small stream. It trickled through the muck and rock with little contest. Moving elegantly she happened open its shallows before dipping her head down to lap at the seemingly fresh water. She felt uneasy due to the calmness of the forest in those moments. Tall dark ears only picked up the natural noises of small prey and the water's movement. The fur on the back of her neck bristled slightly before she shook off the bad vibes with water dripping from her now raised head.



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-28-2020, 06:44 AM
Chaos was happy to be home, that was for sure. Happier yet to be home without the stress of the responsibilities he'd gladly handed over to his younger brother and knowing that he didn't have to be the one to step up all the time to take care of their family. His stints as alpha had changed him indelibly, he knew, and it was only a matter of time before his vacation was over and he stepped up to take a high rank and help out Tyrian. But for now, for this little bit, he wanted to just relax for a while and not be in charge of a damn thing except himself and a brief carefree lifestyle.

He'd gone wandering through to the mist-shrouded forest that had been so fascinating to him as a child. Age and familiarity had dimmed the fascination it held for him, but it wasn't a bad place for a little adventure, if you were ok with fog and muck and spiderwebs, which he didn't mind. He especially didn't mind when he spotted the feminine form some time into his jaunt, cautiously lapping at a little bit of a stream. She must have felt him looking at her from the misty undergrowth, because he saw her raise her head and bristle with nerves. Well, far be it from him to be so ungentlemanly as to keep her worrying about monsters!

Stepping from the fog, he gave her a cheery, long-fanged grin. "Well well, I wasn't expecting to meet up with another intrepid explorer today, let alone one so," he sketched a dramatic little bow to her, "One so beautiful as you are." As always, his banter was playful to the point of silliness, that crooked smile making it difficult to tell if he was flirting or teasing.

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write