
Let me out!

Sin - V-day Event



5 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019
02-20-2020, 09:47 PM
Ramesh hadn’t been home in some time now. First there was that pesky kidnap business, and finding the lion, and at long last he found himself back to his exploring. He missed the lion of course, she was like a walking tree, and had been useful in so many ways, and friendly. He didn’t like to admit when he got attached, so he tried not to think about her.

Today started out like any other adventure, until he found the tight little hole to squeeze into, and was met by total blackness. He wondered through blindly, tripping over every object, and smacking his head on the occasional Stalactites.

When he was done with the damp, cold, smelly, dark place and wanted to leave, he realised that he was very much turned around, and hadn’t the faintest idea of how to get out.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
02-20-2020, 10:40 PM

The caverns had become home over the last year for him. He never did stray too far from the mountains, considering himself a local of the Maw... it was hard for him to stray too far. He had been dwelling in the dark and damp room that had been his sanctum for so long that the scent of him was present throughout most of the caverns. It kept most predators and other wolves out, and he appreciated that sometimes but his intellectual mind craved *stimulus* of some sort.

He wasn't feeling quite courageous enough to take another trip to the battlegrounds just yet, but the thought crossed his mind as those bright blue eyes glanced over to the glint of silver of his crafted flail. When would he actually get around to using that thing? The thought of tracking down Altair and bothering her some more with his vulgar language cracked a smile across his squared muzzle, but that meant risking running into.. family. Why did she have to be so involved with packs? Why did he have to be so against involvement with them? Wasn't there some middle ground they could meet on that didn't involve them being apart for a year at a time?

He heard the sound of someone breaching his section of the caverns and he immediately reached for the chain of his flail, teeth locking into place with the links securely as he lifted it from the damp soil it had been resting in for months. Would he get a chance to use it now? Haha. He hoped not..

The giant waited as the other male tumbled in, standing his ground without saying a word. Brute lifted his chin as high as possible to display the heavyweight of the weapon in his grasp. He took a moment to assess the nature that this stranger had approached with, bright blue eyes wide and ever full of judgment while the stranger got his bearings. Dominus eventually decided against hostility and dropped the weapon into the soil before his own forepaws.

"Lost?" He had a doubt that the other could even see him, so he stepped into the beam of light offered through the cracks of the cavern's ceiling to make it easier on the stranger, but doing so also might have revealed the slight lift of his hackles. He wanted to be polite, but remaining on edge was part of his nature. He couldn't lower those hackles just yet even if he wanted to.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.