
Together Again (TORTUGA)



8 Years
06-21-2014, 10:13 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 01:36 PM by Qanik.)


in defense of the innocent

Qanik had taken the time she needed to calm herself after her surprise encounter with Flamesong. She'd spoken with Shay and made it very, very clear that he was to stop experimenting with squirrels, then slunk off to her den to sulk. Well, she was done sulking, and she had responsibilities to see through. Roman had trusted her with the rank of her secondary alpha and Qanik was not about to let her down because of a foolish emotional breakdown. She had a few days to adjust to the idea that she'd been abandoned by the one she'd loved, she'd had her breakdown, and it was time to move on and rebuild herself.

It was with an assumed calm that she moved to the clear area around the lake. The pack had been left to it's own devices long enough, and it was time to bring them together as a family once more. Raising her muzzle, a low note rang out, calling all members of Tortuga to a meeting.

OOC: Deadline for posting will be noon on Sunday the 29th.

cowardice is the only sin


06-21-2014, 06:06 PM
[ ooc: It seems like everyone avoids meetings Tea calls now. XD ]

The summer child had been scouring the whitewashed landscape, bleak from ages of wearing by a relentless force of nature, the icy wind. His fur had grown much longer since his arrival in Alacritia, and he had begun to embrace the cold air of the northern lands. In the pack of Tortuga, life was perfection. Amongst the kind wolves, he felt at home, and their close-knit friendships would only strengthen the pack, rather than weaken it. No food came too easily, but nor did it come in hard. Every wolf had a chance in the pack, with no biases. However, recently, activity of both his alpha and packmates had faltered, less and less meetings being called. Perhaps something had gone awry, and he sought out answers in the bleak landscape of a frozen lake.

As chocolate pads would skim the icy surface, a call of summoning met his russet auditories, a voice familiar to all Tortugan characters, Qanik. The alabaster tempest had recently been promoted to secondary alphess of the pack, to perhaps help with the faltering activity amongst his packmates. He had always been one to be loyal, and faithful to the pride of the north, and perhaps he would be repaid in this meeting. The summer child would be the first to arrive, honey gaze sweeping toward the alabaster tempest's own sapphires, which shone in the blistering wind, which drew snow and ice like a blade, cutting those who are weak to obey it. "A pack meeting, Qanik? I await what the purpose is, and I do hope I am not the only member of Tortuga to arrive quickly." Inky lips spread in a thoughtful smile as he would use his claws, tracking the icy landscape, and gaining purchase enough to sit upon his haunches, auditories lifted to hear what the white tempest had to say.




06-21-2014, 06:39 PM

Sunlight failed but only for a while

In the moonlight pale someone made me smile

Gossamir raced toward the call. If Qanik was calling a meeting it was probably important and she had been expecting one any how. Tortuga hadn't had a proper pack meeting since the epidemic and it was a good time to go and check on everyone. Gossamir walked into the meeting. "Hey Qanik, how's it going?" August was already there and hopefully Ritsuka would show up soon as well.

The shining almost took me

but I made it through the night

Chrono I


5 Years
06-21-2014, 07:29 PM

Chrono was the newest member of Tortuga, he hadn't even been in the pack for more than five days. He hadn't set up a den, and he was sure being lazy about it. He would get to it when he felt like it, if ever.

The sound of a howl shot across lands, it was obviously a summoning for anyone who resided here. The male didn't know what to think of the call, but he acted curious as it was an unfamiliar voice that struck him. And so he took a slow walk across the way and took his time to the call.

When he arrived, there were three wolves that stood before him. Two of the wolves were facing the white fae. He did know one of the wolves that stood here, August. August had arrived with Roman to show acceptance into the land of Tortuga. But the last wolf, a light and dark female, was completely new to him, as was the white wolf. He came and stood his distance from the woman who acted as leader but still strayed away from the other two. He was actually hoping to meet of the few other wolves here, and if any more were to show up. But for now he stood silently back looking softly at the white female.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
06-22-2014, 12:54 AM
The female would make her way to the Kennocha Lake when a call would ring out for Tortuga, summoning their wolves. The one to give the call though, was Qanik, not Roman. But, it was not an abnormal thing for Qanik to call upon pack meetings. Misha was beginning to grow fond of this pack and it's unique wolves, especially growing close to Roman and Qanik. They were Misha's favorites. Because they had accepted her into this pack. Accepted her for who she is.

When she would arrive, Misha would find herself looking at four wolves. Qanik, of course, Gossamir, the grey, black, and white female that she didn't know well, August, the wolf with the coat that reminded her of summer, and.. A third wolf, whom she hadn't met before. A tall brute he was. Misha would make her way and sit with the wolves, around Qanik.

(OOC; Crappy, sorry :x)


06-22-2014, 03:27 AM

She held pride in her decisions, most of them at least. She held the most pride and confidence in her decision to promote Qanik, as the second Queen of Tortuga. Qanik had been the best choice- the most reasonable, and perhaps of her of most trusted confidants. If anyone could hold Tortuga together, it would be Qanik. A smile fluttered at her inky lips, as she heard Qanik's summons for the pack. Roman was at the far edge of the territory, when she heard it, and she let out a weary sigh. Giving one last look over the border, she turned and headed back into the heart of the territory- to the lake.

As she walked, she contemplated all that needed to be said in this meeting. There needed to be some promotions, to take the burden off both of the Queen's shoulders alone- and she had some ideas of members that would do well in the ranks she had chosen. Her mind darted to herself for a moment. She was pretty sure none but the healers, and Qanik of course, would be able to tell the state of her body. She wasn't ready for that news to be public knowledge yet, as she hadn't even talked to the wolf it would affect most. Her claws dug into the ground with a growl of frustration. How foolish could she be?! She barely considered herself an apt leader- let alone decent mothering material.

She drew closer to the lake, her head high as she approached the small but seemingly growing group. August was there, as was Gossamir, Chrono, and Misha. Briefly, Roman wondered where Dayton was- Misha and he had announced themselves as mates, had they not? If Dayton didn't appear- she made a note to ask the small girl. Maneuvering past the group, she came to a halt on Qanik's right side. She sank to her haunches, giving Qanik a warm smile, before her violet eyes came to rest on each of the group before her- as she waited and contemplated. She wondered how Qanik was doing, since seeing Flamesong again. She wanted to ask- but also wanted to allow the other woman space. Roman hadn't had many friends in her life- so she wasn't really sure... how to act in situation such as these. She made a mental list of the missing wolves as of now: Elli, Ritsuka, Blizzard, Faust, Melody, Flamesong, Shay, Dayton, Aldoro, Aithusa, and Valice. Those who came to this meeting would be rewarded.. those who didn't... well, they'd be punished- unless they had good reason, of course.



06-22-2014, 03:43 AM
Melody was glad to be back home, and having her father by her side made it all the more welcoming. The meeting at the border had been awkward and disappointing, considering the relationship between her father and the alpha secondary. Yet ultimately Roman had decided to allow them both entrance and she would always be grateful for that.

When she heard Qanik call for a meeting, she felt it necessary to show her interest and dedication by rousing her father and attending, no matter what state he was in. She turned in their den and placed a paw on his shoulder, waking the silver man from what would be his third nap that day. It seemed to be all he had been doing since their acceptance.

When she was rewarded with the sight of his amber orbs, a smile would cross her features and she would rise.

"Qanik has called a meeting. We should go quickly before we are missed!" she spoke with encouraging tones, aiming her body towards the den entrance in hopes that he would rise and follow her.


06-22-2014, 04:11 AM
Amber eyes would open to see the face of his daughter, urging him to rise and go to a meeting called by Qanik. His eyes squinted at the name, wanting to return to his slumber and make his thoughts go away. Qanik...He wished so badly to see her, but he knew in his heart that she needed as much space as he could give her. Unfortunately, his morals would not allow him to miss a pack meeting, no matter what his standings with the alpha were at that particular moment.

The silver man would rise, groaning from the aching of his limbs. He couldn't remember a time when he had been this exhausted, this careless for his own wellbeing. He took a look around the den and saw not even a sprig of any kind of herb. Foraging just didn't seem as important these days. Things happened. People got sick, died, left, forgot. It didn't matter.

Yet something inside him still told him that he must hold up his social graces, so he followed his daughter into the daylight and towards the gathering of wolves.

So far the population was minimal and he realized that perhaps he should have spent the past few days meeting his fellow packmates. He knew no one. Then he spotted Qanik standing atop a rock and his heart sank. He couldn't sit over there. Instead he followed Melody and sat near Roman, just to the side and in front of the alabaster queen. He nodded his head to her in respect and turned to Melody, hoping she would pass the time until the queens began the meeting.


06-22-2014, 06:47 PM

He had sought help from Gossamir. Advice... Compassion... The brute was a bit out of sorts, still trying to cope with Blizzard?s disappearance. He didn?t want anything to happen to his sister... And he was hoping, praying that she was alright. He had, in his spare time, gotten a bit more lax on his duties. He would still patrol sure enough, but duties other than that, even hunting for himself, and fallen to the wayside. He was searching, still with a desperate hope, that he might catch some side of his brown coated sister. He missed her something fierce... The last of his kin gone... Whatever had become of their siblings? Were they alive? Were they slaves under that man who dared take his father?s life?

...and now here he was, wondering what direction, what path his life needed to take. He wasn?t leaving Tortuga, no, not at all. They were the family he had now, and though he might need to take time to check on his own kin, to find some sort of word on them, he would certainly return. These wolves were his family, his hope, his dreams, and his destiny. Tortuga was his pack, and nothing would take the loyalties the tan male had here. He would give his life for any of it?s members, especially Gossamir and Qanik. They had come to Tortuga together, and above all he had bonded the closest with them. So when Qanik?s call to the pack filled the air Ritsuka would leave his daily routine to seek the white woman and his family out.

So many had gathered already. It was uncommon for Ritsuka to lag so much in getting to a meeting, yet with his current state of heart he was finding it hard to move on with much of anything. He needed some sort of sign... Some sort of reassurance, pure and true, that things were going to be okay. That there was nothing left to stress upon. The nightmares that had come to his mind as of late had not at all helped his mind. He would say nothing to the new members of the pack, nor most that he did know. As he passed Roman he would give the woman a respectful nod before padded to Gossamir?s side. He needed her, more than anything now. He needed her light to guide him out of this darkness he?d fallen into. She would help him find his way.

Emerald orbs would shift to Qanik, a respectful nod given towards the white woman. ?Qanik.? It was a greeting, though his tone betrayed his saddened moods. He would look to Gossamir, giving a small smile. Thank god she was here. Thank god he had someone he could trust, to rely on, to lean on in his times of need. ?I?m glad to see you got here before me...? He spoke softly, feeling just a bit better now that he was in her presence. He would gently press his coat against her own, if only slightly, waiting for Qanik to begin the meeting. He was still hoping and praying that his sister would make an appearance. He wouldn?t give up on seeing her again. Not until some proof that she had joined the dead was given.




06-24-2014, 08:07 PM

Two brown ears would stand at attention as a clear call rang through the winter air. It obviously belonged to Qanik, and this was perhaps the only reason Dayton felt motivated to answer it. He had fallen into a deep depression lately, not bothering to take part in any activities besides those he owed the members of the pack. He hunted efficiently, as always, but spent the rest of this time lying in his den. It was disappointing, really, to witness the flame of his spirit slowly dwindling away. He truly didn't know what to do anymore. It was one thing to not know what love meant, and live without it in blissful ignorance. But it was another thing altogether to have loved and lost, and feel the crushing grief during every waking moment.

Dayton let out a frustrated huff, disrupting the thin layer of snow that had gathered around his face. Then he pushed his slim figure from the ground and shook out his pelt before jumping into a casual lope toward to lake. That was where the meeting would be held. His weight was nothing in comparison to the large slabs of ice that covered the frozen lake, and the brute padded across it easily. His amber eyes were cast down as he approached, only lifting to address his leaders and pay them due respect. Misha was near, he could feel her scent wrapping about him. That knowledge only caused his stomach and heart to clench. It was painful to stay here. Maybe he would have to leave to escape the pain. Just maybe.

The russet boy was silent as a few voices entered the air, and he stared blankly at his paws as he awaited the reason for this meeting.




4 Years
06-29-2014, 09:30 AM
Sorry this is short and late >.<

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

The woman had almost not heard the call, that was how far out of it she had been. She felt off and it wasn't a good thing so from a dazed sleep she arose and ran towards the pack. A small yawn appearing and quickly ending as she arrived at the meeting the the most severe of apologize she could give. "I am so so sorry I'm late!" She called out with a worried look on her face. What would happen? Would she get in huge trouble for her tardiness?

She looked like complete shit with her fur all disheveled and her mind incapable of being able to stay on task for more then a minute at most. She was sick but she wasn't at the same time. She was convinced she wasn't anyways.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]


06-30-2014, 07:54 AM

The scarred visage of the one-eyed healer was among the last to appear at the meeting, but Shay showed no concern about that. He'd left off his hunt when Qanik had called, but was in no real hurry to get to the meeting. There had been no distress in her voice that he could detect, after all, so it couldn't possibly have been an emergency. He trotted into the clear area wearing the same habitually curious, emotionally blank expression he always wore.

Regarding all the gathered wolves brightly, he took a seat nearby one of the other healers, the dark girl with the light eyes. She fascinated him with his recent knowledge of her expertise in poisons - had she used all the poisons in her repertoire? A first hand account of their effects would be so fascinating, so useful to him. Not that he planned to poison anyone anytime soon, no, but just to know, to learn. He'd need to find her outside of a meeting, though... he'd noticed in the past that wolves tended to get a little irritable when their meetings were interrupted by talking.

Instead he just stayed silent, his one good ear flicking around to catch whatever words Qanik might have to share with them, simultaneously cocking his head to the side to try to keep his one eye on her as well. Multiple methods of observation were key, that was so.

talk, think



8 Years
07-01-2014, 11:41 AM

August and Gossimer both appeared in short order, and she gave a quiet greeting to both. A third wolf she had yet to meet appeared, standing back from the others, and Qanik dipped her head to him in greeting, though she said nothing for now. Introductions would keep for the moment, for there were more wolves coming. Misha, Roman who came to sit at her right side, Melody... and Flamesong.

Despite her earlier resolve, her heart clenched painfully in her chest, muscles barely keeping from trembling as her stomach knotted. Qanik fixed her gaze out over the heads of the Tortuga wolves for a moment, fighting back the hurt and anger all over again that they wouldn't see how it effected her. Ritsuka's approach was a welcome distraction. She was glad to see her young friend looking well, gladder still to see the way he pressed against Gossamir. They were good wolves, both of them, and they deserved to be happy.

But one person she cared for did not seem to be happy at all as he approached the meeting. Dayton, the young wolf who last time she had seen him was so happy, so confident and vibrant in his love for his mate Misha. Now he seemed thin, downtrodden. He didn't sit by Misha, she saw. Her heart went out to him - how well she knew what he was going through. She would need to go to him after the meeting - before his pain led to something bad happening.

The harried arrival of the healer-guardian Elli drew her gaze from Dayton's form, followed in short order by the one-eyed wolf Shay. "You aren't late," she assured Elli. Her gaze swept over the forest surrounding them, but no other wolves seemed to be stirring. Worrying - there were several wolves missing yet, among them Faust, Aldoro, Blizzard, Aithusa, and Valice. Victims of the plague? Simply too far from the pack lands to hear her call? "But perhaps it's time to begin this meeting after all."

The white wolf sat up taller, head rising regally as she moved to speak in a more... official capacity. "I called this meeting for several reasons. Firstly, the disease has been eradicated within our borders, but may not be fully gone, so please keep an eye open for any symptoms in yourself or your packmates. If it comes back we need to be on it quickly this time to prevent lasting damage." Her solemn gaze swept them each, driving home the seriousness of her words. She did not trust this disease to be gone, and she would not risk her packmates to negligence.

"That said, I do have some news for you," she began once more on a higher note, darting a slightly embarrassed look toward Roman. "Not long ago, Roman and I came to an agreement. In light of... recent events... I have been promoted." Wry embarrassment colored her words, feeling somewhat like she was being arrogant, bragging though that was not her intention. "I will be acting as a secondary Praetor now, to free Roman from some of the stresses of being an alpha while she... recovers from the illness." She hesitated on that only the briefest of moments, her gaze flitting to her alpha once more. She doubted Roman would want Qanik blurting out her own news, after all.

"Things seem to be settling a bit after the earthquake, and the disease. Part of what I will be doing is stepping up regular training sessions, and holding more regular pack hunts to build the strength of the pack and our unity. There will be more meetings, where you can bring your concerns before the pack. There will be more promotions for exemplary work and effort... and demotions for those who do not care to put in the effort. We are a family, but we must all pull our own weight as much as we are capable of. There are very few of us compared to the larger packs and we cannot afford to drift apart from the lack of a little effort."

Her gaze shifted once more to Roman, a brow cocked questioningly. Did the alpha have anything to add? Perhaps take the opportunity provided by her mention of promotions to segue into actual promotions? Perhaps some announcements of her own?

OOC: Hold off on posting until I find out if Roamer wants to post Roman next. Second round deadline to be decided then.


07-01-2014, 08:46 PM

After her arrival, she watched as others came. Melody and Flamesong came, and Roman regarded them carefully, wondering how Qanik felt of her acceptance of Flamesong. Next came Ritsuka, a wolf she was glad to see. Then Dayton- the poor boy looked depressed, and she made a note to talk to him soon. Finally Elli, who apologized for being late. Roman chuckled, as Qanik assured her, she wasn't late, and nodded in greeting as Shay arrived. Roman couldn't help but wonder where Faust was. She hadn't seen him to tell him about her pregnancy, and there was no other wolf- aside from herself that it effected. She hadn't seen him since that night- and she couldn't help but wonder.. had she done something wrong? Did he regret it?

Passing a neutral expression over her face to hide her worry, she listened as Qanik spoke. She listened quietly, as Qanik spoke and when Qanik looked at her, Roman stood. Lifting her head, she would address the pack. "I have just a few things of my own to add. Firstly, we've done some changes to the rankings. You're all cohorts, the base entry of the pack. In the upcoming weeks, Qanik and I would like to speak with each of you about what specialty you want to choose. Whether that is fighting, healing, or hunting. You will then be sorted into the appropriate ranks." She paused. "I would like to welcome Chrono to our pack, and Melody has returned to us, bringing her father Flamesong. These are our newest additions to the pack since the epidemic." She wouldn't spook the pack, with her belief's that they had been poisoned. They didn't need to worry about that. "On another note. I would like to promote Ritsuka to Venator, or the lead hunter of the pack, and August as Optio, the lead fighter. Speak to us in private about your duties, please."

"I expect each of you will give Qanik the respect she deserves as a Queen. I will need her help greatly in the months to come. I have no doubts you'll also work hard and give Ritsuka and August your best, as they take on their new duties. I look forward to speaking with each of you soon." She would finished, sitting back on her haunches, leaving the floor open for anyone else to speak.


OOC: There have been some changes to the Tortuga Ranks. Please check the Tortuga page, for more information and bear with us as we edit the page to suit. I'm trying to promote more pack activity with this. Each wolf labeled as a 'cohort' needs to have a private thread with Roman or Qanik, to chose a specialty. If you do not do this, your wolf will not be promoted. I hate to sound demanding, but Tortuga activity needs to increase.


07-01-2014, 09:05 PM

After his arrival came the gathering of many more wolves, including the golden boy he knew as Dayton. Since his incident with his mate, she had been gone, and the golden boy was depressed and heartbroken. He could not help but to stand up and move to sit at his side, gently bumping his shoulder. When the pearly queen had spoken, she allowed several lyrics of speech, announcing her new rank. As she finished that specific sentence, he gave a toss of his head in approval, before she continued to speak, of putting more effort into pack life. Entirely, the male agreed. The Tortugan pride would never survive upon the work of lazy canines that simply ate food and occassionally patrolled the boundaries of the Tortugan territory.

As the Armada spoke, allowing the newly promoted queen a seat, he gave several nods toward each wolf mentioned, a single word slipping from his inky lips, low and smokey in sound. "Welcome." Suddenly, his russet ears would rise, as the Armada queen began to speak of promotions, calling Ritsuka and August forth for the ranks of Venator and Optio. The blood roared in his auditories, as he stood, ringed banner waving gently as he would step forth, giving a respectful nod, before speaking. "I will do well, and I will continue to serve my pack, and to protect my family." He would recline onto his mocha colored haunches, looking to all of the other wolves in the crowd whom had gathered.


Chrono I


5 Years
07-02-2014, 12:55 PM

Everything these two wolves had said meant nothing to him. He was the newest addition, he had no idea what was going on. They spoke of some illness, Roman referred to it as "The epidemic," but Chrono had never heard such a thing. He could only hope that it wasn't airborne and he wasn't going to catch it, he hadn't caught it out in the rouge lands. Maybe joining this pack wasn't such a great idea.

As Roman introduced him, he turned his mis-colored orbs to the ground in an effort to avoid contact with anyone in the meeting, and by the time both of them were done speaking, August let out a nice entry. Maybe that's why August was there when Roman accepted him. He was showing his loyalty to the pack; and it sure paid off. He wasn't sure if anyone else would speak, but he felt like he had no more obligation to be here. He did have to dig his den anyway.

He was already close to the back, so he easily stepped backward a few steps before turning around and leaving into the forests of the area. Hopefully that wasn't disrespectful, his mind wouldn't give a thought, he had never been in a pack after all.

-Exit Chrono-

Walk "Talk" Think


07-06-2014, 01:46 PM

Many would arrive, though Blizzard was not among them. Ritsuka could feel his heart ache as he looked around at the familiar faces, though he would not give up in seeing his sister again. There were even some new faces in the crowd. But Qanik would begin the meeting, and Ritsuka would give a quiet nod, though he would note the absences. The white woman would speak first of the illness finally being treated within the borders, though perhaps still lingered so they would all need to keep an eye out. She then spoke of a promotion she had earned, and one that she surely deserved. Acting as a second alpha while Roman recovered would certainly be a help to their alphess.

Green orbs would shift to Roman as the alphess began to address them as well. She spoke of welcoming Melody back, as well as welcoming her father Flamesong and a a male by the name of Chrono. Ritsuka would look to the frather and daughter pair first, then the multicolor brute before turning his gaze back to Roman. There were further promotions as well, including one for himself. Ritsuka would blink in surprise before dipping his head to Roman gratefully.

?I will do my very best for Tortuga, Roman. May your recovery go well.? His gaze would shift to August as well. ?Congratulations.? If only Blizzard had been here as well...




4 Years
07-10-2014, 10:35 AM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

Elli held back the cough that was forming deep in her throat when Qanik and then Roman began to speak. She listened though she had a hard time paying attention. She tried her best but zoned out and only heard part of it. She was happy for Qanik for earning such a prestigious rank within the pack. When the both of them were done talking she had a small smile on her muzzle. "Congratulations Queen Qanik!" She put a special emphasize on the word queen as Elli herself adjusted to using the title for both Roman, whom she already used the term for, and Qanik, who was new to the position.

She let out a few coughs and her breathing labored slightly. "Sorry. I just have something caught in my throat." She apologized to those who may or may not have heard it.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]



07-19-2014, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2014, 02:09 PM by Dayton.)

Dayton could still feel that aching emptiness inside his heart, threatening to swallow him whole. But he knew it was selfish to allow petty emotions to take over. So he choked down the grief and listened as best he could as his two leaders spoke. Ranks were changing. Higher activity was expected. Dayton took these words in particular and let them sink in. He needed to pull his own weight and ignore Misha the way she ignored him. Dry his tears and be the man he needed to be, for the good of the pack. He sat a bit straighter with these thoughts in mind, and managed to give nods of congratulations to Ritsuka and August. They had been promoted, and no two wolves deserved it more. The russet boy knew which specialty he would pursue, and so he sent a level stare to Qanik, asking silently for a bit of her time. He needed to speak with the snowy maiden, about a number of things. And he hoped they could speak to each other soon.
