
And the lord said have mercy upon his soul



03-25-2020, 09:05 PM

I'll tell you my sins,

His paws fell upon the godless lands, a symphony of silence surprising for one as large as himself. his steel blue eyes fell upon many things as he traveled. He was well aware of the phantoms that followed him from the lands of his kind. His kind was crafted by the high lord himself, made to uphold the traditions and rites of his lordship. Made to withstand the darkest places where the gods did not set their sights upon, but also to bring light to those lands. That was his current mission. His head tilted to the stone circle as he enclosed the distance between them and himself. His eyes were studious as he eyed them. He slowly entered the circle of stones. This was likely a work of his god.

"Lord Diaboli must of once thought these lands worthy to build such a marvelous structure of worship here..." His deep treble tones spoke to one but also no one in particular. He turned his eyes to whence he came. Approval of the dame he looked to find there on his usually passive face. "The lands of your home are like you told me, dear Noemi. Perhaps i shall teach the faithless creatures here as well." It was a praise from him. One he didn't usually sing often, unless it was in his god's name he sang. His bulk came to seat itself in the center of the stones, paws tucked close and his tail coming to wrap around them.

so you can sharpen your knife

Actions"Sermons of the faithful"



3 Years
03-25-2020, 09:55 PM
Noe had known, right from the get go, where she was taking Idun when they arrived in the lands of her birth. It was further south, in Auster, but the female had recalled the runes and longed to share them with the man after he had shared some info about his god with her. She had grown excited, eyes alight with interest, and the more she got to know Idun the more she knew she had to share this place with him. They were not mates, no, not quite. Their relationship was stranger than that, not that Noemi minded the conditions. Truthfully she had never cared to lay repeatedly with anyone else prior to the man… and only Idun had, thus far, been able to satisfy the hunger she had when it came to such things. She had decided that he’d be the one to father her children someday… and she would raise his heirs, the carriers of both of their bloodlines, and see how things played out from there.

“I was hoping they were placed here to honor him.” Noemi purred in a light voice. “This place immediately came to mind as you spoke of Lord Diaboli, Idun. How could I not show this place to you, knowing of your faith?” Her blue hues were shining happily as she drew a bit closer to him.

“I can not thank you enough for choosing to make the journey to Boreas and Auster with me either. It makes me glad to know I hold some value with you.” Noe came to sit beside Idun and gently leaned against the male in a display of affection.

“Would this place serve well for the sacrifices do you think?” Her voice became a bit more reserved at this. The thought of sacrifice wasn’t something she was as keen on but she also saw the good in getting rid of those who were weak, wouldn’t make it, or were enemies. In the end it seemed more logical to follow such a path, bloody as it could be.


03-25-2020, 10:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2020, 06:46 PM by Seadragoness.)
He watched her glee at his approval and praise. His eyes ever watchful of not only her but of the surrounding area. He knew some might not take kindly to his religion but he would not falter in his beliefs or purpose. His lord would be praised in these lands. He dipped his head at her words. "Indeed, perhaps the heathens ofyour homeland had at once praised lord Diaboli's name as my homeland does."

He glanced again at the stones as she moved to lean against him. He did not mind, each female needed different things for their happiness and if this is what she needed he gave it freely. His head craned, resting on hers delicately, never placing it's full weight on her head.

Her next words were a question. One he had to think upon for a few moments. Her reservation was noted, he didn't care to force her to do as he and the most devout believers of his god did. "Only our lord may tell us so, but I believethathe would be proud to have the sermons done here. This place is like the sanctuaryofmy home. Silent, and divine feeling." he gave a slight nod to it. "Never you mind the sacrificial part though my dear. You do not need take part in it if you do not wish to. I'm aware some are raised to believe what I do is wrong, and I'll not force you to take part in it." his words were meant to reassure her that he would not cast her aside for disagreeing with some parts of his worship.

so you can sharpen your knife



3 Years
04-08-2020, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2020, 06:41 PM by Seadragoness.)
Noe remained relax, confident that, while with Idun, nothing would bother them. At least nothing that could not be handled. The female was content as she felt his touch and knew that moments like this was why she had chosen to stand with Idun as a female who would procreate with him and him alone. His touch, not his status, was what had captured her attention. The female did not mind the latter so much, but she did, however, respect that. Just as she respected the religion he had, listening to the words of his god Diaboli with an open mind, and craved to know more about the things he knew.

“They may have,” Her words were thoughtful. “Wolves of all different walks of life come to Boreas and Auster.” Once she finished speaking she fell silent, waiting for the answer to her question. She felt a bit of relief as he mentioned she would not be forced to take part in the sacrificial part of the religion. “The thing is… It is not that I believe it wrong,” She confessed softly. “It is not such an odd idea… sometimes such a thing is necessary for the survival of the whole. All creatures, not just wolves, have their own way of doing such. Maybe not as straightforward as when you praise your Lord Diaboli, but they do at all the same.” Noemí breathed out.

“That said… the act itself I do not feel is something I’m ready to do myself. As I told you when we met, your religion, and the praise you give Lord Diaboli have me curious, interested in how others have thought.” Noe frowned. “But I know for a fact, when one day I bear children, if one was not fit for survival… I could not be the one to take it’s life even knowing it was for the right reasons.” Noemí shook her head slightly. “I’m too soft hearted in those situations. That is where I will need to look to you, Idun.” She felt she could do better with those who were not handicapped in some way… but one that helpless? She wasn’t sure she had it in her.


05-07-2020, 06:51 AM

I'll tell you my sins,

He remained, a rock unwilling to waiver in his ways nor his hold on this woman whom had promised him a progeny to carry on his line. He needed her more than she could fathom, but he knew not to let any know the hold they may have on him nor the true weakness he carried in the form of a mortal female made of the tenderest of hearts. He held fast to Noe like she was his lifeline, but not so much physically as he did mentally. Physically he did his best to not let another know that to harm him you would have to harm his woman.

This was his weakness.

He remained holding Noe in privacy. He of course would not shirk her publicly though. No if any she was the priest's Aphrodite. It was never easy to find those interested in Diaboli like she was and willing to adopt customs that were not their own for something they both enjoyed. He fell into silence as he listened to her every word and contemplated them. Like a priest at a confession he was silent until she had finished. He gave a few beats before he proceeded to speak once more, to ensure she was finished speaking. "I do not ask you to worship Lord Diaboli the way i do, If you believe in him it can be enough. Find ways to appease him in your daily routines, worship him in your own way, just remember that Lady Aeon the trickster can take hold of your life. I would hate to see you fall and forced to live this life again and again with no escape in sight. I want to see you run in the hunting grounds among Lord Diaboli's greatest priests with me." He did his best to reassure her in the only way the zealot knew how.

"If that means i must sacrifice one of our future progeny to prevent them living a life of pain or turmoil then so be it, even if you never have the heart to do it yourself or you hate me for it forever, if it save you the pain of doing it yourself and them the pain of a life they were not yet ready to live then I gladly will do it. Every time." He gave a stiff nod. There was no other way to say it. this was what he knew and how he knew to do it best. hopefully it would calm her nerves and fears. She was after all in the hands of one of the high priests of Diaboli. He was a man proud to be the way he was and ready to fulfill his duty to his god.

so you can sharpen your knife

Actions"Sermons of the faithful"



3 Years
05-21-2020, 12:50 PM

His words brought the woman comfort; just as his presence did. Noemí was quiet, listening to his words of wisdom, as she let them sink in. She dipped her head and spoke, voice a gentle rumble, only once she was sure he had finished.

“I would have to be quite the hypocrite to hate you for sacrificing one of them if it came down to it.” Her words were calm, certain. “You would be granting them mercy… how could I hate you for that? Sparing them from pain or turmoil, sending them to their rightful home early…” The female lifted her head so that her gaze met with his.

“I may wish it won’t have to come to that… but I am prepared to accept that not all are born strong. One day one of our progeny may be at the sacrificial altar…” Her gaze softened. “...and I thank you for not shaming my weakness and instead being ready to do what needs to be done.” Her words were sincere, making sure she kept her gaze on his as she spoke so he could see the truth in her words.

“I have no intention of letting myself fall. I will work on myself to grow better for Lord Diaboli… and for you.” Noe let a smile grace her lips. “I want to earn that right to run with you in our next life. With your guidance… I am sure I will get there.” She leaned in, giving a small nuzzle to his neck. She knew he was not as affectionate where others may see them but she understood the reason behind it. A safety measure for them both, really, yet she could not hold herself back in the little displays on her end. She adored being close to him, craved touch, and found the wait made it all the more enjoyable


Action "Truths."


06-30-2020, 12:52 AM

The zealot was at his happiest in these moments, though one might not have guessed it for the stoic expression he wore. It was in his eyes one could see the difference. Softer with Noemi than with others he encountered.  A secret joy was hidden there. His salvation was here in this time, as the soft and sweet Noemi clung to him as if he was her very god. His left forelimb came to wrap around the dame, as he leaned back on his haunches, causing him to fall to his side almost on his back, hoping to make her follow.

His steel blue gaze fell on the star lit sky above them. They were in the privacy of their own, with only the god's eyes upon them. They were in the safety of Diaboli's gaze right now, and he prayed they could remain that way forever. Though the priest knew he would not forever be alone with Noemi, eventually another would happen upon this place or he would happen upon another. But for now he lowered his guard with this woman by his side. Her nuzzle was received and reciprocated with one of his own.  Her words were deep with many meanings.

She would not be left behind by him, no she sought the strength he had to follow his god without question. She sought to be his in this life and in the next. Though both knew that the heart could hold this love as well as love for others, but she was his, in the most precious of ways. He was not exactly good at romance either though. Courtship was a different thing in these lands he was told by her once, but in his homeland females sought strong men to promise their wombs to, but never always stayed with the same male. Males likewise did not stick to one female either, they sometimes had more wives than they could count. He himself only had Noemi right now though, so therefore she was the sole female he would breed with right now, as well as she was the sole woman he cared for. Though both knew that could easily change.

"Your most welcome, Lady Noemi. Though make no mistake, I will not take pleasure from ending one of my own progeny if it comes down to it. It will be a necessity at such a point to end it's suffering before it even begins." Her thanks was an unnecessary one but a much appreciated one. It was his duty to follow the laws given to them by Diaboli. His gaze fell from the stars then to her blue gaze as blue locked with steel blue.

"I pray you will find the strength to join me beside our lord in his hunting grounds and to please him as i do. I hope your path never falters and that you find everything you search for in who you are becoming." He gave a pause. His lips curled into a rare and soft smile as he looked into her eyes. "And I hope i am everything you will ever need, that our progeny is the strongest yet and pleases our lord and makes you the proudest mother there ever was." Sappy as it was he hoped she never needed another and that her need for family would be fulfilled by him. He placed a quick kiss upon her nose if she allowed for it.

action"Sermons of the Faithful"

Idun Fenriz