



06-20-2014, 10:31 PM

She was the pure for of divinity. The woman was a creature of Gods. Her body was adorned in lovely shades of white and grey, with a tad bit of gold along her paws and head. The fae was ultimately beautiful in every way, but that did not make her a fighter. If she were to be rule along side her siblings, the woman would need to learn to fight. She would need to learn to slaughter. She was not afraid to play dirty. The thought of blood slithering down her grey muzzle into the white depths of her fur excited her. Anything to please her brother was to be done. Within, obvious restraints. She was not a cold blooded killer, nor would she throw her life down the drain for another. But, she would do as he pleased without a second thought. The woman would wear a crown of bone. No one could stop her.

The woman marched into the war zone once again. She had won her first spar against Bass. The rather large man was conquered by the little Vixen. Yet, it was but a spar. She was inexperienced but determined to get better. And determination was a killer. With each pad fall she got even more excited, something that happened rarely. Though, she rarely let emotion be shown upon her sultry smile. It was nothing but a simple mask. Her ears ere perked and her mouth hung open for the scents of others. She looked for others to fight, yet she would stop. Her head flung up to call for anyone. Hopefully, a worthy opponent. It was obvious she was eager, yet the call was slightly mysterious to put an edge to the girl.




7 Years
06-22-2014, 06:38 PM

The male was determined to get better, to get stronger and achieve his goals. Wishing for it to happen would not give him what he desired, however, so he had to work for it. He would make his way to the battlefield, the place to gain skill, to gain experience, and to learn from mistakes. For now he sough only spars, so that he could prepare and better himself. Perhaps he would help another gain experience as well, and sharpen their skills so that they could stand for all that they believed. So that they too cold take what they desired. It would be a win win situation he was sure... So long as his opponent did not seek to conquer the world. Still, that was a chance he was just going to have to take.

He would arrive in time to hear the howl of someone seeking an opponent. It saved him from doing it instead, so he would decide to answer. The two-toned brute would follow the call, bringing him to a woman of beauty. But her call had made it clear that her desire was to battle and so, with a polite dip of his head, he would speak, keeping his words brief; ?Let us better each other. I hope to be a worthy opponent for you.?

Those words spoke he would set his defenses. Legs spread equally apart, bent at the knees, would be planted firmly upon the earth. Shoulders would roll forward as he lowered his head, aligning it with his spine, and raising his tail to do the same. Neck would scrunch up, giving added defense the area, as chin tipped forward. Stomach would tuck and tense, fur raising along his hackles. Ears pinned back and eyes narrowed, seeking to protect the areas that were vital and easy to harm. He was ready, and he hoped that he would do well.

Rounds:: Zero || One || Two || Three {If Three Is Okay With You}
Attacks:: None.
Defenses:: Legs Spread Equally Apart And Planted || Knees Bent || Shoulders Rolled Forward || Head Aligned With Spine || Tail Raised, Aligned With Spine || Neck Scrunched || Chin Tipped Forward || Stomach Tucked And Tensed || Fur / Hackles Raised || Ears Pinned || Eyes Narrowed
Injuries:: None.
Notes:: If three rounds is no good feel free to change it to whatever, dear. xD



06-25-2014, 12:36 PM

Beautiful eyes watched as the creature before as her trotted her way. The woman would size up her challenger with a keen eye. The girl was smaller then him be a whole foot, yet she would not be intimidated. The woman was fast, excited, and quick. Her paws flexed as she anticipated such a glorious battle. She memorized his body. Her eyes danced across him before his baritone vocals filled her alabaster ears in a gentle tone. ?Let us better each other. I hope to be a worthy opponent for you.? The woman would nod and let forth her own luxurious song, "Good luck, good sir." The woman then got set. Her toes were evenly spread. Claws dug into the ground. Knees bent for mobility. Core tightened to brace for impact and steady breathing. A lovely ash dipped tail was erect with her spine. Her spine was aligned with her shoulders. Hackles were puffed up to protect her neck and upper back. Ears were flat to her skull. Eyes narrowed to protect the beautiful baby blue orbs. Legs were evenly spread. Head was tucked to protect her throat. Last but not lease lips were curled to show teeth and protect her cheeks. The woman was ready for battle.

nevermore, said the raven

The woman was set. Her paws then carried her forth, kicking up dirt with each steady step. The temptress aimed to slam her right shoulder into the left bit of his chest, between his shoulder and chest. Though, it would be a broad attack and he had the chance to move and her shoulder hit elsewhere. Though, she was also smaller so the force of such a slam would not be very much due to his size, but it could still knock the wind out of a man or bruise at the least. Nephele would not end there. Her jaws would attempt to lock onto his lower chest area, more near the center then the left. They would attempt to at least get one good bite out of him. If she were lucky she would lock on, but it would all depend on what he did next. The girls right front paw would attempt to raise and hook at his left foreleg, right at the knee and bring the limb towards her to potentially knock is balance even the slightest bit. But, he had the chance to move his limb back, if he noticed in time. But, it would be hard for him to see down there. She was a clever girl but, she also left her back open to him. But, all of her defenses were still set up.


for spar

one two three

ATTACKS: Attempt to ram her right shoulder into hsi left side, more near between the chest and his shoulder. - Attempt to snap her jaws at his lower center chest. - Attempt to hook her right forepaw at his left foreleg knee to bring it towards her and perhaps knock his balance.

DEFENSES: The woman then got set. Her toes were evenly spread. Claws dug into the ground. Knees bent for mobility. Core tightened to brace for impact and steady breathing. A lovely ash dipped tail was erect with her spine. Her spine was aligned with her shoulders. Hackles were puffed up to protect her neck and upper back. Ears were flat to her skull. Eyes narrowed to protect the beautiful baby blue orbs. Legs were evenly spread. Head was tucked to protect her throat. Last but not lease lips were curled to show teeth and protect her cheeks. The woman was ready for battle.

INJURIES: n/a first round




7 Years
06-26-2014, 03:08 PM

The woman would begin to set her defenses up as well, and Galahad took this moment of calm to check his own. Legs spread evenly apart, with his weight distributed and knees bent, would center his balance and keep him ready to attempt a counter attack. Eyes were narrowed and ears pinned, an effort that would hopefully keep them intact. His ears were less of a concern, though if he was blinded in one or both eyes that could spell an issue. Though, Gala would remind himself, this was a spar. Brow would furrow in determination, something that would aid his defense, if only slightly. Chin would tip forward, lowering to protect the vital area of his throat, though he kept his head aligned with his spine.

Galahad gripped the earth with his claws, shoulders rolled forward with hackles raised, the fur providing aid in perhaps throwing off a bite. Neck was scrunched up, to help prevent any holds on the area. Gala?st tail was raised, aligned with his spine as well. Core was tightened, mind focused on the task ahead as he took a moment for a breath. Fights would occur quickly, and he needed to be ready, focused, to minimize damage he received. He was ready... Even if he had only participated in one official spar he would give his all and better himself. This was a learning experience after all.

...His opponent was coming.

A frontal assault it seemed, coming directly at him. Galahad would make a quick sidestep to the right, making sure to keep his weight distributed evenly just as the woman collided. Having her come to him was as good a strategy as any, and he would roll with it. Her smaller pale form would hit the end bit of the left side of his front, landing her right shoulder more against his own then against the area of his chest where he might have gotten winded. Though there was certainly a bit of pain, and very likely bruising from the impact. He had shift back some, but his paws would settle back into place without too much trouble.

Her jaws had flashed downward, and he tried to shimmy backward to avoid them as he lowered his own in a counter attack. His shifted position had her jaws seeking the left side of his chest, rather closer to the center as intended, and would grab a small, yet strong hold onto the area, her fangs puncturing the flesh and staining the white of his coat with his own blood.

Galahad sought to overpower her, shifting his form to the left again quickly, to face her a bit more directly, before pushing from the ground in a forward motion, attempting to slam into her and perhaps cause some bruising to her muzzle, or perhaps a bit of strain on her neck. As he pushed towards her however his opponent?s front right paw would catch his left foreleg, though it didn?t hinder his frontal movement much. Left front paw would end up coming down hard upon the ground, but luckily since she pulled in the direction he was going when he planted his paws after the attempted slam he would hopefully be okay. As he made his aim to slam into her jaws would flash downward, keeping, slightly to the left, seeking to grab onto the top of her scruff in a moderate bite. A sharp yank to the right, to tear the flesh, was what he sought, and then a release of his hold.


Rounds: One || Two || Three

Attacks:: Attempted Slam Into Her Muzzle / Head After Shifting His Form Back Towards The Left || Aimed Bite To The Top Of Her Scruff Followed By A Yank To The Right Before Release

Defenses:: Eyes Narrowed, Ears Pinned, Brow Furrowed, Head Aligned With His Spine, Chin Tipped Forward || Neck Scrunched, Shoulders Rolled Forward, Hackles Raised, Tail Raised And Aligned With His Spine || Tightened Core, Legs Spread Evenly Apart With Weight Distributed, Knees Bent {Centered Balance}

Injuries:: Bruising to front of his left shoulder / Edge of the left side of his chest || Minor-Moderate Bite Wound To Left Side Of His Chest

Notes:: If you are confused you may contact Gala?s account {or my skype} or if would like me to attempt a diagram I can provide one. ^-^

"Speech" Think



06-27-2014, 02:03 PM
judge edited this to fix canti's ooc notes by request.

The womans attack landed, just not as much as she attended. The girl slammed her right shoulder into his left shoulder directly rather then the groove between his chest and shoulder. The lady would deal with it but the bruising would grow to be quite annoying from such a slam. Though, as her jaws aimed to latch onto the lower bits of the center of his chest, the man shifted. They stuck to the left side of his chest, meeting flesh. Though, as soon as she bit down his body lurched forward. He snubbed her right in her muzzle. The woman's nose would hurt horrible and her muzzle would bruise. The shock of such a slam would likely cause a head ache as well. But, her jaws still latched onto his chest all the same. Though, after the lurch forward the boy would aim to bite down on her top bit of scruff, slightly to the left. It would be painful but not enough to stop fighting. Though, the pain would increase as he yanked the scruff, ripping into the flesh more right before he released. The lady would be in pain, blood spewing all over her alabaster fur. But, the lady was not afraid of any scarring.

She would be face to face with him. Though, she would release his chest from her jaws as well. He was leaned over her. The lady would take a moment to set her defenses once again. Her legs were bent. The ladies tail was aligned with her spine which was aligned with her skull. Ears flat to her snowy head. Eyes narrowed to protect them. Lips curled up to flash teeth and protect her cheeks. Head was tucked to protect her throat. Toes were spread out for mobility. Claws dug into the earth below. Paws were spread evenly. Her core was tightened to embrace for impact. Her breathing was steady as well. The lady would not let him win. The lady refused. He may be taller then her but the lady was clever and fast. She could strike before he could even beg her to stop.

Nephele's jaws had released his chest. She was much more mobile despite the fact that she rather not much to decrease pain. The lady would go on. He was leaned over her slightly due to the fact that he had just released her scruff after yanking it. The lady would aim to lurched her body up, hopefully her front paws actually coming off of the ground. The beauty would attempt to ram her skull into his throat, hopefully snubbing his windpipe of sorts. Such would cause him to lose breath perhaps. But, she would not stop there. As her front paws regained stability upon the ground, if they even ever left, she would bend down, attempting to get as low as she could to the ground without her belly touching the ground. Nephele would then hope to shoot forth, her body aiming to slip through his front legs. This would all happen quite quickly if it purchased. Though, it would leave her rear bits and spine for him. The lady attempted to lurch up and to the right to attempt to bite at the fleshy bit between his right hind thigh and belly. Such movements would be risky, but she would assume it would be worth it in the long run.


for spar

one two three

ATTACKS:She released his chest and attempted to launch her front half off the ground to snub her head into his throat, hopefully his windpipe to stun him. She would then try to get low to the ground and shoot between his front legs. She would then attempt to launch for the fleshy bit between his right thigh and belly and tyr to bite down.

DEFENSES: second para

INJURIES: Moderate bite to her scruff, bleeding. Bruising to her left shoulder. Bruising to nose and muzzle, also head ache.

Note: skype me for questions. I know it was a wordy attack. :3




7 Years
06-29-2014, 03:00 PM
The aim on her scruff had been successful, and the metallic taste of blood would pool in his mouth as he tore back the flesh. It could very well cause scarring there, but such could be a risk in a spar. The key was to avoid anything crippling and permanent damage like a maim would cause. The brute and fae would then find themselves facing each other, her hold on him released. His chest hurt a bit more as well -- he had pushed himself into his opponents jaws after all. The first round had been done, and both had drawn blood from each other. Round two was beginning, and there was only a fraction of time to get ready.

Lips were curled back, the woman?s blood staining his fangs. This would help protect his cheeks, as he had picked up from when she had set her own defenses. Ears pinned, and eyes narrowed, were defenses set from his previous moments. Somewhere right as his move finished his shoulders had been rolled back forward as well. His brow remained furrowed, though now partially with pain. He was still looming over her some, legs spread at a widened stance upon the ground, weight distributed between them as best he could manage. Knees bent slightly, ready for reaction, with core being re-tightened in preparation of what was to come. Tail would lift to realign with his spine, meeting the risen hackles of his fur.

He was aiming to lower his head, to align it back with his spine, as the woman shot into her next move. Had he not been moving to tip his chin forward as well she might have smashed directly into it, though Galahad would not be able to avoid such a close range attack. Especially while he was still righting himself after his shake on her scruff. The woman?s skull would hit Galahad?s throat with enough force that, even with it slightly protected, it made his breath catch, stunning him for a moment. Pain flared up there as well, and bruising was sure to occur, even if it was more minor it would still be a pain to deal with later.

Then she was dropping down as he was catching his breath back. Galahad would awkwardly scramble back, lowering his head back down towards his body. Then he felt the sharp sting of a second attack. She latched on to flesh, that sensitive flesh of his right hind thigh, though naturally he would worry about something else with her being in that area under him. Too close to something else too easily bitten off. The smell of blood, his and hers, mingled in his nose as he made his counter. First a sharp and quick bite, somewhere between a medium and small one, not seeking any hold, was aimed for her right hip. While he did this his left forepaw would come up, moving in a fluid movement to aim a stomp down upon the back toes of her right paw. Then, in a last move, he would attempt to throw some of his weight downward, on top of her. The weight fell more the the right to start, but the aim was clear enough -- a body slam to pin her beneath his body.


Rounds: One || Two || Three
Attacks:: Attempted Medium-Small Bite To Nephele?s Right Hip || Left Fore-Paw Aimed To Stomp On The Back Toes Of Her Right Paw || Aimed Body Slam, Starting With The Weight Falling More To The Right
Defenses:: Ears Pinned, Eyes Narrowed, Brow Furrowed, Head Lowered Some, Chin Tipped Forward Some, Shoulders Rolled Forward, Hackles Raised, Tail Raised And Aligned With His Spine || Legs Spread Evenly Apart With Weight Distributed, Knees Bent {Centered Balance}, Tightened Core
Injuries:: Bruising To Front Of His Left Shoulder / Edge Of The Left Side Of His Chest || Moderate Bite Wound To Left Side Of His Chest, Slight Tearing And Deeper Punctures Do To His Counter Attack ;;; Bruising To His Throat {Slightly More Minor Due To Attempted Defenses Being Set Before Impact}
Notes:: Same note as before lovely. xD Sorry on the little bit of a wait.




07-05-2014, 10:45 AM

The Tyrant was beyond ruthless in a normal fight, yet this was a spar. The lady would hold off completely. For if it was life and death the girl would have already attempted to chew his ears off or something. Blood tainted her snow white fur in a barrage of crimson. Bruising was rapidly forming on her muzzle and her left shoulder. The lady was not one for dwindling, therefor she would remain strong despite her pain. Though, her attack to launch up and slam her head into his throat purchased. Her was stunned by the lack of air and sudden pain. The lady was happy, yet it would only by a minor offensive move. Though, her scramble to get beneath him worked like a charm. The ladies back grazed against his belly as her perfect jaws met the fleshy bit between his right hind thigh and belly. The lady felt the blood slip into her mouth in delight, yet, he would not let her do such without consequence.

Her current position would be beneath her opponent and her jaws at his right hind thigh. Yet, her rear would be exposed to him. She would remain set with her defenses, taking a moment to check them. Her knees were of course bent due to the fact that she was low to the ground. Her tail was very tightly tucked to protect its length from him. The woman's toes were splayed to increase mobility as she dug her claws into the ground. Her paws were evenly spread. Her core was tightened. The vixen's ears were pinned to her skull and her eyes were narrowed. The woman's hackles were raised as before, puffed up despite the wound. Her lips were curled up to show her alabaster fangs and skin was bunched up to protect her cheeks. Last but not least, her head was tucked down to protect her throat from any vital wounds. The lady was ready to slaughter.

The man took advantage of his being above her. He would aim to bite down quickly at her hind right thigh. His jaws would quickly snap down on the upper thigh, more near her rear then anything. Nephele growled at the pain but she did not see the next attack coming. His left fore paw slammed down on her right hind paw, toes being crushed under the weight. Possible breakage would hinder her completely. As his grip from her upper right shoulder was released the girl was then pressed down by his weight. He basically laid his dead wight on her back. The pressure of such would be intense, but it would hurt her already hurt hind paw. The girl would wince. But, this was not her demise.

As his weight was thrown down on her, legs threatened to give in. The lady would growl and quickly figure out a plan. Due to her already being slightly angled to his right side the injured girl would attempt to shoot at his right hind leg. Nephele aimed to have her left shoulder slam into the thickness of his outer thigh and her jaws would attempt to seek a quick bite to his inner right thigh as well, just a quick bite to wound him more. As she would attempt to ram into him the girl would try to slide past his leg with her entire body. The little nymph was low to the ground and quite injured. Yet, she was a war horse, the lady would never give up.


for spar

one two three

ATTACKS: Nephele attempt to ram into his hind right leg with her left shoulder and seek to bite quickly as his fleshy inner thigh. After, she would aim to slide past him and get from beneath him.

DEFENSES: She would remain set with her defenses, taking a moment to check them. Her knees were of course bent due to the fact that she was low to the ground. Her tail was very tightly tucked to protect its length from him. The woman's toes were splayed to increase mobility as she dug her claws into the ground. Her paws were evenly spread. Her core was tightened. The vixen's ears were pinned to her skull and her eyes were narrowed. The woman's hackles were raised as before, puffed up despite the wound. Her lips were curled up to show her alabaster fangs and skin was bunched up to protect her cheeks. Last but not least, her head was tucked down to protect her throat from any vital wounds.

INJURIES: Moderate bite to her scruff, bleeding. Bruising to her left shoulder. Bruising to nose and muzzle, also head ache. Bite to her upper hind right thigh. Bruised and potentially broken bones in her hind right paw.




7 Years
07-07-2014, 11:47 AM
He was indeed in a tricky situation, and even pressing his weight down upon the woman would not be enough to earn him the win. He tasted blood, her blood, from her thigh, a slight point in his favor. He would also successfully stomp down upon her back paw, earning either bruising or, possibly, potential breakage of her toes. The spar had gotten a bit more extreme rather quickly, but as long as no serious maims or moves that would result in death were made they would both survive this spar. It was nearing the end, Gala could feel it, but he would make one last attempt before he assumed anything.

Ears remained pinned as the woman let out her growl, eyes narrowed and brow furrowed in frustration. She was certainly a strong opponent, and it was taking everything Gala had to keep up with her. Tail was raised, aligned with his spine, hopefully to be out of reach of this woman. Head was lowered some, trying to align with his shoulders, with chin tipped forward slightly. His fur along his hackles was still raised, bristling as the woman moved. His legs had been planted, the weight distributed as evenly as he could get it, though her attack would make things a little more complicated.

Galahad?s made no move to attack her rear end as she slid under him, some part of her body ramming into his outer thigh. The brute would stumble a bit, using back paws to kick himself forward, twisting to the right as he did. She would slide out from under him, though not without further consequence. A bite was left upon his inner thigh, bringing forth pain, though for the moment he could not pay attention to such wounds. The male would check his stance as he moved, making sure that his weight was evenly distributed, with shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched once more as he came to face her in a semi circle, still moving his back end. His core was tightened as well, and in one last move he would throw his jaws at the left side of her body, near her shoulder, seeking to score the flesh with his fangs and perhaps gain a hold. Left front paw would also move, aiming to slam down upon her front left paw.

Rounds: One || Two || Three

Attacks:: Aimed bite to left shoulder area, Paw stomp on front left front paw with his front left paw.

Defenses:: Ears Pinned, Eyes Narrowed, Brow Furrowed, Head Lowered Some, Chin Tipped Forward Some, Tail Raised And Aligned With Spine, Hackles Raised, Shoulders Rolled Forward || Weight Evenly Distributed, Tightened Core

Injuries:: Bruising To Front Of His Left Shoulder / Edge Of The Left Side Of His Chest || Moderate Bite Wound To Left Side Of His Chest, Slight Tearing And Deeper Punctures Do To His Counter Attack ;;; Bruising To His Throat, Moderate Bite Of Fleshy Area Of Right Thigh

Notes:: Good fight Cantti~ <3


The Judge


08-15-2014, 01:11 PM

Nephele v Galahad for Spar

Round 1

9 for clarity- Mostly clear!

6 for powerplaying. [-2] you assumed she was successful with closing the distance. [-2] 'it would be hard for him to see down there' thats for him to decide and not you.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

7 for attack. +2 for barge +2 doe trying to unbalance him +3 for attempting to bite

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Nephele Total: 42/50


3 for clarity- [-3] how did she hit the shoulder? the size difference would make it fairly hard to do so. [-2] ' to face her a bit more directly,' how directly? [-2] how did he attempt to slam into her? With a shoulder, chest, side?

6 for powerplaying.[-2] 'to face her a bit more directly,' you need an attempt here to. [-2] when he grabbed the scruff, it seemed like you assumed it was successful as you put ' and then release of his hold.'

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 for biting scruff + 2 for barge +1 for trying to worsen scruff be pulling upwards

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Galahad Total: 35/50

Round 2


8 for clarity- '[-2] where abouts did she ram his throat' in the centre, more to the left etc.

7 for powerplaying. [-3] refrain from telling us on what would happen if the land was successful, thats for the opponent to decide.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +2 for attempting to hit neck +1 for vital area. +3 for trying to bite on the sensetive part of leg.

5 for injuries. [-2] for bruising [-3] for bite to scruff

Round two Nephele Total: 36/50


8 for clarity- [-2] where abouts on the right hip did he try to bite, the hips are a rather big area.

6 for powerplaying. [-2] there was to much movement with head throughout. [-2] you need an attempt when he scrambles back.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

10 for attack. +3 for toe slam, +3 for bite +3 for body slam downwards +1 as this can crush the opponent and limit movement.

4 for injuries. -3 for bite -3 for barge to neck [delicate area]

Round two Galahad Total: 38/50

Round 3

8 for clarity- [-2] i dont see how she can ram his right and bite it withought a lot of struggle with his weight

7 for powerplaying. [-3] she should of struggled a lot more under him, the weight would be very heavy.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +2 for barge +3 for bite

4 for injuries. -3 for bite - 3 for break in toes

Round three Nephele Total: 34/50


8 for clarity- [-2] where abouts on the shoulder did he try to grab

6 for powerplaying. [-2] you need an attempt when kicking forward. [-2] 'he would throw his jaws at the left side of her body' you need an attempt here

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 for attempted bite +3 for attempted stomp

5 for injuries. -3 for bites -2 for bruising due to the barge

Round three Galahad Total: 35/50


Nephele: 112/150

Galahad: 108/150

And the winner is...

Nephele! Galahad must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Nephele- theres no need all would have healed due to delay.

Galahad- same here


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Canttina
Defenses where strong, you have improved a lot lately, congrats!

For Keno
Same to you really, you did very well and you've improved so much. just watch for clarity, but i have really nothing more to say

- By [luisiana]



7 Years
08-15-2014, 05:23 PM

This had gone on enough, hadn't it? Galahad would realize that in continuing their spar both would only worsen their injuries, and, in truth, he found his opponent a bit stronger than he was himself. Galahad would stop his movements to attack, instead allowing his body to fall in place in more of a straight line and take a step back. There was no shame in losing a spar. A spar was a place to learn, a place to make mistakes, and a place to grow. If he just kept trying harder, focusing more on what he needed to accomplish and strive for, then he would surely become a sound warrior within time. This woman was one that he could give thanks to for helping him along that path.

A look of respect reflected in his green eyes as he dipped his head to the female, hoping that she would realize his lack of battle readiness and cease her attacks as well. "It was a wonderful fight, miss, but I feel that there is no more need of us to continue. Victory is yours, and well earned." Galahad would not hide the respect in his tone, or the honesty and sincerity of his words. He would lift his gaze to the white woman, meeting her hues with his own gaze. She was a warrior, pure and true. Who had taught her how to fight, he wondered? Or had she simply taught herself?

"Thank you for the spar. Perhaps some day we will meet again." With that Galahad would wait, in case she had something she wished to say, and if there was nothing Galahad would turn and leave.

-Exit Galahad unless Nephele has more to say to him.-