
A New Start To Adventure


06-20-2014, 09:20 PM

Finally, he felt well enough to travel around Ludicael on his own. It was wonderful, though he still wouldn?t go far from the den. He wanted to spend time with Sorrel as well, but for the moment he was letting his brother spend some sorely needed time with their mother. He knew that he was close to her, and that in his sickness he had been babied and cared for. But the mirrored twin would not let that come between them. But there were other things on his agenda right now, like finding something neat to catch his attention.

Paws would move across the earth, seeking the company of a stranger. Just about any stranger, so long as they were of Ludicael. He wanted to meet more of his pack, his family. He wanted to make friends, to expand on himself. He would come to a pause though, coming across the water of the falls that ran through the territory. It was frozen around the edges, and the boy was careful to move on the icy edges to get a drink of water, knowing that ice was not a reliable stepping stone. He would keep his bi-colored eyes opened as he drank, still looking around at the unique beautiful white world around him.


06-23-2014, 01:43 PM

The tricolor mistress had found herself exploring the territories of Ludicael. Everything was perfect- and she knew already she had chosen her pack wisely. Though she had only met a few wolves, she liked the air and the alignment of the group. Peaceful, divine, and smart. Just what she was looking for in a pack. And though wolves seemed a bit wary at the meeting...she knew the uneasiness wouldn't last long. Hopefully it wouldn't. She wanted to meet all of them in a happy, joyed mood. But for now the girl would familiarize herself with the beautiful territories of this pack. Her pack. Just incase she got lost or was assigned to do something- like sit on guard or scout around the borders in the middle of a siege or a war that afflicted upon Ludicael. Either way the babe found the areas pretty peaceful to stroll through. Just to relax.
Lover's Mangrove. What a strange name, the woman would think as she carried her delicate frame through the canopy of trees. She had made her way through this area when she was on her way to the meeting- but she didn't get to take in how it really looked. Considering she was in a hurry to arrive either early or on time. The air felt rather cold in this peaceful little place, and the grass beneath her was painted in delicate frost. She could even feel the soft crunching of the frost-covered blades of vegetation. But though the air was cold her long tan fur kept her warm and satisfied. She wondered, though, if anyone else was out here in this weather. In this pretty frosty wonderland. The babe sucked in a cold breath and lowered her head slowly. Her minty emerald gems scanned the ground and lit up immediately as her nose took in an unfamiliar aroma.
This soul smelt of Ludicael- so she didn't grow hostile. Instead curiosity ignited like a dying ember in her chest. Wren's pace quickened, and her long legs shuffled on through the frosty earth. She slowly lifted her small head and peered over a slope- and there some water filtered from little streams running in and out of the territory like tubes. A weak smile played across her lips slowly. Ice enveloped the little pool- and there standing on the edge a little boy drink calmly. His palette didn't look similar to any of the wolves she's met so far...but he had those little lines beneath his eyes. They weren't half circles though. They were straight lines. Was this yearling also part of the Destruction family? Wouldn't hurt to find out.
Wren slowly made her way down to the little boy, minty gems scanning his small features. Nothing, besides the black streaks beneath his eyes, told her that he was a Destruction. The babe stopped a few feet from the boy and glanced down at the ice, snorting. She'd probably break the ice if she ever stepped on it. She'd send both him and her into the freezing depths of the pool. Shivering, the chapter turned back to the pup, smiling warmly with and dip of her head. "Be careful on that ice...I don't feel like jumping in freezing water today." Wren would joke, ears pushing forward in attention. She really didn't- but she'd do it anyway if the boy were to fall in.


06-26-2014, 03:29 PM

F?licien would lift his head, gaze drifting to the female that spoke to him. She was older than he was, though still quite young. He would give a quiet nod, get a couple more laps of water, before carefully moving back to solid grown before he would answer her. Bi-colored orbs of blue and yellow would shift to the stranger, head tilting slightly to the side. She smelled of Lucidael, his pack, but not of his family. No... She was a different wolf all together. A different sort of blood. F?li would dip his head towards her, keeping his tone respectful.

?There is no need to worry about me. I was sure the ice cold hold my weight, and I made sure not to make movements too quick that would cause me to slip.? The boy would take a seat upon the snow, curling his tail around his form as he smiled at the woman before him. She was pretty, and uniquely colored. Her own coat pattern out-shown his own, but he figured that was only natural, since she was a girl and he was not. Reminding himself to keep his manners, F?licien would speak again.

?You must be pretty new to Lucidael, right? I?m F?licien Desigriore. I?m related to the Destruction family... Symphony, my mom, is one of them.? He would give a warm smile. ?So yeah, welcome to the pack.? Ears would twitch a bit, head cocking to the side slightly. ?...and you? What?s your name??


06-26-2014, 04:21 PM

Silence overwhelmed the woman as she awaited the little boy's reply. He didn't seem too young. She predicted he was only a few months younger than her, considering she was young in her year. But he seemed to be entirely respectful toward strangers, and she liked that. It was good to know pups were being raised properly in this large educational pack. He calmly glanced up from his drink and gazed over for a bit. Then, he nodded, backing up onto the solid snowy ground and sitting down before her calmly. His tail curled around him and Wren's smile suddenly extended. Already he seemed adorable. The little boy, again, stared up at her. He seemed to be checking if she was in any way related to him. Or he was just familiarizing himself with her. Either way, she was okay with it.
The boy nodded to her in a respectful-looking posture and continued to look up at her. He was so cute. Once he got older, Wren imagined him drowning in his own fan club of ladies. Wren released a short, muted chuckle to the thought but then shut herself up as he spoke. "There is no need to worry about me. I was sure the ice could hold my weight, and I made sure not to make movements too quick that would cause me to slip." Smile would form into a weak grin as he explained his procedure to avoiding the freezing water. The tricolor babe would nod in reply and decided that it was necessary to wait until the polite boy continued. But for a moment he gazed up at her, his pretty two-toned gems scanning her frame. She wanted to laugh again. He was just so cute.
This pup's head lifted a ton- and she could imagine herself doing so and getting pretty tired. Her neck would begin to ache. Huffing lightly, she slid down to her stomach and sprawled herself out in front of him. This way it'd be easier for him to talk to her at a leveled height instead of his handsome little face always raising to hers. Then he continued to her in that voice she loved dearly. "You must be pretty new to Lucidael, right? I?m F?licien Desigriore. I?m related to the Destruction family... Symphony, my mom, is one of them. So yeah, welcome to the pack." A different last name. But he was related to the Destructions. She knew it. The woman almost felt humiliated to join a pack that had such a big family involved. Maybe she should of joined a pack that had all kinds of wolves from different families?
Wren shook the thought off her shoulders and bit her lip suddenly. But soon she regained reality and glanced over at the young man slowly. Her smile returned, but her ears planted firm against the back of her head. Before she could reply to his one statement, he added, "...and you? What?s your name?" The girl rolled her shoulders forward and huffed to icy feeling from the snow. But her maw soon split, and words spiraled off her tongue in a soothing hum. Ah, I figured you were related to the Destructions. I've met so many of those wolves...they all seem so sweet. The girl shifted her weight to the side and pushed her legs out beneath her. Then continued. But I am Wren Sartaddi. It's nice to meet such a respectful young man, She grinned and casted her minty gaze toward the stream. Then back to Fel with a slightly puzzled look in her eyes. What are you doing out here alone?


07-10-2014, 06:49 PM

The woman was kind enough to lower herself to F?licien?s level, and the young male would give a small nod of gratitude to her for that. He was indeed related to the Destruction family... He had noticed the bi-colored eyes he bore was a common trait within his family. He would give a nod, though he had yet to interact with his family as much as he liked. Other than his brother, sister, and parents that was. He was glad though that this new Ludicael member found the pack to be of her liking, and his tail would wag some as he looked to her. She would introduce herself as Wren before following up with a question of her own.

F?licien would look around him as he answered, taking in the winter view. ?I was exploring... I got pretty sick for a while... And I was worried I wasn?t going to make it. But... I?m better now... So I wanted to re-familiarize myself with the territory.? Gaze would shift back to Wren, rising to his paws again as he showed her a gentle smile. ?Do you want to walk around with me for a while? Perhaps we can find things that the other has not noticed.?