
gather round me {ASHEN MEETING}



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
04-17-2020, 10:10 AM
Arrival reactions:

Deathbelle smiled brightly as Hannibal appeared before her first, she felt a warmth fill her belly as her ivory tail wagged slowly at her hips in joy. So much had happened in the last year but the Empress returned to happiness. Hannibal was an integral part of those emotions. The Daimyo and her chosen mate sat apart from her, but still held himself with pride and let his dual toned eyes linger on her. Her attention shifted to Asphyxia as his presence slid into the meeting. She gave him a grin and a nod as he took his seat. ”And you,” she responded softly. Daedra lingered at her side, quiet and submissive as she should be.

”Hela,” she greeted warmly as the first of the Samurai appeared. Her only son appeared next and quietly took his seat, much like his Daimyo uncle Hari who easily took his seat. Her Crown Princess Venom followed with her sisters behind her. Toxicity gained the most of her attention as she tried to hide the shock of seeing her impressive scars. She recognized many of the symbols that decorated her daughter’s flesh.

She gave a quick nod to Pesto as she arrived and her attention shifted to her sister’s growing family as Bourbon led the three half dog puppies into the clearing. Belle was still uncertain about the mixing of Klein blood with such a creature but she accepted them into the family despite their parentage. Her own growing litter would rejuvenate their Klein blood.

Calamity appeared just as silently as her siblings, Gimli came in as well. The dwarf boy was certainly growing into himself, his thick body a testament to his training. The last remaining child of Archon followed up behind the two of them. Deathbelle’s opinions of her late husband’s children had changed much over their course of their lives. At first she felt possessive of them, wanting to keep a tight hold on what Archon had left behind, but as time went on she wasn’t sure if she could trust the boy. She had no idea where his loyalties lay. When he hadn’t appeared to her summoning to rank him up her doubt of him began. Now that all of the youth had reached their yearling mark she wouldn’t keep them here against their will.

She watched Recluse slip in and she felt eager for the girl’s presence. She hadn’t forgotten their conversation they had when they first met. The girl had the potential for greatness and Deathbelle was eager to see where it would take her. After that the Empress waited a few more moments for the rest of her kin. When they didn’t appear she felt a bit of sadness, she wanted her family beside her but it was no surprise that some of them had gone on their way once more.

Meeting Start:

”Welcome, everyone.” She offered warmly as her lilac eyes scanned the crowd and made contact with all who would meet her gaze. ”Thank you for your quick response, we have much to discuss. As you have likely already seen, I am pregnant.” The obvious, but the answer to the burning question, ”Like our ancestors before, Hannibal and I have rejuvenated the Klein name.” She said with a loving smile on her features as her gaze fell on her new lover and half brother. Deathbelle wasn’t naive to think that everyone would be eager for their announcement, but the Empress was allowing herself to pursue her own happiness and to renew their family’s traditions in the next generation.

”However exciting our future may be we can not forget the past.” The Klein name was struck with loss and tragedy again and again, from the famine that drove them to Boreas to the volcano that haunted all of them. ”The first anniversary of Archon’s death is nearly upon us.” Though she moved on with her life as she needed to there was not a day that went by that she did not think of her late husband. ”On the solstice I will return to the place where his last moments were spent,” though many of her kin had little care for Archon she wanted to give those who loved him a chance to join her in remembering him. ”Anyone may join me but Venom will be performing a ceremony for those who share his blood. There will also be a memoriam for those gone before.” Like Hamiclar, Yvonne, Iber, and the members of their kin gone missing in the last year. As well as those who did not wear the Klein name.

”Before the season is out Ashen will be holding a practice raid against our closest ally, the Armada.” She announced eagerly. ”Though our gains will be mostly of experience with this run I have every intention of moving on to more profitable opponents. I welcome any suggestions on that front.” They were going to take over the world, but it would be done in baby steps. First establishment, and with her first brood coming into adulthood that first step was a success. ”Along similar lines I wished to mention a visitor I received recently. A man by the name of Eligos Abraxas.” She wondered if his ears were burning with her talking about him, would he be flattered she told the whole pack about his presence? Internally the thought amused her. ”I suspect him to be Archon’s nephew but there was no conversation about our potential ties.” She added, unsure if the man knew of her relationship with the Abraxas man.

”I accepted his invitation to a fall festival, the whole pack is invited but I will say this now, we will be on a truce. Any fights that break out will have not been started by a member of Ashen.” There was little reason to mention it now not with the festival being so far away, but who knew what would happen between now and then? ”Further, his pack is a sword for hire, should we see ourselves with the need to call upon those services.” She added as her eyes scanned the crowd again.

”In all, I am proud of our accomplishments and I expect them to continue. I’ll open the floor now to any who wish to speak, but otherwise you are dismissed. Prepare for my call to lay siege to the Armada. I except to win.” She grinned as she opened up the floor to the pack.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
04-17-2020, 01:12 PM

Harbringr listened carefully as Deathbelle began the meeting, opening with some wonderful news. Hari could barely contain himself, his tail wagging lightly as he gazed fondly at his siblings. How exciting! Goodness, though, how was he ever going to keep track of all his nieces and nephews? She moved on to talk about a memorial for Archon but Harbringr wasn't paying much attention. He was just so happy for the new life that would soon grace Ashen's territory. There was a mention of a festival and he nodded lightly, thoughts still wandering.

His attention was pulled swiftly back to Deathbelle's words at the mention of a raid. Yes! Harbringr looked forward to the challenge. "Empress, the only thing I wish to say is congratulations! I am so happy for the both of you. If you desire it I can arrange another training session before the raid."



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-21-2020, 12:59 PM
Toxicity didn't miss her mother's pregnancy, but she tried so hard to ignore it. Of course it was the first thing she brought up. She was carrying the pups of her brother. It was a sinful and disgusting mixing of alike blood. After all she claimed ro believe she had gone directly against the sermons- against Archon and Abraxas themselves. Toxicity didn't hide her disgust. She ained to glare holes into her mother's eyes through the meeting. Other words were lost on her. How could Deathbelle pretend to care about the anniversary of her father's passing when less than a year later she was carrying the pups of her very own brother?


As soon as her mother stopped talking, Toxicity turned tail and left, only looking at Gad as she left. Maybe he hadn't been wrong this whole time. They needed to talk.