
Hope For The Future


06-20-2014, 09:16 PM

Pregnancy was a unique experience, and one that the young woman felt rather comfortable with, despite her growing belly. She did not venture far from the abandoned ship now, keeping close so that she could birth the pups somewhere safe and warm. It was no den, but those unique parts of ground were soft and warm, and they kept in heat well enough. Her children would be able to grow without worry in that ship, she was certain. Sin was doing better too, thank god, so he would be able to see them. His children. Their children. Arietta was endlessly happy, already thinking of names for the little ones that might come.

Arietta figured well enough that she would leave the naming of the males to their father. It was a special right, reserved for him, as her king. The woman glanced out across the water, laying on the deck of the ship. It was cold, but Arietta had slowly grown used to such temperatures. Living with Sin in the north had prepared her for such things. Eyes were partially open, blue eyes scanning the waves for signs of life. She ate well enough, to keep up her strength, though she prayed that when the time for the little ones came that Sin would be with her. She did not want to be alone for such a thing. Beautiful as it was... If something went wrong both she and the pups could lose their lives.

Speech, Thought