
Adravendi Adopts

Liz's siblings



3 Years
04-10-2020, 08:46 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2020, 12:25 AM by Elizabeth.)
Elizabeth has two siblings up for adoption, Mark Adravendi and Tara Adravendi
These kiddos are the son and daughter of Heather adravendi and her mate Krystal after she left Boreas due to mental illness
I made a few designs for them for you to choose from, you are free to make your own with the lineart I've provided or with your own! The only rule is that they cannot be completely white as it states in Liz's history that she is the only white one of the family.
I'll give a brief idea I had for each adopt but I'm pretty open to idea's and you forming the personality! There's only a few history facts that are required to stay the same which is explained. But to get an idea it's best to read Liz's history.

1. Should an adopt go without a month of posting I will contact the roleplayer, if there's no excuse as to the inactivity I will put the adopt back up for adoption.

2. These adopts should be on the lawful side of things, but given their upbringing it can be anything from neutral to chaotic up to you

For a bit of insight, Krystal their father was very protective and a loving father HOWEVER he was emotionally abuse towards his pups and often made them feel underminded. It's unknown how he really felt towards Heather but as far as the pups knew they were deeply in love despite the toxcity between the two possibly because of Heathers boderline personality disorder.

For those who don't know, Heather was a preppy, always happy type of wolf but she had black outs of jealousy and often couldn't process her emotions very well. She was very adamant about family she often told her pups stories of Boreas and the family she had there.

3. These siblings are close from when they reach Boreas, it is assumed they all have gone to look for relatives Heather told them about so they aren't lost from each other simply doing their own thing. However they can grow apart in rp if you'd like but from the time they are adopted they are a close knit familial group.

4. All siblings are in agreement, that they are not to speak of the actual circumstances of their mothers death. She was not tortured and killed, she died peacefully in her sleep with their father. This is what they will be telling those who knew Heather.

Both siblings are 2 years born in Summer

Name: Mark Adravendi
Gender: Male
Facts: - Mark is a fighter as his father intended him to me, convincing him he is no good at anything else
- Mark was the one with Liz when their mother was kidnapped and killed, he and Liz witnessed their father snap and also die trying to protect Heather
- He's over protective of Liz because of what they witnessed.
Personality idea: Mark is generally a happy guy, but too overly serious. I see him being a guardian who thinks life has done him wrong and is easily distrustful of others that don't have his family's surname. He can get snappy and easily frustrated

Name: Tara Adravendi
Gender: Female
Facts: -Tara was Heathers favorite often spoiling her, she is the one who knows quiet absolutely everything about Heather's past and the family they have on Boreas
- Like Liz, she's an excellent navigator
Personality idea: Given she doesn't like blood too much because of their upbringing Tara takes to studying the stars. She enjoys studying them and being able to discover lands. She doesn't know what to do for her other task because her father dettered her from healing and fighting even though she might have a passion for fighting.

Again the personalities are only suggestions! You can be however creative as you want with them

Adopting: Tara or Mark
Plot ideas:
Rp sample: at least 150 words

these are not first come first serve! I am willing to help pay for character slots for them. Have fun!



7 Years
Extra large
04-10-2020, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2020, 07:05 PM by Torin.)
Username: Lolaf
Adopting: Tara
Personality: Tara has long been fascinated by the stars, often told she had her head in the clouds. Though she is anything but a space case, in fact the girl is more aware than most give her credit for. While she escaped the worst of the abuse her father could dish out she wasn't spared from it, discouraged from training with her other siblings and often told she was useless, she took on a spiteful streak, if told she can't do something she almost certainly going to try and prove them wrong and will push back on anyone that tries to undermine her abilities and intelligence.

Still, the girl has a fascination with stories and was for much of her life a mama's girl. She ate up the stories her mother would tell of her life and often dreamed of getting to see the world she heard of, meet the family that had been left behind. This combined with her love for the night sky led to Tara becoming a wandered, easily led away by her curiosity and finding much joy in discovering new places.

However since her mother's death, she had become more withdrawn, she is clearly still wracked with grief and taking a long time to process the tragedy.

Plot ideas: Tara will probably wander pretty far from the others, both fascinated by finally being in Boreas but also just like, totally destroyed with grief and needing to be away. The problem is she's here now and all it's doing is making the fact her mother is gone worse.

Most things are up in the air, like the usual suspects: Crushes, pups eventually, join her siblings in Valhalla. Maybe try and train in fighting now that she's allowed. Leaning towards Nav/Fighting skills.

Rp sample: WIP
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
04-25-2020, 12:00 AM
This is wip, mainly so I don't forget! >>

Username: Belle
Adopting: Mark Adravendi
Design: 1
Plot ideas:
Rp sample: at least 150 words
  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!