
Red Roses

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
04-11-2020, 08:32 PM
Oh my heart..
just started..

The canopy left the entire forest in a gloom that embraced and guiled his presence. For a man of his size, that was no easy accomplishment and for that - he was ever appreciative of the mangrove's health. He hadn't visited it since before the eruption of Mount Volkan, as like most of the nearer territories to the Maw, it had been avoided by him entirely until the ash clouds had subsided. However, he had business here still; a story he had yet to know the ending to and now that the worst of the effects from the volcano had resided, he was ready to seek out what he was yearning to know.

Decaying forest foliage would be his only bane as he cautiously traveled through roots and leaves, occasionally stepping on clusters that were just a bit too dry for his liking - creating harsh crinkling sounds that would immediately make his ears fold in regret as they gave away more of his presence than he would like. His aim was to move unbeknownst to those who resided in the mangrove as he hunted and even the slightest tell of his whereabouts was enough to frustrate him. Occasionally, the goliath would stop and assess his surroundings. He searched for any signs of wolves, as he recalled that she had been part of a fairly large pack. Surely one of them would be present here in some way if her pack was still around.

A couple of voles scurried out from the leaves his large paws disturbed, reminding him of their last encounter. That was the first sign he had witnessed that could have hinted toward the eruption of the volcano, the second was flooding.. it was crazy to think he lived through all of that. When he was young, Domina had thought all of their father's superstitious ideas about the weather in relation to hunting had been bad - yet, had he paid attention to the signs back then he might not have had such a close call with the mountain when it finally did roar. Heavy thoughts weighed down his crown as he continued to move fluidly through the forest, inhaling every scent that the mangrove offered in hunger as he continued to search for signs of wolves.

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
04-12-2020, 07:51 AM
Poem was settling back into Abaven well, she spent a lot of time with her grandmother but she was also getting to know her sister again. Theory had taken her place as Alpha better than Poem thought that she would be able to after her mother’s death. The girl was beyond thankful and proud of her sibling, she loved Theory to death and as eager to help her now that she had made her return. The relief of being home was lessened by the sorrow of the loss of her mother. Poem was still mourning the loss and tears were easy to see in her eyes.

Right now the yearling Destruction was distracting herself with a more wide swept patrol. She made her way off the beaten path to explore the bordering lands and make note of any prominent threats. Her icy white paws carried her over the mangroves like she was born here, unbeknownst to her, long ago, the first of her kin here in Boreas had taken their start in this land. Her great great great grandparents were buried here. Though Poem had deep roots connecting her she remained ignorant.

The girl continued, her senses alert as she continued. Her second birthday was approaching, and though she’d been considered an adult for a while now her coming of age was right around the corner. She’d been through a lot in her not quite two years. After all of it she knew she remained thankful for the blessings that were given. Obstacles and sorrow were unavoidable, she just had to keep herself focused on the positives that found her.

One of them being the familiar scent she stumbled across. The boy that had helped her return to Abaven right before the eruption. Those moments seemed like a lifetime ago, so much had happened and she had been forced to grow up quickly. Poem didn’t hesitate to try and fine him. ”Dominus?” She called out as she searched for him within the mangroves.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
04-15-2020, 10:00 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2020, 10:01 AM by Dominus I.)
Oh my heart..
just started..

Dominus found himself following the path of the voles that had run from him, thoughts of the volcano and appreciation for the calm Autumn that he was living in now at the back of his mind as he seemingly drifted through the mangrove. He wandered the forest for most of the day, the hardly available light dimming even more so as the day progressed to an afternoon, and then an evening...

He stood at the edge of the forest though remained cloaked in the coverage of its shadows, staring in the direction of where he'd last known Abaven to be; out past the streams of the Delta and the waterfalls that created them. He hated packs, admittedly, but he chewed hard on the thought of wandering to their borders in search of her in an effort to discover what had become of her after all of this. Just as he was about to give in, her voice chimed and lifted his ears.

The voice came from behind him and was still a bit distant, but he knew he had heard it. She remembered him, then? By name? His thick neck twisted as he turned to face the direction of her call, smile that slightly showed his teeth present on his squared muzzle. Not to keep her waiting, he rushed to answer - forfeiting his previous attempts to remain unknown as his heavy weight crushed the autumn leaves that had collected along the forest floor. The sound likely announced his entrance long before she could see him.

The thick trunks of the mangrove trees nearly hid her from him, her sudden image appearing to him and making him slide to a stop rather recklessly while he tried to fight the momentum of his run in order to keep his eyes on her and keep her from disappearing from his view behind the next tree. Leaves were sent flying from around his paws as they pushed through them, some attaching to the thick fur that blanketed his neck and chest as they fell into him. He gathered himself in poise fairly easily, but the leaves remained to taint whatever elegance the beast could have pulled off.

The grin that had been present on his lips faded slightly, hiding his teeth again gradually as he truly looked at her and noticed all of the changes. She was much taller than he expected to discover her, the paleness of her pelt and purple of her eyes much more striking than his memory had done justice. Of course, how could he compare the woman before him to the sweet child he'd found back then? Surely, he looked much different too - he was no longer a boy with awkwardly long limbs and skinny ribs.

He had been moving so fast to get to her, but now that he was standing before her he moved incredibly slow.. his blue eyes never leaving her as he committed every detail of her image to memory. Even in the shade of the mangrove, she was so bright and ethereal in appearance. She was tall and sturdy, yet so elegant and beautiful with feminity. Selfishly, he took a moment to admire her before his voice finally broke the silence.

"Poem Destruction... of Abaven." A smile returned to that masked muzzle as he recalled how she had thanked him and introduced herself back then, proudly claiming the pack she was from. He had his reasons for straying away from packs, but her pride was admirable back then- as was her drive to find and protect her sister even while risking putting herself in danger.

"I wasn't sure if I would find you again. It's been awhile, a lot has changed in Boreas. After I took you home.. the world nearly seemed to be ending with floods and fires, I had seen it in almost every corner of the land. I am glad you survived. How.. are you?" It's funny how articulate he could be when he wanted to. He had a mouth on him that often offended others, yet he also still had the manners he'd once learned as a prince. He wanted to directly ask about Motif, but he skirted around the question for now out of respect. If something happened to her, it likely would be a harsh question for her to hear and at the moment, he wanted to do what he could to keep those beautiful tones in her eyes crystal clear and free from tears again.

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
04-15-2020, 01:29 PM
The day was much like the first time she met the mammoth of a wolf, it had been dark and Poem couldn’t see much. He was one with the shadows as much today as he had been then, she didn’t hear anything until he wanted to be. Dark ears perked in the direction of the sound of paws on leaves, she tensed slightly having little clue if it was her once savior or not. When she saw movement through the trees she couldn’t be sure what she glimpsed, her features held only concentration as blue and lavender eyes searched through the thick trunks.

Poem wasn’t sure if she should prepare to flee or fight as the shadow materialized. Bright ruby eyes caught what little light was left in the day and the Destruction girl felt a grin come to her own lips as she caught his familiar features. They had both grown up, he was a full adult. He looked much better kept and had filled out impressively. She hadn’t fully appreciated his handsome features the last time they met. His jaunt through the woods was obvious in the leaves and spots of unkempt fur. The strangest urge to rid them for him and smooth his ruffles came over her. She ignored it as he spoke.

She was reminded again how long ago their last meeting seemed. She had been so young and naive back then. Before Sirius had struck his deal with her.. ”Dominus Praetor,” she returned warmly as her icy blue paws helped close the distance between them. She felt her heart skip a beat as his gaze lingered on her form, her cheeks flushed and she wagged her tail nervously at her hips. He spoke much of what she wanted to say as well. She hadn’t forgotten the favor he had given her.

”I thought the world might end as well,” her words were soft. She pulled her haunches beneath her and sat beside him, keenly aware of how close they were. Her fur prickled slightly as she tried to ignore the way Dominus made her feel. She had been so focused on her family for so long she barely spent time in another’s presence. Eligos hadn’t elicited such a reaction. ”I’m better now,” Poem was being honest. He seemed genuinely interested in how she fared after the eruption. ”After my family settled my father and I went to look harder for my sister. I found her, but the price to get her back was high. The Warlord, Sirius had bought her at the slave market months before. He offered to free her if I could best him in battle…”

She averted her gaze, still ashamed of that moment. Had she won that day she would have brought Motif home and her family would have been complete. Maybe her mother would have even still been alive to this day.. ”I lost, but he was generous enough to release Motif and take me in her place. I trained under him for a while, until my mother died in an earthquake.” Poem’s voice became very small at the admittance. Easily the most painful point in her life, her wounds still felt as fresh as the day Sirius told her. ”I was released, and have been home since.” She closed her eyes tightly as she pushed the heavy emotions down. ”Motif has been living with me, and it feels like life might go back to.. normal.” Though she was sure life would never be the same as before the eruption. She wouldn’t ever get used to the missing presence of her mother.

”I’m so glad you’re okay. I worried that you got caught in the eruption, or something worse…” She trailed off as she tried to focus on him instead of her own misfortune and loss. ”You look.. healthy.” she offered awkwardly, knowing she had a hundred other words she would have rather called him. Poem just barely refrained from sticking her foot further into her mouth. ”I hope you’ve been doing well.” Her words were genuine as they slipped past her dark lips and her bright eyes were returned to his deep garnet gaze.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
05-28-2020, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2020, 12:41 AM by Dominus I.)
Oh my heart..
just started..

She spoke his name and it summoned a grin on the beast's strong face. His bright blue eyes and impishly long ears stood completely upright as he watched her close the distance between them and listened to the cool of her voice. She was captivating with her charm, boldly expressing that she enjoyed his company and that it made her feel better. The tension in his shoulders relaxed a bit as her words made him comfortable enough to nearly melt, and that was something he had never experienced before whether he currently realized this or not.

Although he felt ecstatic as she approached him as a living, beautiful creature - not a memory - her words as she filled him in on what had happened to her brought an increasing amount of sadness with every one of them. How long had she been held captive by this man, and what had he done to her..? Anything? Was it really as innocent as he.. trained her? He doubted it, and the thought made him sick to his stomach. He took in a deep breath as that tension returned, anger causing his hackles to prickle along his spine.

So many questions popped up in his head in the form of loud voices; 'who was this man?' and ''what fucking army does he have to be able to keep slaves?' She calmed him somewhat with her final words, she was so innocent with worry for him and then flattering with her obvious admiration. His eyes found her own and he melted again while he admired her uniqueness; she was like crafted art. He enjoyed the sharp markings she held below her eyes and the bold and pale combination of her coat, it was hard to believe she had been born as beautiful as she was. He wanted to give in to her and let his anger go for what she had just told him, but he was a stubborn and protective man.

"Poem, where was Abaven when you were enslaved? Who agreed to let this man take you?" It was bold of him to ask something so challenging to a pack as old as Abaven, but he felt uneasy. Altair's pack had allowed for her to be captured as well, and now Poem told him she had become a victim to the same fate. After finding out what his father did to his mother, why the fuck did it seem like no pack out here was defending their women? He may have been a lone wolf who was supposedly cursed or crazy, one of the two, yet he still felt restless with just the thought of one of them being unsafe. Why weren't they?

He shook his head in disappointment before she could answer as if dismissing the subject in regret for even asking. He fucking hated packs, but he adored this girl before him. He let it go and his eyes shone apologetically as he lowered his ears.

"Thank you, by the way.. I am doing well enough.." His tone had quieted as he drew nearer to her and smirked, his nose lifting in front of her so close she could likely feel the breath of his words on the wet of her own.

"I am glad I seem healthy, but Poem, you are astounding. I am so glad you are safe, in one piece, with every part of you accounted for. I am proud of you for holding your own, but I have to ask - who the fuck is Sirius and where does he come from?" The same passion that attracted him to her seemed to also fuel his lack of self-control in keeping the conversation away from that. If Abaven wasn't delivering justice to him for taking their daughter, Dominus had questions and half a mind to take on the task himself.

dominus praetor
html by castlegraphics; art by kreyxicat

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
05-28-2020, 05:46 PM
He was relaxed in her presence and despite her fluttery nerves Poem felt at ease in his presence. He was a huge wolf, even taller than she was, but it was easy to be in his presence. As she spoke of her time away from him like she’d known him her whole life she could see the tension return to his limbs and his dark hackles rise along his back. Her words elicited many emotions in him and the roller coaster was obvious on his handsome features. The subtle revelation of his feelings brought butterflies to her belly, he cared enough about her the events of her life affected him. Her dark ears pulled to her head in humble appreciation.

She sunk into herself slightly at his concern, in truth she had been treated well in the Armada. She was no slave and had even climbed to one of the Warlord’s highest ranks. He’d sought to make her his heir for a short time. Poem would be forever loyal to her pack though, she could never see herself being able to commit to the task. She wasn’t able to answer his question before he dismissed his words. The young Destruction had made a deal with Sirius, she would never have allowed her family in Abaven to interfere. Had she asked it of them she knew the whole pack would have come to her aid.

Dominus went on, causing a shiver to run down the girl’s spine as he stepped closer. She could feel his breath and his closeness created an obvious electrical current between them. She tried to ignore how close he was and the emotion in his expressive blue eyes. His passion was palpable as he complimented her and didn’t hold back. Her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks flushed again, but he couldn’t keep the topic from her time in the Armada.

”He’s the alpha of the Ashen Armada.” She answered him softly, still very much aware of how close he was. ”Don’t blame them though,” she pleaded in quiet tones. ”I made a deal with Sirius, I couldn’t go back on my word. My family would have come for me without hesitation if I let them.” Hesitantly she scooted closer to his dark frame trying to soothe the anger she saw in him. The anger he harbored for her. No one beyond her family had shown so much concern for her. Sirius had cared for her, she could see it even if she couldn’t understand it, but the passion that Dominus showed warmed her whole body.

”You really worried about me didn’t you?” She whispered as her blue and lavender eyes met his bright sapphire gaze. Even though he had no ties to her he had sought her out and worried about her well being. Poem suddenly felt humbled but special at the same time. It was an odd feeling that she could easily admit was enjoyable. Being beside him, so close, elicited many emotions but none of them were unpleasant. She suddenly felt very shy though, like she didn’t deserve such concern. ”I…” Her heart fluttered unexpectedly again. She smiled up at him as her bright eyes fluttered under heavy lashes. ”That means a lot to me.”

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
09-06-2020, 06:10 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2020, 06:14 AM by Dominus I.)

Dominus' impish and long ears had been twitching toward the sounds of their surroundings instinctively before she managed to admit that he was an alpha.. of an army. Once she began pleading, he ceased all movement.. still as his mind recessed from their conversation and became quite deep in thought, despite his direct stare into her own eyes. It bothered him that she was excusing all of this on the fact that she had given her word.. and owed this to wolves that she didn't owe anything to. He couldn't say anything, but eyes that were once alive with interest and concern were now cold, perhaps even a bit sad as the voice of his haunting whispered nonsense into his ears.

"It means a lot to me," he heard her say and he scoffed reactively as these words hit him - he seemed to nearly be stumbling into a step back away from her. His hackles prickled just slightly as goosebumps littered his skin as his beliefs on how she should have been treated formed into a passion that visibly took over his body. His tail stiffened at spine-level as he shuffled his feet beneath him to turn himself away from her, but he whipped it once or twice and then returned it to swaying in an attempt to keep it smooth.

"How can you not expect that I would be this worried? What deal did you make, to owe this to a man who has an entire army to get him whatever he needs? He didn't need to disturb your life. I want vengeance on this man no matter who he is. It is unacceptable." He really did not want to make her feel bad, but it was perhaps a bit late for him to take back the way he was reacting to her words. He looked to her, his anger subsiding as adoration replaced it while he remembered how she was looking at him while she spoke. Perhaps he should have responded to that first.. but.. his ambition and sense of righteousness fueled him now.

The cogs that powered his brain were visibly turning as he became quiet, his hackles raising like the ruffled feathers of a crow as his fragile mind took over. He would think, if he died or lost to an army that kept wolves like slaves, perhaps it would be better if he did not get closer to her at all. As they were now, he was just a stranger that she had met one night when she was lost.. and if something happened to him, perhaps as they were now would not mean anything at all to her if she were to lose it. So, with telling himself that it was cruel to show his interest in her at this time, he instead pulled himself away - twisting his body until he had his back to her he would then run until he disappeared again into the thick of the forest. He would allow himself to seek her out again if only he was successful with what he felt he needed to do, but for now.. he would be alone again.

-Exit Dominus-

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.