
Hurting for a Smile



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-14-2020, 09:51 PM

After how she had seen Resin at the meeting, worry had gnawed away at her gut till she just had to go check on the warrior she had befriended. She had made herself wait till the next day since it had been very clear that Resin had been tired and pained from the trip to the meeting area, but that night had made her toss and turn. As soon as the sun was high enough in the sky to make it seem like she hadn't been up all night wondering what had happened, Tamsyn emerged from her den and started to make her way in the direction that Resin had described her den to be. It honestly felt strange these days to not start her day with her training, but this felt much more important.

It didn't occur to her just how concerned she was until she began her trip across the pack's territory. Of course she would be worried for any of her pack mates if she saw they were injured, but... this felt different. There was a frantic need in her chest to make sure the warrior was okay and it made it impossible for her to relax until she knew she was. Maybe it was because she had always viewed Resin as so incredibly strong and seemingly indestructible that to see her hurt just didn't seem to be able to process though her mind.

The ebony woman easily found Resin's den once she got to the general area she thought it would be, following the larger woman's scent till she found it. Her ears flicked uncertainly since she wasn't sure if Resin's daughter was here as well or if it was just her. She wanted to meet Resin's daughter, just... maybe on happier circumstances or when she wasn't so dead set on checking on her injured friend. "Resin?" she called as she got close to the den's entrance, her ears flicking back timidly. Her mint gaze peeked inside while she waited for a response. "Can I come in?"



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-15-2020, 01:18 PM

This was not a situation that the grizzled warrior liked to be in. She was an invalid. She was at the mercy of others. She couldn't even move out of her own damn den of her own free will. From the tip of her paw to her shoulder, her right leg was in a full, stabilizing cast. Her right shoulder as well as her ribs were wrapped in bandages. The only fur that was visible was her hind legs, tail, some of her ruff and her face. She had no choice but to lay prone on a pile of furs. Still. Stagnant. Grumpy as hell.

When the pawsteps approached the door of her expansive den, a growl bubbled up in the woman. It was only when she heard the soft tones of Tamsyn that her growling ceased and her fur smoothed. She didn't really want the dark fae to see her like this, but she couldn't turn her away. "Come in," she replied in her gruff tones. Ears tucked against her skull in embarrassment and shame. This wasn't how she was supposed to be. She was irritated. Annoyed. Exasperated. Surely it all showed on her scarred face.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-15-2020, 05:37 PM

Her ears perked forward for a moment when Resin’s rough voice reached her. It was hard to tell how the warrior was feeling from the tone of her voice since she naturally sounding more gruff than most, but once she slipped into the shadowed den and saw the emotions written all over Resin’s face she understood that she wasn’t exactly pleased to have company. She considered apologizing and backing away, but her concern pushed her forward. The smaller wolf’s eyes dropped to the bandaging and splints that covered a large portion of her friend’s form. A worried whine left her while her ears flicked back and she padded across the small space to move closer to her. She settled down onto her stomach across from her and brought her concerned gaze back to Resin’s.

She thought that just seeing Resin would be enough to satisfy her worries over the tough, scarred woman, but her chest still felt tight with that unexpected panic. ”What happened?” she asked softly, trying her best to not fuss over Resin even though that’s all she wanted to do. If there was one thing she could easily guess about the hardened fighter it was that being injured like this was going to be hard enough without wolves bothering her about it.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-17-2020, 06:56 PM

She didn't want company at all, but... she also didn't want Tamsyn to go. The light from the doorway was blocked out and she knew that the dark woman had stopped to stare. Heat filled Resin's cheeks and her nose wrinkled slightly. Her pride was screaming bloody murder. She wouldn't have ever allowed Roan to get injured by the bear, but gods... was she regretting her decision of biting the thing in the face...

Tamsyn questioned her and the woman grumbled slightly. "Bear." She fought to crane her neck to look at the obsidian fae, but the action pulled on her shoulder wounds and ribs. She hissed air in through her bared teeth and settled back on her side. She hated this so, so much. Clearing her throat, she continued to speak. "I saved Roan and Sirius from being crushed by a bear." She wished that Tamsyn would come further into the den so that she could see her rather than just stare at the wall, but she wouldn't ask. Iolaire would most likely be back soon and the fae wouldn't have a choice but to go further into the spacious den.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-17-2020, 08:53 PM
A bear. A bear did this to her. She understood why the protective warrior had done such a thing to save the others, but an irrational flare of anger surprised her. She was mad that Resin had put herself in danger like that. She couldn’t imagine going to look for her friend one day and her suddenly be gone. She pictured going to Sirius or Resin’s daughter or anyone that might know what had happened and having to hear that the woman she cared for had been killed by a bear... It was such a selfish thought, but Resin felt so precious to her that she couldn’t help herself.

Her ears folded back at the thought, but before she could say anything else she noticed how Resin attempted to lift her head to look at her only to struggle and lay her head back down again. Tam whined worriedly again and quickly got up to move closer till she could lay in Resin’s line of sight so she wouldn’t have to do such a thing. She couldn’t keep the concerned look from her face, but she made herself not look at Resin’s bandages and wounds. Instead she kept her eyes on the scarred woman’s face. She wanted to comfort her, to make her feel better, but it felt so out of reach. What could she possibly do? She wasn’t a healer and didn’t have any kind of knowledge she would need to help her. It was obvious her daughter had been taking very good care of her, but it still made Tamsyn feel helpless.

”That was very brave of you,” she replied softly while she let herself dare to gently brush her paw along the top of Resin’s head. ”But... Please just... Please don’t do that again... If anything worse happened to you...” Her words trailed off and she couldn’t bring herself to finish her own sentence.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-20-2020, 12:41 AM
It took the small woman a bit of time, but she eventually made her way into the injured fae's line of sight. The look upon her face brought Resin's ears tucking against her skull for a moment. Tamsyn's words were soft and serious. A plea. A request. Unfortunately, it wasn't something that Resin could agree to. "Tamsyn..." she began to speak, but stopped as the paw brushed over the top of her head. Her mouth closed. She wouldn't lie to the woman and agree to her request. She couldn't. However, she could refuse to answer it. Instead she sighed and placed her head firmly back on the ground.

"Iolaire should be back soon. She's barely left my side since my injury." She loved her daughter, but she loved her freedom as well. The dame wrinkled her dusty blue nose slightly. "I hate being like this." Her singular gaze searched Tamsyn's dark face. It wasn't the first time that she'd been injured by any means, but it was definitely the worst that she'd ever been injured. The most incapacitated, anyway. Even with her throat injury she was up and moving the next day. With a shattered leg and broken ribs, she would likely be laid up for a long while.

"How have you been?" Though she wasn't a talker, keeping the conversation going was better than imagining the pity that she imagined Tamsyn felt for her. She hated pity. Resin had made the choice to put herself in the line of danger to save two lives. There was no reason or room for pity. Instead, she would speak and distract herself from destructive thoughts.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-20-2020, 01:12 PM

The silence she got in response to her plea pulled a small, but frustrated frown onto her lips. She could tell that doing such a thing was just in Resin's nature and it didn't matter what she said, the warrior would do whatever she had to in order to protect someone. Tamsyn couldn't put into words what seeing Resin hurt did to her heart without sounding like she had completely lost it so she let the silence linger instead of trying to insist upon her request again. There was no changing what had already been done and now she just had to be grateful that Resin was still here and hope that this never happened again... She couldn't decide if she would have felt any better about this if someone had told her about it instead of having the shock of seeing Resin like this at the meeting with no inkling that anything had happened. There was no reason for anyone to tell her such a thing, but being in the dark about it all certainly didn't help.

She nodded quietly when Resin mentioned that Iolaire would be back to check on her. At least her daughter was here to make sure her injuries were cared for... That eased Tamsyn's worries about her current state, but it didn't help her concerns about what could happen in the future. "I know you do," she replied when she heard how much the fighter hated being like this. She could have guessed that from a mile away even if she hadn't known her as well as she did. It was clear across all her expressions how much this hurt - physically and emotionally. Tamsyn sighed softly and put her own worries to the back of her mind, trying to think of how she could possibly make Resin feel a little better.

Talking about herself felt so ridiculous, but when Resin asked how she had been doing she did it anyway, hoping it would at least be a little bit of a distraction. "I've been okay," she replied, ignoring the sleepless night she had before this. "I've been practicing my fighting," she added, a small smile touching her muzzle. "Sirius taught me a little bit right after the last time I saw you and I've been practicing a lot since then. I was... Well, I wanted to surprise you and show you all the stuff I've learned." She glanced away bashfully with a little smile, her ears flicking back against her skull. She felt like a pup coming to show someone something new they had learned, but in a way she was. She was learning all of the basic things that most pups learned from their parents and was slowly beginning to catch up with the rest of the world. "Whenever you're all better maybe we can spar! I know you'll be way better than me, of course, but Sirius seemed pretty impressed so I think I'm doing okay for a beginner."



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-20-2020, 01:46 PM

The discomfort on Tamsyn's face was evident, but not saying anything was the best that Resin could do for her. If a predator entered the den right now and threatened the ebony woman's life, the maned fae would do her best to negate that threat. Injury or no. Loved ones or no. She would put herself in harms path to protect those that she held dear. At her core, that was what Resin was. She was a protector. If she stopped doing that just to appease others, she wouldn't be being true to herself. If she was just going to roll over and take it, she might as well have let the bear kill her.

Though it appeared she didn't exactly want to, the smaller wolf soon began to speak about what she'd been up to. Apparently she'd been sparring and learning from Sirius. It was good. Being so indisposed, she wouldn't be able to teach Tamsyn like she had planned. The woman grinned and said that she was looking forward to showing Resin her skills once she was better. Resin spared Tam a smile. The sliced corner of her mouth turned upward. More visibly than usual. Perhaps she was trying to give the little wolf something. She couldn't agree to her request, but she could smile for her. "I'm proud of you. I look forward to seeing and testing your skill." Some day. The ribs would heal but would be tender for a time. It was her leg that was the problem. With a heavy frame like hers, it was difficult to keep weight off of it. Hopping to spare her weight would only agitate her broken ribs. So... for a time... slow and steady was the key.

Tamsyn still looked a little worried. Maybe her appearance was making the black fae uncomfortable. "Don't feel obligated to stay. If seeing my injuries makes you uncomfortable, I won't be offended if you leave." Open and honest, she laid it out for Tam. Go or stay, she wouldn't judge her for it. Did she want her to stay? Well... initially, no. Now that she was here and they were talking... now that she could see the various emotions flit across Tamsyn's face while she spoke; the subtle changes in expression as her words changed... Yes, she wanted her to stay. She wanted her to stay very much.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-20-2020, 02:23 PM

The smile Resin gave her made a little pride swell in her chest and her tail started to wag gently against the den floor. She had wanted to learn for herself so that she could protect herself and have something to contribute to the pack, but part of her also wanted to learn to make Resin proud. She still had a very, very long way to go, but just hearing the little bit of praise the warrior offered her was encouragement for her to keep going. She knew it would be a long time before Resin was able to fight again, but maybe one she felt able to sit up again she could watch her practice and give her tips from the sideline. The idea made her happy and excited for her training again. Her mind was already starting to think of ways to incorporate visits and time with Resin into her day while her friend healed. Just because she was bound to the den for a while didn't mean that Tamsyn was going to let her lay here on her own.

She was a little taken aback by Resin's insistence that she didn't need to stay. Her ears flicked and she began to worry that maybe her reaction to everything had been taken the wrong way. The smaller black female was quick to shake her head in response, thinking back though her responses and trying to figure out where she had gone wrong. "They don't make me uncomfortable. I want to stay... as long as you want me to." Injuries and wounds had never bothered her - at least not the actual wound itself. She worried about Resin and her well being, but actually seeing her wounds or being around her when she was injured didn't phase her. "I'm sorry if it looked like it bothered me. I'm just worried about you."

Even though she was more talkative than Resin was, she still had a hard time with words and expressing herself. She didn't know how to tell Resin that she was worried without making it sound like pitty and she didn't know how to tell her how much she cared without feeling like she was coming on too strong. She frowned, glancing down at her paws for a moment. Resin seemed to be so straight forward with her all the time so maybe she needed to do the same thing... "I care about you a lot," she added shyly, lifting her gaze just enough to see Resin's reaction. "I hate seeing that you're hurt, probably about as much as you hate being hurt, but your injuries themselves don't bother me. I just want to make you feel better, but I don't know how."



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-20-2020, 03:28 PM
[quote="Resin" pid='185332' dateline='1587411975']

Tamsyn wasn't the only one that was bad with conversation. Her words obviously made the ebony fae feel bad, for her brows furrowed and she vehemently stated that she didn't want to leave. Resin sighed. Being social was tiring. The injured woman dropped her head back to the ground in defeat.  "I didn't mean that you had to leave, only that you could if you were uncomfortable." She didn't want Tamsyn to leave. In fact, if she was being honest with herself, she would like the small woman to come closer. She imagined the pair of them resting together like they had in the hollow tree during the rainstorm.

Tam continued to speak, admitting that she cared for the big woman. Resin bristled inwardly at the admission but didn't react outwardly. So Tamsyn cared for her, did she? They'd only had a few interactions, but she couldn't deny the confusing chemistry between them. It seemed that neither of them were entirely comfortable admitting their feelings for the other, but this was a step. Tamsyn said that she wanted to help her but didn't know how. Resin would help her with that.

Raising her head a bit, she stared into the woman's minty eyes with her lone sulfur orb.  "You can calm down. Stay with me for as long as you wish." Black backed ears flicked forward.  "I won't ask you to leave." Tamsyn could stay, but she would soon be too tired to stay awake. Wounds of this caliber required a lot of sleep and even the smallest acts led to exhaustion. Tamsyn had been vulnerable, and so Resin would reply in kind, opening herself up to the smaller fae.  "I care for you as well. Won't you come closer and sleep with me? I'm incredibly tired." Resting her head back on the thick furs once more, she continued to look at the dark woman, hoping that she would accept her invitation.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-20-2020, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2020, 04:25 PM by Tamsyn.)

It seemed as though they both had a bit of trouble reading each other and expressing themselves and in a strange way Tamsyn was grateful. She always meant well, but her experience with social interaction had been limited for most of her life and sometimes it didn't come easily. Between her lingering uncertainty and being unable to find the right words to say what was on her mind, it made her worry that there would be some kind of miscommunication between them. Resin telling her to stay as long as she wished did make her shoulders relax once again and she smiled softly in response. She hoped that invitation never changed. She planned on visiting Resin as often as the warrior would allow until she was finally better - no matter how long it took.

She had been nervous to see Resin's reaction to her admitting that she cared for her, too nervous that it would be too much too soon for her to feel confident saying such a thing. Hearing Resin reply in kind surprised her more than anything. She was at a loss for words yet again at the idea that the larger woman could possibly be feeling the same emotions that had been confusing her since they met. It made an undeniable joy and hope fill her heart, completely eclipsing the worry and uncertainty that she had felt when she walked into the den. That happiness showed easily on her features - a blush joining her cheeks when Resin asked her to lay with her. It made her mind flash back to the rainstorm that they had waited out in the hollowed out tree trunk. The idea made her nervous, but in the best way.

Tamsyn nodded and got to her paws, carefully padding closer and settling herself along side Resin's larger form, careful not to lean on anywhere wrapped in the bandages so she wouldn't hurt her or press on her wounds in the process. She couldn't keep the smile off her lips as she nestled herself into the warrior's form and leaned her head gently on the woman's uninjured leg. She didn't feel nearly as timid as she had the first time that they had laid like this and the hesitation she had felt was no where to be seen. She was riding high on the idea that the woman she cared for cared for her in return, no matter if Resin's feelings were as strong as hers or not. She quietly made the decision to not leave Resin's side unless she absolutely had to as she closed her eyes to rest with her, hoping maybe her presence gave the fighter a bit of comfort.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-30-2020, 06:57 PM

Speaking their feeling aloud, no matter how absurd, seemed to soothe Tamsyn. If it made the woman feel better, then Resin would do it. Feelings had never been her forte. They were trivial things that could be pushed aside for logic and truth. She was getting older though. And she was lonely. Maybe a bit of change was in order. Tamsyn seemed to be loyal and caring. Maybe she was the one to change for.

As the little black wolf curled herself up close to Resin, the injured fae closed her working eye. She enjoyed the warmth that they were already sharing. Winter was knocking at their door so it was more chilly than normal. It would just get worse too. With Meadow, her sister, out exploring the world, there would be no one in her home to share warmth with. She refused to intrude upon Iolaire's life by sleeping in her den. The girl had just acquired herself a mate. They needed their time together. It seemed as though her own future was a cold, lonely one. Not for the moment, however.

"Thank you," she said softly, "For staying with me." As the woman settled, she did her best to move her injured leg so that Tam could get as close and as comfortable as she wished. Once the pair were settled, Resin breathed a sigh of relief. Gently, she nuzzled into the top of Tamsyn's head, right between her ears. "It's been a very long time since I've cared for someone and he was much like me." By that, she meant that he was brusque and emotionless. Getting comfortable, she pulled Tamsyn close as well as she was able. Again her eye closed and this time she tried to get some sleep. Neither of the women saw the small form in the door or the surprised smile on the wolf's face as she crept silently away from her mother's den.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]