

Plots I promise!



7 Years
Extra large
04-15-2020, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2020, 02:14 PM by Torin.)
Welcome, I promise there is a plot somewhere in here in this mess of an adoption thread but it can't be totally disclosed yet. Blue and I talked and she gave me permission to re-adopt out Derecho and Pàdraig.

The Plot:
The pair have been missing for some time and it's safe to say their family misses them quite a bit. Unfortunately, it's not gonna be a happy ending right away. At some point when they got separated after the volcano, shortly after Lirim evacuated. During that time Derecho became badly injured and they found themselves at the mercy of a total stranger who at first offered her services to help but soon it became clear she was keeping them prisoner, actively working to weaken them both, for what reasons are yet unknown but their capture will soon be revealed and leveraged for this female's machinations.

So what does this mean for you? Well it means you'll get to be thrown directly into the center a big IC changing plot.

Some rules first:
  1. Paddy's Design can stay the same but must not leave Ardent. Paddy's design was bought for this litter specifically and so will be retaken if someone does not want it.
  2. A stipulation of adopting Derecho from Blue herself is that her relationship with Torin remains. Meaning they are still mates/committed to each other.
  3. Names should stay the same as they've been named quite a bit at this point in IC.
  4. Paddy's personality can be reworked but he should not be any darker than Chaotic Neutral, I do not want to see too much change for Derecho's personality but some development based on her ordeal is a-okay.
  5. Due to the big IC ramifications of this plot I'm going to ask these characters be pretty active, and even after as these characters are quite important to me, Torin is one of my oldest characters now and I love him and his family a lot.
  6. I can and will retake back any of these characters if I feel they are meeting any of these rules with or without warning.

Other Paddy design options:
Blue eyes (Yellow is his current design) 2 3 4 5-(Comes with some art)
6 7 8 9

How to apply:

[b]OCC Name: [/b]
[b]Character:[/b] Derecho or Pàdraig Valentine
[b]Design:[/b] If not keeping the original (Paddy only)
[b]Personality:[/b] Site minimum in your own words
[b]RP Sample:[/b] 100 word min.

There is no current deadline, and will remain open until an app for Pàdraig I want to accept is posted/enough interest for both is shown. If there is no interest in Derecho after Pàdraig recieves interest she may be killed off, so be aware she may become unadoptable in the future.
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-17-2020, 08:47 PM
OoC Name: Belle
Character: Derecho Wreckage
Design: Keeping Original of Course

When meeting Derecho one finds a woman who is not afraid to stand on her own paws. She radiates confidence, a calm certainty that, even in dark times, shines through with a quiet optimism. While Derecho tries to be realistic she is also a firm believer in the fact that things will work out if one keeps their faith. It may not be in the way that one expects but she never loses her wait and falls into heavy doubt. Not that she doesn’t get sad and grieve, for she is but a wolfess, but she doesn’t let those emotions consume her. She has a very good hold on who she is and does not stray from her morals.

Especially after becoming a mother to Torin’s children Derecho has become even more family oriented than before. Ties, both through blood and pack, mean so much to her that she will, admittedly, sometimes blindly trust her kin over the rest of her family. It is not in a mean spirited way, however, moreso in the way she loves her family and will stick with them whether they are right or wrong. She has a more mother bear instinct too, sacrificing her own needs or wants if deemed necessary, so that she can make sure her children thrive.

Sometimes things don’t always go as planned and you need to change how you approach things; this is something Der excels at. The woman is like the water in a steam; she changes, adapts, adjusts to the twists and bends life throws at her. She is, overall, unshakeable at her core. She holds strong to her values and refuses to let anyone break her no matter what leverage they have over her. Her willful nature is also one of her greatest downfalls for sometimes Derecho can be too stubborn and stand firm when she’d be better submitting, making a plan, and rising again another day.

RP Sample:

She wasn’t sure how long they had been kept captive as days after the eruption blurred and bleed into each other. With her injury, kept at a state that would not be life threatening but would keep her down, the woman had not made an attempt to escape. Whomever their captor really was it was clear that she wanted to ensure they wouldn’t chance trying to get away. But while weakened Derecho’s spirit was far from broken. Her gaze burned with life behind the fevers; if she would just bide her time, keep patient, there would be a time to fix all of this. If she could just keep reminding herself and her son of that it’d be fine.

Derecho had start to try and work on a plan. With her wounds not fully treated, and their rations being on the poor side, she knew both of them getting well enough at once would not be possible. That was when she started to eat less and nose part of her meals to her son. He had protested of course, wanting her to keep up her strength, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She needed Paddy strong… if he could manage to get away, and let Torin know where they had been held, where she was, then her mate would come. Derecho had no doubt in that fact; their love was stronger than anything, unshakeable, and whomever had dared take them would pay the price for their mistake when the two of them were free.

Der shifted on the mess of moss in the den where they were held and set her head on her forelegs. Bide your time, hold out your hope… the chance would come. Being patient wasn’t easy… but she wouldn’t give up. Torin had to be thinking of them just as much as they thought of him. She shifted her gaze towards her son and spoke in a whisper to her little one; a child not so little anymore.

“How are you feeling, Paddy?” It was surprising how, despite all she’d gone through, Derecho remained strong and steadfast in how she’d always been. Perhaps a little less eager to wander when all was said and done… but she’d find laying in Lirim with her family, with Torin, far more welcome than the sight of any foreign land.
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.