
Plot with Shelby


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-17-2020, 01:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2020, 02:04 AM by Tamsyn.)
Welcome to my plotting page! I have all of my current characters listed with a little summary of what they’re currently doing or a bit about them along with their stats and a few thread or plot ideas I have. DISCLAIMER: I will not shy away from any ideas, plots, threads, fights, etc that may cause some kind of maim, harm, or mental trauma. Bring it on! I love anything that causes drama so if you have any ideas at all, throw them my way! Of course I’m just as down for any happy, silly, fun threads too! Extra disclaimer, I’m totally open to plotting out a romance, but if they end up not meshing in character then it just won’t work out.

If you want the full rundown on everyone you can check those out, but here’s a TLDR version in case you want to skip around:

- Characters currently single or looking for a romance plot: Allegro and Roza
- Characters that are single and looking for a romance plot but with a twist: Casso, Elise, and Ulric (check their blurbs down bellow for more information)
- Characters that I have a more solid plot idea for: Casso, Elise, Ulric
- Good for fighting skill threads: Daelos, Elba, Nolan, Tamsyn, Ulric
- Good for navigation skill threads: Elise, Tamsyn
- Good for healing skill threads: Daelos, Elba
- Good for hunting skill threads: Allegro, Casso, Nausicaa, Nolan

On to the full descriptions!

Allegro Destruction
Male - 5 yo - Single - Intellectual - Hunter
He’s a recent addition to my characters and will be active very soon - just need to gather some more gems for his design. He’s a son of Hymn Destruction and Oria Gøran and currently lives in Abaven.
A few things I’m looking for: threads with pack members and family, open for romance plots, any skill related threads

Baine Adravendi
Female - 9 yo - Widowed - Intellectual - Hunter
Baine lives in Valhalla and has one son named Nolan. She is very ill, but it’s not determined when she will pass away. She had a mate (off site) who passed away from old age a few seasons ago.
A few things I’m looking for: to reconnect with anyone from her past, lots of threads with family, potentially a brief, late in life romance?

Casso Praetor
Male - 2yo - Single - Hunter - Intellectual
Casso is currently a loaner, but there is a possibility that he may join Winterfell to be with his uncle and siblings. He is a son of Elias Praetor and Zuriel Adravendi. He occasionally hears voices, several of them taking the form of wolves from his past - most notably his mother. Because he was raised primarily by his mother, he genuinely tries to do good and has fairly strong morals, but his idea of right and wrong can sometimes be a bit foggy. As he gets older his mental illness continues to get worse.
A few things I’m looking for: I would love to put him in some situations that would push him and test his morals, some more violent situations, and more difficult hunts. I’d potentially want some romance plots for him, but I don’t see him as the lovey mate kind of guy. It would most likely be a troubled relationship with lots of fights, but he’d desperately try to make it up to them later.

Daelos Adravendi-Kvasir
Female - 5 yo - Taken - Healer - Fighter
She has been living with a band of wolves (off site) for the last couple of years after escaping Boreas with her mother Zuriel, aunt Baine, and brother Casso. After Zuriel’s death, all of her family left to return to Boreas. She stayed behind with her mate, Ochre, since she was worried that her children might be too young to make the journey. Now that they are a year old, she and Ochre have decided to follow their trail to join back up with their family. They will most likely be going to Valhalla since that is where Baine and Nolan are living at the moment. She’ll be available for threads very soon!
A few things I’m looking for: reconnecting with family, pack related threads, lots of skill threads

Elba Kvasir
Female - 1 yo - Single - Fighter - Healer
Elba is Daelos’ and Ochre’s daughter. She’s grown up in a band of fighters and has very much adopted that life style, but she also has two parents who have made learning very important in raising her so she is also very bright. She takes after her mother with a love of healing, but is very much a rowdy tom-boy. She will be available for threads very soon!
A few things I’m looking for: Lots of spars or skill related threads, getting to know the Adravendi side of her family, maaaaybe a crush or two? I don’t imagine she’ll be very interested in or good at romance - more like the kind of girl that will bully you because she thinks you’re cute.

Elise Adravendi
Female - 2 yo - Single - Intellectual - Navigator
Elise has been living on her own since she was capable of doing so and is definitely a wanderer. Despite this, she is still very naive and is far more concerned about appearances than much else. She can be too trusting at times and can be manipulated pretty easily.
A few things I’m looking for: I’d love to get her into some situations that would either toughen her up and make her mature or perhaps some kind of captive sort of situation. An unexpected pregnancy maybe? Throw everything at her!

Nausicaa Hellstrom-Lore
Female - 2 yo - Single - Hunter - Intellectual
Nausicaa is currently in Auster with her family. She’s an adventurous brat that means well and loves her family. She’s extremely energetic and can easily come off as immature even though she’s actually very perceptive and bright. She’ll be sticking pretty close to her mother for a while since they were just reunited after a long time apart, but she would still wander around anywhere in Auster and maybe into the lower parts of Boreas.
A few things I’m looking for: I actually don’t have a lot of ideas for her just yet, she’s one of the newest characters to my roster. I could see her being irresponsible and getting pregnant fairly young, I could also see her in some kind of romance plot, or anything really? I may up date this later if I think of something! I’m open to ideas!

Nolan Adravendi
Male - 1 yo - Single - Fighter - Hunter
Nolan currently lives in Valhalla with his mother, Baine. He’s still a young, impressionable wolf, but he’s pretty mature for his age. He grew up in the same band of wolves as Elba and loves improving his skills. He won’t go far from Valhalla right now since his mother is in bad health and he’s afraid of not being there when she passes.
A few things I’m looking for: If you need someone for a fighting or hunting related skill thread, he’s your guy! I’m also looking for threads with family, some potential awkward flirting and crushes, any fun pack threads for the wholesome potato.

Roza Adravendi
Female - 7 yo - Widowed - Intellectual - Hunter
Roza is currently in Auster, staying with her daughter and two granddaughters. Her former mate was killed in a death match several years ago and she is still in the process of mourning and moving on.
A few things I’m looking for: Mainly looking for a romance to help her move on and more threads with family, but I’m open to ideas!

Female - 4 yo - Smitten - Fighter - Navigator
Tamsyn currently lives in Ashen Armada. She escaped to Ardent after being banished from her previous pack by her abusive father. The trauma she experienced has caused her to go though severe episodes of depression and suicidal thoughts, but has been able to work though a lot of it thanks to the wolves she’s met in the Armada. She has one hell of an adorable crush on Resin.
A few things I’m looking for: Lots of threads with pack mates, spars, navigation threads, potentially something that could trigger her depression again or some kind of threat she would have to work through?

Ulric Adravendi
Male - 4 yo - Single - Fighter - Intellectual
Ulric is one of those characters that I’ve always loved and have never gotten his plots off the ground. He recently returned to Ardent after finding his niece, Nausicaa, alone and returning her to her mother. He’s very protective of his family and a lot of his decisions have been based off trying to keep them safe. He’s a pretty stoic guy, bitter about quite a few things that have happened in his life. He’s generally friendly though and will throw himself into danger if anyone is in trouble.
A few things I’m looking for: I have an idea that he’ll fall in love with a woman that’s bad for him in some way. Maybe she’s part of a family that doesn’t accept him, maybe she has emotional issues that cause her to be abusive, or he has to give up something to be with her... I’m open to ideas! I also want him to get into lots of spars or fighting related skill threads and eventually I’ll probably get him into a pack if there’s a good reason for him to stay.



1 Year
06-05-2020, 02:06 PM
welll something happened and I accidentally clicked a button and it deleted my entire post x_x soo here we go again lol

Elba & Rayios. Rayios and Elba are the exact same age, both pretty scrappy and prideful. They could be potential crushes on each other? Don't take too much into consideration what his profile says about his personality; he's a bit more tame than what it says, but is currently growing into many of those traits. I imagine they wouldn't care much about each other at first, but then upon meeting each other more will start to get more aggressive (in like a love/hate sort of way) with each other. Then after that start constantly butting heads in a bid to see who's better at stuff lol. Who knows?

Elise & Ryan. Ryan is 3 years old and is currently exploring the world, though for the winter he's mostly keeping to the west and south, occasionally east. It would be great for him to meet another adventurer. They can teach other stuff and get both their skills up. They don't have to always adventure together -- maybe a bit of a posting spree in a few territories, before one of them decides to split off? Or maybe they'll end up enjoying each other's company enough to stay with each other. We'll seeee

Casso and Ulric make me wish I had a female who could give them a troubled relationship to be in xD sadly I do not
Adopt one today!


06-05-2020, 03:18 PM
We can plot things between tamsyn and magnus if you'd like! He's the newest warrior to the armada, so it'd be good for them to train together, etc.

I can also offer Magnus to do anything you'd like to Elise, haha, be it get her pregnant or bring her to the armada, or anything else! I won't shy away from anything drama filled either, so I bet we could come up with something fun for them!

- you can click his lil head in my signature (b/w one) and it'll take you to his profile ❤