
I'm a leaf on the wind



6 Years
06-20-2014, 01:50 PM

Just imagine it!
That morning Satu had stood at the invisible boundary that separately Ludicael from the rest of the continent, and simply stared across it. She longed to be out adventuring as she had the first few months after she'd left the Destruction's family pack, but guilt still held her back. Shouldn't she be here, in the pack territory, helping out? She'd been sick for so long, surely she should at least pick up some of the slack for hunting and patrolling to let those who hadn't been ill have a bit of a break. But the call of adventure coupled with her recent close brush with death and subsequent realization of her own lifespan had finally proven too strong to resist, and with a furtive glance she'd crossed over the boundary and set off.

At first it had been a guilty, slinking walk, but slowly the joy of freedom overtook her and she sped up into a wild, carefree run. The miles and the hours rushed by her, and she'd needed to take longer and longer breaks from running - still not up to her full endurance after her long illness despite her enthusiasm - and now she'd finally admitted glorious defeat and sprawled out happily on the warmer dark sand in the weak radiance of the late-winter sun. This may not have really qualified as adventure, and it was too cold even here in the south for swimming, but Satu relished in the freedom of being alone outside of pack lands for the first time in a long time. And who knew? Maybe after a good long rest she'd set out to find some real adventure!

There's a whole world to explore


06-21-2014, 05:44 PM

The petite English lass was wandering about, wondering where to go next. It was winter, and her already fairly thick coat was plush with wintry protection, so she could go anywhere, really. Should she settle down in a pack? Nah, responsibilities didn't seem like very much fun at the moment. Her gold dipped banner swung jovially at her hocks, a small tune humming through the air around her as she strolled about without a care in the world. Despite the sickness that had ravaged the lands, she'd remained safe. Maybe her purity of heart had saved her? As if, she wasn't deluded, contrary to popular belief. No doubt it was her good old British grit and determination that had kept her from being infected.

Twilight coloured optics roamed over the landscape, taking in the odd ebony beach and wondering if there was something in the water that did this. There were odd chemicals in the water, and some places reacted funny to them. Her tea cupped creamy paws were sure on the dark sand, and the form of another wolf sprawled out joyously on the sand a little ways away attracted her attention. The obvious glee in their carefree, haphazard posture drew her in like a moth to a flame, eager to see why this stranger was so happy. Had something wondrous befallen them? Or were they the kind of wolf who found joy in every aspect of life? Either answer would bring the same reaction from the English dame, so she simply kept going with a small smile playing upon her dark lips.

As she approached, the lady called out a casual, kind greeting. "Good morning, stranger!" She exclaimed, thick accent wrapped about her melodies as always. Her smile grew, kind and curious. Her violet blue gaze sparkled with mirth, and she stopped a short distance from the strange wolfess. "Mind if I join you?" The cream and gold femme would inquire gently, raising a brow as she slowly lowered her haunches to the onyx stained terra below.

image by Luisiana



6 Years
06-30-2014, 07:18 AM

Just imagine it!
The sound of a thick accent, the sort Satu had never heard before, had Satu opening her eyes in curiosity, then pushing herself up a bit so she was reclined sphinx-like on the sand instead of sprawled out like a wolf-skin rug. "Hi!" she returned brightly. "Yeah, I don't mind company!" The gold and cream girl before her might have made her feel self-conscious if Satu was interested in looking pretty, because this one definitely qualified especially compared to Satu's drab brown.

The story-teller in her had immediately perked up at the girl's accent, and Satu just had to know everything, and couldn't help the questions that tumbled like a waterfall of sound from her muzzle. "What's your name? Where are you from? I've never heard an accent like yours before! How long have you been in Alacratia? Are you going to stay? Have you had adventures? Oooh, are you an adventurer?" That last reminded her of Kili and she felt a twinge of worry, reminded that she hadn't seen him since long before the earthquake and she didn't know if he was even alive or if his adventuring had finally caught up to him.

There's a whole world to explore


07-06-2014, 12:31 AM

The stranger was more than enthusiastic, it appeared. It didn't take long for the brown furred femme to flip into a pose that was much more ladylike, and she was faced directly. Her query was met with a happy invitation to join the other in a relaxed period of rest. The joy was contagious, and soon the petite cream gal was beaming her own abashed smile as she was faced with an onslaught of inquiries. She edged a little closer, relaxing as she held the chocolate eyes of the strange woman before her. She chuckled a little, looking down at the ground and taking a deep breath. "How about I take those questions one at a time?" She laughed, her thick accent wrapping around merry melodies. She let out a deep breath, preparing to dish out her own tales and explanations.
She looked into the dark eyes of the lass and addressed the first question. A simple one, and she was obliged to return it as well. "My name is Alicia Buxton, but please, do call me Alice." She introduced herself with a smile, dipping her tiara in greeting. Her twilight pools remained fixed upon the features of her conversational partner, and she tilted her head to the side ever so slightly. "May I ask your name, miss?" She added, an easy smile remaining on her doll like features.
Then came a reply to the second query, another one she could answer just as easily as the first. She got that one a lot, the accent intrigued everyone it seemed. "I'm from a land to the northeast," She began, lifting a paw to gesture in the direction she could point out as easily as she could state her own name. "I believe it was once called England, and that's where my family is living." She added, and sighed as she remembered her family briefly. She missed them dearly, and wanted very much to see them again. It would be nice, and her younger siblings must have grown so much. When the comment on her accent met her gold dipped audits, she smiled abashedly, looking down for a moment. "Yes, I must seem so odd to you. But thank you, I am glad I am bringing you a new voice to hear, I'm always happy to be the bringer of such things." She chuckled, her blue-violet eyes crinkling at the edges with her gentle smile. She was telling the truth, making others happy was always a grand thing. Whether she amused them with her constant cheery attitude, or brought wonder with her tainted vocals. She loved every bit of it.
Now for a response to the length of her time in these lands, which was not as long as many, but longer than some. She looked up at the sky, mulling over this. She wasn't quite sure how long it had been since she had arrived, but definitely a few seasons. Maybe she'd gotten here in spring? Or was it summer? Looking down again to the features of the other woman, her features became twisted into an expression of slight confusion. "I must say, I'm not quite sure how long it's been since I arrived here. Maybe a season or two?" She replied, her thick accent once more ringing in the air with a clear alto melody. She'd have to think on that some more later, though it might not really matter all too much in the long run. The next query prompted her to chuckle again, and nod slowly. "yes, I think I will stay. My family doesn't need me coming back and being another hungry mouth." She informed the stranger with an amused tone.
The question of her adventures was definitely not one she got often, and she nodded again, still smiling. "I have had adventures, but not as many as I would like." She replied, her gaze taking on a wistful edge. She'd definitely met some interesting wolves, and seen some amazing things. "Would you like to hear about some of them? I would love to tell you all about my journey here, if you'd hear it." She asked, quirking a brow and tilting her cranium once more to the side. Stories were her favourite things to tell, to hear, and she always wanted to hear more of them. Maybe this stranger had seen even more interesting things here than she had? The final inquiry was met at first with yet another amused chuckle, and a shrug of petite cream shoulders was offered. "I guess I sort of am, though I wouldn't take any credit for it. I only wander about, and follow whatever interests me." She told the stranger, her large pools glittering. She called her travels adventures, sure, but she wouldn't call herself an adventurer, she didn't go all over in search of these things. It was purely a find and see type of deal.

image by Luisiana