


06-19-2014, 08:09 PM
ooc: Table was made by Eve! <3 Dione is judging this, but any wolf is welcome to watch!

When your dreams all fail.

And the blood?s run stale

Hidden in the shadows, lurked an obsidian mass, sleek and toned, every curve sharp and angled, bulging from the umbrage in a mass of smooth fur. Beneath this dark cloak, lay a clean slate for an array of trophies? battle scars ?to proudly display to those who should seek his prideful state of mind, especially his sire, a strong Olympus, one to be honored, rather than sinned for his lineage. The hellions should run amok in the Olympian lands, rather than gods and goddesses to be worshipped, to be imprisoned and locked away beneath a key, long lost to any creature.

Muscles would ripple beneath his cloak, as stilts would take form to raise the male, a small yawn escaping from his maw. Beneath obsidian pads, the overturned earth resented his presence, creating a dusty surface to walk and see about, and the ever-impending wind should not assist in battle. Battle... How he had been starved from the wanderlust blood would bring to his otherwise pure stature. The obsidian armored gladiator would peer about the clearing, where many honorable wars had taken place. Blood clad the air with a metallic otherworldly scent, which furthered his desires for the pulse of Adrenaline. Easily it would be simply practice for what could be a much greater war in the making. It would only gain praise from his otherwise unimpressed father. Pads would scuff over a stone as he padded toward the center of the empty clearing, kicking it away. 'Just what do I have to do to impress my own seed?' Burning coals would once more sweep across the clear fields, before his crown would tip, in a howl, to summon one worthy enough to meet his call, and to fight a valiant battle, one of little chivalry, and of pure bloodlust...


06-19-2014, 09:57 PM

Svanerna was experienced to say the least. The bitch was a whopping seven years old and not getting any younger. She could feel that her muscles were getting tighter and her joints make a little popping sound when she got up first thing in the morning. It was obvious the woman had to start staying in shape. Runs were needed. More hunting perhaps. But most of all, fighting. It seemed many were afraid of battle in the lands but she knew where she could find the knights and warriors of Alacrica. She was a fair fighter. There was no point in fighting dirty if it was but a spar. But, in the real world. The fae would slaughter anyone before they got to the point of her own death. As any sane Wolf would do. Sure, she had her moments where she indeed questioned her own motives and thoughts, but the dark bitch was very much sane. If she were to hold her own in the world she was going to have to get a grip on fighting again, even if that meant practicing daily. But, she was not stupid. The woman would not waste away her energy by wearing down her body. She was the Beta of Covari and she had duties to fulfill.

The woman entered the battle lands with a face lack of any expression. She was not one to show emotion to stranger. The elegant vixen slithered her way further into the lands. The air was brisk of late winter. Snow fluttered from the cloudy skies. It was cold but not freezing like the north. Though, a little cold did not hurt the German femme. As she got deeper and deeper into the lands of warriors a scent filled her nose. Not a stale one like the others, but fresh. It was a boy. That was just as she heard a very close howl. Though, as she turned to her left she saw him. An ebony boy. He was taller then her. But, that did not bother her one bit. The older lady let her head raise and her tail as well. Svanerna gained way on him quickly, but she stopped a good few feet away from him. The black, white, and crimson female dipped her head. Her dark vocals filled the air, "If it is a fight you want then it is a fight you will get."

the gods chanted her name

She watched him closely. But her voice filled the air softly, "Tyr, lassen keine Leben genommen und nur Blut vergossen werden." It was a prayer to the God of War, Tyr. Yet, as she finished the little song the fae got into place. Her tail was erect, her beautiful metallic eyes narrow, lips curled up exposing alabaster incisors, hackles puffed up into rolls of fatty and rough skin, her knees bent, claws dug into the ground, also making her paws spread, her core tightened, the woman tucked in her head to protect her neck, and her ears flattened against her ebony skull. The woman was ready for battle, but was he? She knew he was younger and perhaps much more inexperienced then her. She would allow him to gain the upper hand with the first move. But, that did not mean she would go easy on him the entire fight. Even if it was but a spar. Her icy voice flew into the air, quickly. "Your go." Was he a mouse or a man?


for SPAR

zero one two three

DEFENSES: Her tail was erect, her beautiful metallic eyes narrow, lips curled up exposing alabaster incisors, hackles puffed up into rolls of fatty and rough skin, her knees bent, claws dug into the ground, also making her paws spread, her core tightened, the woman tucked in her head to protect her neck, and her ears flattened against her ebony skull.





06-20-2014, 10:57 AM
ooc: Fight starts at ** EDIT: Edited to change table, and it was approved by judge Dione AND Canttina. <3

To his call, an aged empress would appear from the umbrage of the surrounding woodlands. Though her size was dwarfed by the obsidian male, muscles rippled beneath her cloak, rather suddenly as each step would be taken to approach, stopping at a reasonable distance from the general vicinity from his breath. It would be obvious that she was older than most whom fought daily, and her muscles seemed to lock whenever not tensed or in motion. Burning coals would scan the bitch's frame, seeking any injuries or weaknesses to be used for crippling during the fight. A hit on the shoulder should be enough to slow her enough to land a strong blow. Indeed this would turn to be a very interesting fight, simply for practice, but as real as can be. "Best of luck, milady." Only those simple wishes would slip from his inky lips, as he would square his paws, preparing to set himself, should the tempest counter any of his strikes.

** Even if it would somewhat limit his visage, burning coals became concealed by eyebrows, narrowing to fight against the rising dust and dirt in the battlefield, his ears pinning against his ebony skull, as if they did not exist anymore, hidden by a thick mass of fur. Down his back, hackles would rise to create a larger image of himself than that he truly is, seeming now about half an inch larger. Thick banner would rise upward, to align with his tucked chest, to balance should the ebony bitch decide to assult him during attack. Both shoulders would lock together as he spread his ebony stilts, to stand his ground, digits raveling the ground as he would begin to approach, a leisurely lope, but full of tense muscle, bunched more prominently about his back, shoulders, and haunches. From his muzzle, a growl would rise, his chin reeling downward to protect his neck, keeping his own skull low, aligning with the rest of his body, muzzle now contorting into a snarl. He would stop, his body nearly coiling like a spring, muscles teasing an attack at the ebony cloaked bitch.

Suddenly, if not, quickly his body would seem to uncoil, all muscles untensed for the brief moment spent in full sprint toward the ebony bitch, stilts catching the ground briefly upon his toes, before lifting up once more to step again. However, this would not be his plan, as he would feign a move, uncoiling his stature, his body rippling in the motions of a bound, but stopping about the middle, hinds catching upon the dusty soil, kicking up a field of sediment about the ebony female, should she still remain, preparing herself for an attack that never would come, swerving to the right side of she, ebony jaws lunging toward what was a planned bite to the right shoulder of the ebony bitch. Should this assault go as planned, he would latch on and will attempt to use his body to push against the bitch, in movement implied to bring her to the ground. Once more, burning coals became concealed, protecting against the swirling dust, which blocked his vision, but not enough to distort his accuracy, or cause him to shut his eyes, but the same may or may not apply to the old bitch he would battle with.



Quote:The first paragraph after the **'s.
Quote:Last paragraph.
Quote:None, first round.


06-20-2014, 03:16 PM

The bitch may have been older. But, she was obviously much more experience. Svanerna had fought in wars. She was beneath the eyes of Gods. She was blessed. A warrior from birth. The woman had no shame in admitting such details either. The boy before her was five years younger and five years dumber. Though, he was larger then her. Giving him the upper in hand in size. But, the woman was quick to evaluate. She could have already guessed he would use his brute strength. Force rather then smarts. Most did. The chest bump, was popular. But, maybe she had under estimated the ebony Snake. But only time would tell. The Viking observed as he got his defenses in order, taking his sweet old time. She would let him attack first. Causing her to brace herself as well. Svanerna let herself get set as well. Her long talons dug into the cold dirt. Thick, winter, hackles raised and puffed up into tolls to protect her neck and upper back. Ebony ears flattened to her skull. Inky lips curled up to pull her jowls into thick rolls for intimidation and protection of her cheeks. Eyes would narrow as well, giving the man little room to take out an eye. Each of her four knees bent to increase mobility and balance. A long tail was aligned with her spine to allow her more balance when mobile. Each paw was spread out, to give her more leverage when stepping. Her core was tight to brace for impact. Last but NOT least, her head was tucked to decrease visible bits of her neck, though she doubted he would got for her throat.

the serpentine slithered

Her metallic eyes did not leave the man as he shot forth, she stood her ground and allowed him to do as he pleased. Of course, he faked left, his paws kicking up dust and muck below while doing so. The man then shot right. The girl let her head tuck in a little more as he shot forth her way. The entire time she stood still. Embracing for his attack. Now at her right the little snake set forth to latch onto her right shoulder with his jaws. His bite purchased right on the top of her right shoulder. His teeth would sink in, due to the area not being very fatty, it was a moderate bite. Not to deep, but a good amount of blood was drawn. She would wince from pain, but she had faith in the Gods as they observed. Though, he would slam his body into her. (Due to the fact that starry did not state the part of body he used to slam into with her I have the right to specify.) His chest hit was forced into the right side of her body, the right side of her chest and she shoulder area. Such a move would cause bruising but would also push her back. Her paws would dig into the ground as she attempted to push back in retaliation, even if he was larger she was still quite strong.

The woman was one of thinking. She did not show much pain upon her face, but the bite upon her right shoulder stung and the bruising upon her shoulder was bothersome, but it would never stop her from going on. Svanerna would not dare disappoint Tyr, the God of War. As his jaws were locked onto her right upper shoulder and his chest pushed against her right side the woman would take the chance to attempt a bite at the right side of the boy. Due to his height, her jaws would snap at the right side of his shoulder. They would be lower then his bite, but she could still manage something within the upper shoulder region. Svanerna would also bring her left front paw up and try to swipe it against his right front leg. She would attempt to smash it into the back of his knee and bring it towards her to knock off his balance. But, she would not intend on keeping it there, she would try to return it to the ground as soon as possible. The woman was a fair fighter, but she would not lose.


for SPAR

zero one two three

DEFENSES: refer to first para

ATTACKS: Attempted at pushing him back by digging her paws into the ground. Attempted bite at his right shoulder. She also tried to swipe at his right knee with her left paw, to bring it towards her to knock balance.

INJURIES: Moderate bite on top of her right shoulder, not VERY deep but blood was drawn. Bruising to right side of chest/shoulder area.



06-20-2014, 05:22 PM

Adrenaline pulsed through his veins, heart beginning to beat faster than a fleeing rabbit as his attack would land upon the ebony cloaked bitch, the sensation of blood leaking from his inky lips, as he would use his weight, to lean on the tempest, and bring her down. Against his ribcage, the bitch's sharp shoulders would drive into the skin, as if it were a spear of ice. He gave a sharp snarl, before breaking away from the bitch before she could make a move on him, but her crown had turned far to fast for him, snagging his shoulder blades, before painfully sliding down to his upper forearm. Rather than wincing, the adrenaline pulsing through him dulled the pain, but he would still close his eyes tightly to endure the scarring. Later he would feel it, but now was of utmost importance, rather than the simplicity of a wound. A paw would slam into his knee, bringing the male to retaliate, a snarl ripping from his throat. The obsidian mass would lurch to the right, aiming at the ebony bitch, to get her away from the male so he could set his defenses that he had lost, before igniting his next move.

He would square off his legs, shoulder blades locking between raised hackles. On each foot, dark digits would drive in like screws, leaving ruts in the cold dust. He would not allow one older and less agile than he to defeat the male, and she almost behaved in a fair manner. 'Time to fight dirtier.' He creased his eyebrows, narrowing burning coals to slits, vision slightly obscured. Auditories slammed shut, pinning to the crown of his, as his head would lower, to align with his now raised tail for utmost balance, as it would be of utmost importance later in his assault.

Burning coals seemed to ignite as his coiled cloak would unravel, rippling and teeming with thickly bound muscle, honed on many battles in the past, wars fought with the Olympians. With his chin tucked, and eyes bound for the ebony bitch, he gave a ferocious snarl, before careening toward her smaller bodice, in a brutal manner. He would again feign a move, this time swerving all about the ebony bitch, circling her should she not move to avoid, then jumping to the left side, to crash into her with the weight laid on his left shoulder. Should the bitch avoid his assault, he would pursue her, burning coals igniting and honing in on the ebony bitch, muscles rippling in toned stilts, before he would lunge, in attempt to grasp her scruff, and should he latch on, his crown will shake violently, to daze the bitch, and to teach her a lesson that the obsidian hellion was not to be trifled with.



Quote:Refer to second paragraph.
Quote:Feiging a move once more, circling Svanerna before using his left shoulder to collide with her, but if it misses, he will attempt to grab her scruff, and shake it violently.
Quote:Brusing on ribs, scarring down right foreleg, bruising on left shoulder should his attack land.


06-21-2014, 02:48 PM

The woman was one of thought. She did not just act like others. Like the boy before her. She studied her opponent, she watched him. The woman was a Viking and it was obvious. The woman's attempt at her shoulder jabbing into him worked. She could feel him tense from the pain. Her mangy fangs then grabbed a hold of his right shoulder as she intended, the girl was pleased, but more came. The fight was not near over. Her paw met his knee, but she saw no real signs of him being effected until he lurched to the right. (I do not know what he was intending to do here so I assumed he was just pushing her back, shoving her of sorts.) The woman was slammed into and pushed back slightly. In that moment he would slip away from her. Her jaws slipping from their hold on his shoulder. The girl gasped and took a step back before he began to run all about. She watched him. What a fucking idiot. She braced herself for an attack. The woman let her core tighten, paws spread, hackles raised, claws dug into the ground, head tucked, and knees bent. He was now at her left, he slammed into her side. They made a T in that moment. The girl stumbled to the right slightly. His left shoulder jabbed into the upper bits of her ribs due to his size. She could feel bruising beginning. Though, that would not be it. He would lung at her, while she was unbalanced and grab a hold of her thick scurf that was rolled into tough layers of skin. It would be painful but no where near as bad as the bite to her right shoulder from before. He would continue on to shake his head to worsen the bite, which it made her bleed more. But, it was a mere bite to her scruff. It would probably scar at the most.

Tyr gave a speech in the Viking's name

Svanerna was at an odd angle. He was at her left, on her scruff. As if he was about to mount her or some shit. The Viking growled and tucked in her tail and folded her ears back. The woman would dig her paws into the ground and attempt to turn left as well. His rear was at an angle to her. So she tried to lung for him. His jaws still held her scruff, but he could be shaken off in these movements. The fae attempted to ram into his back left hip that was facing her and her jaws tried to find their way to bite down on his upper outer thigh. A meaty bit that could do some damage. The bitch would imagine with these movements, if they purchased, it would be hard to maintain grip on her scruff without being in a very awkward angle. Though, he seemed like the one to try something horribly stupid.


for SPAR

zero one two three

DEFENSES: She braced herself for an attack. The woman let her core tighten, paws spread, hackles raised, claws dug into the ground, head tucked, and knees bent.The Viking growled and tucked in her tail and folded her ears back.

ATTACKS: last para

INJURIES: Moderate bite on top of her right shoulder, not VERY deep but blood was drawn. Bruising to right side of chest/shoulder area. Bruising to upper ribs on her left side. Bite to her scruff.
OOC: This was very hard to understand. Im sorry if my post is kinda iffy. -.-



06-23-2014, 07:30 AM

The bitch had endured each attack for no reason, and allowed himself to latch onto her scruff. She was stupid to endure his assaults, and it would cripple her later in her short life. She would set her defenses while she was under the hellion's control. He could have easily thrown her, before she made another move, but he used this time well to set his own defenses before the ebony cloaked bitch could make another counter to him. His ears pinned to his ebony crown, as his eyes narrowed to slits, while his muzzle contorted in a snarl. His strong stilts spread and squared his shoulders for more strength should she attempt to push him back. Each digit dug into the cold earth, for a grip, whilst his crown lowered to align with his now raised banner. He tightened his muscles in a brace for another counter, his hackles rising to seem larger, should she misjudge his size, as his knees bent to prevent breakage.

Then she attacked, her bodice lurching to his back hip, quickly enough that he could not find a counter but to let go of the bitch's scruff. Then he heard the snapping of jaws at his thigh, which he replied to by moving the bottom half of his body toward her, hopefully to collide with the bitch's skull and daze her just for long enough to get a few lethal blows in. Even if she wasn't in a daze, the obsidian mass would whirl around, stilts pounding on the hard earth until he would hopefully be in line with the ebony bitch, at her direct right side, before he would unsheathe his fangs and bare them menacingly, crown shooting forth, threatening to grasp her scruff again, but the move would never come, instead he would jump to his own left, and attempt to slam his weight onto the ebony bitch, and his fangs would snap in the direction of her right shoulder, in attempt to hold her in place until he could hopefully drag her down to the ground. She may be clever and strategic, but the hellion was strong and played dirty.



Quote:Ears pinned, eyes narrowed to slits, muzzle contorted, toes in cold earth, head in line with shoulders, tail raised, shoulders squared, muscles tensed, hackles raised, knees bent
Quote:Moving his rump to try and hit Svanerna's head, hopefully dazing her, faking a bite at Svanerna's scruff, attempting to slam his left side into her right side, and attempting to grab her right shoulder to hold her in place, while he attempts to push her down
Quote:Brusing on ribs, scarring down right foreleg, bruising on left shoulder, sore neck from shaking Svan's scruff, bite on thigh, bruising on back hip


06-24-2014, 07:36 PM
lol i have had a bad day plus im sick. woops XDi hope its not to confusing or watever.

The creature would never let another assault her without moving. The girl was not like, oh yes please attack me. The boy landed his attacks because he was lucky and the girl was level headed in those moments. She could have already gone for his throat or attempted to bite his balls, but she did not. The boy before here was not some 'war hero' or even a seasoned warrior like herself. He was but a boy in the eyes of the Viking woman. Her head was tucked to hide her throat from him. Her ears were flat, lips curled. The woman's teeth were bared and hackles puffed out. She was in no way inexperienced at all nor should the fool before her ever think otherwise. Her core was tight, legs squared and bent, and her tail was tucked for extra measure. The woman would not lose the battle between her and a two year old boy

Her assault at his rear was met with him leaving his jaws to remove their selves from her scruff. The woman was relieved but when her jaws went for his thigh she was met with a slam of hip bone to her muzzle. It would hurt, her snout would likely be quite bruised and she already felt a head ache coming in. But, her jaws got a bit of his flesh between them. (Due to starry not stating if any of her attacks provided any damage towards Hades so I have the ability to say how much damage he took.) Blood would squirt into her mouth, but her jaws did not remain on his thigh for long. The boy then ran off to her right side, before she could even move. He took a snap at her scruff, but it was false. His jaws never met her scruff, which she was not to concerned about due to her scruff not being vital at all. Though, as he slammed his left side into her right ribcage, his jaws snapped down on her right upper shoulder while he tried to drag her down. The woman was in pain, the pain rung through her whole right foreleg.

Yet, as he tried to drag her down it did not work. The smaller girl let her knees bend to handle the weight. Svanerna let her head turn the the right as she attempted to swerve around and snap her jaws at his right bit of neck. On the side, below his jaw. As she moved so quickly dust would be kicked up, but her determination was evident. The Viking also tried to pick up her left fore paw, her weight being on her right, to slam it back down on his rather large left fore paw to potentially break a few bones in his toes. The woman was ruthless. Their position, if he attempts purchased, would be he at her right with his jaws on her right shoulder and her jaws at his right neck. Though, it would all depend on if he moved or not. He may 'attempt' to play dirty, but she always had the upper hand.


for SPAR

zero one two three

DEFENSES: first para. plus some in last/second.

ATTACKS: last para

INJURIES: Moderate bite on top of her right shoulder, not VERY deep but blood was drawn. Bruising to right side of chest/shoulder area. Bruising to upper ribs on her left side. Bite to her scruff. Bruising to rib area on her right side.

The Judge


06-29-2014, 11:57 AM

Hades vs Svanerna for Spar

Round 1

2 for clarity -3 got very lost in his approach, there was also a lot of movement. what was the feint? the dirt? Try to be more succinct in your writing. -1 what type of movement to bring her down? -2 push her with what? neck? chest? legs? -2 what angle is he approaching her at?

8 for powerplaying. -2 be careful in assuming your opponent stayed in the same spot, you need to give your opponent time to respond. A lot can happen in the time it takes him to slow and kick up dust.

6 for defenses. +1 for each found

3 for attack +3 attack to shoulder

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 29/50


9 for claritymostly clear, got a bit lost with her foot attack

8 for powerplaying. -2 if she didn't move and the area had little fat the bit would probably have been deep and more sever than moderate.

10 for defenses. +1 for each found

2 for attack +0 for paw wrap, points deducted for clarity, also she's wrapping underneath herself to get at the back of his knee, that distance is unlikely for her to close. +2 attack to shoulder, he's a good deal taller than her, it's unlikely she'd be able to reach his upper shoulder

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 39/50

Round 2


5 for clarity-3 break away how? turn away? shuffle back? -2 "jumping to the left side" who's left?

0 for powerplaying.-5 waaayy to much movement with the circling. You must give your opponent room to respond. She could attack at any point in his circling. -3 again give your opponent time to react to your attacks, you don't know how she'll respond to the shoulder throw or whether or not she'll run. -2 " then jumping to the left side, to crash into her with the weight" you need an attempt phrase in here

6 for defenses. +1 each found

3 for attack+2 shoulder throw +1 bite (points deducted for nested attack, give your opponent time to respond to the first or else have this one occur simultaneously with the shoulder throw. if/then's can be perilous and get confusing quickly.)

7 for injuries. -1 bruising -2 scarring down foreleg

Round Two Total: 21/50


6 for clarity -2 clarify the angle a bit more and how she was able to lunge at him if he's? behind her? -2 ram into him with what?

10 for powerplaying. none found

6 for defenses.+1 each found

5 for attack+2 ramming into his back left hip (point deducted for clarity) +3 for bite to thigh

6 for injuries.-2 moderate bite to top of shoulder -2 bite to scruff, plus ripping

Round Two Total: 33/50

Round 3


3 for clarity-2 collide what with her head? his gut? pelvis? chest? -2 slam what into her? side? shoulder? -3 you must specify what damage the opponent did in your post. It's not enough to just have it in the summary.

6 for powerplaying.-2 "he could have easily thrown her before she made another move, but he used this time well to set his own defenses" don't assume he could've done so. It's not fair to your opponent. -2 give her a chance to respond to him bringing his underside on her before he goes running off for another attack. Too much movement.

8 for defenses. +1 each found

5 for attack+3 for bite +2 weight slam (points deducted for clarity) +0 underside slam (points deducted for powerplay and clarity)

5 for injuries. -2 for bruising -3 bite to thigh

Round Three Total: 27/50


9 for claritymostly clear

6 for powerplaying.-3 "She could have already gone for his throat or attempted to bite his balls, but she did not." again this sort of thing is not fair to your opponent. do not assume she could've done so and if she could then why didn't she? -1 "she always had the upper hand" same reasoning as above.

7 for defenses.

6 for attack+2 for bite (point deducted because do to the degree she'd have to twist herself to get at his neck just below his jaw. +3 for paw attack +1 attempting maim

5 for injuries.-2 bruising -3 bite to shoulder

Round Three Total: 33/50


Hades: 77/150

Svanerna: 105/150

And the winner is...

Svanerna! Hades must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


HadesBruising will heal in a few ooc days. Bite wounds will take 1 ooc weeks

SvanernaBruising will heal in a few ooc days. Bite wounds will take 1 ooc weeks


For Starry
Watch how much movement you allow your character to have. Fights take place in fractions of a second. Also work on your clarity and be specific about your attacks. I appreciate your attempt at creativity with your feints but be careful when trying to cram in too many attacks. The attack score is very hard to get high but even so it's better to have a few solid attacks than many that can cause docking in powerplay and clarity.

For Cantti
Not too much to add. You know what you're doing. Just watch some of the powerplaying statements in your posts. You can be docked for these even if they don't result in movement from your wolf. If the character is arrogant and you wish to showcase this set in thought or something so we know for sure it's them and not you. This applies to you as well Starry.

To Both:Watch the OOC cattiness creeping into your IC. I know fights can sometimes get frustrating especially with two arrogant characters but I was really sensing some ooc tension in this. The comments so-and-so was stupid to do this, how did so-and-so possibly miss or whatever. It's not fun to read and immature. Please keep that to a minimum and trust the judges to catch any power playing, clarity, etc. issues. It's what we're here for. <3

- By [Lunarcat7]