
Connect the dots




3 Years
04-27-2020, 07:34 PM
The trip back across Auster had gone fairly quickly, at least from Nausicaa's interpretation of it. The tan young woman picked up the pace a bit when they got close to the falls, immediately looking around for her family members. She was mostly just interested in finding Roza for Kaizer, but she would have been just as happy to find any of them to introduce Kaizer to them. Of all the things she would have found on her little adventure she never would have guessed she would find another family member! Luckily, it didn't take long to spot Roza's light russet and white form resting at the edge of the pool at the bottom of the waterfall.

Naus grinned and hopped over to her grandmother eagerly. "Grandma!" she called, her tail wagging a mile a minute. "Grandma, this is Kaizer! I found her while I was out exploring and she said she's an Adravendi too! How cool is that?" She turned back to her cousin with a grin, adding, "I'm gonna go see if I can find my mother and uncle too!" before immediately running off without waiting for an answer. She was more excited and energetic than any adult wolf should be, but it wasn't every day she found someone she was related to! That was big news!



8 Years
Athena I
04-27-2020, 08:06 PM

Her granddaughter's voice surprised her and she lifted her head to see what all the fuss was about and was even more surprised to see someone else walking just behind the overly energetic girl. Roza was quick to get to her paws to greet them, but she knew exactly who Kaizer was before Nausicaa could even introduce her. The green gaze Elizabeth had described and the similar coloring and markings to Heather gave the girl away. She gave her niece a warm smile and her tail wagged gently as she glanced at Nausicaa for a moment. "This is certainly a surprise! Thank you for bringing Kaizer here." Before she could stop her, Nausicaa took off with an energy that still astounded her. She chuckled and shook her head gently after watching the young girl run off in search of the rest of their little section of their much larger family. Her pale blue eyes turned back to Kaizer with a happy grin.

Kaizer! It's so lovely to meet you!" she exclaimed, now focused on more properly greeting her niece. She was tempted to reach out to embrace the girl, but she wasn't sure if it would be welcome just yet. "I met Elizabeth a couple days ago and told me to keep an eye out for you. I was hoping to find you sooner rather than later, but I wasn't expecting it to be this soon!" She laughed lightly, clearly happy to find another of her nieces. Finding out that Heather's children had come here had truly brightened her day and given her some kind of hope that she could continue to reconnect with the family that she had lost track off. Perhaps it was too late to find her siblings, but there was still nieces and nephews and grandchildren to love.




3 Years
04-27-2020, 10:19 PM

Kaizer was surprised! Roza was exactly how her mother had described, the white with the classic mottling on the back. The gray girl didn't really expect it but it really did take her back. Her heart hurt a bit. She didn't know how her siblings had felt because they had all kept it concealed about their mothers death. Kaizer was more angry than anything she was mad about what had happened and she was mad she would never tell anyone what actually did happen. Now that they were in their family's birth place and now that she had found more of her relatives. What was she supposed to do? Go to Valhalla and be a lapdog like her sister - she knew she had promised to stick by Liz but something about it rubbed her the wrong way.

Of course Liz had gotten to their aunt first though. Kaizer could not only smell it but also by the words Roza spoke as well. She found herself swallowing. "Damn, she always beats me to it." she said jokingly with a laugh. "I told her I would head into Auster first. I've been here for a couple of days actually." funny how her sister made use of her time. "So I... Supposed she already told you about Mom then." it was no surprise that Liz would be the one to break the bad news. Kaizer was never good with that kind of stuff anyway.

Kaizer didn't know what to do honestly. "Now I... don't exactly know what to do." she stated. Kaizer supposed she could find a pack to join but that really wasn't her thing right now. Not unless Liz begged her to go to Valhalla for the time being. She could touch up on her fighting skills. Survival was the most important thing in her head, eat, drink, fight. It was in her blood and from her upbringing.



8 Years
Athena I
04-29-2020, 12:18 AM

Roza nodded solemnly when Kaizer mentioned the news around Heather, her smile fading a bit with the sorrow the thought brought. She didn't let herself linger on it for too long. After hearing the news from Elizabeth, Roza had let herself mourn the loss and she didn't want that to come between her and her time with Kaizer. Now that she was older and had already experienced so much loss in her life, she had come to understand that there was no way for her to change what had happened so it shouldn't be something that should infringe on her time with her family. Losing Ganta had taken her away from her family for far too long and she refused to let that happen again. It didn't stop her from mourning them and wallowing in her own feelings when she was alone, but whenever one of her family wished to spend time with her she gave them her entire attention.

She pulled a warmer smile onto her lips again when Kaizer said that she didn't know what to do. ""I hate to break it to you, but even after seven years I'm still not sure what to do," she replied with a chuckle, hoping to bring a little lightness to their conversation. She nodded toward the spot by the pool where she had been laying moments ago and added, "Why don't you stay for a little bit? I'd love the company." Roza settled down onto her stomach near the edge of the water, the crash of the waterfall filling the air with a calming white noise in the background. She looked to her niece once she had joined her by the water and asked, "Will you tell me a little about yourself? What kind of things do you enjoy learning about?"




3 Years
04-29-2020, 08:45 PM

Kaizer was glad that things didn't change too much as you got older. As sad as she was about her mother life had been tough back home. Auster and Boreas thus far seemed to be a much more prosperous land than Montra could have ever hoped to be. When Roza offered for her to stay a bit Kaizer took a look at the falls. They were beautiful and if this was where they had decided to live a part of her did want to remain here. "I'd love that. To be honest I haven't decided yet what I want to do. I know Liz already joined Valhalla but I'm on the fence. Though I should eventually find Tara and Mark to tell them." knowing Liz she'd probably already done that too. Kaizer stepped forward and decided to sit, it was weird really. Kaizer knew she looked a lot like her mother other than the spots on her rump that she had.

"Things I enjoy learning about?" Kaizer had to think for a moment. "Well I like fighting, defending more like. That's what I did at home during the war. As young as we are our pack was in a time of crisis and I was on the front lines to help my father defend the pack." she slightly missed those days. Her father teaching her the best way to take down an opponent. "I want to be strong, to protect my friends and family." except she didn't have any friends here. "I also like hunting, mainly I like giving food to others more than myself. Although it's important to keep yourself fit in order to protect others." though she said this Kaizer was selfish. Even back at home strangers to her were dirt and none of her concern for the most part. Family was different, Roza was family. Kaizer would hunt for her any day over a stranger.



8 Years
Athena I
04-30-2020, 02:21 AM

"I'm sure Valhalla would be happy to have you, but don't feel the need to rush and join them if that's not what you want," she insisted with a serious note to her tone. "You'll just end up regretting it if you're not certain. I always enjoyed my time living in a pack, but not everyone does. Take your time and make your own choice." It felt like fairly heavy advice to be giving her nice so early on in their conversation, but Kaizer was still so young and she wanted her to live as much of her life as she wanted in any way that she wished. Roza had always felt bound by some kind of obligation and responsibility. While it hadn't been unwanted, she knew of many wolves that had ended up feeling trapped and stifled by that feeling.

Roza loved hearing about other's lives in general, but she especially loved hearing things like this from her family. In a perfect world she would have been able to stay near Heather and would have gotten to see her sister's children grow up so that she could have seen them develop into the adults they were now, but this wasn't a perfect world. Now she could only be grateful that she had been given the chance to know them now. She smiled as Kaizer described how she enjoyed protecting others though her fighting and hunting skills. It all seemed to be very noble ideals and protecting her family or pack was something that Roza could relate with deeply.

"You remind me a lot of my son, Ulric," she replied with a soft chuckle, her gaze growing wistful. "He took to fighting for the same reasons... Though our pack was gone by the time he was old enough to be in any real battle. She paused for a moment and looked over the water thoughtfully. "His father was killed when he was still quite young and I think he felt like he should be able to protect us in his place... I did my best to make sure he could still be a pup for as long as I could, but it effected him too much." With as harsh as Kaizer and Elizabeth's former home seemed to be she had a feeling that the younger woman would understand better than some would.

She turned her eyes back to her niece, pulling that warm smile back on to her lips. "You and Elizabeth both seem so mature for your age. I certainly wasn't that way when I was your age." Humor touched her tone and she giggled softly at the memories of herself as a young woman. She had felt so responsible and mature back then, but oh how wrong she had been. She had been a hopeless romantic with such a shining, bright view on her world. That had certainly changed as the years went on. "I hope you're both getting to relax and enjoy your time a bit more now. This area has some beautiful places to see and explore. You're welcome to stay here with us if you want, of course. I bet you could talk Ulric into sparring with you if you want to stay in practice."




3 Years
05-04-2020, 06:37 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 06:38 AM by Kaizer.)

She wished that it was true that she should take her time to be happy. Without a pack she felt worthless was the truth but she didn't want to spend her time trying to be rude and explaining this to her aunt. Kaizer was unfamiliar with the cultures of Boreas and she was not about to conform to them either. Her want was to quickly climb ranks and be thrown into war. She missed it, because it gave her purpose. Right now she could only eat - sleep and make sure she woke up the next morning. Liz was fine obviously, Mark could handle himself and well.... Tara she was a bit concerned about.

"I just worry. We came here looking for you, we were aware there was more relatives in Boreas and Auster but Liz jumped the band wagon and joined the first pack she heard had an adravendi with it." She hoped that her concerns were met with understanding. Yet Kaizer also had to worry about herself. "I'm loyal to our family name too but many wolves here are still strangers to us. My mom often talked about you and her brother Lionel so.... I'm more comfortable starting here." being with others is what Kaizer yearned for anyway. She was meant to be a pack wolf.

When Roza went on to explain about ulric she felt bad. Losing a father that young had to be tough. By the time their father had died in the way he had they were a year and a half at most. The travelling here had taken most of their youth if not the rest being spent in a dry wasteland. But did Roza really want to hear about that? Yet that also meant... Roza had lost a mate that day. "I'm sorry to hear about your mate." she gave her condolences. She remembered how her father and mother were. Kaizer hoped to have something like that someday with a female who adored her and she adored them. "I can only imagine how it must be really. My mother and father were very close since we'd been born. They both tried hard to raise us given their flaws. Them being able to die by each others side while so young was still I guess better than going on without each other." After all it wasn't as if they were ancient. Yes Roza was getting older in age from what she knew of her mother but they had years beyond them still. Hopefully she was not making Roza upset.

Kaizer listened to what Roza had to say at last. How she and Liz seemed "grown up" when really it was because they had to live so harshly. At least Kaizer had enjoyed it but only because she had thrown herself into her work. She did laugh however, because it really was funny. Kaizer took it as a compliment at this point. "I'd love to spar with him at some point! It's definitely more easy to survive here. I haven't had to look far for meals or water. Where we lived these were luxuries more than a given." she wagged her tail. "But uhh... I thought maybe you'd be interested in hearing some stories about my mom? I don't know if that'd make you too upset but I know she would have wanted you to know what she'd been up to in the Montra pack." she grinned.



8 Years
Athena I
05-08-2020, 01:25 AM

Roza nodded with understanding when her niece spoke of her loyalty to family having to be balanced with trust. Family was a tricky thing. She had learned the hard way that being related, whether just by name or by blood, certainly didn't mean that someone could be trusted. After all, one of Ganta's relatives had been the one to give her the scar she had worm across her face for many years now. However, she had yet to meet anyone that carried the Adravendi name that she hadn't felt like she could trust. She knew that the wolves that led Valhalla were not directly related to them by blood, but they had held that pack for generations now and she had only ever had pleasant interactions with them. "Don't worry too much about Liz," she assured the young woman with a small smile. "It's good to be cautious, I don't blame you for that. Just having the same family name shouldn't make you assume they're trust worthy... But, from everything I know about Valhalla they are all very good wolves. The same family has led it for many years now and my father spoke of them very favorably when he used to lead a pack himself." She hoped that eased a bit of her worries at the very least even though she knew it was just her word and she wasn't sure how much weight that carried.

To the condolences over Ganta she was quick to give a small shake of her head. "I appreciate it, but... it was a long time ago now." Hearing about how close Heather and her mate had been brought a smile to her lips and it made her heart ache with a longing for something she would never have. She wished so badly she could have seen Heather as a mother and that they could have raised their children together. Even though she hadn't had the chance to really enjoy raising her pups with Ganta, she was glad that Heather had been able to do that. As soon as Kaizer offered to tell her more stories about Heather, Roza grinned happily and nodded. "I'd love to hear more about what her life there was like! I know it hadn't been easy for you and your family there, but all the same, I feel bad that I missed out on so much of her life." If there was a way for her to go back and change how things ended up she thought that she might. She missed them all so much.




3 Years
05-16-2020, 06:22 PM

Kaizer was put a bit at ease when Roza spoke. Though she still had a bad feeling but it was just her innate worry. Liz may have been a healer but she was not air headed. The white wolf had the same upbringing as the rest of their siblings. They at least midlly knew how to take care of themselves and more over each other. For now she would take Roza's word for it, that Valhalla was alright and her sister would be serving a good purpose within that pack. If her grandfather had trusted Valhalla then perhaps she too would leave them be for now. As she wasn't sure where her place was within the confines of Boreas and Auster.

Long time ago or not, Kaizer knew how hard it could be. In a way she envied her parents even if she was young. Kaizer hated the world sometimes. Yet she was glad to have a bit of a subject picked as her tail wagged lightly. She wasn't much of a story teller but to be able to share a bit of her childhood and into the life of her mother for her aunt felt like a huge relief. Kaizer laughed a bit in good nature as she shifted her front paws. "I think my mother missed you as well. She just felt like she was too much of a burden from what she told us." she didn't know her mothers battle with her own psych.

"The pack of Montra was a pretty small pack. We lived in a desert valley, most of our time was spent finding resources food and water. We all helped each other and while it was rough my father said his family had lived there for generations to they defended it as their home. Before he met my mother Montra was on the brink of disbandment, he said she brought new life into the pack and that included us. Births were rare - and were sacred so we were known as a good omen among the pack." she nodded her head. "The only other pack there was the Constance pack our rivals. They'd often try to raid the land which as far as I remember they were at war with Montra since I was born." Kaizer figured that Roza would want a bit of a back story.

"My favorite time was during our first Winter there. It never snowed and the weather was cooler compared to the hot summer days. My mom would take me and our siblings to the ponds. A piece of territory the two packs often fought over, but during the winter they were so full of life that it was almost like a truce. We would play in the water and grab a drink, as well as listen to my mother tell us stories about our grandfather and Fiori." again Kaizer was realizing she wasn't much of a story teller. Yet she was still trying her best to describe a bit of her memories.



8 Years
Athena I
06-30-2020, 01:48 AM

Listening to Kaizer talk about her life before she came to Boreas and how her family had lived together there was wonderful. She loved how they had viewed birth as so incredibly special because she had always felt that way as well. They may be far more common around here than they had been in this desert landscape that Kaizer described, but that didn't mean they weren't any less precious in her mind. She was happy that Heather had gotten the chance to live in a place where she had been welcomed and loved and had gotten the chance to be a mother. Having children had always felt like one of Roza's biggest joys and she always wished that anyone else that wanted that to be a part of their life was able to experience it.

She smiled and gave small nods occasionally while her niece spoke, focused completely on Kaizer and the stories she was telling. Even though she would never get the chance to see Heather again, it warmed her heart so much just to have these little pieces of information about her life and be able to get to know her children. "That's wonderful," she replied with a wistful smile as Kaizer's story came to an end. Her mentioning Fiori and Leo made a small pang of longing settle in her chest and her gaze drifted with a soft sigh. "I do miss those days. My father led Fiori for a very long time and I always looked up to him. I miss him a lot... But, if I'm being honest, I miss a lot of things and a lot of wolves. There's been a lot of loss in my life... a lot of things I wish I could get back. But... I'm glad to have my children, my grandchildren, and now you and your siblings... Things could be better, but they could also certainly be a lot worse."

Roza smiled a little more genuinely as she refocused her gaze on Kaizer once again, her tail wagging gently behind her. "I guess when you get to be my age you start to savor the current moment a bit more and try to stop dwelling on the past so much. There are some things I love to think about and remember, but I want to make the most of what time is left too."
