
Batari walks in echoes and shadows


06-18-2014, 05:20 PM
The large wolf sniffed through the darkness. She had found her way into these caves from the shore, seeking to be out of the open and having no fear for the darkness. When she had entered she had heard footfalls all around her and growled in response. When her own growl came resounding back at her, it had not taken the wolf long to learn the concept of an echo. The scaled island had not been a place to encounter such a sound often. So it was unfamiliar to her. Batari did not like what she did not understand, and so had decided that she would make herself understand these echoes.

She stalked in the caves listening to her own footsteps on the stones of the cave floor. The occasional soft splash of her foot padding through a puddle on the slick rocks would whisper back and forth and as she continued to move, she grew used to their sounds. In these dark caves, down the winding paths, open chambers, and tight twisting tunnels, she had yet to encounter another living thing. The solitude was nice, but the lack of things to hunt was frustrating. Batari had decided it was time to leave these caves; but soon found that to be less simple than it seemed. Twice she found the scent of fresh and blowing wind, and twice she found that its source was a hole high overhead and unreachable to her.

The savage and usually ill-tempered wolf was growing cranky. She growled in ambient frustration and the cave growled back using her voice. Batari was not amused at being mocked by a cave. When she was thwarted by yet another skylight, in her search for an exit, Batari decided she would do her best to follow her own scent backwards, and turned to find her trail.

In that brief pause, as she caught her own scent, Batari heard footsteps, when she was not moving. Someone else was in these caves, she was not alone. Batari wondered if it was a predator who called this place as its den, or prey that had gotten turned about as she had. Batari knew that moving would send echoes, and alert what it was to her position, so she sat still. The sounds were getting closer, but the echoing made it impossible for her to know from where. She was standing in the only patch of moonlight, surrounded by darkness in an open and empty chamber that had several passages leading away.

Batari waited patiently, feet squared, hackles raised, tail tucked, jaw lowered, ears flattened, and teeth bared. She might not have much time to react but she would not let prey or predator catch her sitting and unprepared. The sound grew nearer, and Batari could take the waiting no more. She would use the echoes against this unknown other creature, and draw it out.

?Batari can hear your steps!? she barked, her own voice echoing back at her even louder than she. ?Let Batari see you or Batari will hunt you! Batari will not be stopped by these caves! ? Her demands stated in her simple savage way, she waited for them to be met, or she would act on her words.



4 Years
06-19-2014, 04:56 PM

Quite frankly, the lady kept finding herself in more and more caves. But alas, a cave was dark and empty, a perfect way for her to stalk with her thoughts. She welcomed the empty and lifeless feeling with a bow. Having a shattered heart, Aislinn knows no fear or happiness. Perhaps the dark hunter only knows about respect, loyalty and skills. Of course, why do you need happiness and affection in life when wisdom and knowledge is much more important? What other wolf would think and believe such as her? That is why she kept to the blood-stained path.
Her nose came across many scents as she trekked deeper. Scents of those who dared travel in the dark, and even...the scent of death. Many had adventured in these caves before her. Some scents so stale her nose could only pick it up for a few seconds before vanishing away. Yet some were quite recent. One in particular was a fresh scent. Following this scent, Aislinn knew this wolf had to be in the caves. Though surprisingly, she could not pick up the scent of fear. This wolf knew no fear, Aislinn could smell it. Had she finally come across another wolf that was not an undersized weakling? Then she would be delighted to meet this stranger, though this wolf may be hostile and aggressive, and so she would approach it with caution.
She could hear defiant and demanding shouts. The wolf had heard her. Impressed, Aislinn was, that this mysterious wolf also had an immense hearing ability. But what sort of fool would yell and shout about?
Though as the wolf had demanded her presence, Aislinn would approach the wolf anyway. She picked up her speed, traveling lightly on her paws to the wolf. Before the wolf could face her, she opened her jaw to yell.
"By all this blundering I can tell your name is Batari!" She growled with annoyance, fur bristling as her azure orbs gazed into the wolf. And the older woman gazed back at her. Complete silence. Silence


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


07-07-2014, 03:17 PM
The padding of paws reverberated all around the twisting echoing walls of the maze-like caves. Batari knew they were coming but could not pinpoint the direction. The large savage began to turn in slow circles watching every entrance waiting for movement, her hackles raised and teeth bared. Her dissimilar ears were not pressed against her skull however, as she was using them to listen, to try to find the source.

Then came the loud growl and Batari whirled about to face the loudest point, as the sound echoed in the chamber and drilled into her skull. Batari?s ears rang from the noise and she did not answer immediately with words, for she was waiting for the ringing to subside enough to hear again. As she did so Batari watched the other wolf. She could smell it was female, and see it was large; Almost as large as Batari, though the way Batari carried herself slightly lower than other wolves, she might seem the same height. Batari could tell that she was probably heavier than the stranger, her own body more thickly built. The other wolf?s legs were longer, more suited for moving large distances, unlike Batari?s which were built for power and resistance.

Batari could see in the dim light that this golden brown wolf, with long and shimmering fur was practically her polar opposite. She was made for speed nad swiftness, crossing long distances, running down and tiring out prey. She was colored like a wolf that belonged in the daylight, one that belonged in open spaces beneath the warm light of the sun. Batari became aware of how these other wolves claimed to be the same creature as she, when they were so vastly different. Batari?s fur was not smooth, it was coarse, abrasive, and thick. Those adjectives could be used to describe many other parts of Batari. She was built like a tank, despite being taller she carried herself lower, her body was thick and built to destroy things up close. She was colored to vanish in the night and twilight dark places. The biggest difference was the eyes. Those azure eyes glowed out from the darkness examining her and it made Batari angry. Batari?s own angry amber orbs only burned with anger and reflected the dim light. They did not loom mysteriously in the dark. Eyes like that were good for putting fear into prey. Batari wanted eyes like that. Batari hated that this wolf had them and she did not. Batari was the one to be feared!

All these thoughts occurred rather quickly, the brief silence between the two wolves only lasting for a moment before the savage, ears still slightly ringing, refused to be growled at and insulted by anyone. ?Batari is Batari!? She snarled, voice reverberating off the walls with her loud growling. ?Batari has no need to be quiet! Batari has nothing to fear in these caves!? Now done shouting, feeling better about herself for having asserted her verbal dominance again, Batari let the echoing stop before a dark thought and challagne forme din her simple mind. A test of this wolf, for the weak were food, and she may yet need a meal to tide her over as she sought escape from this maze. ?Do you have fear in these caves?? Batari questioned.
She lowered her head, hackles raised, ears pressed against her skull, not making a move to attack outright; but overall becoming more threatening to see what might happen. To be honest batari probably didn?t even know. On the one paw, she was proud and liked being feared, on the other paw she hated the weak and fearful, and enjoyed devouring them.



4 Years
07-07-2014, 04:24 PM

The dark woman listened carefully to the words of the other, annoyed how this fool would not stop yelling. She'd bring down all the packs with her shouting!

Batari is Batari!

Not hard to figure that out, was it?

Batari has no need to be quiet!

Fool! Do you want to bring every last pack down here?!

This 'Batari' would not stop barking such nonsense, though one sentence caught the dark lady's attention.

She has nothing to fear of in these caves! Do you have fear in these caves?

If the proud woman is hoping for Aislinn to fear her than she is certainly on the wrong path. Aislinn feared nothing. She had no feelings. She was torn, shattered, soulless. No happiness, no joy, no envy. Just pain, agony and misery. No-one can make her bow down at someone's paws, she choses who she follows. And she follows no-one.

"One who serves the darkness..." The lady hissed through the trapping shadows, piercing claws scraping the stone floor. Fangs glistened in the darkness, blood-hungry azure eyes met the older woman. "Fears nothing..."
Ambers orbs stared back at her, and Aislinn could only give an amused snarl. What was this stumbling creature going to do? Yell back at her? Oh, she hoped this woman knew no fear, and perhaps was a use in fighting and hunting. She did quite admire this dame's large and staggering height, as well as her muscular and thick build. Batari seemed like a powerful warrior, and Aislinn had enough of coming across weaklings such as her brother. Perhaps this Batari is more than just yells and shouts.

The eerie hungry glow would flicker across the caves. Aislinn held her position in the lurking shadows, waiting for a response from the older woman. In a way she was most interested in what Batari would reply back. Though she hid that behind her heavy armor of teeth and claws.

"Speech" Thoughts and voices

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


07-08-2014, 05:05 PM
The other wolf did not cower, it also did not attack. Batari's pride was not injured, and yet direct weakness did not make itself apparent. The other wolf had somehow managed to answer the loaded question without falling victim to sudden savage violence. These caves seemed like the perfect place to kill a wolf without its pack ever knowing. In these caves, Batari could eat a predator and know she was its master.

Speaking of masters, the other wolf had spoken of being a servant. Her hackles were still raised; but Batari shifted to a seated position. One could argue that this was unwise, in the face of possible danger, or one could realize this was Batari showing she did not feel the need to be in a ready position in the face of this other wolf. Unafraid of them, and sure of herself that she could still win a fight if it started with her seated.

Batari growled an answer to the wolf's statement. "Batari does not serve. The weak and prey serve. Batari is not prey, Batari is not weak, Batari is Batari."

The proud wolf with simple and strange speech patterns pondered something for a moment and slowly she continued to speak as the thoughts came to her. "Prey serves hunter. Batari is not hunted by the dark. Batari hunts in the dark. Batari uses the dark to hunt. The dark serves Batari." and suddenly she did not envy those eyes that glowed in the dark. Those eyes that betrayed the position of the other wolf at night. She did not envy their silky coat either. Batari's dark and mottled fur was perfect for the darkness, for caves like this and forests. It made her stronger, and Batari liked knowing she was strong.



4 Years
07-08-2014, 07:17 PM

Aislinn had to agree with the older woman. The weak do serve the powerful, but that was all she agreed with her. The rest were just words that meant nothing to her. Words meant nothing in this world.

The younger lady sat upright, giving a rather mere shrug. She lifted her head up to the cave ceiling, stretching her neck. She simply ruffled her elegant maple fur in an orderly manner before speaking. She spoke in an irritated and annoyed tone. This older woman was nothing but Batari this and Batari that. She would not shut up!

"Suit yourself, self-centered one." She hissed out those words like blood, dripping off her tongue. A faint rumbling growl rose through her throat, this Batari only angered her more. With a flick of her luscious tail, she would be off from these caves, leaving this Batari to talk to the cavern walls. She was sure the walls would be interested in all these fascinating stories. But before she turned to leave, she had a thought. This Batari looked superior and powerful and perhaps was well taught in fighting. Would she turn down the chance for another ally? An alliance between the two? If this Batari's skills were sharpened and deadly, of course Aislinn would not mind having this beast on her side. Yet Aislinn was independent, she relied on no-one. She was a skilled loner, a huntress and warrior. She knew the lands where the packs wolves roamed, and where the free lands were for her paws to lead her. Perhaps an alliance could come between the two.

Wicked azure orbs faced the older dame, a grin coming to her jaw. Aislinn opened her large maw to speak.
"If your skills are as excellent as I think," She spoke defiantly, her voice powerful and articulate. "Would you be interested in an alliance?"

An echo was all that was left of her words, the same word traveling through the caves. An alliance...

"Talk." Thoughts and voices

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


07-09-2014, 12:15 AM
The savage's mind worked around the words spat at her. They had said it like it was some kind of insult; but Batari could not comprehend how it could be. Self-centered. She had not heard these words before, but it seemed self explanatory. Self was her, and centered, meaning middle... She was the center... Batari WAS the center. Batari was also the top. The wolf seemed like it was bout to leave without her allowing it to do so, and this annoyed Batari. Her body had tensed in anticipation to strike at a wolf that would dare to turn away from her before she bit it do so.

Then a question came. Alliance? "All-eye-ance" Batari repeated the word aloud, experimentally. It sounded cumbersome, and foreign. Batari was not familiar with this word; but that was nothing new. There were a lot of words she was unfamiliar with... 'I' for instance... though to be fair she had heard that one, just didn't seem to grasp how to use it in her savage mind.

"What is this Alleyeance? Batari does not know this. You will teach Batari!" she growled. Batari's pride was great and in danger by admiting there was something she did not know. However the threat was not that great, for words were not something the strong needed to be familiar with. Kill or threaten until you get what you want, or get it yourself. Communication served little purpose. The lizards were simple creatures, who rarely spoke to one another, so their language was a simple one without many words.

Batari might understand the concept of an alliance, if it was explained to her properly; but the word for such a thing was unknown to her. Lizards rarely had a term for this, they had truces where they would stop hunting each other to seek out Batari, or stop hunting Batari to seek each other; but these were extremely rare.

Batari sat and waited for the word to be explained to her, ready to bear her fangs and attack if it seemed the wolf was mocking her.



4 Years
07-09-2014, 03:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2014, 03:54 PM by Aislinn.)

The older wolf had repeated the word as if it was a foreign language. Perhaps it was to her. Perhaps she had never heard of such word.


Judging by the way Batari spoke, using simple text, there would many concepts she would not be familiar with. Batari referred to herself by her name instead of 'I'. Aislinn would have to be careful with what she spoke.

What is this Alleyeance? Batari does not know this. You will teach Batari!

Part of Aislinn did want to bother in explaining an alliance, if she did not know then that was her problem. She could go around think it is a mocking concept. Though the other part wanted to explain, if this is what Aislinn will have to go through in order to have this alliance, then she will do it.

"An alliance is a formal agreement between two creatures. If two creatures are allied they have peace between each other, meaning they cannot fight each other or the alliance will be broken. If one creature is in need, the other is allowed to help. If one was in battle, the other is allowed to join his side and battle alongside his ally." The lady explained deeply, cold and unforgiving eyes flickering in the shadows. Did Batari understand? Was that too complicated? Well Aislinn certainly is not going to explain every word she had just spoken. She could only wait. Wait for a response. Did Batari understand?

"Talk." Thoughts and voices

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


07-09-2014, 05:10 PM
"All-eye-ance..." Batari mumbled still trying to get the word right while the other wolf talked. It was a foreign word, too long, what did a word need to be so long for? Batari had found that most long words were useless to her. If the word was useless would its meaning also be?

The other wolf continued to use words that held little meaning to Batari. Formal, was another word unknown to her. Agreement had a familiar feel to it. Allied explained itself, clearly a root from this 'alliance'. The next part of the sentence began to fill in the blanks, however. 'The have peace between eachother' Batari knew what peace was, it was the quiet after everything that wanted you dead, either was, or was too far away to find you that day. It was the silence after a kill when no other predators were around.

Further words were spoken, some disgusting words, like 'need' and 'help', but other good words like 'battle'. From what had been spoken Batari grew a rough understanding and began to make context with her own vocabulary. This wolf wanted to trade with Batari. It did not want Batari to care for or protect her; but it wanted Batari to not kill her. It also wanted Batari's help in battle, and it was willing to pay Batari by helping Batari in her battles. Batari might normally have scoffed, she did not need help, she was Batari, all foes would fall by her jaws... but she had learned this was not always so, seeing the numbers in which many of these wolves fought.

"You would be Batari's many... Batari would be your many. The many weak would not be strong against one Batari. There would be two... You would not be Batari's prey... Batari would not be yours." She spoke more quietly than usual, her tone implying the speech was more for herself than the other wolf, to make sure she understood it out loud before moving forward.

Batari then turned to the other wolf and spoke. "Batari knows the word truce. This all-eye-ance is like truce; but more." After a moments thought more Batari gave an answer. "Batari will accept this all-eye-ance. You may be named, so Batari may know you not as prey. Batari allows this."

Something strange came over Batari's features, particularly her muzzle. Fangs were bared tremendously, and her tail was relaxed. The expression looked like a tortured grimace; but one might be able to realize, this was the savage's attempt at a smile.



4 Years
08-09-2014, 01:38 AM

Batari had accepted the alliance. Good. Now Aislinn had two on her side.

"Since you have told me your name, I shall say mine." She spoke deeply in a calm tone. A part of her did not want to speak her name, as her family name brought shame on her. But Batari would want to know, and after all it was just a name. And words were meaningless. "I am Aislinn Oaks."

And that was all she would say. She had her alliance, and she wondered if she would come across the amber-eyed woman again. Well, if she did, perhaps they could have a practice spar? Did Batari have any skills in fighting? Oh she must, or why did she accept the alliance? But for now, the dark lady would return into the shadows. And where would she go? Somewhere free yet dark for her paws to lead her, joining the demonic spirits amongst the shadows. Her home. It was where she truly belonged.

"It was a pleasure meeting you," She cackled with a curt nod, her head turning to the way she came. She would leave in a swift and agile run, only before she spat the name out, like as if it was venomous poison. "Batari..."

-exit Aislinn-

"Talk." Thoughts and voices

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]