

Hunting Seasonal(Solo)



4 Years
05-30-2020, 10:12 PM
I am a man who enjoys bringing others joy in my misery.
He had been given permission to go hunt out in the tundra for training. Seven didn’t know why Borias had sent him out in a blizzard, but the small wolf had a hard time caring about the details of the reason. Borias was at the edge of the lands in a shelter - probably watching to assess him. Unlike previously when he had brought rabbits to feed their brood he would definitely have to show his worth. This was what he was good at though and despite the weather he was more than capable of going through the storm to find what he wanted. Seven stood on the edge of the long river that ran through the territory. Frozen over in which he could only see so far ahead of him. However there were small prints in the snow - though the quick falling blizzard was covering up those tracks.

From the looks of them before they were buried it seemed to be a hooved animal. What with the whirling wind he couldn’t pick up a scent really and he would have to identify the animal by the prints and whatever other hints he was given. Seven was born for this in a literal sense, he crossed the frozen river his eyes squinting to find the faint prints in the snow. Ignoring the wind in his ears and the snow that was clinging to his pelt. The small wolf couldn’t even tell what time of day it was with this storm only able to see some feet ahead of him. This was a test bestowed on him by his master. He would have to succeed or he would be left in the cold to die.

This made him more determined, falling closer to the ground as his paws shifted the snow off to the side. Where it was softer he knew the animal had stepped into place recently. Not far ahead of him was a cliffside and in which this worried him - it was obviously a ram of some sort. Judging by the terrain, a Dall Sheep. He didn’t know they were called that but he knew it was a medium sized white ram with large brown horns. Seven would take it down and take it back to Borias at the edge of the territory. Huffing his paws carried him further along. Before he knew there was a tuft of fur blowing in the wind that had been caught on a twig branch. Flying past his face…. The animal had to be near. In this blizzard - it probably felt protected it would be a perfect opportunity to take it down.

Seven had to make an assumption that the sheep was trying to hide on the cliffside somewhere. Now that the tracks were gone and his nose was covered in snow. It didn’t help that this animal blended well with the snow - his sharp eyes couldn’t even see it from here. He wouldn’t be able to tell where it was until he was a few feet from it. Unlike the sheep too his tan hide stood out a bit. Making him slink against the snow so close to the ground - the wind spraying him in white. That would help him a bit to stay hidden. With the bitter cold coming on Seven had to hurry his muscles twitching. He wasn’t used to such cold weather growing up in Auster, but this was a task he took upon himself with dignity.

The small wolf found himself scaling the outside edge of the rocks then. Inspecting where he could suspect the animal could have gone. Then he noticed it, Seven could see the chips of stone that had fallen into the stone. Little rocks covered by the blizzard, the sheep had climbed here. Dall Sheep were crafty and enjoyed sitting on step ledges, but Seven was convinced that he could bring the animal down still. As his paws pushed against the stone he would stop every few moments and listen very carefully. A few feet to his right he could hear shuffling - the sheep wasn’t far off from here he could feel it.

When he shifted to his right he stiffened his muscles. Judging from his position if he jumped from here he could land directly on top of the sheep. If he was wrong he could be injured but with the snow below it would cushion the blow. His back legs would become like a spring, falling back as he lifted his muzzle to show off his teeth. Seven could see the legs of the beast, he had made it. The small wolf leapt from where he was, his teeth landing on the back end of the sheep.

They rolled down the cliff, not far from the snow below as the sheep struggled underneath him, taken by surprise Seven let go and jumped to his right, speeding forward. The sheep stood and showed its horns but the small wolf went straight for under its throat. There were perks to being small and as he gripped his teeth punctured skin and windpipe. Causing the animal to buckle and wheeze - even if he got Seven off of him his punctured trachea would surely kill him. Seven felt a thrill, his heart pounding against his chest as finally the life faded away from the Dall Sheep. He had successfully brought down the beast in the snow. Seven stood up, looking around as he then looked at the prey. He had to bring it back to Borias, as he grabbed hold he began to drag it letting the blood stain the snow but his tracks were quickly covered by the blizzard. Maybe Borias was watching him? So if someone did come up and intercept him he wouldn’t get into trouble. He was nearly to the edge but he felt like he had such a long way to go.

Word count: 988