
Winter Star [AW]



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-12-2020, 11:24 PM

Winter had fully deepened, and Taliesyn was in full shag carpet mode. Wangui had braided his thick mane and tail into plaits, keeping it from tangling in the winds and wet, but for the most part he was as shaggy as a Shetland or Icelandic pony.

As was his norm, he returned to the Dancefloor, scraping snow cover from the grasses. He’d taken to browsing scrub as well, well accustomed to the winter seasons by now after eight years of life. He knew where to look to feed himself.

He was muzzle deep in the snow at current, munching the brown winter grasses. The snow didn’t seem to fall as thickly here in the west, but he didn’t mind the cover that did fall. It was peaceful, and he could track the ground ahead of him to see what had passed before, and know if he needed to be watchful.

Isolde spiraled above, keeping watch, and Wangui shivered on his back, soaking up the warmth from the contact of her rump with him. He’d have to see about finding some way for her to better weather the winter season. He knew Man once wore skins of cloth – clothes, his mother had called it. Perhaps there was a way to clothe the lemur.

Isolde shrieked softly, a warning of another creature in the area, and the stallion lifted his head, scanning the surroundings for himself, ears pricked in the thick mane and winter fur.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
06-25-2020, 01:12 AM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2020, 01:12 AM by Koby.)
Koby was no stranger to magic and mystery, although he himself believed in concrete facts and beliefs all the same. There was a reason for everything and the large snake knew there was a reason even for this angry hawk who had decided to chase him. A few of the non wolf creatures here had asked for fortunes but he found them in distaste. He knew most animal language and this one had an uncouth one who was speaking to him harshly. After doing a reading of a rabbit the hawk had caught saying how it was possible in his future he would meet his death the animal had been enraged. Koby had given his usual warnings of the readings and how they could change but it didn't listen. Causing the creature to come at him with sharpened claws.

The snake couldn't help but to let out a shriek, he began slithering away at fast speeds. His hood extended and his body two feet off the ground. The hawk dove down as Koby tried to duck he was a pacifist! He didn't want to harm any living creature unless needed. "Pleassse Sssir hawk I'm sssorry you didn't get the reading you wanted but it wasss not me I only read what the bonesss told me!" he called out and noticed then that he was reaching towards a horse... with a horn? Carefully the Cobra tried not to head straight for the stallion as it would probably startle him. However with the hawk bearing down on him perhaps the good fellow would give him a bit of help in which made him call out.

"Help!" he hissed out loud as the hawk made a well aimed blow for the top of his head. Gashing open a small wound but the snake lowered his head. The hawk still flapping its wings wildly and cawing at him angirly. Koby would make a note to himself... never do a reading for a bird again. At least hawks they seemed too wild for his tastes.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-24-2020, 05:24 PM

The stallion watched with bemused eyes as the cobra fled a furious hawk that he might have mistaken for Isolde if she hadn’t dropped to his back with a click of her beak, large eyes watching as well. The three of them, stallion, lemur and hawk could hear the hissed, frantic words the snake cried to the hawk.

Reading? Taliesyn tipped his head to cast a glance back at his two friends, brow lifting. Isolde groused quietly to herself, pushing off and arrowing in on the other hawk, striking with precision upon the distracted creature as the cobra fled, locking talons with the other bird and throwing them into a twisting spin through the air before she wrenched free and back-winged, forcing the hawk to abandon his anger and retreat as the stallion trumpeted an added warning and he caught sight of the glowing creature as Taliesyn reared slightly.

The hawk beat a quick retreat, though the warning had been double pronged on Taliesyn’s side, both the hawk and to the snake, warning the cobra through a flash of teeth not to get too close. While they had not been common snakes where he was from, humans long gone had once had pets, and those had escaped into the wild. Rattlers were far more common, and detested.

Taliesyn sidled to distance himself from the cobra, tail switching. It was odd to see a snake in the snow. Most serpents thrived best in the sun, and many hibernated during the winter so far as he knew. While his warning was a promise, Taliesyn was neutral beyond that. So long as the snake kept his distance and made no threat – and judging by the lack of counter-strike against a bird attacking him directly, he must not be likely to bite – Taliesyn would refrain from stomping him into the snow.

“I take it you made a hawk angry.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
07-26-2020, 08:58 PM
There was a magnificent display of feathers and claws that Koby was able to witness. He did not mind the warnings that were given by the lemur and the horse himself. Upon closer inspection too the stallion was a rather glorious specimen. Koby flickered his tongue out with a smile as he raised himself to be at the horses' shoulder height. That way they seemed to be more on the same level he saw it only respect as many other creatures seemed to hate it when he slunk in the ground like another snake would. "It would ssseem that way wouldn't it?" he chuckled as he looked over the creature. "I gave the hawk a fortune telling asss he assked and he didn't very much enjoy the ressultss." it was quickly exclaimed as he let out a sigh. "Thank you great ssstallion you did a big sservice for me. You are very handsssome if I do ssay ssso myselff. And that horn, it myssstyfiess me." he was intriqued by the horses appearance.

"My name issss Koby. I'm a king cobra who came to thessse landss in hopess of becoming a famousss fortune teller to all. Though it sseemss the main inhabitantsss of thiss land are wolvess." not that he was complaining. Many had found him good company and had been curious about him. Koby was a pacifist he never really fought and he sought only to learn about anything and everything. Which made him even more curious about the large stallion before him. Even Koby could stand Six feet tall with his size. "What bringss you to the landss of Boreass?" he asked curiously to the horse. Hoping he could learn a bit about him.