
(OPEN)The Tribes of the North



3 Years

Trick 2019
06-16-2020, 02:30 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 10:54 AM by Eir.)


The Ragnarok is part of a huge group of families that forma a large tribe of nomadic wolves who's home is whenever they feel can obtain enough resources to survive ,always going for the best land they can find. They are in constant movement and is.rare to find them living in a single land for too long.

All the families adopted the old norse traditions as their own.All believe in the same deities and fanstic tails that are tresspassed to generations.And a common philosophy is shared between all the community,be strong,be though and never allow weakness to defeat your will to survive.This had become the main fuel for them to strive to endure all the adversities they were finding into their travels.

Within the community,warriors also known as Vikings are the most treasured force ,they hold a high status on the tribes,they always held a heavy say in all matters and a common phrase is used. Die a warrior and you'll find glory in the Valhalla.

Within their traditions are:

Funerals: When a member of their family dies they all will get a ceremony in which they place the deceased over a big piece of wood and are sent to a final rest in a river or in the sea.

Births and naming: In this society, pups are named nine days after birth by either the patriarch of the family or the tribal leader. Once named they are officially accepted into the family. Names are often picked from a ancestor or can be related to the season of birth or any predicted future they new born may could have.

Appearance's background
Being born in harsh environments makes of them wolves of overall bulky built, thick coats and broad paws that make them one with the diverse and sometimes cruel environments of the polar regions.The colors they bare are pretty much wide in range,from blondes and whites to greys and darker frames,tans, browns and russets can also be found. Their sizes range between medium to extralarge or between,but its no rare for small framed wolves to be born. The eyes are also wide in the color spectrum, but the most common are greens, cyans and blues. Due to the warrior life, most of them have some can have scars in some places(Not required). Another thing to notice is that upon battle they use war paintings.between symbols and other markings can be seen across the body or face, these paints are made from natural materials like tints,like flowers, leaves, and rocks. The colors also vary on the family they belong to, some looks can be a distinguishing factor to identify to which family a wolf could belong to.

The Ragnarok between the almost 10 families of this tribe is one of the most prominent and well known due to their long dynasty of strong warriors and navigators but healers and other kinds of skills were also in high regards.In this family the blondes, tans, and blacks are a common trait, along with their green and blue eyes, and finding those with a mix of them its also know of. They come from large , medium and Extra large sizes , but smaller wolves aren't rare.

This family isn't to numerous beside the others. When others would have 20 to 30 members the Ragnarok branch only have 8 members, excluding those who left or died.

COMING TO BOREAS: This family is knowingly arriving to Boreas,from the north most specifically(though you may choose another location.)

Okay these guys are coming and ill be putting some of them up for grabs should you wish to either adopt a family member from this list or make another of them or maybe of other families of those tribes.

The plot i have for these families is to maybe set in Boreas,and they don't necessarily have to go meet with Eir ,the plots you give them is ap to you! They could also maybe create a band at some point!
Below are the up for adoption Eir's parents and maybe siblings or for Tribe members or other relatives.


Asger Ragnarok

Background: He comes from a warrior like family. He isn't the family leader but is close to the spot.As any of his family, he is devout to his traditions and beliefs. Other than this he is up to molding as you wish. He is between 4 and 5 years. He is large or extra-large. After that, he is up to building more. Feel free to choose the skills.


Asta Ragnarok:

Background: She is also devout to her beliefs. Her personality can be made from zero if wanted,if you need some reference use the information above. She is between 3 and 5 years old. Medium/large or extra-large.

Others like maybe potential new siblings,family members and other families are also open to be created!


[Image: adopt_1.png]

[Image: adopt_2.png]

[Image: ADOPT_4.png]

[Image: adopt_5.png?width=633&height=475]

Name: Name of the character
Gender: Gender of the character
Relation: Mother,Father,sibling etc:
Appearance: 100 words or more are fine
Personality: 150 or more is fine

[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
06-22-2020, 06:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2020, 08:07 PM by Actaea.)
Name: Brynjar or Odin Torbjorn
Gender: Male
Relation: Member of another family in Tribe
Age: 2 yrs

Appearance: 100 words or more are fine
Click for Ref
Dark hues cover the fur of the male. 95% of him is made up of dark colors. He has only about 5% of white on him that does tend to stick out, but it's not enough to make him stick out at night.

Personality: guarded, reserved, hard working,
A man of few words and hidden emotions. He is known to be a creature that is hard to read and if he doesn't trust you there won't be much he gives away for you to learn about him. To start he is a reserved creature meaning he does not willingly share many details about himself or others that he knows. He is also reserved in a way that he is good at keeping his emotions in check, careful not to give away what he truly thinks or feels. This is his way of protecting those who are close to him and it's one of his views as far as how to survive. If he doesn't trust someone his view is the less you know the better off he is. A very private creature by nature he tends to close up when a lot of others are around and open up more when he is one on one with someone. The best way to even attempt to get to know him is one on one with him.


big WIP

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-18-2021, 02:42 AM

Name: Odin Falkenson
Gender: Male
Relation: Member of another family in the tribe
Age: 3
Appearance: Odin is a handsome beast, though he is simplistic in color. A pallete of neutral tones starting with pale silver and stone gray as his base colors. The silver coats his underside, from the bottom half of his face straight down to his toes and tail as well as his inner ear fur, while the darkey gray masks the rest of his face and blankets the rest of his body. The two colors blend nicely together, primarily etching together in the markings on his face and neck while blending softly together when it meets on his legs and underside. Odin also carries black markings, though these markings are minimal. The color is strongest on his brow dots and the lining of his ears as well as the tip of his tail, however, on his ruff it is softer and blends in nicely with the gray. He bears a sort of saddle of black and brown on his back as well, though the marking resembles a sparrow's wing and the marking appears soft and feathered as opposed to the more solid-looking saddle markings on most others. Sharp, topaz eyes are set in a handsome face and although he appears intimidating, he has a softer side than one might think.
Personality: First and foremost, Odin is a warrior. It's in the way he carries himself and it's a big part of his life. He's disciplined, studious, and gives his all during training or when he's confronted with a fight. He isn't cocky about his abilities, however. He knows he isn't invincible. Nobody is. He knows when he's outmatched and he isn't afraid to back down from a fight if need be. When he loses, it's with grace and humility more often than not, and he is the same when he wins. He is a humble man and seldom boasts about his deeds and accomplishments, though he never was one to want the spotlight. Loyal to whomever he's given his allegiance to, Odin puts all of his effort into whatever pack he joins and does his best to ensure his duties and his packmates are taken care of.

If there were a few words others would describe him as (since it's what he shows first) the majority of the time, it's stoic, reserved, and solitary. He doesn't really like to show his feelings around others, though he makes exceptions for those he grows close to. He wasn't always like this, though. It wasn't until he lost his mother and father to sickness, and his littermate mysteriously vanishing...that he felt like he had lost everything. He had cried so much that eventually, he felt like the grief had consumed too much of him, so he opted to shove those feelings down and now finds it difficult to show his true emotions. While he is capable of compassion, he just finds it difficult because fears that if he lets himself get close to others, he'll lose them too. As a result, while he doesn't mind living among others in a pack setting, he tends to keep to himself and seldom mingles in group settings outside of meetings and work. He's terrible at small talk and even worse at reading certain social cues (particularly romantic ones). He can sometimes become impatient and sharp-tongued when it comes to training others, but he's trying to work on his patience.

When it comes to those he really cares about and trusts, he becomes quite protective and softer in nature. He tends to put them before himself and strives to be the best partner he can be. He's likely to try a little too hard by this point though, but the romantic side of him remains to be seen ;)
Plots: I'd def like him to meet Eir, maybe find a pack to join. Maybe possibly the two can thread together and see if something happens between them? Friendship? Rivalry? Romance even? winkwink



3 Years

Trick 2019
02-18-2021, 07:28 AM
ll yours Drag!! I love him!! They can def meet!
[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.